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Forensic Science Chapter Flashcards

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8981517175Which of the following branches of Forensic Science would identify sex, age, and height from human remains?Forensic Anthropology0
8981517176Which of the following branches of Forensic Science would involve a dentist?Odontology1
8981517177Which of the following branches of Forensic Science would use characteristics of guns to determine weapons used at a crime scene?Ballistics2
8981517178In which century did Forensic Science first begin?3rd3
8981517179The name for a collection of criminal cases of the first forensic science case where a woman claimed her husband died in a fireyi yu ji4
8981517180Which field of forensics would involve detecting drugs and poison at a crime scene?toxicologist5
8981517181Which field of forensics would involve using pollen grains to determine place/time of year of a crime scene?botanist6
8981517182Which field of forensics would use insects to determine time of death?entomologist7
8981517183Which profession in the field in forensics would be most likely to perform an autopsy?pathologist8
8981517184The term "forensics" is derived from the Latin term "forensus" which means:"of the forum"9
8981517185Take a look at this picture. (fingerprints) What department in the crime lab would analyze this evidence?Latent Evidence10
8981517186Evidence is logged into the crime lab and it consists of a fired bullet and bullet casings. Which department in the crime lab would be tasked with analyzing this evidence?ballistics11
8981517187Gun shot residue, hair fibers found on a car seat and glass found on the floor board of a car would be examples of_______.trace evidence12
8981517188During the course of a trial, the defense suggests that the fiber evidence used to match the car used to transport stolen goods (and thus bring charges against the owner of that car) were not collected properly. Who will the prosecutor most likely bring in to testify regarding that defense strategy?Crime Scene Investigator13
8981517189A local crime lab is offering training sessions for law enforcement in the area. Which of the following descriptions would most likely be used for the seminar led by the medical examiner?In this seminar, we will learn about ballistics and tool marks as present in the wound patterns of a body.14
8981517190Ballistics is the study ofweapons and markings at a crime scene15
8981517191Which of the following is not a role of the crime scene investigator?arrest suspects16
8981517192What level of education is required of a medical examiner?medical degree17
8981517193All medical examiners are trained forensic pathologists.false18
8981517194What is the appropriate first step in a crime scene investigation?protect and secure the scene19
8981517195By photographing the crime scene, the investigator is able to provide all of the following to the judge and jury exceptA "to scale" drawing of the scene.20
8981517196Investigators are called to investigate a possible arson. They collect some clothing from this crime scene. How should the investigators package this evidence?They should make sure to package it in an airtight container.21
8981517197In a rough crime scene sketch, what is the purpose of the two fixed points that you are to choose when completing a sketch?To provide a reference point when including the actual placement of the evidence22
8981517198Once the investigators arrive at the crime scene, and they protect and secure the area, what is the next step in the investigation?The investigators should observe and document the scene.23
8981517199At a crime scene investigation, when the investigator is documenting notes, all of the following rules are correct except..No names of people should be included in order to protect their privacy24
8981517200Why is it important to make sure to include signatures of all people that have had contact with a piece of evidence as well as the reason for the contact?It is important to establish the chain of custody to show that the evidence has not been contaminated.25
8981517201Why is it important to collect controls at the crime scene?In order to have something to compare potential evidence found at the crime scene to26
8981517202Reconstruction of a crime scene involves the analysis of lots of evidence. It is the job of the forensic investigator to determine what is really evidence and what was collected but is not important to the crime. The term used in scene reconstructions to describe this process is called_____________________.recognition27
8981517203Using techniques such as pattern analysis when looking at blood splatter would be a part of __________________________.Specific Physical Evidence Reconstruction28
8981517204There are five steps in crime scene reconstruction. The first step is _____________________.data collection29
8981517205During a crime scene reconstruction an investigator must compare known samples of evidence with unknown samples collected from the crime scene. This process is known as ____________________.Testing30
8981517206When a re-enactment of an entire event is created it is called______________________.Specific Incident Reconstruction31
8981517207The initial guess that a crime scene reconstructionist would make when working to reconstruct a scene is called_____________.conjecture32
8981517208Computers can be used to reconstruct events such as traffic accidents.true33
8981517209You are trying to figure out when a person arrived on the scene and when they left the scene. Analyzing this part of the reconstruction means that you areworking on specific event reconstruction34
8981517210Creating a reconstructive theory is the _______________step in the crime scene reconstruction process.last35
8981517211Which type of a crime scene is more susceptible to environmental loss and damage?outdoor36
8981517212Chain of custody is a procedure used in crime scene investigations to:Verify every person who handled or examined the evidence37
8981517213Which of the following evidences is an example of individual characteristics?random striations on a bullet38
8981517214Which of the following evidences is an example of individual characteristics?Irregular edges of a broken knife39
8981517215A bloodstain with no DNA-containing cells is an example of class evidencetrue40
8981517216Why is it important to sketch out the crime scene?all of the above41
8981517217When a paint chip found on a hit-and-run victim's garment is examined side-by-side with paint removed from a vehicle suspected of being involved in the incident, this is an example of what?Comparison42
8981517218The likelihood of finding class physical evidence is _____ the likelihood of finding physical evidence with individual characteristics.greater than43
8981517219When the crime scene investigators arrive at the crime scene, the first step is toProtect and secure the crime scene44
8981517220All of the following are components of a rough sketch exceptdrawn to scale45
8981517221All of the following should be included in the notes taken by the crime scene investigator exceptphotographs of the scene46
8981517222Which of the following is true about the collection of evidence at a crime scene?Each piece of evidence must be packaged in a separate container with a detailed label.47
8981517223Here is an actual episode description of CSI: Crime Scene Investigators. Based on what you know about the role of a CSI, which sentence(s) in the episode description DO NOT accurately depict the responsibilities of a CSI? MORE THAN ONE ANSWER MAY BE CHOSEN.Russell makes a break in the case when he solves an anagram that was engraved under a victim's skin, leading them to Jake and Matthew Chapman. After learning that CSI Morgan and Ellie Brass have both been taken captive by their still unknown murder suspect, the CSIs race to piece the clues together and solve the case before it's too late. Fortunately, the CSIs uncover that she was the one responsible for the murders and arrive in time to subdue and arrest Ellie.48
8981517224To forensic investigators, recognition means they must recognize the real evidence of the scene that is associated with the crime from other things that are not evidence.true49
8981517225_______________________ is a re-enactment of the entire event that is under investigation. Connections are made between the sequence of events and the evidence.Specific Incident Reconstruction50
8981517226Saying that every piece of evidence is unique is using the forensic process of _____________________.individualization51
8981517227Conducting ballistics testing and then analyzing your results would be using a technique calledpattern analysis52
8981517228The duty of the first officer on the scene is:To preserve life and property and to prevent contamination53
8981517229The written record of all of the individuals who have had any contact with the evidence is calledthe chain of custody54
8981517230The method used to support a likely sequence of events by observing and evaluation physical evidence and witness statements isreconstruction55
8981517231Making a guess when trying to explain how a crime scene was created is called__________________________.Conjecture56
8981517232What principle will provide the basis for the evaluation of the handwriting found on the post card?principle of individuality57
8981517233What will the examiner need from the family to complete an analysis?exemplar58
8981517234How will the initial comparisons be done?naked eye or hand lens59
8981517235If the postcards did NOT come from Linda Sohus, which expert conclusion would help support further investigation into this case?forgery by freehand60
8981517236The skeleton will be examined for a single point impression or striations indicative of movement across a surface by a tool.true61
8981517237Analysts will look most closely at the newest tools, as newer tools (released most recently from a factory and with the least use) increase the potential for individualization.false62
8981517238The suspect tools will be fitted into any tool marks present on the skeleton to see if it is a match.false63
8981517239The crime scene unit also turns up a bullet lodged into the back of the chimney. After examining the bullet, an expert reports that the bullet was shot from a Smith and Wesson revolver. Choose all of the following statements that would support this conclusion.The number of lands and grooves are characteristic of a particular product from a specific manufacturer. Five lands and grooves twisting to the right are observed on the bullet.64
8981517240When a forensic analyst determines the chemical composition of a preparation that may contain illicit drugs such as heroin, cocaine, or barbiturates, this is an example of what?identification65
8981517241If the laboratory can piece together broken glass from a window or headlight, then the evidence has _____ characteristics.individual66
8981517242When items of evidence have individual characteristics, this can lead to a determination of common origin (i.e., the conclusion that they are from a single source). Which type of evidence cannot yield such results?Cotton fibers on victim67
8981517243Can video be used to document the scene?true68
8981517244Which of the following is NOT a crime scene search pattern?square69
8981517245A forensic scientist receives an unknown liquid. Upon close observation, it appears there may be small objects floating in the liquid. What tools would use density to separate components of the liquid by spinning the liquid?centrifuge70
8981517246The two main goals of a chemist in a forensic lab is separation/isolation of chemicals in an unknown substance and identification of each chemical in an unknown substance. Which of the following tools would be the best choice for identification of a chemical?spectrometers71
8981517247Which tool is sometimes referred to as a "wet bench" because the chemicals used (solvents, corrosives, etc) are often liquid, and is essential for the safety of the forensics lab?Fume Hood72
8981517248You are touring a forensics lab and overhear a chemist discussing the stationary phase and the mobile phase of a test she is conducting. She states that she is waiting for baseline resolution before conducting the next test. She is most likely referring to ...Chromatography73
8981517249Digital evidence can be stored or transmitted in binary form. Which of the following locations would you LEAST likely be able to extract digital evidence as a forensic scientist?DNA74
8981517250You are an intern at a digital forensics lab. Your supervisor asks you to reseach CODIS, a database that you will be using often in the lab. You are excited because you learned all about CODIS in your forensics class! Which of the following is NOT true of CODIS?CODIS is an acronym for Criminal DNA Index System and contains the DNA of all convicted felons.75
8981517251A questioned document is any signature, handwriting, typewriting, or other mark whose source or authenticity is in dispute or doubtful. The document must be on paper to be considered a questioned document.false76
8981517252The principle of individuality forms the basis for handwriting analysis. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of that principle and NOT a principle of the scientific analysis of handwriting?Your handwriting reveals your personality through characteristics such as slant and embellishments.77
8981517253You analyze two samples, and exemplar and an signature unknown sample, and conclude that there are differences in line quality, connecting strokes, pen lifts, starts and stops and retouching. What is the best conclusion based on these observations?Forged Signatures/Writing by Freehand78
8981517254Indented writing is when someone writes on top of another sheet of paper and the pressure of the pen transfers to the paper below. It is possible to lightly rub the indented paper with pencil to reveal the writing.false79
8981517255Made in imitation of something else with intent to deceivecounterfeiting80
8981517256Comparison of documents made using a machine, such as typewriters, photocopiers, and computer printers, in which the specific machine used is analyzed for differencesmechanical comparisons81
8981517257known sampleexemplar82
8981517258A false representation of a matter of fact—whether by words or by conduct, by false or misleading allegations, or by concealment of what should have been disclosed—that deceives and is intended to deceive another so that the individual will act upon itfraud83
8981517259Any mark made in a softer surface by a harder implement or tool is calledimpression evidence84
8981517260Why do tire treads and shoe soles only produce class evidence?they are mass produced with few variations85
8981517261What type of instrument is used to magnify tool mark impressions and allow two pieces of evidence to be viewed side by sidecomparison microscope86
8981517262What type of firearm will continue to fire and expend cases as long as the trigger is depressed and ammunition is availableautomatic87
8981517263The rifled barrel has a series of spiral cutouts that include ___________________ or depressions and __________________________ or raised areas.grooves and lands88
8981517264Identification stamps or logos are used to solve crimes and are found on:drug tablets89
8981517265Biometric Databases exist for each of the following except:body odor90
8981517266Conducting ballistics testing and then analyzing your results would be using a technique calledpattern analysis91
8981517267Determining when a person entered or left a crime scene is an example ofSpecific Event Reconstruction92
8981517268For all of the following types of evidence, indicate whether the evidence is likely to display individual or class characteristics: A well-developed and collected latent fingerprint Random striations on a discharged bullet A footwear impression with irregular and random wear patterns Irregular edges of a broken knife fitted togetherindividual characteristic93
8981517269Analyzing blood spatter evidence and trying to decide what type of weapon was used in a crime is an example ofSpecific Physical Evidence Reconstruction94
8981517270palynologythe study of particulate in the air (such as pollen)95
8981517271plant successionprocess of change in the species structure of ecological community over time96
8981517272pollen rainexpected production and dispersal patterns of spores and pollen for a given area97
8981517273diatom testingperformed to determine if a victim drowned and time of death, present in fresh water98
8981517274Tree rings indicate the age of a tree, but are not useful in solving crimes.false99
8981517275Which of the following is NOT a role of a forensic botanist?Create a toxicology profile using blood from the victim100
8981517276Which of the following causes of death would best be supported by the presence of diatoms in the victim?drowning101
8981517277forensic entomologistuse their knowledge of insect life cycles to answer questions about a crime scene102
8981517278accumulated degree hour (ADH)tecnique used to measure a fly development in a corpse; used to determine TOD103
8981517279species successionthe order in which species show up on remains; for example, some species show up on a fresh corpse104
8981517280postmortem interval (PMI)the time since death105
8981517281carriondead decaying flesh of an animal106
8981517282Entomology is the study of pollen.false107
8981517283Which of the following is one of the two classes of important insects used in forensics?diptera108
8981517284Which of the following correctly orders the life cycle of a blowfly?Egg -> Larva -> Pupa -> Adult109
8981517285If it takes 23 hours for an egg to go to first instar at 70 degrees F, what is the correct ADH?1610 ADH110
8981517286Carpet Beetles, Rove Beetles, Carrion Beetles, Hister Beetles, and Black Scavenger Flies are known as "insects of death".True111
8981517287What phrase describes a location that places donated deceased individuals in different environments and then records multiple types of data to describe the decomposition of the body?Body Farm112
8981517288The suspect claims that he was never at the scene of the crime. The evidence says different. The pollen rain suggests that a truck of his size was there. There were also seed pods that were found on his tires, that had to be from the scene of the crime; because the DNA in them matched the DNA of one of the trees there, perfectly. This is just some of the evidence that pinpoints him to the crime scene. Which forensic expert witness likely provided this testimony?Forensic Botanist113
8981517289Insects are mostly found with remains outside of a structure (such as a house) because insects are not likely to be present inside a house and decomposing remains are not a valuable food source to insects adapted to live inside a structure.False114
8981517290Forensic Facial Recognitionthe process in which forensic scientists work with artists to recreate the face of an individual115
8981517291anatomical positioningthe position with the body erect with arms at the sides and palms forward116
8981517292Universal System of ID for Teeththe standard system developed by the American Dental Association117
8981517293Identification of Victim by Teethvictims may be identified by radiographs of dental records or by DNA found in teeth118
8981517294biological profiledetermination fo age, sex, ancestry, and stature form skeletal remains119
8981517295Which of the following is NOT a clue that would likely be gathered from an individual skeleton found separated from his/her normal environment?who the person knew120
8981517296Human remains were found near the banks of a local river. The body had undergone major decay so that only the skeleton remained. It was found that the humerus was 34.9 centimeters. If the standard calculation for height (in cm) based on the humerus is H = humerus length x 2.97 + 73.57, how tall would this human be if it were male?approximately 177 cm121
8981517297The female ilium and public arch are wider than a male ilium and pubic arch.true122
8981517298Skeletal characteristics of the remains: 1. There is one set of teeth with the skull. The teeth indicate poor dental care and mineral deficiencies. 2. Several of the rib bones are broken inward, toward the chest/abdominal cavity. 3. The pubic arch is wide and the distance between the ischium bones is larger than average. 4. Four arm bones and two leg bones are missing. No indications of damage on the remaining and arm and leg bones. 5. The height of the individual based on the femur is estimated to be 155 cm.The skeleton belonged to an adult female, possibly from an earlier time period or possibly one who lived for some time in poverty, who died of some type of compression or fall, and whose skeleton was disturbed by animals after death.123
8981517299A body is found in the woods and all you have left to analyze are bones and teeth. Explain what isotopes would be helpful to you as you seek to identify these remains and match them to a missing person's report. How would these isotopes help in the identification of this person?carbon-12, carbon-13, nitrogen-14, and nitrogen-15124
8981517300Isotopic analysis is an exciting new field of forensics and can help investigators solve crimes from long ago. But the field has some limitations and concerns. Which of the following is NOT an area of concern in this field?new technology is helping scientists analyze samples125
8981517301The Phadebas/RSID test is used as a presumptive test for detecting the enzyme amylase. A positive test for amylase will cause a ________ after adding the Phadebas tablet.Blue color change126
8981517302The test that was created in 1836 to detect arsenic is called theThe Marsh Test127
8981517303The only blood type that does not have any antigens on the red blood cells isType O128
8981517304The universal blood donors for the ABO system are typeO129
8981517305If one of your parents is blood type A and the other is blood type B, which of the following blood types would you likely be?any of the ABO blood types130
8981517306You have gathered some blood evidence from a crime scene and you type the blood. You get the following results: clumping in Anti-A serum clumping in Anti-B serum clumping in Anti-D serum What is the blood type of the sample?AB Positive131
8981517307The Brentamine spot test is a presumptive test forseminal fluid132
8981517308Blood evidence has to be tested to determine if it is human blood. The confirmatory test for human blood isABA Hematrace test133
8981517309In order to be an isotope the element would have to have a different number ofneutrons134
8981517310The analysis of _________________________ can give you information about a person's most recent past.Hair and fingernails135
8981517311A substance that requires you to ingest a large amount for it to be lethal is called a(n)Intoxicant136
8981517312The process of where the body breaks down a substance so that it can be eliminated by the body is calledBiotransformation137
8981517313This tissue is very slow to decay so it will retain toxins longer than any other organ, It is also called "eyeball fluid".Vitreous humor138
8981517314The two methods for alcohol elimination includeOxidation and excretion139
8981517315What is the name of a common poison used for executions that causes a bright cherry red blood?Cyanide140
8981517316The most widely used confirmatory tests for toxins and poisons isGas Chromatography141
8981517317A person with blood type AB can receive blood from which of the following blood types?A, B and O142
8981517318A person with the blood type O negative can receive blood from which of the following?Type O negative143
8981517319Which of the following terms refers to the cooling of a body after deathalgor mortis144
8981517320Which of the following body changes occurs to a corpse first? eyes liquify, dehydration, rigor mortis, putrefactionrigor mortis145
8981517321Prior to each cell division, the DNA must replicate. If one strand of DNA has the base sequence, ATCGCC, the complementary (matching) side will beTAGCGG146
8981517322Once DNA is collected at a crime scene, it must be processed in the lab. If there is a limited quantity of DNA available, what step must the technician take in this process?PCR is used to amplify the DNA.147
8981517323STR analysis is used in the lab to visualize DNA. It uses short, repeated sequences of DNA to produce a DNA fingerprint. In the sequence below, how many repeats are present? ACGACGACGACGACG5148
8981517324The inner part of the hair that gives it flexibility and is in the middle of the hair shaft is called themedulla149
8981517325Nothing about hair is comparable to the specificity of fingerprintstrue150
8981517326Which of the following evidence would a forensic botanist use to determine if a victim has been killed by drowning:diatoms151
8981517327Which profession would study pollen and particulate matter?palynologist152
8981517328All of the following are stages in the Blowfly life cycle exceptthe cocoon stage153
8981517329When entomologists use insects to determine PMI (postmortem interval), they must consider environmental conditions. These environmental conditions includeAll of the above (exposure of body, presence of rain, temperature)154
8981517330If it takes 23 hours for the egg of a Green Bottle fly to develop into the first instar stage at 70°F, and 27 hours for the 1st instar to develop into the 2nd instar at the same temperature, calculate the total ADH.3500 ADH155
8981517331There is a femur bone found in a shallow grave. Forensic scientists measure the bone and find it to be 35.2 cm. How tall would this person be if it were from a male? Male H = femur length x 2.23 + 69.08147.6cm156
8981517332Which part of the skeleton is most often used to determine the sex of a body found at a crime scene?pelvis157
8981517333Second level details use friction ridge features on each fingerprint to aid in identification. These features are collectively called______.Minutiae158
8981517334_____prints are clearly visible on surfaces and can be made by someone with paint or blood on their hands.Patent159
8981517335A bloodstain pattern where the blood has been released under pressure as opposed to being formed from an impact with an object is called____.Projected Blood Spatter160
8981517336IN medical and forensic science a ________test tells you if a substance is present on a surface.Presumptive Test161
8981517337Animal hairs have never been used to solve crimes as they very much resemble human hairs.false162
8981517338Measures from the front center of a tire to the back center of a tire.wheelbase163
8981517339Three-dimensional structure which can provide a positive reproduction of the footwear.casting164
8981517340During the course of a trial, the defense suggests that the fiber evidence used to match the car used to transport stolen goods (and thus bring charges against the owner of that car) were not collected properly. Who will the prosecutor most likely bring in to testify regarding that defense strategy?Crime Scene Invesetigator165
8981517341Chain of custody is a procedure used in crime scene investigations to:Verify every person who handled or examined the evidence166
8981517342You are touring a forensics lab and overhear a chemist discussing the stationary phase and the mobile phase of a test she is conducting. She states that she is waiting for baseline resolution before conducting the next test. She is most likely referring to ...Chromatography167

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