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Forensic Science - Intro to Forensic Science Flashcards

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10832998674Forensic ScienceApplying the scientific method to the field of law0
10833001670CriminalisiticsInvestigating crime scenes and collecting evidence1
10833006623Forensic EntomologyThe study of insects and their life cycle2
10833012701Forensic EngineeringInvestigating electrical, mechanical, and structural failures3
10833019352JurisprudenceStudy of law4
10833022396Forensic OdontologyExamining dental records5
10833030410Forensic PathologyDetermining cause of death6
10833034088Forensic PsychiatryDevelop criminal profiles7
10833038689Forensic AnthropologyExamine skeletal remains8
10833042744ToxicologyDetermining foreign substances in blood/tissue samples9
10833052831ObservationUsing the 5 senses to evaluate a situation10
10833055400Deductive ReasoningUsing logical steps to draw a conclusion11
10833060494PerceptionInterpreting information gathered from the senses12
10833070439Inattentive BlindnessHeavy focus on one aspect of a situation causing you to miss another13

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