Terms and definitions of types of government and examples of governments
39134108 | Anarchy | A government where there is no functioning governement; this is a time of lawlessness and political disorder. | |
39134109 | Theocracy | This form of government is where political power is held by religious authorities. | |
39134110 | Dictatorship | This form of government is when a single person or a small clique (group) of people control the government. | |
39134111 | Totalitarian | In this form of government, absolute power is controlled by the central government. The rights of the individual are always valued less than the rights of the whole society. | |
39134112 | Oligarchy | This form of government is when a rich group of people control the government. | |
39134113 | Socialism | This form of government is when the government controls much, if not all, of the industry and business in a country. | |
39134114 | Democracy | This form of government is where the people, through voting, decide the policies and laws of the government. | |
39134115 | Republic | This form of government is when the head of state is not a monarch. Often, the leader of state is a president. | |
39134116 | Democratic Republic | This form of government is where citizens elect representative to vote for them and create legislation in their government. | |
39134117 | Confederation | Is a group of states that join together under a loose federal government. | |
39134118 | What type of government does the United States have today? | Democratic Republic | |
39134119 | Castro, the leader of Cuba, is the head of what type of governement? | Dictatorship | |
39134120 | In the community from the novel The Giver, what type of governement controls the community? | Oligarchy | |
39134121 | Somalia has what form of government | Anarchy | |
39134122 | Vatican City has what form of government? | Theocracy | |
39134123 | Ancient Athens and Andover's town meetings are examples of what form of government? | Democracy | |
39134124 | Monarchy | Is a form of government where the country is lead by an individual who inherhits this royal right through their family. | |
39134125 | England and Spain have these types of governements. | Monarchies | |
39134126 | The newly independent thirteen states of America formed what type of government? | Confederation |