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Foundational Vocabulary for AP World History Flashcards

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7110237782AbateBecome less in amount or intensity0
7110247624AbsolutismA political system in which a ruler holds total power1
7110250789Adjacentnear, next to, adjoining2
7110255520AgrarianBased on Agriculture for survival3
7110259260Agriculturethe practice of farming4
7110262119Anthropomorphicattributing human characteristics or qualities to objects, animals, or gods5
7110268716AristocracyA wealthy ruling class6
7110279543Avariceextreme greed for wealth or material gain7
7110280891BiasA particular preference or point of view that is personal, rather than scientific.8
7110287581BuddhismA religion based on the teachings of the Buddha.9
7110291024BureaucracyA system of managing government through departments run by appointed officials10
7110297797CapitalThe seat of government for a state or nation11
7110299392CapitalismAn economic system based on private ownership of capital12
7110305440CapitulateTo surrender unconditionally or on stipulated terms13
7110307339Centralizeddecisions made at the top; often delegate responsibility without authority14
7110310507Charlatana person falsely claiming to have a special knowledge or skill; a fraud15
7110318935Chattelan item of personal, movable property; slave16
7110334796ChiefdomA political economy that organizes regional populations through hierarchy of the chiefs17
7110339003ChristianityA religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus18
7110341119City-Statea city that governs itself and its surrounding territory19
7110345537CivilizationA society with cities, a central government, job specialization, and social classes20
7110429216ClergyChurch officials21
7110431752CoerceTo make somebody do something by force or threat22
7110433176Colonialismthe control and exploitation of an area by a political power from another territory.23
7112524317ColonyA territory ruled by another nation24
7112524318Communismeconomic system in which all wealth and property are owned by the state25
7113995049Confucianisma belief system based on the ideas of the Chinese thinker Confucius26
7113380605Copiousabundant; plentiful; wordy, verbose27
7113381960Culturethe collective beliefs, customs, and behaviors of a group28
7113393716Daoisma Chinese philosophy that emphasizes living in harmony with nature29
7113977945Deforestationa loss of forest cover in a region30
7113977946DemographyScientific study of human populations.31
7113977947DeriveTo take or receive from a source32
7113987943DiasporaA dispersion of people from their homeland33
7113987944Divineto foretell or know by inspiration34
7113987945DynastyA series of rulers from the same family35
7113987946Economicthe system in a country that involves making, buying, and selling goods36
7113987947EdictAn official order37
7113987948Egalitarianpromoting equal rights for all people38
7113987949EmpireA group of states or territories controlled by one ruler39
7113987950Encroachto trespass40
7113987951EpidemicA widespread outbreak of an infectious disease.41
7113987952Equitablefair, just, embodying principles of justice42
7114008829EthnocentrismBelief in the superiority of one's nation or ethnic group.43
7114008830FeudalismA system of government based on landowners and tenants44
7114008831Forageto search for food or provisions45
7114008832Fundamentalan essential part or foundation46
7114020559GenocideDeliberate extermination of a racial or cultural group47
7114020560Globalizationthe increasing interdependence of citizens and nations across the world48
7114038663Hegemonythe domination of one state or group over its allies49
7114038664HierarchyA group organized by rank50
7114038665Hinduisma major religion that developed in ancient India51
7114038666IdeologySystem of thought and belief52
7114038667ImperialismA policy of extending a country's power and influence through diplomacy or military force.53
7114038668Incursionan invasion or attack, especially a sudden or brief one54
7114038669Indentured Servantmen or women who sold their labor for the cost of a trip from England to the Colonies55
7114038670IndignantFeeling or showing anger or annoyance at what is perceived as unfair treatment56
7114038671Industrialeconomic activity concerned with the processing of raw materials and manufacture of goods in factories57
7114038672InflationA general and progressive increase in prices58
7114038673Institutionan organization founded and united for a specific purpose59
7114038674IntermediaryActing as a go-between; mediator60
7114050663Judaismthe Jewish religion61
7114050664LambastTo criticize harshly62
7114057987Legitimatelawful, rightful; reasonable, justifiable63
7114057988Malfeasancemisconduct or wrongdoing, especially by a public official64
7114057989ManufactureTo make something, especially on a large scale using machinery.65
7114057990MaritimeA humid air mass that forms over oceans66
7114063874MatriarchyA society ruled or controlled by women67
7114063875Medievalof or relating to the Middle Ages68
7115679739MerchantA person who makes money by selling goods69
7115679740MonarchyA government ruled by a king or queen70
7115679741MonotheismBelief in one God71
7115679742Munificencegenerosity in giving72
7115679743Myriada countless or extremely great number73
7115679744Nationa politically organized body of people under a single government74
7115679745NegligibleUnimportant; insignificant75
7115679746Neolithic"New Stone Age"76
7115679747NobilityA high-ranking social class77
7115679748Nomadicwandering from place to place78
7115679749Pagana person holding religious beliefs other than those of the main world religions79
7115679750PandemicA global outbreak of an infectious disease80
7115679751Papacythe office or authority of the Pope.81
7115679752PastoralA work of literature dealing with rural life82
7115679753Patriarchya system of society or government in which the father or eldest male is head of the family and descent is traced through the male line.83
7115679754Periodizationa form or resistance training that may be defined as strategic implementation of specific training phases.84
7115679755PlacateTo appease, soothe, pacify85
7115679756Plethoraexcess; overabundance86
7115679757PolytheismBelief in more than one god87
7115679758Prehistoricbefore written history88
7115679759PrevalentCommonly occurring; widely accepted or practiced89
7115679760Primary Sourcean original document containing firsthand information about a subject90
7115679761ProlificAbundantly productive91
7115679762Protestanta member of a Christian church founded on the principles of the Reformation92
7115679763Prowesssuperior skill or ability93
7115679764Rationalreasonable; logical94
7115679765ReformTo bring back to rightness, order, or morality95
7115708185RegimeA government in power96
7115708186Revolutiona forcible overthrow of a government or social order in favor of a new system.97
7115708188ScribeA professional writer99
7115708189Secondary SourceProvides information gathered from or based on other sources100
7115708191SerfA person who is bound to the land and owned by the feudal lord102
7115708192Shamana person believed to have the power to summon spirits and heal the sick103
7115708193Slavea person who is the legal property of another and is forced to obey them.104
7115708194Statea nation or territory considered as an organized political community under one government.105
7115708195Stratifiedarranged in layers106
7115708197Subjugateto conquer by force, bring under complete control108
7115708198Surplusmore than needed109
7115708199SyncreticA religion that combines several traditions110
7115708200TextileA fabric made by weaving, used in making clothing111
7115708201TheocracyA government controlled by religious leaders112
7115708202TumultuousRiotous, violently agitated, marked by disturbance or uproar; noisy, chaotic113
7115708203Ubiquitouspresent or existing everywhere114
7115708204Urbanfound or living in a city115
7115708205Venerationgreat respect; reverence116
7115708206Xenophobicintense or irrational dislike or fear of people from other countries.117

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