7110237782 | Abate | Become less in amount or intensity | 0 | |
7110247624 | Absolutism | A political system in which a ruler holds total power | 1 | |
7110250789 | Adjacent | near, next to, adjoining | 2 | |
7110255520 | Agrarian | Based on Agriculture for survival | 3 | |
7110259260 | Agriculture | the practice of farming | 4 | |
7110262119 | Anthropomorphic | attributing human characteristics or qualities to objects, animals, or gods | 5 | |
7110268716 | Aristocracy | A wealthy ruling class | 6 | |
7110279543 | Avarice | extreme greed for wealth or material gain | 7 | |
7110280891 | Bias | A particular preference or point of view that is personal, rather than scientific. | 8 | |
7110287581 | Buddhism | A religion based on the teachings of the Buddha. | 9 | |
7110291024 | Bureaucracy | A system of managing government through departments run by appointed officials | 10 | |
7110297797 | Capital | The seat of government for a state or nation | 11 | |
7110299392 | Capitalism | An economic system based on private ownership of capital | 12 | |
7110305440 | Capitulate | To surrender unconditionally or on stipulated terms | 13 | |
7110307339 | Centralized | decisions made at the top; often delegate responsibility without authority | 14 | |
7110310507 | Charlatan | a person falsely claiming to have a special knowledge or skill; a fraud | 15 | |
7110318935 | Chattel | an item of personal, movable property; slave | 16 | |
7110334796 | Chiefdom | A political economy that organizes regional populations through hierarchy of the chiefs | 17 | |
7110339003 | Christianity | A religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus | 18 | |
7110341119 | City-State | a city that governs itself and its surrounding territory | 19 | |
7110345537 | Civilization | A society with cities, a central government, job specialization, and social classes | 20 | |
7110429216 | Clergy | Church officials | 21 | |
7110431752 | Coerce | To make somebody do something by force or threat | 22 | |
7110433176 | Colonialism | the control and exploitation of an area by a political power from another territory. | 23 | |
7112524317 | Colony | A territory ruled by another nation | 24 | |
7112524318 | Communism | economic system in which all wealth and property are owned by the state | 25 | |
7113995049 | Confucianism | a belief system based on the ideas of the Chinese thinker Confucius | 26 | |
7113380605 | Copious | abundant; plentiful; wordy, verbose | 27 | |
7113381960 | Culture | the collective beliefs, customs, and behaviors of a group | 28 | |
7113393716 | Daoism | a Chinese philosophy that emphasizes living in harmony with nature | 29 | |
7113977945 | Deforestation | a loss of forest cover in a region | 30 | |
7113977946 | Demography | Scientific study of human populations. | 31 | |
7113977947 | Derive | To take or receive from a source | 32 | |
7113987943 | Diaspora | A dispersion of people from their homeland | 33 | |
7113987944 | Divine | to foretell or know by inspiration | 34 | |
7113987945 | Dynasty | A series of rulers from the same family | 35 | |
7113987946 | Economic | the system in a country that involves making, buying, and selling goods | 36 | |
7113987947 | Edict | An official order | 37 | |
7113987948 | Egalitarian | promoting equal rights for all people | 38 | |
7113987949 | Empire | A group of states or territories controlled by one ruler | 39 | |
7113987950 | Encroach | to trespass | 40 | |
7113987951 | Epidemic | A widespread outbreak of an infectious disease. | 41 | |
7113987952 | Equitable | fair, just, embodying principles of justice | 42 | |
7114008829 | Ethnocentrism | Belief in the superiority of one's nation or ethnic group. | 43 | |
7114008830 | Feudalism | A system of government based on landowners and tenants | 44 | |
7114008831 | Forage | to search for food or provisions | 45 | |
7114008832 | Fundamental | an essential part or foundation | 46 | |
7114020559 | Genocide | Deliberate extermination of a racial or cultural group | 47 | |
7114020560 | Globalization | the increasing interdependence of citizens and nations across the world | 48 | |
7114038663 | Hegemony | the domination of one state or group over its allies | 49 | |
7114038664 | Hierarchy | A group organized by rank | 50 | |
7114038665 | Hinduism | a major religion that developed in ancient India | 51 | |
7114038666 | Ideology | System of thought and belief | 52 | |
7114038667 | Imperialism | A policy of extending a country's power and influence through diplomacy or military force. | 53 | |
7114038668 | Incursion | an invasion or attack, especially a sudden or brief one | 54 | |
7114038669 | Indentured Servant | men or women who sold their labor for the cost of a trip from England to the Colonies | 55 | |
7114038670 | Indignant | Feeling or showing anger or annoyance at what is perceived as unfair treatment | 56 | |
7114038671 | Industrial | economic activity concerned with the processing of raw materials and manufacture of goods in factories | 57 | |
7114038672 | Inflation | A general and progressive increase in prices | 58 | |
7114038673 | Institution | an organization founded and united for a specific purpose | 59 | |
7114038674 | Intermediary | Acting as a go-between; mediator | 60 | |
7114050663 | Judaism | the Jewish religion | 61 | |
7114050664 | Lambast | To criticize harshly | 62 | |
7114057987 | Legitimate | lawful, rightful; reasonable, justifiable | 63 | |
7114057988 | Malfeasance | misconduct or wrongdoing, especially by a public official | 64 | |
7114057989 | Manufacture | To make something, especially on a large scale using machinery. | 65 | |
7114057990 | Maritime | A humid air mass that forms over oceans | 66 | |
7114063874 | Matriarchy | A society ruled or controlled by women | 67 | |
7114063875 | Medieval | of or relating to the Middle Ages | 68 | |
7115679739 | Merchant | A person who makes money by selling goods | 69 | |
7115679740 | Monarchy | A government ruled by a king or queen | 70 | |
7115679741 | Monotheism | Belief in one God | 71 | |
7115679742 | Munificence | generosity in giving | 72 | |
7115679743 | Myriad | a countless or extremely great number | 73 | |
7115679744 | Nation | a politically organized body of people under a single government | 74 | |
7115679745 | Negligible | Unimportant; insignificant | 75 | |
7115679746 | Neolithic | "New Stone Age" | 76 | |
7115679747 | Nobility | A high-ranking social class | 77 | |
7115679748 | Nomadic | wandering from place to place | 78 | |
7115679749 | Pagan | a person holding religious beliefs other than those of the main world religions | 79 | |
7115679750 | Pandemic | A global outbreak of an infectious disease | 80 | |
7115679751 | Papacy | the office or authority of the Pope. | 81 | |
7115679752 | Pastoral | A work of literature dealing with rural life | 82 | |
7115679753 | Patriarchy | a system of society or government in which the father or eldest male is head of the family and descent is traced through the male line. | 83 | |
7115679754 | Periodization | a form or resistance training that may be defined as strategic implementation of specific training phases. | 84 | |
7115679755 | Placate | To appease, soothe, pacify | 85 | |
7115679756 | Plethora | excess; overabundance | 86 | |
7115679757 | Polytheism | Belief in more than one god | 87 | |
7115679758 | Prehistoric | before written history | 88 | |
7115679759 | Prevalent | Commonly occurring; widely accepted or practiced | 89 | |
7115679760 | Primary Source | an original document containing firsthand information about a subject | 90 | |
7115679761 | Prolific | Abundantly productive | 91 | |
7115679762 | Protestant | a member of a Christian church founded on the principles of the Reformation | 92 | |
7115679763 | Prowess | superior skill or ability | 93 | |
7115679764 | Rational | reasonable; logical | 94 | |
7115679765 | Reform | To bring back to rightness, order, or morality | 95 | |
7115708185 | Regime | A government in power | 96 | |
7115708186 | Revolution | a forcible overthrow of a government or social order in favor of a new system. | 97 | |
7115708187 | Rural | Countryside | 98 | |
7115708188 | Scribe | A professional writer | 99 | |
7115708189 | Secondary Source | Provides information gathered from or based on other sources | 100 | |
7115708190 | Secular | Non-religious | 101 | |
7115708191 | Serf | A person who is bound to the land and owned by the feudal lord | 102 | |
7115708192 | Shaman | a person believed to have the power to summon spirits and heal the sick | 103 | |
7115708193 | Slave | a person who is the legal property of another and is forced to obey them. | 104 | |
7115708194 | State | a nation or territory considered as an organized political community under one government. | 105 | |
7115708195 | Stratified | arranged in layers | 106 | |
7115708196 | Subjective | one-sided | 107 | |
7115708197 | Subjugate | to conquer by force, bring under complete control | 108 | |
7115708198 | Surplus | more than needed | 109 | |
7115708199 | Syncretic | A religion that combines several traditions | 110 | |
7115708200 | Textile | A fabric made by weaving, used in making clothing | 111 | |
7115708201 | Theocracy | A government controlled by religious leaders | 112 | |
7115708202 | Tumultuous | Riotous, violently agitated, marked by disturbance or uproar; noisy, chaotic | 113 | |
7115708203 | Ubiquitous | present or existing everywhere | 114 | |
7115708204 | Urban | found or living in a city | 115 | |
7115708205 | Veneration | great respect; reverence | 116 | |
7115708206 | Xenophobic | intense or irrational dislike or fear of people from other countries. | 117 |
Foundational Vocabulary for AP World History Flashcards
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