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Foundations Period Flashcards

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165237453BCEDates that countdown backwards to the year zero.0
165237454CERepresents dates after the year zero. Stands for Common Era.1
165237455Neolithic RevolutionA turning point in the stone age when humans began farming.2
165237456Fertile CrescentThe swath of land in the Middle East where agriculture and later urbanization and later the first empires began.3
165237457MesopotamiaMeans "land between the rivers" and refers to the region of present-day Iraq.4
165237458CivilizationA traditional and somewhat controversial term to describe an urbanized society with written language, complex social, political, and religious institutions.5
165237459HarappansThe first river valley civilization of India on the Indus River. They mysteriously disappeared.6
165237460SumeriansThe name of the first culture in the world to develop cities.7
165237461Indo-EuropeansIn about the 1500s BCE these people were migrating tribes from present-day southeast Russia. Some traveled to Europe, some to Persia, and some to India. Thus, today many people in Europe, Perisa, and India share some lingustic, cultural, and biological roots.8
165237462Persian WarsTwo failed attempts by the Persian Empire in the 400s BCE to conquer the Greeks in the 400s BCE9
165237463KarmaA Hindu and Buddhist concept that by doing good to others, good will happen to you (and vise versa)10
165237464GreeksKnown for their culture (such as art, architecture and philosophy). Made up of city-states. Didn't have a large empire or military.11
165237465DaoismChinese religion from 500s BCE that emphasized following the mystical and indescribable "Way." It celebrated the chaos and contradictions of reality as well as the harmony of nature. The Yin and Yang symbolizes many aspects of this religion.12
165237466QinChinese dynasty in 200s BCE. Lasted 15 years. Unified Chinese kingdoms, built the Great Wall and its emperor was the legalistic Shi Huangdi.13
165237467Persian EmpireGreatest empire in the world up to 500 BCE. Spoke an Indo-European language. A multi-ethnic and multi-religious empire. Fell to Alexander the Great.14
165237468Roman EmpireExisted from 27 BCE to about 400 CE. Conquiered entire Mediterranean coast and most of Europe. Ruled by an emperor. Eventually oversaw the rise and spread of Christianity.15
165237469ShangChinese Dynasty from 1750 BCE to 1050 BCE. Area around Yellow River valley. First dynasty we have physical evidence of (oracle bone writings and bronze art).16
165237470ReincarnationHindu and Buddhist belief that souls are reborn into new bodies over and over.17
165237471ConfucianismChinese belief system from 500s BCE that emphasized family loyalty, respecting elders, education, obedience, and ancestors.18
165237472BuddhismBelief system that started in India in the 500s BC. Happiness can be achieved through removal of one's desires. Believers seek enlightenment and the overcoming of suffering.19
165237473AshokaLeader of the Mauryan dynasty of India who conquered most of India but eventually gave up violence and converted to Buddhism.20
165237474Gupta DynastyIndian Empire (320 CE-550 CE) known for re-establishing Hinduism and for achievements in math and science.21
165237475AqueductsFamous example of Roman engineering that also made possible the existence of large cities.22
165237476roadsClassical Rome and China both had new foreign religions that spread widely in their empires due to the fact that both had built networks of these.23
165237477HanChinese Dynasty (206 BCE - 220 CE) ruled a centralized and growing empire for 400 years. Complex centralized buraucracy with Civil service system based on Confucianism. Traded on Silk Road.24
165237478universalChristianity and Buddhism, though fundamentally very different both are offshoots of older exclusive ethnic-based religions. Each spread throughout the reminents of a great classical empire of the time. Because anyone could join these new religions, they could be described as _______.25
165237479Tigris and EuphratesMesopotamia is the land between what two rivers?26
165237480Black SeaThis body of water is North of present-day Turkey.27
165237481Persian GulfThis body of water separates the Arabian peninsula from the more mountainous land of Persia28
165237482MediterraneanThe Phonecian traders brought the first alphabet from the Middle East to the Greeks because both were seafaring traders in this sea.29
165237483Roman RepublicThis city state was ruled by a senate, spoke Latin, and borrowed heavily from Greek culture. They militarily expanded their territory for centuries but the senate eventually was overthrown by an imperial system.30
165237484Alexander the GreatHe and his father defeated and united the weakened Greek city-states and he defeated the Persian Empire in 330 BCE thus spreading Greek culture and influence throughout Western Asia.31
165237485Agricultural RevolutionResulted not only in a more reliable food source, but also in a shifting of dependancy and power to males over females, the claiming and defending of land, and the establishment of the first political and religious institutions.32
165237486HimalayasThese mountains separate India from China and are the tallest in the world.33
165237487ChristianityAlthough initially it was seen as a bizarre cult and was violently persecuted, eventually it gained acceptance and in the 300s became the official religion of the Roman state.34
165237488Julius CaesarDuring a civil war the Roman Senate allowed him to become a dictator but he refused to give it up and the senate eventually killed him. But his name came to mean "emperor".35
165237489Shi HuangdiCalled himself the First Emperor. He united China and buried himself with hundreds of terracotta soldiers.36
165237490YellowChinese civilization began as small kingdoms and dynasties on this river, named after the color of the loess-type soil.37
165237491HunsAll three of the classical empires (Romans, Han, and Gupta) faced the threat of invasion by this central Asian pastoral nomadic group.38
165237492EmpireStarting in approximately 2500 BC, the Akkadians invaded the Sumerians and created what is probably the first ______, which is when societies are in some way taken over and dominated by a central authority.39
165237493HistoriographyThe study of how history is done, such as how different people perceive past events and how a source's point-of-view impacts its portrayal of the past.40
165237494AmericasPeople in this region developed complex urban societies and empires without the benefit of large pack animals or Iron technology.41
165237495IncaAlthough it had a rich and sophisticated civilization, this American empire did not have a written language.42
165237496MayaThis American civilization is most famous for its many pyramids, and its relative mathematical and scientific accomplishment of the time.43
165237497pyramidsThe Sumerians, Egyptians, and Americans all built different types of this kind of structure because they all had a heavily centralized governments with emperors who were seen as closely tied to religion or were even seen as gods.44
165237498Urban RevolutionBetween approximately 4000 and 1500 BCE human societies in certain river valleys transformed from Neolithic farming villages into more complex urban societies. What might this transition be called?45
165237499The Middle EastChristianity first developed in Palestine on the Eastern Mediterranean Sea, which is in what general region of the world?46
165237500PatriarchalBefore agriculture, men and women are believed to have a greater degree of equality. But after the rise of agriculture, most human societies became ________47
165237501The Red SeaThis body of water separates the Arabian Peninsula from Africa.48
165237502Mediterranean SeaThis body of Water separates Europe and Africa49
165237503tonesChinese language is made up of four different _____ which change the meaning of the words being spoken.50
165237504cuneiformThe first written language, which was created by the Sumerians in about 3000 BCE.51
165237505importedBoth Greece and Japan owe their advancement to the fact that they ______ ideas from other more sophisticated regions (China in the case of Japan and the Middle East in the case of Europe)52

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