October 2012
1-41 ID terms
482839633 | Very influential World as one big machine To discover the natural laws that governed society | Isaac Newton | |
482839634 | Very influential People's behavior shaped by experiences-> Societies could be changed people to follow laws and protect their private property | John Locke | |
482839635 | "Philosopher" in French Name for intellectuals of Enlightenment | Philosophe | |
482839636 | French nobility Studied different types of government Used scientific method to study natural laws | Montesquieu | |
482839637 | According to Montesquieu 1. Republics (for small states) 2. Despotism (for large states) 3. Monarchies (for moderate size states) | Three Basic Forms of Government | |
482839638 | According to Montesquieu 1. Executive (monarch) 2. Legislative (parliament) 3. Judicial (the courts) | Three Branches of Government | |
482839639 | According to Montesquieu 3 branches limits each other's power through checks and balances Provided most security and freedom possible | Separation of Powers | |
482839640 | 1700s religious philosophy Based on Newton's view God created universe and let it run by itself | Deism | |
482839641 | Author Criticized Christianity Promoted religious tolerance Strong deist | Voltaire | |
482839642 | Wrote encyclopedia of science, art, and trade Wanted to change general way of thinking Sold to middle class -> spread Enlight. | Diderot | |
482839643 | Founded modern social science of economics Believed in Laissez-Faire Government had 3 roles: protect society from invasion (army), defending citizens from injustice (police), maintain public works and infrastructure | Adam Smith | |
482839644 | Doctrine that says state should leave economy alone and not impose government regulations | Laissez-Faire | |
482839645 | New generation of philosophes People followed laws to protect their private property People were enslaved by government Education should not restrict natural instincts of children Emotions were important to development Hypocrite | Rousseau | |
482839646 | Entire society agrees to be governed by its general will People should not belong to society if they pursue self-interest General Will = best for community | Social Contract | |
482839647 | Founder of European and American movements for women's rights Proved that men > women as wrong as monarch > subjects | Mary Wollstonecraft | |
482839648 | Elegant drawing rooms where Enlightenment ideas were spread Philiopsophes gathered | Salons | |
482839649 | Old aristocratic social and political system that was in place between 1400 and 1700 | Old Regime/Ancien Regime | |
482839650 | 1: Clergy, 13,000 people, 10% of land, exempt from taxes 2. Nobility, 350,000 people, 25% of land, exempt from taxes 3. Bourgeoisie and peasants (3/4), 40% of land, heavy taxes | Estates | |
482839651 | Aristocratic privileges from Feudalism period Ex. playing a fee to use village facilities | Relics of Feudalism | |
484136703 | Middle Class Belonged to 3rd Estate 8% of population (2 million people) Owned 25% of land Merchants, bankers, industrialists, and professionals | Bourgeoisie | |
484136704 | King during 1700s Extremely luxurious despite national economic problems Ignored people and parliament | King Louis XVI | |
484136705 | Representatives from the estates First 2 estates had 300 delegates each 3rd Estate had 600 delegates First meeting was at Versailles in 1789 3rd Estate was under-represented and wanted new system | Estates General | |
484136706 | Representatives of the 3rd Estate gathered to draft a constitution Went to Versailles a few days later ->locked->moved to tennis court->Tennis Court Oath | National Assembly | |
484136707 | Armory and prison in Paris 7/7/1789: Parisians stormed it, demolishing it, arming themselves with weapons, and releasing prisoners | The Bastille | |
484136708 | Vast panic that spread throughout France in 1789 Citizens feared the government and formed militias | The Great Fear | |
484136709 | National Assembly adopted this Inspired by American Declaration of Independence Proclaimed freedom and equality and access of public office and equality of taxes for all men | Declaration of the Rights of Man | |
484136710 | Wrote Declaration of the Rights of Women Insisted that women should have the same rights as men Ignored by National Assembly | Olympe de Gouges | |
484136711 | This said that bishops and priest were to be elected by the people and paid by the state French government now controlled the Church | Civil Constitution of the Clergy | |
484136712 | Radicals attacked royal palace and Legislative Assembly and took the king captive Forced Legislative Assembly to call a National Convention to decide a new form of government | Paris Commune | |
484136713 | Members of the Paris Commune Means "without fine clothes" | Sans-Coulottes | |
484186397 | Minister of Justice Led Commune Revenge for those who aided the king and resisted the general will Caused thousands of arrest and deaths | Georges Danton | |
484186398 | Continued the radical phase even further New leader of the people God of radical republic | Jean-Paul Marat | |
484186399 | Debate club Network of political groups Girondins and Mountains belonged to this group and decided fate of king Girondins: conservative Mountains: radical | The Jacobins | |
484186400 | Created by National Convention in fear of invasion Group of 12 led by Robespierre Worked on foreign crisis and created Reign of Terror to fix domestic crisis | Committee of Public Safety | |
484186401 | Led Committee of Public Safety One of most important revolutionary leaders Wanted democracy and suffrage | Maximilien Robespierre | |
484186402 | Put in place by CPS to create new order Democratic republic composed of good citizens "Citizen" replaced "mister" and "madame" | Republic of Virtue | |
484186403 | Put in place by CPS to fix domestic crisis Killed 40,000 people Peasants who opposed sans-cullotes were killed | Reign of Terror | |
484186404 | Blad attached to wooden contraption used to kill people humanely Killed 16,000 people | Guillotine | |
484186405 | People volunteer/recruit for army "Total War"-> fighting for "patrie" "botherhood" "love of country" | Levee en Masse | |
484186406 | Group of 5 ruled along with legislature Corrupt Made money off of government mismanagement | Directory | |
484186407 | Sudden overthrow of government in 1799 Led by Napoleon Got rid of Directory Napoleon seized power | Coup d'Etat | |
484261769 | He alone decides what is best for the state POLITICAL: unlimited power, everyone is his subject ECONOMIC: centralize ability to tax, control of economy, mercantilism (colonies support mother country) SOCIAL: dominates upper class, in turn dominating lower class, ceremonies symbolize power CULTURAL: patron or sensor | Absolute Monarchy | |
484261770 | Rousseau, Montesquieu, Voltaire, Locke, Franklin | Luminaries | |
484261771 | Reason, nature, progress, liberty | Main Ideas of Enlightenment | |
484261772 | Consent of the governed Challenging king's authority French Revolution Life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness | Ultimate impact of Enlightenment ideals | |
484261773 | Marat, Danton, Robespierre | Big 3 Radicals | |
484261774 | Bourgeoise revolution End of feudal privilege End of estate system Constitutional monarchy Declaration of the Rights of Man | Moderate Phase | |
484261775 | King called in troops to Paris Parisians go to Bastille to get weapons Symbolizes independence | Storming of the Bastille | |
484261776 | Hysteria spreads around French countryside Militias formed Peasants revolt and burn tax records Women go to Versailles to revolt King is forced to accept Rights of Man King moves to Paris People steal flour | Great Fear | |
484261777 | Moderates start revolution Radicals continue it | National Convention | |
484261778 | Committee of Public Safety and Reign of Terror Increasing Radicalism Radicalism caused by king wanted to flee, nobility (emigres) flee What to do with king pushes revolution to radical phase People are still hungry Some didn't accept revolution and leaders | Radical Phase | |
484261779 | Austria didn't want revolution in their country City workers bear brunt | War with Austria | |
484261780 | Republican army as Europe allies against Levee en Masse Fighting "total war" for nationality First true national army since Rome | National Mobilization | |
484261781 | Thermidorian Reaction Moderates regain power after excess of terror Directory pushed in both directions White Terror (to end the killing, kill more) Directory lasted 4 years People want order Will settle for monarch Napoleon leads | Conservative Phase | |
484264080 | Death penalty and justice | Beccaria |