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GDP Flashcards

Notes on GDP, inflation, and some other things

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348470990Equation for GDPGDP= Consumption+Investment+Government Spending+Net Exports
348470991Components of Aggregate DemandConsumption, Investment (Gross Private Domestic Business Investment), Government Spending, Net Exports, Savings, Taxes, Money Stock, Velocity
348470992What variables influence Consumption?Relative prices of products and services, people's tastes, expectations of the future, change in interest rates, change in income
348470993What variables influence Investment(of producers)?Number of consumers, people's tastes, expectations of future profit, change in inventories( high inventories, decrease in investment), change in interest rates, change in income
348470994What variables influence Government Spending (Keynesian Economics)?Politicians; business cycle is down, spending increases
348470995What variables influence Net Exports?Relative quality of foreign goods and services, relative prices of foreign goods and services, international value of the dollar (exchange rates), interest rates
348470996What variables influence Savings (of consumers)?Relative prices of products and services, people's tastes, expectations of the future, change in interest rates, change in income; Savings increases, Aggregate Demand increases
348470997What variables influence Taxes?Politicians
348470998What variables influence Money Stock?Banks (influenced by Federal Reserve)
348470999Aggregate DemandAmount of goods and services that will be purchased at all possible levels; Price decreases, Aggregate Demand increases as consumers' purchasing power increases
348471000Aggregate SupplyTotal amount of goods and services in economy available at all possible price levels; add up all individual supply curves; Price increases, Aggregate Supply increases, Real GDP increases
348471001What four categories does the Expenditure Approach total?Consumer goods and services, Business goods and services, Government goods and services, Net Exports or Imports of goods and services
348471002The Expenditure ApproachTotals annual expenditures in four categories of final goods and services; more practical, easier to do, used most often
348471003COLACost Of Living Adjustment; Social Security
348471004Gross Domestic Product (GDP)Country's income; dollar value of all final goods and services produced within country's borders in a given year; sold or made in the USA
348471005Gross National Product (GNP)Citizen issue; dollar value of all final goods and services produced by Americans; made by Americans (does not have to be within the country)
348471006Calculating GDP has what two approaches?The Expenditure Approach and the Income Approach
348471007Income ApproachCalculates GDP by adding up all the incomes in the economy
348471008Name two types of consumer goodsDurable (last a long time; refrigerator) and nondurable (last a short time; food, light bulbs) goods
348471009Nominal GDPMeasured in current prices; does not account for price level increases from year to year; all other GDP
348471010Real GDPExpressed in constant, or unchanging dollars (hold prices constant); pick a year and set as base year to compare changes in prices (use base year prices for all GDP calculations)
348471011T or F: For the base year, Nominal GDP equals Real GDP?True
348471012GDP does not measure what?Nonmarket activities, negative externalities, The Underground Economy, Quality of Life
348471013Non market activitiesGoods and services that people make or do themselves (childcare, mowing the lawn, cooking dinner)
348471014Negative ExternalitiesUnintended economic side effects on uninvolved third party; always overproduced
348471015The Underground EconomyBlack market
348471016Quality of LifeLeisure time, pleasant surroundings, personal safety/ security
348471017What factors influence GDP?Aggregate Supply and Aggregate Demand
348471018Aggregate Supply/ Aggregate Demand EquilibriumCombine Supply and Demand curves and the equilibrium can be determined (macroeconomics)
348471019Economic indicatorsTell where the economy is going
348471020Leading indicatorsPredict new phase of business cycle; stock market performance, interest rates, new home sales, PPI, CPI
348471021Capital DeepeningProcess of increasing amount of capital per worker; one of most important sources of growth in modern economy
348471022Name two ways that firms can deepen capitalIncrease physical capital by purchasing more equipment; increase human capital through additional training and education
348471023Increased Savings leads to what?Higher output and GDP
348471024Formula for Standard of LivingGDP/ Population
348471025What is an effect of rising prices?Inflation (increase in prices); eats away at purchasing power; as you buy, demand moves right (increases) and inflation rates increase
348471026What is the optimal inflation rate?3 Percent
348471027Name two Price IndicesProducer Price Index (PPI), Consumer Price Index (CPI)
348471028Consumer Price Index (CPI)Most popular measure; market basket of typical urban consumer; track how prices change by the month; measures inflation; PPI increase, CPI increases
348471029Producer Price Index (PPI)Cost of production
348471030What are causes of inflation?Too much money, Cost-push inflation, Demand-pull inflation
348471031Cost-Push InflationProducer takes increased cost of production and "pushes" it onto the consumer; wage-price spiral
348471032Wage-Price SpiralAs prices continue to rise, workers demand higher wages, which again increases the prices of products because wages are a cost of production
348471033Demand-Pull InflationDemand increases, prices increase
348471034T or F: A little inflation is goodTrue; it means that people are consuming and the economy is up, making money; Deflation is BAD, prices are down and there is no money
348471035Official RecessionGDP has declined over two consecutive quarters
348471036Types of UnemploymentFrictional (choice), Structural (missing skills), Seasonal (Six flags, fisherman), Cyclical (swings in the business cycle; only type measured by unemployment rate)
348471038Discouraged workersNot in the labor force (stopped looking); not included in unemployment rate
348471039Full employmentUnemployment rate of 4 to 6 percent, no cyclical unemployment; US needs 125,000 jobs a month to keep up with the population
348471040What is the downside of a strong currency?Decreased exports and increased imports (get more for your dollar from foreign producers and foreign markets get less for their dollar from US market)
348471041VelocityHow quickly money flows through economy
348471042EOCT: What is CPI/ Inflation rate?*pick the number closest to 100
348471043When calculating GDP, hold what constant?Prices; use the base year
348471044Formula for GDP deflator(Nominal GDP/ Real GDP) * 100
348471045How is Net National Product (NNP) calculated?GNP - depreciation
348471046How is Personal Income (PI) calculated?National Income (NI) - (firm reinvested money, firm income taxes, social security) + other household income
348471047How is Disposable Personal Income (DPI) calculated?PI - individual income taxes
348471048How is National Income (NI) calculated?NNP - sales and excise taxes
348471049Determining the Unemployment rate(Labor force - employed)/ Labor force
348471050Real Interest RateNominal Interest Rate - Inflation
348471051Figuring out CPIFix the basket (what is in it?), find prices of basket items, calculate value of basket (P x Q), CPI for base year is 100, (value of current year basket/ value of base basket) *100; hold quantities constant (use base year)
348471052Formula for Inflation Method 1[(GDP deflator - GDP deflator prev)/ GDP deflator prev] *100
348471053Formula for measuring Inflation[(CPI current - CPI prev)/ CPI prev] * 100
348471054Velocity of Money formulaV = (P*Y)/ M

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