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Give Me Liberty!: An American History Group 2 Flashcards

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416489575"wage slavery"occurred during the industrial capitalism stage, it forced workers to work for next to no money, essentially creating a modern slave
416489576The Lowell "System"Young, unmarried women recruited from country farms to work in (Lowell, Mass) factories; lived in boarding houses or dormitories maintained by owners.
416489577Mill Girlsyoung unmarried women from Yankee farm families dominated the workforce that tended the spinning machines. To prersuade parents to allow their daughters to do this, Lowell set up boarding houses with strict rules regulating personal behavior. They also established lecture halls and churches
416489578urban slavesworked in bakeries, factories, markets, mills, and offices..(had less autonomy than plantation slaves because there were more authorities to watch them).
416501275Southern WASP population who owned slaves25%
416501276Underground Railroada system of secret routes used by escaping slaves to reach freedom in the North or in Canada
416501277Harriet TubmanUnited States abolitionist born a slave on a plantation in Maryland and became a famous conductor on the Underground Railroad leading other slaves to freedom in the North (1820-1913)
416501278Frederick DouglassUnited States abolitionist who escaped from slavery and became an influential writer and lecturer in the North (1817-1895)
416501279David WalkerHe was a black abolitionist who called for the immediate emancipation of slaves. He wrote the "Appeal to the Colored Citizens of the World." It called for a bloody end to white supremacy. He believed that the only way to end slavery was for slaves to physically revolt.
416501280Nat TurnerSlave in Virginia who started a slave rebellion in 1831; largest sign of black resistance to slavery in America and led the state legislature of Virginia to a policy that said no one could question slavery..executed..led to gag rule..no discussion of slavery in HORs
416501281Slave Codesslave codes were laws passed by southern slaves to keep slaves from either running away or rebelling. these laws forbade slaves to gather in groups of three of more. they couldn't leave their owner's land without a written pass. slaves were not allowed to own a gun. and unfortunately could not learn to read or write. they could also not testify in court.
416501282Immigrants in the mid-19th centuryGermany and Ireland
416501283Second Great AwakeningA series of religious revivals starting in 1801, based on Methodism and Baptism. Stressed a religious philosophy of salvation through good deeds and tolerance for all Protestant sects. The revivals attracted women, Blacks, and Native Americans.
416501284Lyman BeecherPresbyterian clergyman, temperance movement leader and a leader of the Second Great Awakening of the United States. (spoke of evils of alcohol)
416501285Charles Grandison FinneyAn evangelist who was one of the greatest preachers of all time (spoke in New York City). He also made the "anxious bench" for sinners to pray and was was against slavery and alcohol.
416501286Horace MannSecretary of the Massachusetts Board of Education, he was a prominent proponent of public school reform, and set the standard for public schools throughout the nation.
416501287Utopian CommunitiesIdealistic and impractical communities. Who, Rather than seeking to create an ideal government or reform the world, withdrew from the sinful, corrupt world to work their miracles in microcosm, hoping to imitate the elect state of affairs that existed among the Apostles...(want to create "perfect communities")
416501288Shakersbelieved in both Jesus and teachings of a mystic named Ann Lee; were celibate and could only increase their numbers through recruitment and conversion, they eventually ceased to exist. (utopian group who splintered from Quakers)
416501289OneidaThe Perfectionist Utopian movement began in New York. People lived in a commune and shared everything, even marriages. (John Noye)
416501290Temperanceabstaining from excess
416501291Abolitionthe movement to end slavery
416501292American Colinization Societysociety founded in 1817 that tried to gradually eliminate slavery and relocated slaves to present day Liberia (abolitionist group)
416501293William Lloyd GarrisonWhite Abolitionist - Early 1800s - published The Liberator...anti slavery society
416501294Free Soilersanti-slavery agitators; there was a "Free Soil Party" from 1848 to 1854 (it was absorbed by the Republican Party); "The Free-Soilers' historic slogan: 'free soil, free speech, free labor, and free men'... attracted small farmers, debtors, village merchants, and household and mill workers, who resented the prospect of black-labour competition (opposed expansion of slavery into Western territories)
416501295Declaration of Sentimentsseries of resolutions issued at the end of the Seneca Falls Convention in 1848; modeled after the Declaration of Independence, the list of grievances called for economic and social equality for women, along with a demand for the right to vote.

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