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Glands and hormones Flashcards

RCCC A&P 169

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613200376Pituitary GlandsMaster Gland found in the sella turcica of the sphenoid bone to lobes the adenohyypophysis and neurohypophysis
613200377TSH Thyroid stimulating hormonestimulates thyroid gland to secrete hormones. Pituitary Gland
613200378ACTH Adrenocorticotropic stimulating hormone-stimulates the adrenal cortex to secrete hormones. Pituitary Gland
613200379FSH Follicle stimulating hormonestimulates gonads to secrete sex cells. Pituitary Gland
613200380LH Luteinzing hormone-stimulates gonads to secrete sex hormones. Pituitary Gland
613200381GH Growth Hormone-promotes general growth through protein synthesis. Pituitary Gland
613200382PRL Prolactin-causes milk production. Pituitary Gland
613200383MSHMelanocyte- stimulating hormone. Pituitary Gland
613200384OT Oxytocin-create milk ejection and uterine contraction. Pituitary Gland
613200385ADH Antidiuretic hormone-Causes water reabsorption from kidneys. Pituitary Gland
613200386Thyroidlocated in the anterior portion of the neck below the larynx. Has follicles and parafollicular cells.
613200387T4 thyroxin-increases energy and promotes cell growth Thyroid Gland
613200388T3 triodothyrinine-increases energy and promotes cell growth. Thyroid gland
613200389Calcitonindecreases blood calcium
613200390Parathyroidlocated behind the thyroid gland small round dots on back of thyroid gland.
613200391Parathyroid hormoneincreses blood calcium
613200392Adrenaltwo bean shaped glands located on the superior border of the kidney; has a cortex and medula
613200393Mineralcorticoidsregulates electrolyte composition of body fluids. Adrenal Gland
613200394Glucocorticoidshormones that regulate cell metabolism. Adrenal Gland
613200395Gonadocorticoidshormones that are mainly androgens. Adrenal Gland
613200396Epinephrine/norepinephrinehormones for flight or fight. Adrenal glands
613200397Pancreaslocated inferior to the stomach along the posterior wall of the abdomen.
613200398Insulindecreases blood sugar. Pancreas
613200399Glucagonincreases blood sugar. Pancreas
613200400Pineal Glandlocated in the roof of the third ventricle of the brain.
613200401Melatoninplays a role in biological rhythm. Pineal gland
613200402Gonadslocated along internal or external areas of the pelvic cavity.
613200403Androgensmale hormones for development of secondary sexual characteristics, protien synthesis, and sperm production. Gonad Glands
613200404Estrogen/progesteronefemale hormones for implantation of egg and production of milk. Gonad Gland
613200405Thymuslocated in the lower neck into the superior mediastium
613200406Thymic Hormonespromotes development of T-lymphocytes
613200407Endocrine Systema control system that together with the nervous system coordinates and intergrates the activity of the body cells
613200408Hormonechemical messengers that are released into the blood
613200409target organthe specific organ that responds to a particular hormone
613200410Tropic hormonesstimulates another endocrine gland to secrete its hormones
613200411acromegalygigantism due to hypersecretion of GH
613200412diabetes insipidusexcessive urine output due to hypersecretion of ADH
613200413myxedemamental and physical sluggishness and weight gain due to hyposecretion of thyroxin
613200414tetanyprolonged muscle spasms due to hyposecretion of PTH
613200415hirsutismhypersecretion of gonadocorticoids resulting in abnormal hairiness and masculinazation
613200416diabetes melittusthe inability of the body cells to use glucose and subsequent loss of glucose in the urine
613200417hypoglycemialow blood sugar
613200418Endocrine Glands (4)Anterior pituitary, thyroid, adrenals, parathyroids
613200419Endocrine glandsrelease their products through the blood
613200420Exocrinerelease their products via ducts
6132004212 glands that are both endocrine and exocroinepancreas, gonads
613200422Hormonesare steroids or amino-acid based molecules that stimulate changes in the metabolic activities of the cells
613200423Tropic Hormones (4)FSH, LH, ACTH, TSH
613200424HYposecretion of GHresults in dwarfism.
613200425Hypersecretion of GHGigantism, endocrine disorder causes abnormal amounts of GH to be secreted before the growth plates have fused.
613200426Acromegalyis the hypersecretion of GH is a syndrome that results when the pituitary gland produces excessive amounts of GH after epiphyseal plate closure at puberty

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