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Gonz Ch. 1 - 5 M/C Test Flashcards

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208374992Homo Sapienshominoids that emerged in eastern and southern Africa around 250,000 years ago0
214741492Human RevolutionAfrica, culture became more important than biology in shaping human behavior1
214741493Human Migration10,000 years ago, from Africa to Europe2
214741494Paleolithic era, "old stone age"food-collecting or hunting and gathering way of life, lasted about 11,000 years, 95% of human existence3
214741495Agriculturedomesticating animals and plants for consumption, first appeared in the Middle East, Africa, Asia, and the Americas4
214741496Nomads (pastorialists)people who lived in arid conditions who moved from place to place with their domesticated animals in search of pasturelands5
214741497civilizationssocieties that were based in bustling cities and governed by powerful states, first appeared 3500 bce6
214741498earliest civilizationsMesopotamia, egypt, Pakistan, N. India, China, Peru, and Mexico7
214741499Foraging communitiesgroups of individuals who relied on hunting and gathering techniques for their food8
214741500Dangers of large societieswidespread disease9
214741501Effects of the Agriculture revolutionclass division, poverty, abuse of power and control, war10
214741502Patriarchysocieties dominated by men11
214741503Persian Empirevery diverse, 23 provinces, ruled by Kings, standardized coinage, very wealthy12
214741504Greece750 bce, 2-3 million people, 100s of city-states, unified language (greek) and religion, democracy (direct and restricted)13
214741505Roman Empire509 bce, democracy, strong army, very expansive14
215432041characteristics of civilizationssedintary communities, agricultural dependence, occupation specialization, class stratification, state level government, long distance trade, urbanism15
215432042The epic of Gilgameshan ancient epic poem, one of the earliest pieces of literature, from around 1700 bce.16
215432043Qin Shihuaugdiruled from 221-210 bce, sucessfully restored Chinese empire with a military campaign to squash warring states17
215432044Legalismavocated clear rules and harsh punishments as a means of inforcing the authority of the state18
215432045Han Dynasty206 bce - 220 ce, implemented confucianism as the official code of law19
215432046The Aryansbegan first Indian empire along the Ganges river in 600 bce20
215432047Hinduismthe official religion of Indian civilizations21
215432048Caste systemsocial organization of Indian civilizations22
215432049Dynastyalso known as a ruling family, a unit of measurement in dating Chinese history23
215432050Ocracle boneswritings on turtle shells that described life in China outside of the government24
215432051One child policyIn China, each family was limited to one child.25
215432052Polytheistic religionsmany gods, religions in Mesopotamia and Egypt26
215432053Mandate of HeavenIn China, the emperor ruled by divine intervention but was still subjected to divine scrutiny and punishment.27
215432054Axial Age500 bce - 500 ce, greco-roman philosophy, judaism, christianity, Zoroastrianism, Buddhism, Hinduism, and Confucianism28
215432055SatrapsPersian provinces29
215432056Satrapiesgovenors of Persian provinces30
215432057Autocratic Monarchytotal government power in the hand of one leader, the form of government found in the persian empire31
215432058Democracymajority rule, originated in Greece official government of Rome32
2154320596 Characteristics of an empireExpansionism, central political authority, large in size, multi-ethnic and multi-cultural, great interaction, cultural interaction33
215432060Zoroastrianismthe official religion of the persian empire, Single high god and cosmic conflict of good and evil34
215432061Representative governmentcitizens control who gains political office, magistrates, 1 year term limit, and no reelection35
215432062council of eldersadvisors of and to the magistrates, former magistrates36
215432063Benevolent Tyrantssupport the poor, fight the wealthy, abolish debt slavery37
215432064Spartansa very bland, cultureless people, trained from a young age to be great warriors38
215432065Greek democracyno property requirements to vote, government officials get paid39
215892268Maizestaple crop in Mesoamerica40
215892269Greek RationalismAppeared between 600 and 300 bce with emphasis on argument, logic, and the relentless questioning of recieved wisdom, its confidence in human reason, its enthusiasm for puzzling out the world without much reference to the gods41
215892270Socrates469 - 399 bce, an athenian philosopher who walked about the city engaging others in conversation abou the good life42
215892271Socratic methodconstant questioning of asumptions and logic of his students' thinking43
215892272Aristotle (384-322 bce) on virtuea product of rational training and cultivated habit and could be learned44
215892273Aristotle384-322 bce, a student of Plato, was a Greek philosopher who best exemplified the Greek way of thinking, writing or commenting on practically everything.45
215892274ConfuciusLived 551-479 bce, china's greatest sage, a profound teacher and thinker, lessons gathered in the Analects46
215892275Confucianisma belief system based on the teachings of Confucius, concerned with social harmony, secular outlook, importance of education, and family as a model of the state. Founded by scholars long after Confucius was dead using the Analects47
215892276The Analectsthe short book which contains the teachings of Confucius48
215892277Siddartha Gutamac. 566 - c. 486 bce, a prince from a small north indian state who would later become known as Buddha49
215892278Nirvanaenlightenment, a stage where individual identity, greed, hatred, and delusion would be extinguished50
215892279Ashoka (268 - 232 bce)Indian ruler who established Buddhism as the official religion of his empire51

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