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Gov Pol AP Chapter 13 Vocab

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291507651bureaucracya large, complex organization in which employees have specific job responsibilities and work within a hierarchy of authority
291507652bureaucratsemployees of a bureaucracy, usually meaning a government bureaucracy
291507653departmentsthe biggest units of the executive branch, covering a broad area of government responsibility. The heads of the departments, or secretaries, form the president's cabinet
291507654independent agenciesexecutive agencies that are not part of a cabinet department
291507655regulatory commissionsagencies of the executive branch of government that control or direct some aspect of the economy
291507656government corporationsgovernment agencies that perform services that might be provided by the private sector but that either involve insufficient financial incentive or are better provided when they are somehow linked with government
291507657civil servicethe system by which most appointments to the federal bureaucracy are made, to ensure that government jobs are filled on the basis of merit and that employees are not fired for political reasons
291507658administrative discretionthe latitude that Congress gives agencies to make policy in the spirit of their legislative mandate
291507659rule makingthe administrative process that results in the issuance of regulations by government agencies
291507660regulationsadminstrative rules that guide the operation of a government program
291507661incrementalismpolicymaking characterized by a series of decisions, each instituting modest change
291507662normsan organizations informal, unwritten rules that guide individual behavior
291507663implementationthe process of putting specific policies into operation
291507664regulationgovernment intervention in the workings of a business market to promote some socially desired goal
291507665deregulationa bureaucratic reform by which the government reduces its role as a regulator of business
291507668competition and outsourcingprocedures that allow private contractors to bid for jobs previously held exclusively by government employees
291507670Government Performance and Results Acta law requiring each government agency to implement quantifiable standards to measure its performance in meeting stated program goals

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