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Great Depression

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40382986CCChired single men (18-25) to work preserving natural resources for $1 a day.
40382987FERAfederal money to state and local levels, who distributed it.
40382988WPAbuilt schools, hospitals; hired artists, writers, composers, photographers, etc.
40382989NIRAthis program controlled production, set prices, wages, and working conditions.
40382990PWAhired workers for thousands of public works (construction) projects
40382991AAAthe government paid farmers to produce less so prices would increase. Crops and animals were destroyed to keep supply low (and demand high!)
40382992REAthis program supplied money to extend electricity to rural areas.
40382993TVAbuilt 40 dams in 7 states, improved farmland, schools etc.
40382994FDICinsured savings accounts in banks by the government
40382995SSAold-age pensions, unemployment insurance; medical insurance
40382996"trickle-down" economicseconomic policies should benefit big business; the money will trickle down to the lower classes
40382997relief programsprograms to immediately provide food and shelter for the needy
40382998public works programsprojects built by the government for public use.(schools, highways)
40382999RFC- Reconstruction Finance CorporationThey loaned money to banks, insurance companies, and railroads so that they would stay in business
40383000FDR's inaugural words"The only thing we have to fear is fear itself"
40383001Bonus ArmyWWI vets who went to Washington for their bonus; resulted in 4 deaths
40383002Francis Perkins1st female cabinet member
40383003"bank holiday"FDR closed bans for 8 days to examine them and restore those that could stay open
40383004"Hundred Days"famous three month period when FDR passed 15 bills
40383005Fireside chatsRadio broadcasts by FDR; served to communicate and calm the nation's fears
40383006Dorothea LangeWPA photographer whose work captured the misery of many
40383007John Steinbeckauthor of classic novel "Grapes of Wrath"
40383008"laissez-faire"economic policy meaning to "leave alone"; let supply and demand control the outcome
40383009Black TuesdayOctober 29, 1929; the day the stock market crashed
40383010New Dealseries of programs FDR created to combat the Great Depression
40383011New Deal goal #1- reliefimmediate aid to the worst sufferers
40383012New Deal goal #2-recoveryboost industry & farming to help the economy
40383013New Deal goal #3-reformmeasures to prevent another depression
40383014deficit spendinggovernment spends more than it is taking in
40383015national debtthe total sum of money the government owes
103448625Huey Longhis idea of a "Share Our Wealth" program would give everyone a house, a car and $2500 a year.
103448626Charles CoughlinThis priest thought the nation should go more communist. He was anti-semitic and was later censored by the Pope.
103448627Francis TownsendHe felt people over 60 should get a pension of around $200 a month.
103448628Liberty LeagueThis group, formed of Republican businessmen, felt the government was interfering in people's lives.
103448629NIRA & AAAThese two large programs were ruled unconstitutional by the Supreme Court.

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