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Greece Flashcards

Greek people, places, events, and vocab

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102264841Homera blind Greek poet who might have written the epics, the Illiad and the Odyssey
102264842Sophiststeachers who taught rhetoric (public speaking) at the end of the Peloponnesian Wars
102264843Socratesa philosopher/teacher who taught on the streets to anyone and created the Socratic Method
102264844Platoa famous student of Socrates who set up the Academy and wrote The Republic
102264845Artistotlea famous student of the Academy who developed the Lyceum
102264846Herodotuscalled the "Founder of History", he gathered and analyzed historical evidence
102264847Thucydideshe improved Herodotus' theory and remained impartial and unbaised
102264848Homeric Agea time period in which Homer wrote the Illiad and the Odyssey
102264849Solona leader who canceled debts, outlawed enslavements for debt, freed everyone who had been enslaved for debt, divided the sitizens into four groups, and set up a court in which a citizen could appeal an unfavorable decision
102264850Peisistratusa tyrant who improved the economy and exhiled those who disagreed with him
102264851Cleistheneshe overthrew the aristocrats and turned into a democracy
102264852Athensa Greek city-state in whichthe government went from an anarchy to a democracy and farming, manufacturing, and trading were a big part of society
102264853Spartaa Greek city-state which mostly focused on military power and was a rival to Athens
102264854Socratic Methoda conversational, question and answer technique
102269377The Academya school, set up by Plato, that taught philosophy, math, and science
102269378The Lyceumthe first scientific institute; built in Athens

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