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Greek and Roman gods/goddesses Flashcards

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247732366Aphroditemost beautiful, eternally young goddess of love, sprung from sea when cronus cut and threw uranus' gentiles into the sea, daughter of zeus and dione roman name: venus0
247732367hadesdark bearded, regal, often sitting on and ivory throne with a scepter or wearing a helmet that can make him invisible, has a cornucopia as a symbol of wealth god of death roman name: pluto1
247732368zeuscrown of maple leaves and a mantle with chest and right arm bare, carries a scepter and a thunderbolt, rules of the olympians on mt. olympus, god of thunder, has many children, watches over business dealings and oaths, roman name: Jupiter2
247732369Apollohandsome man, long light hair, muscular, wreath branch or crown of laurel, usually has a bow and quiver, raven or lyre god of sun truth, music, poetry, leader of choir of muses roman name: apollo3
247732370Heracrown or veil with royal staff, beautiful, queen of gods, jealously, cruelty, faithful to zeus, married to zeus, rules over marriage and childbirths roman name: Juno4
247732371selenewoman riding horse or chariot, moon as crown on her head or her cloak, roman she has long black hair, greek long white hair, carried a torch goddess of the moon, later replaced by artemis roman name: luna5
247732372poseidonmuscled man, black beard, resembled an old sea man, portrayed with horses, carrying a trident god of sea, earthquakes, horses, king/ruler of the sea, second in power only to zeus roman name: neptune6
247732373artemistall, slim, lovely, dressed in short tunic, red/auburn, black hair, usually seen with a deer, wolf, or bear, usually has bow and arrows in her hand, goddess of the hunt, wild animals, and the forests, associated with the moon, childbirth, roman - light and childbirth, roman name: Dianne7
247732374athenahelmet, spear, armor, shield with head of medusa, grey eyed, snake trimmed aegis, goddess of arts, spinning weaving, textiles, flute plough, bridle, chariot, INDUSTRY, JUSTICE AND SKILL, defender of heros, champs of justice, civil law roman name: minerva8
247732375heliossun as crown, chariot and with winged horses, rides chariot across the sky every night and morning roman name: sol9
247732376tychecrown of a city - called mural crown, carrying corn - stalk, cornucopia, ship, rudder, wheel god of fortune, prosperity, luck she is sometimes unstable, blind, and turbulent roman name: fortuna10
247732377hestiausually has a flame, Virgin goddess, godess of home heart, family, ends and beginnings, roman name: vesta in rome vesta is the keeper of internal flame and more important in rome than in greek11
247732378nikebeautiful, youthful, winged, charioteer, goddess of victory, strength, speed flew around battle field providing fame and glory to victors roman name : victoria12
247732379erosrome : youth child in rome, winged, naive, whimsical, mischievous, greek: athletic, handsome, wings, bearded man god of love roman name: cupid13
247732380hecatebeautiful and gigantic, holding a torch and sword, accompanied by dog and cat, resides in the underworld (modern day witch but not evil) goddess of crossways, dark side of moon, witchcraft, magic, associated with gates, doorways, crossroads, keys, the moon and childbirth roman name: trivia14

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