323759158 | Incontinency | N. Involuntary urination or defecation Lack of self control | |
323759159 | Prenominate | Mentioned beforehand; (v) to mention beforehand | |
323759160 | Liege | N. A lord, master, or sovereign | |
323759161 | Usurp | V. Seize and take control without authority and possibly with force | |
323759162 | Vouchsafe | V. Grant in a condescending manner | |
323759163 | Emulate | V. Strive to equal or match, especially by imitating | |
323759164 | Conjoin | V. To unite | |
323759165 | Contumely | N. A rude expression intended to offend or hurt | |
323759166 | Cozened | V. To mislead by means of a petty trick or fraud; deceive | |
323759167 | Strumpet | N. A prostitute; harlot | |
323759168 | Precurse | a forerunning, to come beforehand as a warning | |
323759169 | Uphoard | V. to hoard up- to preserve, to hide | |
323759170 | Expostulate | V. To attempt to dissuade someone from some course or decision by earnest reasoning | |
323759171 | Sinews | N. tendons or connective tissues | |
323759172 | Retrograde | V. move back, to get worse | |
323766953 | Valiant | Adj. Courageous, brave and steadfast. | |
323766954 | Jocund | Adj. Jolly, cheerful and full of good humor. Lighthearted. | |
323766955 | Traduce | V. To misrepresent or spread lies. | |
323766956 | Behoove | V. Incumbent | |
323766957 | Adulterate | V. To make something impure by adding inferior elements. | |
323766958 | Incestuous | Adj. Relating to or involving incest. Unhealthily close, resistant to outside influence | |
323766959 | Besmirch | V. Sully, Make dirty | |
323766960 | Circumscribe | V. Restrict, Enclose within a geometric shape | |
323766961 | Calumnious | Defamation, a defamatory statement | |
323766962 | Importunate | Adj. Demanding and persistent. Urgent or pressing | |
323766963 | Felicity | N. Happiness, appropriateness | |
323766964 | Imputation | V. To represent something, especially undesireable | |
323766965 | Apparition | N. Appearance of something ghostly or unlikely. | |
323766966 | Pernicious | Adj. Causing serious harm, destruction or death. Malicious, deadly. | |
323766967 | Imppituous | Pitiless or cruel |