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Harless World War 2 Final

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124834655Great DepressionWhere Germany and many other countries economy failed.
124834656NaziNationalist Socialist German Workers Party.
124834657Nazi RevolutionIn 1923, at a rally in Munich Beer Hall, Hitler proclaimed the _____.
124834658AryansWhat was the pure and good race according to Hitler?
124834659Third ReichHitler abolished the Weimar Republic and totally disregarded the Treaty of Versailles and in its place created the _____.
124834661BlitzkriegGerman lightning war.
124834662PanzersGerman Tanks.
124834668Gray WolvesGerman Submarines.
124834663Luft WaffeGerman Air Force. Responisble for destroying enemy planes, bombing military installations, and machine gun attacks.
124834666Royal Air Force (RAF)Great Britain's fighter planes.
124834667The BlitzTerror bombing London and other British cities in a quick notion.
124834664The ResistanceFighters from France who resisted the Nazis.
124834670RadarUsed for detecting planes.
124834671SonarUsed for detecting ships.
124834672JeepGeneral Purpose vehicle (GP)
124834673Soft UnderbellyInstead of the Allies invading Nazi-held France, they attacked the German's in North Africa and then Italy.
124834674Pearl HarborOn the morning of December 7, 1941, Japan attacked____.
124834675US declares WarOn December 8, 1941 what did President Roosevelt declare?
124834676D-DayJune 6, 1944, American, British, Engish, Canadian, and French Army, Navy, Marines,and paratroopers invaded the beaches of Normandy, France.
124834677VE DayGermany surrenders, Victory over Europe.
124834679The Manhattan ProjectScientists created the atomic bomb under this name.
124834682Emperor HirohitoEmperor of Japan.
124834683Charles DeGaulleLed the French resistance from England.
124834684Winston ChurchillPrime Minister of England.
124834680Adolf HitlerLeader of Nazis; who then became Germany's dictator.
124834685Franklin D. Roosevelt (FDR)US Pres. during Great Depression. Declared war on Japan.
124834686George PattonUS general who fought well in Italy, and captured Naples.
124834691Albert EinsteinScientist who discovered that the energy in an atomic bomb was possible to unleash.
124834687Harry TrumanVP under FDR until he died and then he became president.
124834688Tuskeegee AirmenAll African-American fighting squadron that escorted American bombers on bombing runs.
124905656AgricultureWhat was the most needed export from America that Europe needed post WW2?
124905657Arabethnic group that dominates the Middle East and northern Africa
124905658Arab-Israeli War1948 conflict between Israel and five neighbors
124905660Berlin AirliftEffort to fly food and supplies into West Berlin after the Soviet blocked off all ground routes and walled off the city
124905662Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)This group was created after WW II to coordinate American intelligence activities abroad, conspiracy, and meddling as well.
124905663Employment ActWhich legislation promised full employment after WW2?
124905665GI Bill of RightsWhat was the most comprehensive bill passed to help assimilate soldiers back into American society post WW2?
124905667GovernmentMost challenging part of both Japan and Germany to rebuild.
124905670IsraelThis country was formed in 1947 by the United Nations to give Jews a homeland.
124905671Japan GermanyList the 2 country's that lost WW2 and needed to be rebuilt.
124905674Marshall PlanUnited States program of economic aid for the reconstruction of Europe (1948-1952)
124908636dictatorA ruler who has complete power over a country
124908637totalitarian stateSingle party controls the government and every aspect of people's lives.
124920459aggressionWarlike act by one country againist another without just cause
124920460rationlimited the amount of certain goods that Americans could buy
124920461concentration campPrison camp where civilians who are considered enemies of the state are forced to work.
124926204death campa concentration camp where prisoners will most likely die.
124921887racismbelief that some races are better than others
124921888gas chamberalso called "the showers"; place where victims of the Holocaust were killed with poisonous gas
124926203crematoriumlarge furnace where bodies are burned to ashes.
124926205synagoguea place where Jews practice their religion; similar to a church.
124834681GestapoSecret police...the SS.
124926206Ghettoplace where Jews were forced to live during World War II.
124926207prejudicestrong dislike toward someone/something that is not based on reason.
124926208genocidethe extermination of an entire group based on race, ethnicity, or political beliefs.
124926210discriminationtreating one person or group worse than others.
124926213barracksplace where people sleep
124926211cattle cartrains used to transport victims of the Holocaust to camps.
124930524AppeasementGiving up principals to pacify aggressors
124930522Winston ChurchillLeader of Britian
124930513Joseph StalinLeader of USSR
124930514Benito MussoliniLeader of Italy
124926212Judaismreligion that Jewish people practice
124930518FascismStressed nationalism, placed state above rights of indviduals
124930519TotalitarianGoverment that exerted complete control over it's citizens
124908638NationalismPride in one's country
124930520NazismGerman form of Fascism, stressed nationalism over anything
124930523BlitzkriegAttack that stresses lightning fast attacking with overwelming force
124930525HolocaustThe extermination of 11 million people across Europe
124930529Axis PowersGermany, Italy, Japan
124930530Allied PowersFrance, Britian, USSR and Later United States
124930521Neutrality ActsOutlawed sale of arms to nations at war
124930531Lend Lease ActsAllowing nations to borrow military equipment and pay for it after war is over

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