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History III Exam 1 (Part 1/2)

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133275003Des Knaben WunderhornA collection of songs for voice and piano set to a group of German folk poems which are called _____
133275004Lieder eines fahrenden GesellenMahler's first song cycle, influenced by Des Knaben Wunderhorn
133470465Progressive tonalityThis is the practice in which a piece ends on a different key than it began in. It is found in Mahler's Symphony No. 2 and his Lieder eines fahrenden Gesellen.
133470466fin de siecleEnd of the last century (1800-1900's)
133470467WeltanschauungsmusikMusic expressive of a world outlook... Philosophy-music... Works of hugely ambitious dimensions... the Modernist's answer to "absolute music"
133470468TodtenfeierThe first movement of Mahler's symphony No. 2, originally composed as a symphonic poem. It existed that way for several years before acquiring its companion movements.
133470469UrlichtA Wunderhorn song "Primordial light" set as the fourth movement of Mahler's 2nd symphony. It illustrates the longing of relief from worldly woes and answers to questions set forth in Todtenfeier. It is an alto solo serving as an intro to the Finale, similar to the bass recitative in Beethoven's 9th.
133470470Das Lied von der ErdeA song-symphony (song cycle+symphony) for two soloists and orchestra in six movements, composed by Mahler. He left this work unnumbered as a symphony because of the "curse of the ninth."
133480327Tolerance of DissonanceThe idea that Mahler and other composers incorporated in their works to construct massive chords. Especially found in the 2nd and 10th Mahler Symphonies.
133492297Siegmund FreudMahler visited this person to receive marital counseling. Due to him, Mahler let Alma compose during the last 6 months of his life.
133492298Alma MahlerPart of the "Mahler circle." She was 19 years younger than Mahler, but became his wife. She was initially instructed that she would not compose herself, but after she had an affair, Mahler allowed her to publish 5 of her own songs.
133492299Bruno WalterPart of the "Mahler circle." A German born conductor responsible for bringing and stabilizing Mahler's music in the USA. He was raised a Jew, but converted to Catholicism. Premiered Mahler's Das Lied von der Erde and his 9th symphony.
133492300Otto KlempererPart of the "Mahler circle." A German born conductor responsible for bringing and stabilizing Mahler's music to England. Fled to USA and became Music Director of the LA Philharmonic
133492301Willem MengelbergPart of the "Mahler circle." A Dutch conductor responsible for bringing and stabilizing Mahler's music to The Netherlands. Became Music Director of the NY Philharmonic
135195976Songs of a WayfarerLieder eines fahrenden Gesellen (English translation)
135195977The Youth's Magic HornDes Knaben Wunderhorn (English translation)
135195978Mahler- A 19th century Austro-German conductor/composer - In his lifetime his status as a conductor was not questioned, but it was only after his death that his compositions became well known, due in part to a ban on performing his compositions in Europe during the Nazi era. - Incorporated progressive tonality and the concept of maximalization in his compositions. Because of this, his music could be termed as weltanschauungsmusik. - Went to the Vienna Conservatory for theory, composition and conducting. - Conducted operas, composed symphonies
135195979Reverie- No real melody - Variations above repetitive chord progressions - Piece is about the embellishment of a basic harmony - Half step voice leading over circle of fifths - Piano solo composed by Richard Strauss
135195980Salome- One act opera with five scenes - Premiered in Dresden in 1905 - Grotesque material - Large instrumentation/orchestra - Decadent (Large amounts of money required to produce the opera) - Half-step voice leading predominant in this work - Operas influenced by Wagner - "Futuristic" harmonic language - Half-step chord changes replace standard I-IV-V-I progressions - Focus on symmetrical division of the octave (tritone, whole tone scale, diminished seventh chords) - Uses different keys as a tonal center, and each key represents different characters
1351959811905Salome premiered in Dresden in this year: _____
135195982DresdenSalome premiered in this city in 1905: _____
135195983WagnerStrauss's operas were influenced by _____
135195984Half-step_____ voice leading and chord progressions (replacing standard I-IV-V-I progressions) are prevalent in the two operas Elektra and Salome by Strauss.
135195985symmetrical divisionStrauss used the tritone, whole tone scale, and diminished seventh chords to create a _____ _____ of the octave which is found in Salome, but most prevalent in Elektra.
135195986keysIn Salome, Strauss uses different _____ to represent the characters.
135195987melodyReverie, composed by Strauss, has no real _____
135195988StraussReverie was composed by _____
135195989StraussThis German composer illustrated decadence in composing: _____
135195990StraussSalome and Elektra were composed by: _____
135195991StraussThe works of this composer were so decadent, that theaters started refusing to play his pieces.
135195992ReverieA piano solo composed by Richard Strauss: _____
135195993SalomeAn opera with grotesque elements that uses different tonal centers to represent different characters.
135195994AustrianMahler's nationality is _____
135195995GermanStrauss's nationality is _____
135195996voice pianoLieder aus Des Knaben Wunderhorn is a collection of songs for _____ and _____ based on German folk poems
135195997song cycleLieder eines fahrenden Gesellen is Mahler's first _____ _____
135195998The Song of the EarthDas Lied von der Erde (English translation)
135289184Oscar Wilde_____ _____ wrote the French play Salomé, which Strauss based the libretto of his own opera with the same name, Salome, off of.
135289185Dance of the Seven Veils- Basically a strip dance by Salome - A dance to incestuously entice King Herod into agreeing to behead John the Baptist
135289186Elektra- An opera - Plot based upon a Greek tragedy of the same same - Extreme maximalism - Libretto by Hugo von Hofmannsthal - Premiered in Dresden in 1909 - Large and unusual orchestra
135289187Hugo von Hofmannstahl- A poet and librettist, among other things - Wrote the libretti for two of Strauss's operas: Elektra and Der Rosenkavalier - Born the same year as Schoenberg - Met Strauss in 1900 - Collaborated with Strauss a total of 6 times - Even though Strauss was 10 years older, he still thought of this guy as a mentor
135289188GreekElektra's plot is based upon a _____ tragedy
1352891891909 DresdenElektra premiered in the year _____ in the city of _____
135289190StraussElektra was composed by _____
135289191Hugo von Hofmannstahl_____ _____ _____ collaborated with Strauss on a total of 6 operas
1352891921900Strauss met Hugo von Hofmannstahl in the year _____
135289193Der Rosenkavalier- A comic opera - Three acts - Libretto by Hugo von Hofmannsthal - Romantic comedy - Premiered in Dresden in 1911
135289194Der RosenkavalierThis opera, _____ _____, has three acts and was written by Strauss.
1352891951911Der Rosenkavalier premiered in Dresden in the year _____
135289196Elektra chordThe _____ _____ is what Strauss used to represent the title character of his opera Elektra - Bitonal synthesis of E major and C-sharp major - It could be called a polychord
135289197Tondichtung- German word for tone poem - Orchestral piece - This style was premiered by Liszt - Strauss and Liszt both composed many of these kinds of pieces
135289198Elektra chordThe polychord of E major and C# major could be referred to as the _____ _____
135289199Also sprach Zarathustra- A tone poem - Orchestral - Based on Nietzsche's treatise of the same name - Music used in the 1968 film, "2001: A Space Odyssey"
135289200Tone poemTondichtung (English translation)
135289201Thus Spoke ZarathustraAlso sprach Zarathustra (English translation)
135289202tone poemAlso sprach Zarathustra is a _____ _____
135289203Strauss- A 19th century agnostic German conductor/composer. - Follower of Nietzsche - He incorporated half-step progressions rather then "normal" I-V-I progressions. - Known for "decadent" music - Conducted symphonies, composed operas
135289204Strauss_____ was known for composing decadent music
135426720C MinorMahler's 2nd Symphony is in the key of _____ _____
135426721ResurrectionThe nickname given to Mahler's 2nd symphony is _____
135426722F# MajorMahler's 10th Symphony is in the key of _____ _____
136188045Verklarte Nacht 4_____ _____, Op. _____ - Tone poem - "Transfigured Night" - String Sextet - Followed narrative poem by R. Dehmel (leading "decadent") - Rejected by the Vienna Musicians club due to "compositional error" (in actuality, they didn't like the dissonance, OR the subject matter.)
136188046Verklarte Nacht 4A tone poem composed by Arnold Schoenberg is: _____ _____, Op. _____
1361880476Verklarte Nacht, Op. 4, a tone poem by Schoenberg has _____ string instruments
136188048rejectedVerklarte Nacht, Op. 4 was _____ by the Vienna Musicians club due to the dissonance.
136188049Transfigured NightVerklarte Nacht (English translation)
136188050atonalSchoenberg's String Quartet No. 2 in F# Minor, Op. 10 is freely _____
136188051Erwartung 17_____, Op. _____ by Schoenberg - Atonal triads - Mini opera - Crazy woman who may or may not have killed her lover in the forest - Musically ends unresolved
136188052unresolvedErwartung, Op. 17 has a musically _____ ending
136188053Erwartung SchoenbergThe mini opera, _____, about a crazy woman and her lover in the forest was composed by _____
136188054atonalErwartung contains several not tonal, but _____ triads
136188055Verklarte Nacht 4A piece by Schoenberg containing 6 string instruments: _____ _____, Op. _____
136188056Sechs kleine Klavierstucke 19_____ _____ _____, Op. _____ - Six little piano pieces - Very atonal
136188057Sechs kleine Klavierstucke 19 piano_____ _____ _____, Op. _____ is a set of pieces written for _____ by Schoenberg that sound very atonal
136188058Pierrot lunaire 21_____ _____, Op. _____ - Atonal, but does not use 12-tone technique - Foreshadows 12 tone technique - A melodrama - Setting of 21 poems for voice and instruments
136188059Pierrot lunaire 21_____ _____, Op. _____ foreshadows Schoenberg's 12-tone technique
136188060poemsPierrot lunaire, Op. 21 is a musical setting of 21 _____
136188061Pierrot lunaireSchoenberg believed in numerology, so his _____ _____, Op. 21 is a setting of 21 poems
136188062Harmonielehre- Harmony textbook (by Schoenberg) for regular theory - ending chapters begin discussing PANtonality, which is the inference of all 12 keys being the tonic; pantonality = 12 tone composition - Also discussed emancipation of dissonance, fluctuating and suspended tonality
136188063Harmonielehre_____ is a harmony textbook that discusses the 12-tone technique
136188064SchoenbergHarmonielehre was written by _____
136188065Emancipation of dissonance_____ _____ _____ - We no longer need justification for voice leading - Kills concept of traditional chord function
136188066Fluctuating tonality_____ _____ - A key that is suggested but never fully established through a cadence
136188067Suspended tonality_____ _____ - No key is set (usually cycles through lots of keys) - Uses motivic consistency to remain coherent
136188068chord functionSchoenberg's 'Emancipation of dissonance' eradicates the concept of traditional _____ _____
136188069Grundgestalt_____ - The basic shape of a piece - The phrase that contains the essential material - The phrase that everything in the piece can be derived from - ESCHBEG, Schoenberg's name written in the music using the German notations, serves as a Grundgestalt in many of his and Berg's pieces
136188070ESCHBEGSchoenberg's name written in German notation, used as a Grundgestalt in many of his pieces: _____
136188071GrundgestaltThe phrase that contains the primal motifs of a piece is called the _____
136188072suspended tonalityA piece in which no key is set is using _____ _____
136188073fluctuating tonalityA piece in which a key is suggested, but never confirmed is using _____ _____
136188074voice leadingSchoenberg's 'Emancipation of dissonance' tells us that we no longer need justification for _____ _____
136188075Atonal triad_____ _____ - Combo of P4 and tritone, stacking them will eventually use all 12 pitches
136188076SchoenbergThe atonal triad was invented by _____
136188077tritonesThe atonal triad is a combination of P4s and _____
136188078Sprechgesang- An expressionist vocal technique between singing and speaking - Importance on contour rather than pitch accuracy - Talk-singing
136188079Schoenberg- Financially and musically supported by Strauss and Mahler most of his life - Mostly self taught - Taught at UCLA - 1908, depression due to wife leaving him and their two kids for a painter (she returned, the painter killed himself)... this changed his style drastically to atonal, but not yet 12-tone
136188080StraussSchoenberg was financially supported by Mahler and _____ for most of his life
136188081UCLASchoenberg taught at _____
1361880821908 atonalSchoenberg was depressed in the year _____ because his wife left him. This caused him to start composing _____ music, but not yet 12-tone music.
136188083self taughtSchoenberg did not have very much formal education, so he was mostly _____ _____
136196898Fagott- Bassoon (German)
136196899PosaunenTrombone (German)
136196900BeckenCymbal (German)
136196901Grosse TrommelLarge drum (German)
136196902PaukeTimpani (German)
136196903Harfe- Harp (German)
136196904Bratsche- Viola (German)
136196905BassoonFagott (English)
136196906TrombonePosaunen (English)
136196907CymbalBecken (English)
136196908Large drumGrosse Trommel (English)
136196909TimpaniPauke (English)
136196910HarpHarfe (English)
136196911ViolaBratsche (English)
136196912gestopft- Term applied to hand-stopping on a horn, affecting pitch and tone quality
136196913Schalltrichter in die Hohe- Used in the music of Mahler and other composers, where they want the horn players to lift the bells of their instruments into the air (not just "off the leg")
136196914Altenberg-Lieder- Composed by Alban Berg - A set of five songs for medium voice and orchestra - The texts deal with the stormy but beautiful condition of the soul, and the palpable sensations of love and longing. - Uses 12 note chords
136196915Wassily Kandinsky_____ _____ - Russian painter/Expressionist - Friend of Schoenberg - Painted Der Blaue Reiter
136196916Expressionism- Full of contradictions - "Spur of the moment," but still used traditional formal types (fugue, passacaglia [variation form where theme is in bass], sonata etc...) - incorporated superstitions, numerology, palindromes - represented the inner occurrences of psychoanalysis
136196917psychoanalysisExpressionism represented the inner occurrences of _____
136196918Expressionism_____ incorporated superstitions, numerology, and palindromes
136196919Der Blaue ReiterExpressionist movement; based off of a painting shown in class by Wassily Kandinsky - Abstract style of painting - Painting, by Wassily Kandinsky - Name of the Expressionist movement - Name of the Expressionist journal
136196920Ferruccio Busoni- Italian pianist and composer who lived in Germany - Wrote Sketch of a New Aesthetic of Music, basically predicting that in the future we would separate the octave into more than 12 degrees
136196921octaveThe Sketch of a New Aesthetic of Music predicted that we would separate the _____ into more degrees than it currently has
136196922BusoniSketch of a New Aesthetic of Music was written by _____
136196923Italian GermanyFerruccio Busoni's nationality was _____, and he lived in _____
136196924Der Blaue Reiter_____ _____ _____ was an Expressionist movement heralded by Wassily Kandinsky
136196925abstractDer Blaue Reiter promoted an _____ style of painting
136196926Wozzeck_____ - An opera in three acts composed by Alban Berg - Five scenes in each act, so its structure is 3x5 - Based on the incomplete drama Woyzeck by Büchner - Very twisted: cycle of teasing leads Wozzeck to kill his wife, his son is teased b/c his mom is dead; hence the cycle continues - Each act based off of a musical form (I. character pieces. II. sonata. III. inventions)
136196927Altenberg-LiederThe _____ by Alban Berg, is a collection of songs that show his experimentation with 12 note chords
136196928Wozzeck Buchner_____ was based on the incomplete drama Woyzeck by _____
136196929Buchner_____ wrote the unfinished drama that Wozzeck was based on
136196930Wozzeck_____ The title character kills his wife, his son is teased since his mom is dead; then the cycle continues!!! o_O
136196931WozzeckEach one of the three acts in the work _____ is based off of a musical form.
136196932character pieceThe musical form for Act I of Wozzeck is the _____
136196933sonataThe musical form for Act II of Wozzeck is the _____
136196934inventionThe musical form for Act III of Wozzeck is the _____
136196935Alexander Zemlinsky_____ _____ - An Austrian composer/conductor - He gave Schoenberg lessons in counterpoint - Brother of Schoenberg's wife
136196936ZemlinskyThe only formal teacher that Schoenberg had was named _____
136196937Alexander ZemlinskySchoenberg's brother-in-law was named _____ _____
136196938Berg- Not Jewish, but music was very decadent - Stayed in Vienna his whole life - Grew up wealthy - Flunked 6th and 7th grade - Studied with Schoenberg whilst being treated like a servant - Expressionist
136196939ViennaAlban Berg remained in _____ for his whole life
136196940Berg_____ grew up with lots of money
136196941Berg_____ flunked the sixth and seventh grades
136196942Alban Berg_____ _____ was an Expressionist composer that studied with Schoenberg
136196943Berg_____'s music was quite decadent although he was not Jewish
136196944Berg_____ followed the French more than the German tradition
136196945illegitimate childBerg had an _____ _____ at age 17
136196946Berg_____ was a snotty kid that slept around
136196947Berg_____ did not begin to compose until he was 15

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