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Hockinson AP Literature and Composition

Study guide for AP Lit!

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667487allegorya work that functions on symbolic level
667488alliterationrepetition of initial consonant sounds
667489allusionreference from another work
667490ambiguitycommunicating multiple meanings
667491anapestmetrical pattern of two unaccented syllables followed by an accented syllable
667492antagonistthe force of character that oposes main character
667493apostrophedirect address in poetry
667494asidewords spoken to be heard by audience but not other characters
667716attitudespeaker's, author's, or character's disposition towards a subject
667717aubadelove poem set at dawn to bid farewell to beloved
667718balladsimple narrative poem, often incorporating dialogue and with general rhyme scheme of ABCD
667719blank verseunrhymed iambic pentameter
667720cacophonyharsh and discordant sounds
667721caesurabreak or pause withine line of poetry indicated by punctuation
667722catharsisrelease of emotion by the audience of a tragedy
667723characterone who carries out action of plot (major, minor, static, dynamic)
667724climaxturning point of action, highest moment of tension
667725comic reliefinclusion of humor to contrast tragic elements
667726conflictclash of opposing forces
667727connotationassociative, implied, or suggested meaning of word
667728conventiontraditional aspect of literary work
667729couplettwo lines of rhymed poetry
667730dactylfoot of poetry, stressed syllable followed by two unstressed syllables
667731denotationliteral, dictionary definition word
667732denouementresolution of conflict and plot, conclusion
667733detailsitems or parts of a story
667734deus ex machine"the god from the machine", appears at last moment and resolves loose ends of play
667735devices of soundrhyme, alliteration, assonance, consonance, onomatopoeia
667736dictionword choice
667737didaticexplicitly instructive
667738digressionuse of material unrelated to subject of a work
667739dramatic monologuetype of poem presenting conversation between speaker and implied listener
667740elegypoem that laments dead or lost
667741enjambmentrunning on of line or stanza in poetry
667742epiclengthy, elevated poem celebrating exploits of a hero
667743epigrambrief, witty poem; satiric commentary
667744euphemismindirection to avoid offensive bluntness
667745euphonypleasant sounds
667746expositionbackground information
667747fablesimple, symbolic story usually with animals as characters
667748figurative languageenables writer to operate on levels other than literal
667749types of figurative languagemetaphor, simile, symbol, motif, hyperbole, etc.
667750flashbackreference to past thoughts, events, or episodes
667751footmetrical unit in poetry, syllabic measure of line (iamb, trochee, anapest, dactyl, and spondee)
667752foreshadowinghints of future events
667753formshape or structure of literary work
667754free versepoetry without defined form, meter, or rhyme scheme
667755grotesquecharacterized by distortions and incongruities
667756hyperboleextreme exaggeration
667757iambmetrical foot consisting of unaccented syllable followed by accented one
667758idylltype of lyrical poem extolling virtues of ideal place or time
667759imageverbal approximation of sensory impression, concept, or emotion
667760imagerytotal effect of related sensory images
667761impressionismwriting that reflects a personal image of a character, event, or concept
667762ironycontrast between what happens and what was intended or expected
667763jargonspecific language of profession or group
667764literalnot figurative, matter of fact, concrete
667765lyric poetrycharacterized by emotion, personal feelings, brevity
667766lyricalsonglike; full of emotion, subjectivity, and imagination
667767metaphordirect comparision between dissimilar things
667768metaphysical poetryexploration of complex ideas through extended metaphors and paradox (John Donne)
667769meterpattern of beats in poetry
667770metonomya representative term used for a larger idea
667771monologuespeech given by one character
667772motifrepetition or variations of image or idea to develop theme or characters
667773narrative poemtells a story
667775octaveeight line stanza
667776odeformal, lengthy poem celebrating particular subject
667777omniscientall knowing
667778onomatopiawords that sound like the sound they represent
667779parablestory that operates on more than one level, usuall teaches a moral lesson
667780paradoxseemingly contradictory statement
667781parallel plotsecondary story line that mimics and reinforces the main plot
667782parodycomic imitation that ridicules the original
667783pathosappeal to pity
667784personificationassigning of human qualities to inanimate objects
667785plotsequence of events
667786point of viewmethod of narration
667787protagonisthero or main character, elicits audience sympathy
667788quatrainfour-line stanza
667789reliabilityquality of characters eliciting trust from audience
667790resolutionconclusion of literary work
667791rhetorical questiondoes not expect explicit answer, arouses consideration
667792rhyme royaliambic pentameter rhymed ababbcc
667793rhymeduplication of final syllable sounds
667794rhythmrepetitive pattern of beats in poetry
667795romanticismfoundation in freedon, adventure, idealism, and escape
667796satirepresents a ridicule on society, criticizes the follies of mankind
667797sestetsix line stanza
667798sestinahighly structured poem with 39 lines, iambic pentameter, and repetitino of six words from first stanza in each of six stanzas
667799settingtime and place
667800simileindirect comparison using "like" or "as"
667801soliloquyspeech to reveal inner thoughts
667802sonnet14 line poem with prescribed rhyme scheme, iambic pentameter
667803spondeepoetic foot with two accented syllables
667804stage directionsspecific instructions of a playwright
667805stanzaunit of a poem similary in rhyme, meter and length to other units
667806stereotypeconventional pattern, expression, character, or idea
667807strategymanagement of language for specific effect; planned placing of elements to achieve an effect
667808structureorganization and form
667809styleunique way an author presents his ideas
667810subplotsecondary plot that explores different ideas
667811syllogismform of reasoning in which two statements are made and a conclusion is drawn; major premise, minor premise, conclusion
667812symbolsomething that stands for something else
667813synecdocheutilizes a part as a representative for the whole
667814syntaxgrammatical structure
667815tercetthree line stanza
667816themeunderlying ideas illustrated in a work
667817thesistheme, meaning, or position
667818toneauthor's attitude toward subject
667819tragic herogenerally good person of exalted position who has a fatal flaw or commits error in judgement
667820understatementironic statement where one writes or says less than is intended
667821villanellehighly structured poem consisting of six stanzas: five tercets and a quatrain; first and third line are repeated throughout
746378antithesisfigure of speech characterized by strongly contrasting words or ideas (balancing of one term against another for emphasis)
746410assonancerepetition of idenical or similar vowel sounds
746411consonancerepetition of similar consonant sounds in a group of words
746412end-stoppeda line with a pause at the end (end with punctuation) in a poem
746413extended metaphoran implied analogy, or comparison, which is carried throughout a stanza or entire poem
746414internal rhymerhyme that occurs within a line rather than at the end
746564mixed metaphorsthe mingling of one metaphor with another immediately following with which the first is incongruous
746565Emma WilsonThe amazing creator of this amazing set of poetry terms :))
746566oxymorona form of paradox that combines a pair of contrary terms into a single expression
746567parallelisma single gramatical structure between a line or lines of poetry
746568puna play on words that are identical or similar in soundbut have sharply diverse meanings
746569refraina group of words forming a phrase or sentence and consisting of one or more lines repeated at intervals in a poem, usually at the end of a stanza (hint: think song)
746570sarcasma type of irony in which a person appears to be praising somthing but is actually insulting it
746571scansiona system for describing the meter of a poem by identifying the number and type of feet per line
746572terza rimaa three line stanza rhymed ABA, BCB, CDC etc.
746586Pathosevokes feeligns of dignified pity and sympathy

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