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Honors US History

US HISTORY Mid Term Exam

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290175108Describe the scope and impact of the Emancipation Proclamation.Freed all slaves in states in rebellion. Didn't totally work because slave states were at war with US, not listening. However, it did encourage some runaway slaves and freedmen to join the Union Army to fight for freedom.
290175109Explain the basic provisions and impact of the 13th, 14th, and 15 Amendments.• 13th amendment-No slavery • 14th amendment-Equal protection under law, citizenship, due process clause • 15th amendment-Right to vote, all men over 21
290175110Evaluate and explain the impact of the reconstruction plans of Lincoln, Johnson, and Congress.• Lincoln: Also called the 10% Plan. Showed continuity. Only needed 10% of a state population to sign a loyalty oath for the state to be readmitted to the Union. Wanted things to go back to normal. • Johnson: Moderate plan, forgave southerners who sign oath. They must ratify the 13th amendment. • Congress: Most change. Military districts to enforce Reconstruction plan. Punished south. This was the period of greatest freedoms for African Americans. Some AA were elected to office, many were able to vote, education was expanding, and land ownership increased. Led by Radical Republicans.
290175111What were the economic and social problems facing the U.S. after the Civil War?• Economic: No money. Lost workforce (slaves). Crops suffered during the war. • North and South were bitter. Ex-soldiers weren't allowed to vote. Anger towards freedmen. Poor freedmen with no land
290175112What is the Bill of Rights? Describe the fundamental principles contained in the Bill of Rights.• First 10 amendments of Constitution • Equal rights, equality • Justice, Right to speak/ protest • Right to bear arms • No cruel punishment
290175113What were Jim Crow laws? What was their purpose? How did they impact African Americans?• Laws that limited black rights. Continuation of slavery. Kept them from gaining power and education. Separation of races. • Blacks have poor rights for almost a century.
290175114What was the Freedman's Bureau? What did it provide? Was it successful?• Federal relief aid for freed slaves. Jobs, food, education. • Yes, provided for freedmen who didn't have anything. But did not reach all goals.
290175115Why was Andrew Johnson impeached? Explain the outcome of his impeachment trial.Congress didn't like him. He violated Tenure of Office Act. He was impeached, not convicted, just one vote shy.
290175116What groups made up the Radical Republicans? How did they feel about Reconstruction?• A group of northerners, committed to Emancipation, giving freed slaves rights. • They were really pushing for reconstruction!
290176648Describe the key changes in the South during Reconstruction.• Slaves are free, given rights under 13th - 15th Amendments. • Getting all the states back into the Country. • South under 5 military districts • Sharecroppers, tenant farmers • KKK.
290176649Describe the methods (both legal and illegal) used to deny civil rights to African Americans.• KKK: Terrorize freedmen • Black Codes: All kinds of restrictive laws for freedmen • Jim Crow Laws: Separate but equal. (Not really!) • Voting laws: Designed to prevent freedmen from voting.
290176650Compare and contrast tenant farming and sharecropping.• Both didn't own land • Tenant farming: Rented land, picked what they wanted to grow • Sharecropping: They were always in debt, they gave portion of crop to landowner. Like slavery.
290176651What were the goals of the Ku Klux Klan?• Didn't want freedmen to have rights. • Scared and terrorized freedmen so they wouldn't vote, run for office, own land, etc.
290176652What were the views of Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. DuBois?• Booker T Washington: Former slave with no formal education. Industrial education, started Tuskagee Institute. Segregation OK. Voting rights not important. • WEB DuBois: First AA to graduate from Harvard with a Ph.D. Equality, higher education, voting important.
290176653Describe the key successes and failures of Reconstruction.• Amendments give AA more rights. Freedmen's Bureau • Southern economy rebuilt • Failures: KKK, Black Codes, Jim Crow Laws, discrimination in south. Poor freedmen
290176654How did the results of the election of 1876 and the Compromise of 1877 end Reconstruction?• Hayes and Tilden in close race that gets thrown into the House of Representatives to help it be decided. No decision can be clearly made. Compromise created, Dems let Hayes become President. Hayes pulls out all Union troops. • Reconstruction ends. Jim Crow laws and Black Codes become more common.
290176655By the end of Reconstruction, did the rights of African Americans show change or continuity? Explain.• Continuity: All rights given were restricted by south. Jim Crow. Black Codes, life like slavery. • Change: Slaves freed. New amendments. Paid jobs. Tenant farmer, freedmen get to plant what they want.
290176656What precedents were established in Plessy v Ferguson & Brown vs. Board of Education?• Plessy: Segregation is OK. Wow. Separate but Equal. • Brown: Segregation is bad. All segregation laws eventually overturned.
290183137What natural resources did people use for American industrialism?Coal and Iron Ore were necessary to create and run the railroad. These industries would thrive as rail expanded West. Gold in California led for a desire to travel out West.
290183138What is the Bessemer process? Why is this process important?This process allowed Iron Ore to be made into Steel quickly, allowing for the mass production of rail lines—and eventually sky scrapers and bridges.
290183139What industries, besides railroads, began to grow in the West? In the cities? Why?Ranching- The biggest issue with ranching, was how to transport the meat quickly enough that it wouldn't spoil. The refrigerated railcar allowed for meat to be moved quickly and safely from the Midwest, where the cattle were raised, to the East where the meat would be sold. Gold Mining- GOLD!!!! The Rocky Mountains made travel to California difficult—until the transcontinental railroad was completed. Farming- The rail made the possibility of farming out west much more practical. With a cheap way to travel, in addition to the Homestead Act, which gave land to people who moved west, farming began to thrive. Coal and Steel—see answer above. Lumber: Wood was needed to build the railroads. Lumber industry took off. Oil: Needed for engines, factories, eventually cars. Rockefeller was the leading businessman in this industry.
290183140What is a monopoly?Monopolies were the dominance of one industry by one company. Modern industries began to grow out of this idea. Big companies often tried to buy out smaller companies. As bigger and bigger companies formed, so did monopolies, that could raise the prices of their product, since no competition existed. HORIZONTAL INTEGRATION was a monopoly where one company owned an entire industry (i.e. Rockefeller with his oil company). VERTICAL INTEGRATION is a monopoly where a company buys all the companies involved in the production of a good (i.e. Carnegie controlling all aspects of steelmaking).
290183141What are rebates and why were they used?If you were a big customer, the railroad company would offer you rebates, or kick-backs, for using their rail line. However, small customers like small business and farmers, got no kickbacks, and paid very high rates to travel. This unfairly punished the smaller companies and farmers.
290183142What were the effects of new business practices used in the late 1800s?Monopolies led to high prices for consumers. In the case of rail, it also led to more efficient ways to travel since one company would own large tracks of rail, and you wouldn't have to change trains 5 times to get from one place to another.
290183143What is a robber baron or captain of industry? Who were real life examples?A robber baron was a person that was willing to do anything possible to make money. They were big business leaders that were willing to force people to work long hours in unsafe conditions for little pay. This was a negative term for big business leaders. A captain of industry was someone that owned big business but gave back to their community through charity and philanthropy. For example, Andrew Carnegie donated a lot of money to build libraries, art facilities, and hospitals in order to help people in need. Examples: Rockefeller- Oil, Carnegie- Steel, Vanderbilt- Rail
290183144Explain how government supported the rail industry. Include government actsRailway Act of 1862: Gave land grants to large rail companies so they could complete the transcontinental railroad. The railroad companies were also paid for each mile of track that they laid. With free land to build on and money to buy materials, building was easy! Plus the railroad companies could sell the land to settlers to earn even more money!
290183145What is laissez-faire?"hands off" The government turned a blind eye to big business practices and monopolies during the late 1800's. This allowed big businesses, like rail, to do whatever they wanted at the cost of the workers and consumers. The economy took off, the US became a powerhouse!! But the laborer didn't enjoy the fruits of this great economy.
290183146How did the railroad change culture for Chinese immigrants? Why did they first come here? How were they treated? What laws/acts were made towards them/against them?Immigrants were willing to work for very cheap. The Chinese helped finish the rail in the West, risking their lives to build the railroad, and working for very little. In the Midwest, European immigrants, many Irish, helped with the rail. It was during this time that the Chinese Exclusion Act was passed. After the rail lines were completed, many of the Chinese were blamed for keeping labor prices low, and were accused of "stealing jobs." In 1882, Chinese laborers were excluded from coming to the U.S. This was a racist policy that was eventually ended.
290183147What is the Dawes Act? How did it change Native American culture? What does it have to do with assimilation?The Dawes Act was designed to "assimilate" or "Americanize" Indians. By giving Native American families individual plots of land, the U.S. hoped to destroy the Native American idea of "communal land" or land that belonged to everyone. There were also major attempts to assimilate Indians by sending children away from their families to schools where they were forced to speak English, practice Christianity, and give up their traditional culture. The largest change to Native American culture, however, was the destruction of the buffalo/bison. As Americans moved west, they destroyed the buffalo population. Many killed buffalo just for entertainment. Since Native Americans relied on the buffalo for food, clothes, and shelter, they reacted violently to American settlers of the West. Battles began—but eventually, the Natives lost. The loss of the Buffalo greatly hurt the Native Americans!!
290183148How did railroads change where most people lived?Railroads caused the growth of cities. Trade centers developed around cities, and railroads were the cause of trade.
290183149What effect did the following have on population growth in the cities during the late 1800s: jobs, immigration, migration, and technological developments?Jobs: Factory jobs attracted workers to the major cities. The cities in the Northeast became known as the "industrial belt" of the U.S. Immigration: Immigrants came in huge numbers to the cities. By 1900, 80% of New York City was made up of immigrants. Migration: Many people within the U.S. moved to cities as well. Farmers and African Americans came in large numbers in search of jobs. Technological Developments: New farming techniques, like motorized equipment, meant that farms needed fewer workers. These workers moved to the city for jobs. Additionally, steel developments led to skyscrapers and the city grew upwards. And, street cars led to the growth of suburbs so the city grew outwards.
290183150What is a tenement? What were living conditions like in these settlements?Crowded, dirty, cramped, no light, no ventilation, high risk of fire and disease. Very inexpensive.
290183151What are ethnic neighborhoods? What are some examples? Why would people want to live in these areas?Where immigrants lived with other immigrants of similar cultures. Examples: Chinatown, Little Italy, etc. People wanted to live near others that spoke the same language, had a similar culture, and had immigrated from the same country.
290183152What were working conditions like in the factories? Include average day worked, role of women and children, what they made, cleanliness, etc...The average day: Dangerous—hands caught in machinery. Long hours, with little pay. The role of women and children: Women and children worked for less money than men! Kids working on machinery! Can you believe that? Products: People working in factories made all kinds of goods... as America industrialized, we made more and more products in the US. Cleanliness: There were no government laws about how clean or dirty a factory could be. Therefore, most factories had little to no sanitation.
290183153What is a political machine? What does the machine have to do with a party boss?Political machines capitalized on the lives of the poor immigrants who lived in tenement houses and were poor. They convinced immigrants to vote for their candidate by offering favors for their votes.
290183154How did the political machines help the immigrant? How did they remain in power?Political machines offered favors such as jobs, food, schooling, and even money to win over the poor.
290183155How were political machines/party bosses corrupt?Political machines were focused on staying in power, not necessarily helping the poor. They also stole money from government (and taxpayers). They would use this stolen money to fund their "favors" for poor immigrants.
290183156Who were the Progressives? What did they want to accomplish?Support and protect the "little guy" or the common man (such as the worker, poor or middle class, etc) Wanted to get government involved to provide greater protection of the "little guy." Wanted to end laissez-faire and regulate big business. Focused on urban issues.
290183157Name two Progressives and what they wanted to accomplish.Teddy Roosevelt: A Progressive President who changed the role of government. No more "laissez-faire." Passed laws such as the Meat Inspection Act, and was known as a "trust-buster" for breaking up monopolies. Robert LaFollette: LaFollette was a Progressive state reformer. Started the trend in eliminating corruption through things such as the "recall" the "secret ballot" and "direct primaries."
290183158What are labor unions? Who is considered the "Father of the American Labor Union"?Labor unions organize workers to get better wages and working conditions. The workers work together to ask for improved work conditions and pay and may use strikes and work slow-downs to get their demands met. Samuel Gompers was one of the first large-scale labor union leaders. He ran the labor union for skilled workers. He emphasized organized strikes, not riots, as the way to bargain against employers.
290183159What methods did labor unions use to accomplish their goals? Were they effective?Strikes—collective bargaining... and sometimes even riots resulted!
290183160Who were the Populists? What were their main beliefs and main issues? Who was one of their leaders?Populists supported farmers' rights.
290183161What is the gold standard?Populists wanted to increase the money supply. Since money was attached to gold, the money supply couldn't increase. Populists wanted to create a bimetal system where money was attached to gold and silver. This would increase the money supply and make the price of farmers' goods go up. Small businesses in the city hated this idea and thought it would lead to inflation. Bimetallism never passed Congress.
290183162What is bimetallism?Populists wanted to create a bimetal system where money was attached to gold and silver. This would increase the money supply and make the price of farmers' goods go up. Small businesses in the city hated this idea and thought it would lead to inflation. Bimetallism never passed Congress.
290193611What was the intent of this proclamation? "... all persons held as slaves within any State or designated part of a State the people whereof shall then be in rebellion against the United States shall be then, henceforward, and forever free..." -Abraham Lincoln A. Several states that had been in rebellion against the Union surrendered. B. All slaves in all states were declared free. C. Slaves in states that had remained a part of the Union were declared free. D. Slaves in states that were still fighting the union troops were declared free.Slaves in states that were still fighting the union troops were declared free.
290193612What was a goal of the laws passed by the Radical Republicans during Reconstruction? A. To reestablish slavery in a different form. B. To unfairly tax the South. C. To protect the civil rights of African Americans. D. To prohibit free speech in the South.To protect the civil rights of African Americans
290193613Which statement describes the actions of state legislatures in the South after Reconstruction? A. The state legislatures established agencies to assist the freedmen. B. The state legislatures provided 40 acres of land and a mule to all former slaves. C. The state legislatures passed laws that limited the rights of freedmen. D. The state legislatures were controlled by former slaves.The state legislatures passed laws that limited the rights of freedmen.
290193614Which Supreme Court decision is reflected by the below headline? "Separate but Equal Allowed!" A. Plessy v. Ferguson B. Dred Scott v. Sanford C. Ex Parte Merryman D. Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka KansasPlessy v. Ferguson
290193615Separate accommodations "do not necessarily imply the inferiority of either race to the other." What was the impact of this decision in Plessy v. Ferguson? A. Both races were now treated equally. B. Segregation spread to every area of public life. C. Brown v. Board of Education was overturned. D. African Americans were allowed to travel in white railroad cars.Segregation spread to every area of public life.
290193616Which of the following effects did the below amendment have? "All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws." 14th Amendment A. Women were granted citizenship in the United States. B. African Americans were granted citizenship in the United States. C. Black Codes were upheld by the Supreme Court. D. Women were granted suffrage in the United StatesAfrican Americans were granted citizenship in the United States.
290193617What was the purpose of the Freedmen's Bureau during Reconstruction? A. It redistributed formerly white-owned land to black southerners. B. It kept ex-Confederate supporters out of office. C. It provided clothing, medical care, food, and education to many freed people. D. It elected African Americans to southern state governments.It provided clothing, medical care, food, and education to many freed people.
290193618What was the main goal of the Ku Klux Klan during Reconstruction? A. To prevent African Americans from exercising their rights. B. To gain control of state legislatures. C. To spread Christianity throughout the South. D. To improve conditions for poor whites.To prevent African Americans from exercising their rights.
290193619Which fundamental American right is restricted in this Georgia slave code from 1848? In case any slave or slaves shall be found marking or branding a cattle... such slave... shall be punished by whipping on the bare back, not exceeding thirty nine lashes." A. The right to free speech. B. The right to be free from unreasonable searches and seizures. C. The right to bear arms. D. The right to be free from cruel and unusual punishment.The right to be free from cruel and unusual punishment.
290193620Which statement best reflects President Lincoln's hopes for Reconstruction? A. Let us punish the South severely for seceding from the Union B. Let us replace all white officials in the South with African Americans C. Let us strengthen the North's domination of the South D. Let us bind the nation together and create a lasting peaceLet us bind the nation together and create a lasting peace
290193621How did Rutherford B. Hayes win the 1876 presidential election? A. He won the popular vote. B. He won the electoral vote by a landslide. C. He made a compromise with the Democrats. D. He won an election in the House of Representatives.He made a compromise with the Democrats.
290193622Which of the following events best illustrates an expansion in African American rights? A. The 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments were passed. B. Jim Crow laws were passed by Southern States. C. Slave codes were passed by Southern States. D. Voting restrictions such as the poll tax were implemented in Southern States.The 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments were passed.
290193623What did southern Democrats gain after the passage of the Compromise of 1877? A. They regained control of southern politics. B. They ended Radical Reconstruction. C. They gained industries lost in the Civil War. D. They won African American support.They ended Radical Reconstruction.
290193624Which of the following leaders is most likely to have said the above quote? "....friction between the races will pass away.....as the black man, by reason of his skill, intelligence and character, can produce something the white man wants." A. Abraham Lincoln B. W.E.B. DuBois C. Andrew Johnson D. Booker T. WashingtonBooker T. Washington
290193625Whose belief does this quote reflect? We claim for ourselves every single right that belongs to a freeborn American, political, civil, and social; and until we get these rights we will never cease to protest and assail the ears of America. A. Abraham Lincoln B. W.E.B. DuBois C. Andrew Johnson D. Booker T. WashingtonW.E.B. DuBois .
290193626Which of the following was used by Southern legislatures after the Civil War to keep freedmen from gaining political and economic power and to maintain the separation between whites and African Americans? A. Jim Crow Laws B. Tenure of Office Act C. Slave Codes D. Emancipation LawsJim Crow Laws
290193627What was one failure of Reconstruction? A. the inability to save the Democratic party B. the inability to withdraw federal troops from the South C. the inability to move black Southerners out of poverty D. the inability to stimulate any economic growth in the Souththe inability to move black Southerners out of poverty
290193628The 15th Amendment states that "The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color or previous condition of servitude." Which of the following limited the effectiveness of this amendment? A. Voting Restrictions B. The Freedman's Bureau C. Brown v. Board of Education D. the Slave CodesVoting Restrictions
290193629Which economic situation shows that African American's lives did not change much after the Civil War? A. segregation B. sharecropping C. Ku Klux Klan D. poll taxsharecropping
290193630Read the following excerpt from the Dawes Act of February 8, 1887 and answer the question that follows: "That in all cases where any tribe or band of Indians has been...located upon any reservation created for their use, to allot the lands in said reservation in severalty to any Indian located thereon in quantities as follows: • To each head of a family, one-quarter of a section (approximately 160 acres)" According to the passage above, what was the purpose of the Dawes Act? A. To isolate Native American tribes. B. To encourage sharecropping among Native Americans. C. To assimilate Native Americans. D. To preserve the culture of Native Americans.To assimilate Native Americans.
290193631Which of the following technological advancements led to increased settlement of the West in the late 19th century? A. Covered Wagons B. Railroads C. Automobiles D. PlowsRailroads
290193632Why did immigration increase in the United States in the late 1800s? A. There was a shortage of jobs in the United States B. There was no discrimination against immigrants in the United States. C. There was industrial growth and economic opportunity in the United States. D. There was political instability in the industrial cities of the United States.There was industrial growth and economic opportunity in the United States.
290193633Why was the rate of Asian immigration lower than the rate of European immigration in the late 19th and early 20th centuries? A. The distance to travel from Asia to America was much further. B. The Chinese Exclusion Act limited the number of Asian immigrants. C. The railroad companies refused to hire Asian workers D. Language barriers between Americans and Asians made jobs difficult to find.The Chinese Exclusion Act limited the number of Asian immigrants.
290193634The growth of monopolies is attributed to which U.S. government policy of the 19th century? A. laissez-faire capitalism B. progressivism C. business regulation D. socialismlaissez-faire capitalism
290193635What was a benefit of industrial growth in the late 19th century? A. Increased conservation of natural resources B. Improved healthcare benefits for most workers C. Improved availability of quality housing in the cities D. Increased availability of consumer goodsIncreased availability of consumer goods
290193636Which strategy was used by labor groups to force business owners to meet their demands? A. blacklists B. yellow dog contracts C. strikes D. lock outsstrikes
290193637"It was too dark in these storage places to see well, but a man could run his hand over these piles of meat and sweep off handfuls of dung of rats. These rats were nuisances and the packers would put poisoned bread out for them; they would die; and then rats, bread, and meat would go into the hoppers together." -Excerpted from The Jungle by Upton Sinclair Which group of people would most likely try to reform the conditions described by Upton Sinclair? A. Business owners B. Children C. Progressives D. BootleggersProgressives
290193638Which statement characterizes the labor unions of the late 19th century? A. They were willing to use force to achieve their goals. B. They were unable to organize large groups of workers. C. They were firmly committed to laissez-faire capitalism. D. They were supported by the Federal Government during disputes.They were willing to use force to achieve their goals.
290193639The Populists supported ending the gold standard and coining silver to increase the money supply. What did farmers hope would be the result of coining silver? A. This would cause farmers to produce fewer agricultural goods. B. This would help farmers pay off their debts. C. This would cause consumer goods to become less expensive. D. This would cause land prices to decline rapidly.This would help farmers pay off their debts.
290193640What did Americans who supported the Progressive Movement believe? A. Government should own all businesses B. Monopolies were essential to efficient production C. Social problems could be solved with legislation D. The scope of government actions should be reducedSocial problems could be solved with legislation
290254360"The coal-oil business belongs to [Mr. Rockefeller] ... if a dealer bought a barrel of oil a year it must have been from Mr. Rockefeller... " -Ida Tarbell Which business practice from the 1900's is described by the above quote? A. Monopolies B. Laissez-faire C. Corporations D. PartnershipsMonopolies
290254361Imagine [a workman] making a demand for shorter hours and better wages. He would be met by the answer: "If you don't like the terms, you can find another job." Individually, he is helpless----- Why Men Fight for the Closed Shop. September 1911 What advice would the author most likely suggest to solve the problem described in the above excerpt? A. Issue a court injunction B. Create a black lists C. Form a union D. Ask for government military interventionForm a union
290254362How did electricity change life in the cities during the early Industrial Age? A. Automobiles became more affordable B. Subways and trolley cars became possible C. Railroad lines were expanded. D. New building construction was decreasedSubways and trolley cars became possible
290254363"Little girls and boys, barefooted, walked up and down between the endless rows of spindles, reaching thin little hands into the machinery to repair snapped threads. They crawled under machinery to oil it. They replaced spindles all day long, all day long, night through, night through." Which group of people most likely organized in response to the problem described in the quote above? A. Farmers B. Labor Unions C. Big Business Leaders D. Party BossesLabor Unions
290254364Which technological advancement led to increased trade and development of cities? A. Hydraulic mining B. Automobiles C. Barbed wire D. RailroadsRailroads
290254365By 1900, nearly 80% of the residents of New York City were immigrants. Which of the following most likely accounts for this increase in immigrant population? A. Immigrants were attracted by the efficiency of political machines B. Immigrants felt living conditions in rural areas were too harsh. C. Immigrants were attracted by the availability of factory jobs. D. Immigrants were attracted by the cultural diversity of the city.Immigrants were attracted by the availability of factory jobs.
290254366How did political machines increase their power in cities such as New York? A. They offered new immigrants favors such as jobs and food. B. They introduced legislation to increase city safety. C. They elected popular party bosses interested in reform. D. They promoted restrictions on immigration.They offered new immigrants favors such as jobs and food.
290254367What political reforms were passed at the local and state level in order to limit the power of political machines? A. The Meat Inspection Act B. The Progressive Income Tax C. The Secret Ballot and Recall D. The Interstate Commerce ActThe Secret Ballot and Recall
290254368Which best describes the relationship between labor, business and government in the late 1800s? A. The federal government strictly regulated how businesses treated workers. B. Labor unions were supported by the government. C. Disputes between labor and business management often resulted in violence. D. Business owners and government supported increased unionization.Disputes between labor and business management often resulted in violence.
290254369"... the trade of the world must and shall be ours... We will establish trading out-posts thought out the world as distributing-points for American products... " - Albert Beveridge What justification for imperialism is described in the above quotation? A. The U.S.wanted to encourage national pride and the ideas of manifest destiny. B. The U.S. believed they were superior to other cultures. C. The U.S. wanted to become a great naval power. D. The U.S. wanted more trade and needed new markets.The U.S. wanted more trade and needed new markets.
290254370All of the following were causes of the Spanish-American war except? A. Sensationalized newspaper articles. B. A growing expansionist spirit in the United States. C. American sympathy for the Cuban people D. US Annexation of the PhilippinesUS Annexation of the Philippines
290254371Read the following headlines and answer the question that follows: "Remember The Maine, to hell with Spain" "Destruction of the Warship Maine was the work of an enemy" What impact would reading these headlines have on the American public? A.It would increase support for a war with Spain. B. It would increase the desire of the US to stay neutral. C. It would increase information about Spanish rule over Cuba. D. It would increase sympathy for the Spanish cause.It would increase support for a war with Spain.
290254372What was a significant result of the Spanish-American War? A. Spain became an ally of the US. B. The US gained overseas territories and important naval bases. C. Hawaii was annexed by the US. D. The US began a policy of self-determination for small nations.The US gained overseas territories and important naval bases.
290254373What was the purpose of the annexation of Hawaii, the Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine and the building of the Panama Canal? A. To meet the demands of antiwar movements. B. To isolate the United States from international problems. C. To expand American power and influence in other areas of the world. D. To implement policies of global cooperation throughout Asia.To expand American power and influence in other areas of the world.
290254374What was the main goal of the Open Door Policy? A. To help the U.S. win the Spanish-American War B. To establish open trade with China C. To increase US military power in Asia. D. To increase Chinese immigration to the United StatesTo establish open trade with China
290254375What was the purpose of the Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine? A. It established an increased American presence in Latin America. B. It violated the principles established in the Monroe Doctrine. C. It called for a greater American role in Europe. D. It allowed the United States to annex the Philippines.It established an increased American presence in Latin America.
290254376What was the shared goal of Dollar and Big Stick Diplomacy? A. To protect European investments in Latin America B. To protect Latin America from European influence C. To encourage Latin American governments to be more self-reliant D. To protect Latin America from corrupt and un-democratic governmentsTo protect Latin America from European influence.
290254377Study the cartoon below and answer the question that follows Following the Spanish-American War, the United States became increasingly involved in Latin America. Which of these statements best represents the cartoonist's view of US foreign policy in Latin America? A. The US uses foreign investment to influence other countries. B. The US uses missionaries to influence other countries. C. The US uses military force to influence other countries. D. The US uses isolationist policies with other countries.The US uses military force to influence other countries.
290254378Read the following headlines. "U.S. exercises international police power" "U.S. troops sent to Dominican Republic" "Great White Fleet sent around the World" Which foreign policy is illustrated in the above headlines? A. Big Stick Diplomacy B. Dollar Diplomacy C. Moral Diplomacy D. Progressive DiplomacyBig Stick Diplomacy
290254379"U.S. invests millions in Honduran Banana Companies." "Taft guarantees loans to China by American business." "U.S. takes over Nicaraguan rail companies." Which foreign policy is illustrated in the above headlines? A. Big Stick Diplomacy B. Dollar Diplomacy C. Moral Diplomacy D. Progressive DiplomacyDollar Diplomacy
290254380What was the U.S. foreign policy position when war initially broke out in Europe (1914)? A. The U.S. declared their neutrality. B. The U.S. declared they were "a nation of humanitarians." C. The U.S. joined the Allied powers due to their cultural ties with Great Britain. D. The U.S. refused to trade with any country involved in the War.The U.S. declared their neutrality.
290254381How did the United States Congress respond to anti-war sentiment? A. It passed the Sedition Acts. B. It created the War Industries Board. C. It passed the Selective Service Act. D. It expanded freedom of speech.It passed the Sedition Acts.
290254382How did the government's role in business change during WW I? A. The government relaxed all safety regulations in the factories to increase production. B. The government continued a policy of "laissez-faire." C. The government collected all business profits in order to support the war effort. D. The government increased control over the production and prices of goods.The government increased control over the production and prices of goods.
290254383How did World War I impact many African Americans? A. African American men served in desegregated Army units B. African Americans took up important positions in the military C. African Americans moved to cities for factory jobs D. African Americans lost jobs and rights due to the Sedition ActAfrican Americans moved to cities for factory jobs
290254384What was the most effective method of raising money for WW I in the US? A. The sale of bonds B. The forcing of Germany to pay $33 billion in damages C. The take-over of businesses and industries by the War Industries Board D. The fuel and food conservation programsThe sale of bonds
290254385Why did hundreds of thousands of African Americans migrate to the North during the First World War? A. They wanted to fight anti-war sentiments in the North. B. They wanted to take advantage of job opportunities. C. They wanted to work on farms in the North. D. They wanted to escape persecution from the Sedition Act.They wanted to take advantage of job opportunities
290254386Which of the following does NOT describe women's contributions to the war effort? A. They worked in factories as mechanics. B. They served in non combat military positions C. They grew victory gardens and sold war bonds. D. They served as pilots in combat positions.They served as pilots in combat positions.
290254387What was the goal of President Wilson's Fourteen Points? A. To establish a payment plan for war debt B. To establish lasting peace in the world C. To establish German guilt for starting the war D. To establish new alliances with the Axis powers.To establish lasting peace in the world
290254388What part of the Treaty of Versailles did the US Senate oppose? A. Self-determination for smaller European nations B. Reduction in military forces C. The formation of a League of Nations D. An end to secret treatiesThe formation of a League of Nations
290272588Which of the following most characterizes US identity at the end of WW I (1920)? A. The U.S. was viewed as a world power. B. The U.S. was viewed as a "world humanitarian" and helped all countries in need. C. The U.S. was viewed as an international negotiator and member of peace organizations. D. The U.S. was viewed as a weak power.The U.S. was viewed as a world power.
290272589What was the main reason for the economic boom of the 1920s? A. Increased spending on defense B. Increased farm production C. Increased production and consumption of goods D. Increased importsIncreased production and consumption of goods.
290272590Why was radio broadcasting important in the 1920s? A. It allowed great numbers of people to experience popular culture. B. It led to more crime in the cities. C. It reduced the number of people engaging in leisure activities. D. It led to a decline in the consumption of consumer goods.It allowed great numbers of people to experience popular culture.
290272591Which was a major problem faced by United States farmers in the 1920's? A. Technological advances were too slow B. Protective tariffs on imports C. Overproduction of food D. Deflation of the United States dollarOverproduction of food
290272592The automobile industry had a great effect on the United States. Which of the following was a direct result of the automobile boom? A. Tourism went down B. More roads were built C. Gasoline was rationed D. Auto workers' wages droppedMore roads were built
290272593Which of the following groups of people were the intended targets of the "Palmer Raids" during the time known as the Red Scare? A. Loyalists B. Communists C. Government Activists D. LobbyistsCommunists
290272594What goal of the women's rights movement was achieved by 1920? A. Right to own property B. Right of equality in education and jobs C. Right to equal pay D. Right to voteRight to vote
290272595Read the following quotation and answer the question that follows: The result of unlimited immigration is showing plainly in the rapid decline in the birthrate of native Americans [white citizens born in America]... [who] will not bring children into the world to compete in the labor market with the Slovak, the Italian, the Syrian and the Jew. The native American is too proud to mix socially with them. --Madison Grant Which public attitude common during the 1920s does the above quotation reflect? A. Acceptance B. Secularism C. Nativism D. SocialismNativism
290272596To fling my arms wide In the face of the sun, Dance! Whirl! Whirl! Till the quick day is done. Rest at pale evening... A tall, slim tree... Night coming tenderly Black like me The excerpt above is a good representation of the literary period in which it was written. It demonstrates that the period was characterized by which of the following? A. Pride in immigrant heritage B. Pride in African American heritage C. Pride in political experience D. Pride in American culturePride in African American heritage
290272597Why did the U.S. pass laws limiting immigration? A. Other countries didn't want the U.S. to let in immigrants. B. World War II caused many people to develop prejudices against immigrants. C. Nativists pressured the government because they feared immigrants would take their jobs. D. The Great Depression brought poverty.Nativists pressured the government because they feared immigrants would take their jobs.
290272598What do the Scopes Trial, Prohibition, and Flappers show about Americans in the 1920s? A. Early causes of the Great Depression B. Advantages of new technology C. Conflicts between traditional values and changing lifestyles D. Changes in the role of governmentConflicts between traditional values and changing lifestyles
290272599In the late 1920s, people feared that their money was not safe in the banks. What action did these people take as a result? A. They ran to the banks to withdraw money. B. They invested more money in the stock market. C. They deposited more money in their savings accounts. D. They asked the President to close the banks.They ran to the banks to withdraw money.
290272600Which of the following was a weakness in the American economy in the 1920s? A. There was an overexpansion of credit in American society. B. There were not enough goods produced to meet consumer demand. C. There was not enough credit available for the average working person. D. There were not many Americans investing money in the stock market.There was an overexpansion of credit in American society.
290272601Our system is...founded on the conception that only through ordered liberty, through freedom to the individual, and equal opportunity to the individual will his initiative and enterprise be summoned to spur the march of progress... It is in the further development of this cooperation and a sense of its responsibility that we should find solution for many of our complex problems, and not by the extension of government into our economic and social life.... -Herbert Hoover, 1932 campaign speech Which of the following best describes how President Hoover believed the country's economic problems could be solved? A. By ignoring the problem B. By increasing the size of the government C. By relying on individual and economic freedom D. By passing the New Deal legislationBy relying on individual and economic freedom
290283175What conditions are present during an economic depression? A. High salaries and high business sales B. High production and high demand of goods C. High stock prices and a large money supply D. High unemployment and business failuresHigh unemployment and business failures
290283176How did Americans respond to President Hoover's policies during the Great Depression? A. They reelected President Hoover B. They blamed President Hoover for their problems C. They supported Republican's policies D. They rejected President Roosevelt's New DealThey blamed President Hoover for their problems
290283177Which of the following was a fundamental disagreement between President Hoover and President Roosevelt concerning the United States' economy in the election of 1932? A. The use of government intervention B. Fixing the economy of foreign nations C. The acknowledgement of the Depression D. Equal rights for women and African AmericansThe use of government intervention
290283178Which of the following best summarizes Franklin Roosevelt's efforts to restore American prosperity? A. Roosevelt believed the federal government had no right to interfere in the American economy. B. Roosevelt believed that the economy would recover best if businesses were not regulated. C. Roosevelt allowed the government to control all major businesses and industry. D. Roosevelt tried a variety of relief, recovery and reform programs to address the nation's needs.Roosevelt tried a variety of relief, recovery and reform programs to address the nation's needs.
290283179What was the purpose of the Social Security program? A. To provide for the elderly B. To provide for farmers C. To provide for homeowners D. To provide for businessesTo provide for the elderly
290283180What is the purpose of the Securities and Exchange Commission? A. To prevent ordinary citizens from buying stocks B. To regulate the stock market C. To invest people's money D. To close the New York Stock ExchangeTo regulate the stock market
290283181Which factor caused people to move westward from the Great Plains in the 1930s? A. Hurricanes caused damage in the Gulf of Mexico. B. Earthquakes ravaged Pacific coastal areas. C. Floods destroyed land by the Mississippi River. D. Droughts plagued farming areas.Droughts plagued farming areas.
290283182What was a criticism of President Roosevelt's New Deal policies? A. The New Deal endangered the free enterprise system B. The New Deal threatened national security C. The New Deal ignored issues faced by rural Americans D. The New Deal failed to enact needed social welfare reformsThe New Deal endangered the free enterprise system
290283183Which aspect of the New Deal was most clearly a continuation of Progressive Era policies? A. Government regulation of business activities B. Restoration of cultural and tribal traditions of American Indians C. Free health care for all Americans D. Government Agencies providing employmentGovernment regulation of business activities
290283184What was a long term impact of the Great Depression on Americans? A. The responsibilities of government decreased B. Confidence in the economy decreased C. Business and workers prospered D. Confidence in the economy increasedConfidence in the economy decreased
290294228Identify the five (5) US foreign policy objectives and give an example.Economic - The US wanted the Panama Canal so that we would be able to trade more easily. National Security - US attacked Afghanistan after 9/11 because its government (Taliban) was allowing terrorist training camps to operate within its borders. Ideological - US is helping Egypt set up its democratic government. Ethnocentric - The US took control of the Philippines because we thought we would be better at ruling them. Humanitarian - The US helped the people of Japan after the earthquake and tsunami.
290294229What is imperialism?The quest to control other nations politically and economically
290294230Name three factors that motivated the U.S. to expand.• Cultural Superiority • National Security/Naval Bases • Trade/ New Markets
290294231What three main factors led the U.S. to go to war with Spain?• Sinking of the Maine • Yellow Journalism • Delome Letter
290294232Where was the war between Spain and the U.S. fought?Cuba/Philippines
290294233What was the result of the war?New lands for the U.S.- Naval Bases
290294234What territories were gained by the U.S. at the end of the Spanish American War?Cuba/ Philippines/ Guam/ Puerto Rico (Not Hawaii)
290294235Why did the U.S. want to annex Hawaii (two reasons)?Trade (pineapple/sugar) / Naval Bases
290294236What was the goal of building the Panama Canal?Trade Routes/ Military Speed
290294237How did the US acquire the rights to build the canal?We helped Panama defeat Colombia through the threat of force (TR and Big Stick Diplomacy!)
290294238Summarize the three different foreign policy approaches of Roosevelt, Taft, and Wilson.a. Big Stick - Teddy Roosevelt - Roosevelt Corrollary - Goal = Keep Europe out of the Western Hemisphere and use military force, as needed, to enforce. b. Dollar Diplomacy - Taft - Keep Europe out of the Western Hemisphere by investing in other nations. c. Moral Diplomacy - Wilson - Lead by example but be willing to use military as last resort All three helped the US keep Europe out of Latin America and asserted U.S. authority in Latin America.
290294239What is the perception of the US during the early 1900's?Growing World Power
290294240What was the Open Door Policy? What policy did it replace?China's trade doors should be open to all, not just Europe. The US said this would be the new policy instead of "Spheres of Influence" policy that divided up China into trading blocks, of which the U.S. had no share
290294241What was the Boxer Rebellion?China had a revolt against foreign influence. This was quickly put down by foreigners and China was forced to trade with all nations.
290294242Explain the US position when the war started.The US was neutral
290294243List the events that led to US involvement in WWI.Sinking of the Lusitania by Germany, U-boat attacks, Zimmerman Note, The war started when Archduke Franz Ferdinand was killed, but the US did not initially get involved.
290294244What laws did the US pass in the support of WWI?Espionage and Sedition Acts - These laws punished anyone that spoke out against the United States government during WWI.
290294245How did the US raise money in support of WWI?Liberty Bonds/ Raised taxes
290294246How did economic conditions change in the U.S. during the war?US became more of a command economy. Told companies what and how much to produce.
290294247What were some limits to rights at home during the war? Why were these rights limited?Free Speech was limited—This was meant to encourage American loyalty to the war.
290294248How were women, African Americans, and Mexicans impacted by WWI?These groups were provided more job opportunities, but certainly were not treated equally to their white, male counterparts. These groups participated in the war effort. Women served as nurses, but did not fight in the war.
290294249What was the main idea of Wilson's Fourteen Points?A lasting peace for the entire world - League of Nations
290294250How did the US Senate react to the Treaty of Versailles? Explain.The Senate rejected the League of Nations because nations that entered the League had to promise to defend each other. The US didn't want to have to defend another nation and get dragged into another war.
290882308"It was too dark in these storage places to see well, but a man could run his hand over these piles of meat and sweep off handfuls of dung of rats. These rats were nuisances and the packers would put poisoned bread out for them; they would die; and then rats, bread, and meat would go into the hoppers together." -Excerpted from The Jungle by Upton Sinclair The conditions described in the passage above led to which of the following reforms A. Pure Food and Drug Act B. Prohibition C. Child Labor Laws D. Sherman Anti-Trust ActPure Food and Drug Act

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