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Hot Words for the SAT® -vocabulary Flashcards

Words in Linda Carnevale's book (4th edition)
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Terms : Hide Images
1002015264brevitybriefness or conciseness in speech or writing0
1002015265conciseusing few words in speaking or writing1
1002015266laconicusing few words in speech2
1002015267pithybrief and full of meaning and substance; concise3
1002015268quiescentquiet; still; inactive4
1002015269reticentnot talking much; reserved5
1002015270succintclearly and briefly stated; concise6
1002015271taciturnsilent; sparing of words; close-mouthed7
1002015272terseusing only the words that are needed to make the point; very concise, sometimes to the point of rudeness8
1002015273bombasticusing language in a pompous, showy way; speaking to impress others9
1002015274circumlocutionspeaking in circles; round-about speech10
1002015275colloquialpertaining to common everyday speech; conversational11
1002015276diffuse (adj.)spread out, not concise, wordy12
1002015277digressto wander off from the subject or topic spoken about13
1002015278eloquencetalkative; loquacious14
1002015279grandiloquentusing big and fancy words when speaking for the purpose of impressing others15
1002015280loquaciousvery talkative; liking to talk; garrulous16
1002015281prattleto speak on and on in a senseless and silly manner; to talk foolishly17
1002015282rambleto talk on and on pointlessly, without clear direction18
1002015283rantto talk very loudly, even wildly; rave19
1002015284rhetoricalrelating to speech that is used to persuade or have some effect; insincere in expression20
1002015285verboseusing too many words; wordy; long winded21
1002015286volubletalking with a great deal of ease; glib22
1002015287arrogantoverbearing; proud; haughty23
1002015288braggartone who boasts a great deal24
1002015289complacentself-satisfied; smug25
1002015290contemptuouslacking respect; scornful26
1002015291disdainfulfull of bitter scorn and pride; aloof27
1002015292egotisticalExcessively self-absorbed; very conceited28
1002015293haughtyhaving great pride in oneself and dislike for others29
1002015294insolentboldly disrespectful in speech or behavior; rude30
1002015295narcissistichaving to do with extreme self-adoration and a feeling of superiority of everyone31
1002015296ostentatioushaving to do with showing off; pretentious32
1002015297presumptuoustoo forward or bold; overstepping proper bounds33
1002015298pretentiousclaiming or pretending increased importance; ostentatious; affectedly grand34
1002015299superciliouslooking down on others; proud and scornful35
1002015300swagger (vb.)to walk around in a proud showy manner; to boast in a loud manner36
1002015301banaldull or stale because of overuse; trite; hackneyed37
1002015302clichéan idea or expression that has become stale due to overuse38
1002015303derivative (adj.)unoriginal; taken from something already existing39
1002015304hackneyedmade common place by overuse; trite (n. hack, one who copies or imitates the work of others)40
1002015305insipidlacking flavor or taste; unexciting41
1002015306lacklusterlacking vitality, energy, or brightness; boring42
1002015307mundanecommonplace; ordinary43
1002015308platitudequality of being dull; an obvious remark uttered as if it were original44
1002015309prosaicdull; commonplace45
1002015310triteunoriginal and stale due to overuse46
1002015311vapidlacking freshness and zest; flat; stale47
1002026713allayto lessen fear; to calm; to relieve pain48
1002026714alleviateto lessen pain or discomfort49
1002026715ameliorateto make better; to lessen pain, difficulty, or tension50
1002026716appeaseto make tranquil or quiet, especially by giving into another's demands; to pacify51
1002026717assuageto alleviate; to lessen pain or conflict; pacify52
1002026718consciliateto win a person over through special considerations or persuasive methods; reconcile53
1002026719mediateto act as a go-between in settling conflicts or disputes between people or opposing sides54
1002026720mitigateto make or become less severe; to lessen pain or damage55
1002026721mollifyto pacify, soothe, or appease; to make less severe or violent56
1002026722pacifyto calm; to make peaceful; to restore to a tranquil state57
1002026723placateto make calm; to soothe58
1002026724quellto pacify; to subdue; to quiet down59
1003274402affableeasy to talk to; easy to approach, friendly; kind; amiable60
1003274403amiablefriendly, kind61
1003274404amicableshowing goodwill; peaceable62
1003274405congenialcompatible; having kindred needs or tastes; sympathetic63
1003274406convivialsociable, outgoing in a festive way, especially when pertaining to eating and drinking; fond of good company64
1003274407cordialwarm and friendly; amiable65
1003274408gregarioussociable, outgoing66
1003274409jocularliking to be with people, joke around with them and have fun67
1003274410levitylightheartedness; gaiety; carefree disposition, particularly when not appropriate68
1003473912animosityhatred; ill will69
1003473913antagonismhatred or hostility70
1003473914bellicoseof a quarrelsome nature; eager to fight; warlike; belligerent71
1003473915belligerenttaking part in war or fighting; ready to fight72
1003473916cantankerousbad-tempered or irritable; quarrelsome73
1003473917captiousmade for the sake of quarreling; quibbling74
1003473918contentiousquarrelsome; belligerent75
1003473919disputatiouslikely to dispute or argue76
1003473920polemicalinclined to argue or debate; controversial77
1003473921predatorone who takes advantage of another, exploits or feeds on another; a strong adversary or rival78
1003473922pugnaciouseager to fight; belligerent79
1003473923altruisticshowing an unselfish concern for others80
1003473924benevolentgiving freely and easily to others; charitable; kind81
1003473925largessgenerous giving (also spelled largesse)82
1003473926lavish (#1)generous in giving to others or in spending money83
1003473927magnanimousgenerous in overlooking insult or injury by others; rising above pettiness84
1003473928munificentvery generous85
1003473929philanthropicshowing a desire to help others by gibing gifts; charitable; humane86
1003473930prodigalwasteful; lavish87
1003473931squanderto spend money (or time) in a wasteful, uncaring fashon88
1003473932austerehaving great economy; showing self-control when it comes to foregoing luxuries and frills; stern in manner or appearence89
1003473934frugalcareful with money; thrifty; not prodigal or wasteful91
1003473935mercenarygreedy for self-gain; thinking only of money-making92
1003473936miserlycareful with how money is spent; thrifty93
1003473937parsimoniousoverly thrifty or miserly94
1003473938penuriousstingy; relating to great poverty, destitution95
1003473939thriftyshowing care with how money and resources are spent or used96
1003473940adversitygreat trouble or difficulty97
1003473941conflagrationa huge fire, and inferno98
1003473942confoundingpuzzling; baffling99
1003473943cryptichidden; hard to understand; mysterious; obscure100
1003473944debaclea failure or breakdown; a collapse that is often nonsensical101
1003473945enigmaa riddle or mystery; a puzzling or baffling matter or person102
1003473946labyrintha maze from which it is very hard to extricate or free oneself103
1003473947precariousdangerous or risky; uncertain104
1003473948quagmirea difficult or troubling situation; a swampy ground, bog, mire105
1003473949quandarya dilemma; a confusing or puzzling situation106
1003473950turbulencegreat unrest; turmoil or disorder107
1003473951turmoila turbulent scenario or situation; tumult108
1003473952banefulcausing ruin; harmful; pernicious109
1003473953deleteriousharmful to one's health or overall welfare; pernicious110
1003473955deviousdishonest or deceptive; tricky112
1003473956iniquitousshowing a lack of fairness; wicked; vicious113
1003473957maliciousintending to hurt or harm another; spiteful114
1003473958nefariousvery mean and wicked115
1003473959odiousloathsome; evil; revolting in a disgusting way116
1003473960ominouspertaining to an evil omen; foreboding117
1003473961perniciousvery destructive or harmful, usually in an inconspicuous and relentless way118
1003473962rancorousdeeply hateful or spiteful; malicious119
1003473963virulentextremely poisonous; deadly; full of spiteful hatred120
1003473964berateto rebuke or scold in a harsh tone121
1003473965carpto find fault; to be critical122
1003473966castigateto scold or punish severely123
1003473967censureto criticize strongly124
1003473968chastiseto punish or scold harshly125
1003473969deprecateto show mild disapproval126
1003473970derideto ridicule or make fun of; to scoff at127
1003473971impugnto oppose or attack someone or something as false or refutable128
1003473972rebuffto snub; to bluntly refuse129
1003473973rebuketo reprimand or scold sharply130
1003473974reproveto speak to in a disapproving manner; to scold131
1003473975upbraidto chide; to scold bitterly132
1003910628aloofuninterested; showing no concern; emotionally removed or distant133
1003910629apatheticindifferent; showing no caring, interest, or concern; lacking emotion134
1003910630detachedaloof; indifferent135
1003910631impassivelacking emotion or drive136
1003910632indifferentapathetic; showing little or no concern or care137
1003910633listlesslacking interest in something, usually because of illness fatigue, or general sadness; spiritless138
1003910634nonchalantcasual and indifferent; not showing any great concern or worry about anything139
1003910635phlegmatichard to get excited or emotional; calm; slow moving140
1003910636remoteemotionally distant and disinterested; aloof; uninvolved; distant, far away141
1003910637stolidlacking emotion or not showing any emotion; stoical142
1003943161indolentlazy; not wanting to do any work143
1003943162languora weak or lifeless feeling144
1003943163lassitudea tired feeling, usually resulting from depression or too much work145
1003943164lethargichaving little or no energy146
1003943165sedentaryhaving to do with sitting around a lot147
1003943166sluggishslow and lazy148
1003943167soporificsleep-inducing; sleepy149
1003943168stagnantlacking movement or energy150
1003943169torpidlacking energy; relating to inactivity; feeling sluggish151
1003957251compliantyielding, submissive152
1003957252fawninggaining the favor of another by acting overly kind or by using flattery153
1003957253obsequiousobeying or performing a service for someone in an overly attentive manner154
1003957254servileslave-like; very humble and submissive155
1003957255slavishslave-like; overly humble; involving very hard work156
1003957256submissivevoluntarily obeying another; humble157
1003957257subordinateinferior; lower in rank or status158
1003957258subservientobedient; obsequious159
1003957259sycophanta self-server who tries to gain the favor of others through the use of flattery of by being overattentive160
1003957260taodya flatterer; a sycophant161
1003989524ardentfull of passion and emotion162
1003989525avidshowing enthusiasm; ardent163
1003989526ebullientfilled with a bubbly excitement, as if boiling over with excitement164
1003989527effervescentlively; full of uplifted spirit; vivacious165
1003989528exuberantoverflowing with vitality and good spirits166
1003989529fanaticalfull of great enthusiasm or devotion167
1003989530ferventfilled with passion or intensity168
1003989531impassionedfilled with passionate emotion169
1003989532vibrantlively; full of vitality170
1003989533zealousfilled with enthusiasm; fervent171
1004011611adamantunwilling to bend; unyielding172
1004011612dogmaticstrongly opinionated; rigid; dictatorial173
1004011613hideboundstrongly opinionated; narrow-mindedly stubborn174
1004011614intractablestubborn; hard to manage175
1004011615obdurateresistant to persuasion or softening; stubbornly persistent in wrongdoing176
1004011616obstinatestubborn; inflexible177
1004011617recalcitrantstubborn; disobedient; defiant178
1004011618resolvefirmness, determination179
1004011619unwaveringfirm and determined180
1004011620unyieldingstubborn; inflexible181
1004034227acousticsthe quality of sound, pertaining to how it is heard based on the quality and structure of the room183
1004034228cacophonylack of harmony; loud and unpleasant noise; a racket184
1004034229clamorunpleasant sound; noise185
1004034230dinongoing loud sound; noise186
1004034231discordantlacking harmony or agreement187
1004034232euphonypleasing sound188
1004034233mellifluoussweet and smooth sounding189
1004034234raucouscoarse-sounding; loud and unruly190
1004034235stridentshrill; high pitched191
1004034236vociferousloud and noisy regarding one's own voice, especially shouting; demandingly clamorous192
1004034237acclaimto express strong approval or praise; hail193
1004034238accoladean award given as a sign of appreciation or respect194
1004034239adulateto praise or flatter too greatly; fawn over195
1004034240esteemto value highly; to have great regard for196
1004034241eulogizeto praise, as in a eulogy; to say good things about197
1004034242exaltto praise or glorify; to lift up in status, dignity, or power198
1004034243laudto praise; extol199
1004034244panegyrizeto praise a person or event in a formal speech or in writing; to praise highly200
1004034245revereto regard highly with love and respect201
1004034246venerateto feel or show deep respect for, especially due to age or tradition; to honor202
1004064639ampleabundant; plentiful; more than enough203
1004064640copiousabundant; much; plentiful204
1004064641lavish (#2)abundant; in excess205
1004064642myriad (adj. and n.)countless; a very large number206
1004064643plethoraexcess; abundance207
1004064644profuseabundant; more than enough208
1004064645prolificabundant; producing a great deal; fertile209
1004064646superfluousoverabundant; more than is needed; unnecessary210
1004064647surfeitan oversupply211
1007286084abstemiousholding back from eating or drinking too much212
1007286085alimentaryrelating to good and nourishment213
1007286086culinaryhaving to do with cooking, preparing meals214
1007286088emaciatedvery, very thin due to lack of adequate food216
1007286089epicureanhaving to do with relishing the pleasure of eating and drinking (n. epicure: the pleasure...)217
1007286090gluttonone who overindulges in food and drink218
1007286091palatablepleasing to the taste buds219
1007286092ravenousvery hungry220
1007286093savorytasty or good smelling221
1007286094voraciousgreedy; gluttonous; ravenous; insatiable222
1007286095charycautious; wary223
1007286096circumspectcareful and cautious before acting224
1007286097conscientiousrelating to doing what one knows is right; scrupulous225
1007286098exactingrequiring a great deal of care of effort; painstaking226
1007286099gingerlyvery carefully227
1007286100heedfulpaying careful attention to228
1007286101meticulousvery careful; fussy; finicky; fastidious229
1007286102scrupulousshowing great care and honesty, based on personal belief of what is right and proper230
1007286103vigilantcarefully alert and watchful231
1007286104warycautious, careful232
1007328966ephemerallasting a short time; fleeting233
1007328967evanescentvanishing quickly; fleeting234
1007328969itinerantwandering about; tending to move around, travel236
1007328971peripateticmoving or walking about; itinerant238
1007328972transientlasting for only a short time; temporary239
1007328974volatileexplosive or changing very quickly241
1007381523antediluvianvery, very, old; antiquated242
1007381524antiquatedvery old and no longer in use; obsolete243
1007381525antiquityancient times244
1007381526archaicold; from a much earlier time; antiquated245
1007381527obsoleteold; outdated, no longer in use246
1007381528relica custom or object that has been around for a very, very long time247
1007381529contemporarymodern, new; relating to the same time period248
1007381530inceptionthe start, the beginning of something249
1007381531innovationsomething new250
1007381533unprecedentednovel; unparalleled252

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