Twerk. VIS---Very important set
570437264 | abd | abdominal | |
570437265 | ac | before meals | |
570437266 | ad lib | as desired | |
570437267 | AMA (ama) | against medical advice | |
570437268 | amb | ambulatory | |
570437269 | AV | atrioventricular | |
570437270 | ax | axillary | |
570437271 | bid | twice a day | |
570437272 | CAD | coronary artery disease | |
570437273 | CPR | cardiopulmonary resuscitation | |
570437274 | DC | discontinued | |
570437275 | DOB | date of birth | |
570437276 | DOS | date of surgery | |
570437277 | ex | external | |
570437278 | FUO | fever of undetermined origin | |
570437279 | GI | gastrointestinal | |
570437280 | GSW | gunshot wound | |
570437281 | IV | intravenous | |
570437282 | lac | laceration | |
570437283 | RUQ, LUQ, RLQ, LLQ | four quadrants (right upper, left upper, right lower, left lower) | |
570437284 | LOC | loss of consciousness | |
570437285 | N&V | nausea and vomiting | |
570437286 | noc (noct) | night | |
570437287 | NPO | nothing by mouth | |
570437288 | OP | outpatient | |
570437289 | sc | subcutaneous | |
570437290 | ALS | amyotrophic lateral sclerosis | |
570437291 | CP | cerebral palsy | |
570437292 | CVA | cardiovascular accident | |
570437293 | DTR | deep tendon reflexes | |
570437294 | EEG | electroencephalogram | |
570437295 | MS | multiple sclerosis | |
570437296 | TIA | transient ischemic attack | |
570437297 | Ast | astigmatism | |
570437298 | Em | emmetropia | |
570437299 | EENT | eye, ear, nose, and throat | |
570437300 | OD | right eye | |
570437301 | OS | left eye | |
570437302 | OU | each eye | |
570437303 | RK | radial keratotomy | |
570437304 | VA | visual acuity | |
570437305 | AD | right ear | |
570437306 | AS | left ear | |
570437307 | AU | both ears | |
570437308 | TM | tympanic membrane | |
570437309 | OM | otitis media | |
570437310 | Oto | otology | |
570437311 | BP | blood pressure | |
570437312 | SOB | shortness of breath | |
570437313 | AOx3 | aware, oriented to person, place, time | |
570437314 | PERRLA | pupils equal, round, reactive and accommodation | |
570437315 | ACL | anterior cruciate ligament | |
570437316 | CTS | carpal tunnel syndrome | |
570437317 | EMG | electromyogram | |
570437318 | HNP | herniated nucleus pulposus | |
570437319 | OA | osteoarthritis | |
570437320 | OD(2) | overdose | |
570437321 | ortho | orthopedics | |
570437322 | RA | rheumatoid arthritis | |
570437323 | ROM | range of motion | |
570437324 | SCI | spinal cord injury | |
570437325 | THR | total hip replacement | |
570437326 | TKR | total knee replacement | |
570437327 | C1-C7 | 7 cervical vertebrae | |
570437328 | T1-T12 | 12 thoracic vertebrae | |
570437329 | L1-L5 | 5 lumbar vertebrae | |
570437330 | PT | physical therapy | |
570437331 | ADL | activities of daily living | |
570437332 | S/P | status post | |
570437333 | VS | vital signs | |
570437334 | CXR | chest x-ray | |
570437335 | CA | cancer | |
570437336 | Mets | metastasis | |
570437337 | TNM | tumor, node, metastasis | |
570437338 | ant | anterior | |
570437339 | AP | anterioposterior | |
570437340 | CAT scan | computed axial tomography scan | |
570437341 | inf | inferior | |
570437342 | lat | lateral | |
570437343 | med | medial | |
570437344 | MRI | magnetic resonance imaging | |
570437345 | PA | posteroanterior | |
570437346 | PET scan | positron emission tomography scan | |
570437347 | pos | posterior | |
570437348 | sup | superior | |
570437349 | Bx | biopsy | |
570437350 | Dx | diagnosis | |
570437351 | Fx | fracture | |
570437352 | Hx | history | |
570437353 | Rx | prescription/treatment | |
570437354 | R | right | |
570437355 | L | left | |
570437356 | three dots | therefore | |
570437357 | triangle | change | |
570437358 | c with a line | with | |
570437359 | s with a line | without | |
570437360 | p with a line | post (after) | |
570437361 | MOI | mechanism of injury | |
570437362 | NSAID | non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug | |
570437363 | Pt | patient |