Review of Chapter 30 of "Campbell Biology: Concepts and Connections" for Dr. Wojita's Human Biology class at OSU Marion
859431840 | The skeletal muscle membranes | Acetyl- choline | 1 | |
859431841 | Invaginations of the cell membrane, on either side of the sarcomeres | Transverse (T) tubules | 2 | |
859431842 | Place in the muscle fiber where Ca++ ions are stored | Sarcoplasmic reticulum | 3 | |
859431843 | The number of action potentials per second that are needed to be sent to a muscle to generate a smoother, stronger, full contraction as seen in fused muscular tetanus | Around 100 per second Here all evidence of relaxation in the twitches summated ends, and a smooth full contraction is produced | 4 | |
859431844 | The contractions used in everyday muscular movements | Positive contractions Negative Contractions Isometric Contractions | 5 | |
859431845 | The contraction that shortens muscles and generates force | Positive Contraction | 6 | |
859431846 | The type of respiration that is a larger producer of ATP | aerobic | 7 | |
859431847 | The contraction that lengthens muscles and generates force | Negative Contraction | 8 | |
859431848 | The contraction that keeps the muscle the same length and generates force | Isometric Contraction | 9 | |
859431849 | A muscle twitch is a result of this | One action potential per second | 10 | |
859431850 | The functional unit of a muscle | Sarcomere | 11 | |
859431851 | If one desires more force in a muscle contraction, then he or she will... | Recruit more motor units Bring all the motor units recruited to tetanus | 12 | |
859431852 | The type of muscle fiber that would be found in large amounts in an endurance muscle like the soleus in the calf. | Red, slow twitch Type I | 13 | |
859431853 | The type of muscle fiber that would be found in large amounts in a quick muscles like the hands or eyeball muscles and in, powerful quick muscles like the gastrocnemius in the calf. | White, fast twitch, Type 2b | 14 | |
859431854 | These fibers are slow in contracting, have high amount of capillaries, store large amounts of myoglobin, specialize in aerobic metabolism, and have large and many mitochondria. | Red, slow twitch Type I | 15 | |
859431855 | These fibers have large diameter thick and thin myofilaments, ample enzymes for glycolysis, fast ATPase enzymes, store glycogen, specialize in anaerobic metabolism, and have large and are white-pink in color. | White, fast twitch, Type 2b | 16 | |
859431856 | In general, any type of cross bridge activity in the sarcomere can generate force, no matter is shorteing, lengthening or staying the same length. | True | 17 | |
859431857 | Thick myofilament cross bridges of the sarcomere are found on this protein. | Myosin | 18 | |
859431858 | During muscle contraction, thick myofilament cross bridges bind to this protein on the thin myofilament. | Actin | 19 | |
859431859 | When a muscle is relaxing, would Calcium, Ca++ levels, in the sarcomere be... | Low | 20 | |
859431860 | When a muscle is contracting, would Calcium Ca++ levels, in the sarcomere be... | High | 21 | |
859431861 | A motor unit made out of this. | One motor neuron and all the muscle fibers it stimulates | 22 | |
859431862 | Under 10 muscle fibers per unit | provides great dexterity and coordination | 23 | |
859431863 | Hundreds of muscle fibers per motor unit | provides great force | 24 | |
859431864 | This is another name for a muscle cell | Fiber | 25 | |
859431865 | Skeletal muscle fibers have... | More than one nucleus | 26 | |
859431866 | The theory of muscle contraction | Sliding filament theory | 27 |