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Imperial Parallels Flashcards

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255268063Familythe family comprised the living generations and was headed by all powerfull patriarca. it was a tightly knit unit to which individual members were bound by strong loyalties and obligatilions. the family inculcated obedience, respect for superiors, piety, and a strong sences of duty and honor values that individuals carried with them into the wider social and policital world, creating a pervasive social cohesion.0
255268064Free PeasentrySturdy Farmers who could be pressed into millitary service or other forms o compulsory1
255268065Expansion of populationthe skill of Roman and Chinese farmers in the high fields that they produced lead to a dynamic expansion of population. as the population of the core areas out stripped the available resources, Italian and Han settlers moved into new regions, bringing there languables, beliefs, customs and technologys with them.2
255268066Roadsroads built to expedite the movement of troops became the highways of commerce and the thoroughfares by which imperial culture spread. a net work of cities and towns served as the nerve center of each empire, providing local administrative bases, further promoting commerce, and radiating imperial culture out into the surrounding country side.3
255268067Frontier Defencethe empires of Rome and Han China faced similar problems of defences : long borders located from the administrative center and aggressive neighbors who coveted the prosperity of the empire. both empires had to build walls and maintain a chain of forts and garrisons. to protect against incursions. the cost of froniter defense was staggering and eventually eroded the economic prosperty of the two empires. rough neighbors gradally learned the skills that had given the empires an initial advantage. under pressure goverments demanded more taxes and they lost the loyalty of their own people.4
255268068Attitudes toward the individualin china the individual was deeply embedded in the larger social group. the chinse family, with its emphasis on a precisely defined hierarchy, unqestioning obedience, and solemn rituals of deference to elders and ancestors served as the model of society and the state. thus in china respect for authority was (and remains) a deep-seated habit.5
255268069Political and Religious Idealogythe roman emperors wonted a dynasty were as the chinese had a emperor that they believed as the divine son of heaven. the chinese did not wont a emperor again. the romans believed in christianity. the christians believed it you did not believe in it you did not know anything. buddhism which came to china in the early centuries C.E. and foourished in the post-han era, was more easily reconciled with traditional chinese values and beliefs.6

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