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Important Court Cases

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118748792Everson v. Board of Education(1946) reimbursements of money to parents who sent kids on buses including Catholic schools
118748793Engel v. Vitale(1962) nondenominational prayer at start of school day
118748794Abington v. Schempp(1962) public school participate in religious exercise
118748795Lemon v. Kurtzman(1971) state financial aid available to "church-related educational institutions"
118748796Wallace v. Jaffree(1984) teachers conduct religious prayer services and activities in school
118748797Westside v. Mergens(1990) Christian club not allowed for students at school
118748798Lee v. Weisman(1992) clergy who offer prayers at official public school ceremonies
118748799Santa Fe Independent School Dist. v. Doe(2000) prayer before a public school football game
118748800Good News Club v. Milford Central school(2001) building didn't allow religious activities --> club for Christian children took place there
118748801Elk Grove Unified School District v. Newdow(2004) "under god" part of pledge of allegiance
118748802Van Orden v. Perry(2005) Ten Commandments monument on state capitol building grounds
118748803Reynolds v. United States(1879) if plural marriage is part of religious practice can they have an anti-bigamy statue
118748804West Virginia v. Barnette(1943) flag salute for public schoolchildren required
118748805Wisconsin v. Yoder(1972) some parents refused to send children to school for religious reasons, but law says they must be sent to school until at least 16 years of age
118748806Church of Lukumi Babalu Aye v. City of Hialeah(1993) city did not allow ritual animal sacrifices even for religious reasons
118748807Schenck v. United States(1919) Schenck mailed to draftees his opinion on the draft and was against it during time of war
118748808Tinker v. Des Moines(1969) wearing of armbands in school as symbolic protest (Vietnam War)
118748809Bradenburg V. Ohio(1969) KKK leader made a speech and was then convicted because it advocated crime, sabotage, and violence
118748810Buckley v. Valeo(1976) electoral funding... is money speech?
118748811Bethel v. Fraser(1986) student used a "graphic sexual metaphor" to promote his friend running for office and was then suspended for 2 days
118748812Reno v. ACLU(1997) sexually explicit material not allowed in communication
118748813Morse v. Fredrick(2006) public school didn't allow students to display religious messages (student had help up sign saying: bong bangs for jesus, and then was suspended)
118748814Near v. Minnesota(1931) not allowed to publish defamatory periodicals because they were considered a nuisance
118748815New York Times v. Sullivan(1964) not required to prove that an advertisement personally harmed him and dismissed as untruthful
118748816New York Times v. United States(1971) Nixon didn't allow "classified information" to be published
118748817Brazenburg v. Hayes(1972) news reporter published a story about drug users in local newspaper and then refused to testify in court when they were investigating in drug crimes-- limited freedom of press
118748818Hazelwood School District v. Kuhlmeier(1988) school newspaper editor refused to publish two stories because he found them innapropriate
118748819Mapp v. Ohio(1961) convicted of possessing obscene materials after an illegal police search of her home
118748820Gideon v. Wainwright(1963) state court failed to appoint a lawyer to Gideon
118748821Miranda v. Arizona(1966) police practice of interrogating people without notifying them of their right to counsel and their protection against self-incrimination
118748822Furman v. Georgia(1972) Furman was found burglaring, tripped and gun went off, killing a resident of house and was convicted of murder and sentenced to death. cruel and unusual punishment??
118748823Gregg v. Georgia(1976) death sentence cruel and unusual punishement?
118748824New Jersey v. TLO(1985) TLO accused of smoking in bathroom at school... principal searched her purse and found marijuana. search constitutional?
118748825Roper v. Simmons(2005) execution of minors
118748826Roe v. Wade(1973) women's right to terminate her pregnancy by abortion (Roe)
118748827Webster v. Reproductive Health Services(1989) Missouri restrictions on abortion.. violate right of privacy or equal protection clause?
118748828Planned Parenthod v. Casey(1992) woman's right to abortion violated if required to obtain consent, wait 24 hours, and, if they are a minor, obtain parental consent?
118748829Gonzalez v. Carhart(2007) partial-birth abortion ban act of 2003 (banned late-term abortions) unconstitutional because it didn't apply to if mother's life was endangered? no
118748830Marbury v. Madison(1803) Marbury made last-minute appointments (many Federalist judges) during John Adams final days of presidency
118748831McCulloch v. Maryland(1819) 1st bank was setup by government and taxed by Maryland
118748832Gibbons v. Ogden(1964) does state of New York have the right to regulate interstate commerce (steamboats) or does Congress decide that?
118748833Barron v. Baltimore(1833) does government have right to take private property for public use without compensating owner?
118748834Dred Scott v. Sandford(1857) Dred Scott free man or slave?
118748835Plessy v. Ferguson(1896) law mandates racial segregation on trains
118748836Gitlow v. New York(1963) NY law punishes people for overthrowing gov't (Gitlow distributing left-wing manifesto)
118748837Korematsu v. United States(1944) WWII- president excluded people of Japanese descent from important areas to national defense
118748838Brown v. Board of Education(1954) segregation of children in public schools based on race
118748839Baker v. Carr(1962) does SC have jurisdiction over problems of legislative apportionment? --> reapportionment
118748840Heart of Atlanta Hotel v. United States(1964) motel wasn't allowing blacks in, violating Title Two of Civil Rights Act
118748841Griswold v. Connecticut(1965) Griswold gave info to married couples about contraceptives and birth control, convicted
118748842Loving v. Virginia(1967) inter-racial marriage (Lovings) were found guilty and sentenced to a year in prison
118748843Miller v. California(1973) sale and distribution of obscene materials through mail
118748844Regents of the University of California v. Bakke(1978) applied to California medical school and wasn't let in even though he exceeded many others because other minorities were let in instead
118748845Oregon v. Smith(1990) unemployment benefits denied to people who get dismissed from their prior jobs for religiously inspired drug use
118748846United States v. Lopez(1995) brought an armed hand gun to school and was arrested and charged with 6 months in juvenile delinquence
118748847Gratz v. Bollinger/Grutter v. Bollinger(2003) University of Michigan uses racial preferences in undergraduate admissions
118748848Lawrence v. Texas(2003) "Homosexual conduct" law violated when police entered house and found lawrence and garner engaging in same-sex sexual intimacy
118748849Hamdi v. Rumsfeld(2004) Hamdi (american citizen arrested for being accused of fighting for the Tailban) held in prison without due process and access to an attorney
118748850Hamdan v. Rumsfeld(2006) Hamdan (Osama bin Laden's former driver) arrested by US military. filed hareas corpus petition.. may the rights protected by the Geneva Convetntion be enforced in federal court through haeas corpus petitions?
118748851District of Columbia v. Heller(2008) private owners of firearms that are loaded and assembled have to be register their guns in order to possess them if they aren't involved in any state-regulated militia
118748852McDonald v. Chicago(2010) parts of Illinois banned guns... does 2nd amendment apply to states because it involves the 14th amendment's rights?

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