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Insectos, aves y peces

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40318931el águilaeagle
40318932el búhoowl
40318933la lechuzaowl
40318934el canariocanary
40318935la cigüeñastork
40318936el cisneswan
40318937el cuervocrow
40318938el faisánpheasant
40318939la gallinahen
40318940el gallorooster
40318941la gaviotaseagull
40318942el golondrinaswallow
40318943el gorriónsparrow
40318944el loroparrot
40318945el nidonest
40318946la palomadove
40318947el patoduck
40318948el pavoturkey
40318949el pavo realpeacock
40318950el pericoparakeet
40318951el picobeak
40318952el pingüinopenguin
40318953la plumafeather
40318954el pollochicken
40318955el ruiseñornightingale
40318956el avestruzostrich
40318957el buitrevulture
40318958el cordonizcornish hen
40318959la urracamagpie
40318960el pichónyoung pigeon
40318961la abejabee
40318962la arañaspider
40318963la avispawasp
40318964la cucarachacockroach
40318965el grillocricket
40318966el gusanoworm
40318967la hormigaant
40318968la mariposabutterfly
40318969la moscaFly
40318970el mosquitomosquito
40318971la pulgaflea
40318972el saltamontesGrasshopper
40318973la mariquitaladybug
40318974el escarabajobeetle
40318975el chinchebedbug
40318976la polillamoth
40318977la almejaclam
40318978el calamarsquid
40318979el camarónShrimp
40318980el cangrejocrab
40318981la langostalobster
40318982el mariscoshellfish
40318983el mejillónmussel
40318984la ostraoyster
40318985el caracolsnail
40318986la conchashell
40318987la espinafishbone; spine
40318988la gambaprawn, shrimp
40318989el bacalaocod
40318990la anguilaeel
40318991la truchatrout
40318992la anchoaanchovy
40318993el atúntuna
40318994el pescadofish (dead)
40318995el pezfish (live)
40318996el pulpooctopus
40318997el salmónsalmon
40318998la sardinasardine
40318999el tiburónshark
40319000el hipocamposseahorse
40319001la orugacaterpillar
40319002la telarañaspider web
40319003el pelícanopelican
40319004el alawing
40319005la mariposa nocturnamoth
40319006la ocagoose
40319007la jaulabirdcage
40319008la patapaw, foot
40319386el colibríhummingbird
40319387el gorjeochirping
40319388el cantobird song
40319389el pájaro carpinterowoodpecker
40319390la grullaCrane
40319391el gansogoose
40319392el graznidoquack
41198104la garrapatatick
41198105la patapaw, foot
41198106el capullococoon
41198107la libéluladragonfly
41198108la mantis religiosapraying mantis
41198109el enjambreswarm
41198110el milpiésmillipede
41198111el ciempiéscentipede
41198112el escorpiónscorpion
41198113el aguijónstinger
41198114los parásitosparasites
41198115la aletafin
41198116la garratalon or claw
41198117las medusasjellyfish
41198118las branquiasgills
41198119el tentáculotentacle
41198120el halcónfalcon/hawk
41198121la catarinaladybug
41198122la tarántulatarantula
91505751los percebesbarnacles
228876706el gusano...
228876707la bandada...
228876708la colmena...
228876709el panal...

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