University at Albany
Professor - Robert Rossellini
1661257302 | Psychology | The scientific study of behavior and experience and their physiological and cognitive underpinnings. | 0 | |
1661257303 | Clinical | An advanced degree such as a PhD. or PsyD. is needed. Specialized in treatment for people with mental disorders and psychological problems. | 1 | |
1661257304 | Psychiatry | Branch of medicine that deals with emotional disturbances. | 2 | |
1661257305 | Behavioral Neuroscience | The study of brain and behavior with a focus on the biological and psychological processes of motivation, addiction, learning, memory, information processing, evolution, individual differences and genetics. | 3 | |
1661257306 | Cognitive | The study of human learning, memory, attention and information processing. | 4 | |
1661257307 | Industrial-Organizational | Behavior of individuals in organizations. | 5 | |
1661257308 | Social | Social forces in behavior of individuals, behavior of groups and individuals within a group, inter-personal relationships, change and attitude. | 6 | |
1661257309 | Developmental | Study of human and animal development across the life span, child psychology and early development, adolescent psychology, geriatric psychology. | 7 | |
1661257310 | Personality | Consistency in an individual's behavior and the factors which influence it. | 8 | |
1661257311 | Psychometrics | the scientific study of the measurement of human abilities, attitudes, and traits | 9 | |
1661257312 | Educational | application of psychological principles to an educational setting. | 10 | |
1661257313 | Forensic | Application of psychological principles to legal issues. | 11 | |
1661257314 | Socrates | Started to ask questions to gain knowledge on behavior. Given a choice to be exiled or to drink poison. He drank the poison. | 12 | |
1661257315 | Ptolemy | Alexandrian astronomer who proposed a geocentric system of astronomy that was undisputed until Copernicus (2nd century AD) | 13 | |
1661257316 | Copernicus | 1473-1543. Polish astronomer who was the first to formulate a scientifically based heliocentric cosmology that displaced the earth from the center of the universe. This theory is considered the epiphany that began the Scientific Revolution. | 14 | |
1661257317 | Galieo | wrote a book that was criticized by the Catholic church and stated that Earth was not the center of the universe | 15 | |
1661257318 | Newton | Came up with the law of gravity. | 16 | |
1661257319 | Rene Descartes | "I think, therefore I am" | 17 | |
1661257320 | Hobbes | Argued that all behavior can be explained in a mechanistic fashion. | 18 | |
1661257321 | Locke | Argued that all men are inheretly equal. | 19 | |
1661257322 | Humme | You are all born equal, but once put into certain enviorments, you are then unequal. | 20 | |
1661257323 | Charles Darwin | Law of natural selection. | 21 | |
1661257324 | Wundt | 1879 the first Psychological laboratory | 22 | |
1661257325 | Titchner | Method of Introspection to uncover the nature of consciousness | 23 | |
1661257326 | Functionalism | Psychology as the study of the function of consciousness & behavior | 24 | |
1661257327 | Pavlov | Set up experiment that you ring a bell and give a dog food. Demonstrates object association. | 25 | |
1661257328 | Watson | American psychologist who first developed behaviorist thought | 26 | |
1661257329 | Skinner | American psychologist who developed the operant conditioning model of learning; emphasized studying the relationship between environmental factors and observable actions, not mental processes, in trying to achieve a scientific explanation of behavior | 27 | |
1661257330 | Behvaiorism | Psychology as the science of behavior | 28 | |
1661257331 | Gestalt | Psychology as the study of holistic behavioral and perceptual processes | 29 | |
1661257332 | Witmer | found 1st psych clinic in UPENN | 30 | |
1661257333 | Sigmund Freud | A psychologist who developed psychoanalysis. Believed strongly that unconscious drives and desires guided people's actions. | 31 | |
1663906665 | Empiricism | knowledge based on systematic observation | 32 | |
1663906666 | Rationalism | rules of logic to arrive at a conclusion | 33 | |
1663906667 | Steps in the Scientific Method | 1 - Observe 2 - Gather 3 - Analyze 4 - Conclude | 34 | |
1663906668 | Goals of Science | To describe phenomena and be able to measure it. | 35 | |
1663906669 | Advantages of the Scientific Method | Precision of thought and self-correction. | 36 | |
1663906670 | Theory | Theory derives from replications of hypothesis. | 37 | |
1669018281 | Hypothesis | A testable prediction. | 38 | |
1669018282 | Independent Variable | The experimental factor that is manipulated; the variable whose effect is being studied. | 39 | |
1669018283 | Dependent Variable | The outcome factor; the variable that may change in response to manipulations of the independent variable. | 40 | |
1669018284 | Control Group | Group of tested subjects that are not being affected by any variable. | 41 | |
1669018285 | Experimental Group | Group of tested subjects that are being effected by the tested variable. | 42 | |
1669018286 | Falsifiability | A property of a statement or hypothesis such that it can (in principle, at least) be rejected in the face of contravening evidence. | 43 | |
1669018287 | Parsimony | In scientific studies, the search for the least complex explanation for an observed phenomenon | 44 | |
1669018288 | Standard of Proof | 1 - Data collected using scientifically accepted methods 2 - Peer review of data and theory 3 - Replication of data | 45 | |
1669018289 | Burden of Proof | Proponents of position must offer valid proof of claim | 46 | |
1669018290 | Case Study | Detailed description of a single individual. | 47 | |
1669018291 | Naturalistic Observation | description of behavior under natural conditions | 48 | |
1669018292 | Survey | Study of attitudes, beliefs, or behaviors based on answers to questions. | 49 | |
1669018293 | Correlation | Description of a relationship between two variables. | 50 | |
1669018294 | Experiment | Determination of the effect of a variable controlled by the investigator on some other variable that is measured. | 51 | |
1669018295 | Sampling Bias | When a sample is not representative of the population from which it is drawn. | 52 | |
1669018296 | Participant Seriousness | A factor that plays into the response of a person when partaking in a survey. | 53 | |
1669018297 | Demand Characteristics | Any aspects of a study that communicate to the participants how the experimenter wants them to behave. | 54 | |
1669018298 | Question Wording | Does the question have a favorable answer. | 55 | |
1669018299 | Surveyor Bias | wording question to encourage answers they are hoping to receive | 56 | |
1669018300 | R-Value | The measure of a correlation. | 57 | |
1669018301 | Strong Positive Correlation | When the r-value is close to 1. | 58 | |
1669018302 | Strong Negative Correlation | When the r-value is close to -1. | 59 | |
1669018303 | Correlation does not mean.... | Causation | 60 | |
1669018304 | Correlation does cause... | Inferences | 61 | |
1669018305 | Convenience Sample | Anyone who's available | 62 | |
1669018306 | Representative Sample | Same percentage of male/female, black/white, etc, in the population. | 63 | |
1669018307 | Random Sample | Everyone in the population has the same chance of being chosen. | 64 | |
1669018308 | Cross-Cultural Sample | Sample of different cultures. | 65 | |
1669018309 | Placebo Effect | Experimental results caused by expectations alone | 66 | |
1669018310 | Nocebo Effect | negative effects derived from expectations | 67 | |
1669018311 | Single Blind | Participant is unaware of experimental conditions | 68 | |
1669018312 | Double Blind | Participant is unaware of experimental conditions and either the observer or the experimenter is unaware of the conditions. | 69 | |
1669018313 | Bell Magendie | Discovered physical apperance of the reflex arch | 70 | |
1669018314 | Neurons | A nerve cell; the basic building block of the nervous system. | 71 | |
1669018315 | Cell Body | Largest part of a typical neuron; contains the nucleus. | 72 | |
1669018316 | Axon | A threadlike extension of a neuron that carries nerve impulses away from the cell body. | 73 | |
1669018317 | Myelin Sheath | A layer of fatty tissue segmentally encasing the fibers of many neurons. | 74 | |
1669018318 | Nodes of Ranvier | Gaps in a myelin sheath. | 75 | |
1669018319 | Terminal Boutons | Presynaptic axon endings | 76 | |
1669018320 | Resting Potential | Sodium ions that are positively charged are on the outside of the neuron, while positively charged Potassium ions on the inside of the neuron, along with negatively charged Protein. | 77 | |
1669018321 | Action Potential | An electrical impulse moves down the axon causing sodium ions to enter the axon through the sodium channels, as the negative charges of the protein attract the positive ions. | 78 | |
1669018322 | Synapse | A junction where information is transmitted from one neuron to the next. | 79 | |
1669018323 | Synaptic Transmission | Neurotransmitter synthesis, Storage, Release, Binding, Inactivation, Reuptake | 80 | |
1669018329 | ACh | Neurotransmitter for attention, arousal, memory and muscles. Agonists examples are nicotine and poisonous spider bites. Antagonists, botox. | 81 | |
1669018330 | Dopamine | A neurotransmitter associated with movement, attention and learning and the brain's pleasure and reward system. | 82 | |
1669018331 | DA and Depression | decreased DA activity & decreased experience of pleasure | 83 | |
1669018332 | DA and Schizophrenia | increased post synaptic receptors & agitation - halucinations | 84 | |
1669018333 | DA and Parkinsons | DA Cell death in subtantia nigra & decreased motor movement | 85 | |
1669018334 | DA and Drug Abuse/Addiction | DA activation - pleasure and addiction | 86 | |
1669018335 | Norepinephrine | Memory of emotional and meaningful events | 87 | |
1669018336 | Serotonin | Affects mood, hunger, sleep, and arousal | 88 | |
1669018337 | The Turkey Myth | Turkey contains tryptophan which is a precursor to Serotonin, but it is not the serotonin that makes you sleepy after Thanksgiving dinner. | 89 | |
1669018338 | GABA | inhibitory, reduces anxiety and controls mood | 90 | |
1669018339 | Endorphins | "morphine within"--natural, opiatelike neurotransmitters linked to pain control and to pleasure. | 91 | |
1669018340 | Cerebelum | Part of the brain that functions to coordinate voluntary muscular movements | 92 | |
1669018341 | Medula | Located in the hindbrain, controls some basic vital functions such as the heart, breathing. | 93 | |
1669018342 | Pons | Located in the hindbrain, controls the reticular activating system, which keeps you awake. | 94 | |
1669018343 | Hypothalamus | Located in the forebrain, controls fighting, fleeing feeding, and sex. | 95 | |
1669018344 | Thalamus | Located in the forebrain, controls sensory information. | 96 | |
1669018345 | Hippocampus | Located in the forebrain, helps process explicit memories for storage. | 97 | |
1669018346 | Amygdala | Located in the forebrain, controls emotions and fear | 98 | |
1669018347 | Frontal Lobe | Located in the cerebral cortex, controls planning, social control, self-recognition self-awareness, primary motor area, and fine movement control | 99 | |
1669018348 | Parietal Lobe | Located in the cerebral cortex, controls sensory processing. | 100 | |
1669018349 | Occipital Lobe | Located in the cerebral cortex, controls vision processing. | 101 | |
1669018350 | Temporal Lobe | Located in the cerebral cortex, controls memory, auditory processes, speech processes and complex vision processes. | 102 | |
1669018351 | Sperry | Section of Cerebral Cortex - Split brain - for management of epilepsy | 103 | |
1669018352 | Left Brain Hemisphere | controls right side of the body, Languages, Sensory information and control of the right side of the body, verbal abilities, positive emotion, sequential, analytical and processing | 104 | |
1669018353 | Right Brain Hemisphere | controls the left side of the body, artistic ability, speech prosody, spatial manipulation, perceiving and portraying emotion, inference making | 105 |