Emotions, Stress, And Health
1892932258 | How to measure emotions? | Self-reports, behavioral observations, and physiological measures | 0 | |
1892932259 | Microexpressions | Very brief, sudden emotional expressions | 1 | |
1892932260 | Autonomic Nervous System | The section of the nervous system that controls the organs "independent" | 2 | |
1892932261 | Sympathetic Nervous System | Two chains of neuron clusters just to the left and right of the spinal cord which arouses the body for vigorous action | 3 | |
1892932262 | Parasympathetic Nervous System | neurons whose axons extend from the medulla and lower part of the spinal cord to neuron clusters near the organs | 4 | |
1892932263 | James-Lange Theory | Your interpretation of a stimulus evokes autonomic changes and sometimes muscle actions. Your perception of those changes is the feeling aspect of your emotion | 5 | |
1892932264 | James-Lange Theory | Situation --> Appraisal (cognitive aspect of emotion) --> Actions (physiological and behavioral aspects) --> Perception of the actions (feeling aspects of the emotion) | 6 | |
1892932265 | Schacter and Singer's theory | the intensity of the physiological state - that is, the degree of sympathetic nervous system arousal - determines the intensity of the emotion, but a cognitive apraisal of the situation identifies the type of emotion | 7 | |
1893520837 | Duchenne Smile | The full expression including the muscles around the eyes | 8 | |
1893520838 | Broaden -and-build hypohesis | A happy mood increases your readiness to explore new ideas and opportunities | 9 | |
1893520839 | Emotional Intelligence | The ability to perceive, imagine, and understand emotions ad use that information in making decisions | 10 | |
1893520840 | Anxiety | An increase in the startle reflex A vague and long lasting sense that something bad might happen | 11 | |
1893520841 | Fear | The response to an immediate danger | 12 | |
1893520842 | Polygraph | Records indication of sympathetic nervous system arousal, such as blood pressure, heart rate, breathing rate, and electrical conduction of the skin | 13 | |
1893520843 | Guilty-Knowledge Test | A modified version of the polygraph test that asks questions that should be threatening only to someone who knows the facts of a crime that have not been publicized | 14 | |
1893520844 | Anger | A desire to harm people or to drive them away | 15 | |
1893520845 | Frustration-aggression hypothesis | The main cause of anger is frustration - an obstacle that stands in the way of doing something or obtaining some expected behavior | 16 | |
1893520846 | Positive Psychology | The study of the features that enrich life, such as happiness, hope, creativity, courage, spirituality, and responsibility | 17 | |
1893520847 | Subjective well-being | a self-evaluation of ones's life as pleasant, interesting, and satisfying | 18 | |
1893520848 | Temperament or Personality | One of the strongest influences on happiness | 19 | |
1893520849 | Cortisol | A hormone which enhances metabolism and increases the supply of sugar and other fuels to the cells | 20 | |
1893520850 | Type A personality | highly competitive, insisting on winning always, impatient, always in a hurry, often hostile | 21 | |
1893520851 | Type B personality | more easy going, less hurried, less hostile | 22 | |
1893520852 | Problem-focused coping | People do something to control the situation | 23 | |
1893520853 | Reappraisal | Reinterpreting the situation to make it seem less treatening | 24 | |
1893520854 | Emotion-focused coping | People try to control their emotional reaction | 25 | |
1893520855 | Inoculate | Exposing yourself to small amounts of the events | 26 |