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Islam Flashcards

Chapter 14: Islam

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38712740The Arabian penisula is made up mostly of...Desert0
38712741Muhammad was born to...a mecca merchant familly1
38712742Muhammad maried...Khadija2
38712743Koran (Quran)...Holy book of Islam3
38712744The Koran was comprised of...Muhammad's revalations4
38712745The Koran defined...authority5
38712746Muhammad migrated to...Medina6
38712747Muhammad had conflict with Mecca because...His teachings offended other people, especially the ruling elite7
38712748The Hijra...was the starting point of the Islamic alendar8
38712749The umma is...cohesive community of Muslims in Medina9
38712750Muhammad called himself...Seal of the prophets or the final prophet of Allah10
38712751Muhammad and his followers conquered Mecca in...630 C.E.11
38712752Muhammad imposed...A government dedicated to Allah12
38712753Muhammad rebelliously destroyed...Pagan shrines and built mosques13
38712754The Ka'ba was not destroyed, yet...It became site of pigrimage in 632 C.E.14
38712755The Five Pillars states...1. there is no god but Allah, and Mohammad is his prophet; 2.to pray five times facing mecca; 3. to fast during the holiday of Ramadan; 4. to give alms to the poor; 5. and to make a pigramige to mecca.15
38712756Islamic law is based on...the sharia (inspired by the Koran)16
38712757The shariaenforced male dominance17
38712758Cliph=...Religious Emporer/Leader18
38712759Abu Bakr served as a caliph after Muhammad's death. This meant...He became head of the state, chief judge, religious leader, military commander.19
38712760The shia sect supported...Ali and descendents as caliph20
38712761Unlike the Sunnis...the Shias accepted legitamcy of early caliphs21
38712762The Umayyad dynasty temporarily solved...problem of succession22
38712763The Umayyad established capital city at...Damascus in Syria23
38712764The policy on conquered peoples was...Levied jizya (head tax) on those who convert to Islam and Even the non-Arab converts were discriminated against.24
38712765Umayyad decline...due to discontent of conquered and resistance of Shia25
38712766Abbasid dynasty...Showed no special favor to Arab military aristocracy. Then they no longer tried to conquer but the empire still grew26
38712767Abbasid administration...relied heavily on persian techniques of statecraft, central authority ruled from the court of baghdad, appointed governors to rule provinces, Ulama and qadis ruled locally.27
38712768Harun al-Rashid was the...high point of Abassid dynasty.28
38712769Abbasid decline resulted from...Struggle for succesion between Haruns sons led to civil war, governors built theri own power bases, popular uprisings and peasant rebellions weakened the dynasty, a persian noble seized control of Baghdad in 945 C.E., Later ther Saljuq Turks Controlled the imerial family.29
38712770A new industry of... arosepaper manufacture30
38712771Arab and Persian mariners borrowed the... from the...Compass; Chinese31
38712772Borrowed the lateen...sail32
38712773Borrowed the astrolabe from...Hellistenic mariners33
38712774Women's rights provided by the Koran were reduced through...later interpretations.34
38712775Ulama qadis and missionaries were...main agents35
38712776Sufis=...Islamic mystics36
38712777Sufises were...most effective missionaries, encouraged devotion to Allah by passionate singin or dancing.37
38712778Al-Ghazali belied that...Human reason was too frail and confusing38
38712779Sufis led...ascetic and holy lives39
38712780Sufis encouraged followers... and tolerated those who...to revere Alah in their own ways; tolerated those who associated Allah with other beliefs.40
38712781The Ka'ba became...the symbol of Islamic cultural unity41
38712782Persian influenced Islam by...literary works, administrative techniques borrowed from the Sasanids, Ideas of kingship: wise, benevolent, absolute42
38712783Indian influenced Islam by...Adopted Hindi numberals, which Europeans later called Arabic numerals, Algebra and Trig43
38712784Greek influenced Islam by...Muslims philosphers especially liked Plato and Aristotle44

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