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Islam Vocabulary

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the Arabic word for God
"Allah is most great" or "God is greater than"/ a part of the daily call to prayer sounded from minarets around the world
Islamic art/geometric patterns that are repeated over and over
a greeting meaning "peace" when Muslims meet each other
an instrument used by sailors to determine their location by observing the position of the stars and planets
a Shiite who is learned in the Shariah, the Koran, and the Hadith; and is known for their piety
a covered market
wandering/nomadic Arab tribes
the title of the successor to Muhammad
long, black robe worn by Iranian women
Muslim shrine containing the rock from which Mohammad is believed to have risen to heaven; Jews believe Abraham prepared to sacrifice his son Isaac on the rock
a payment (gift) of money or property to the bride
The first chapter of the Quran. This prayer, which asks God for guidance to follow "the straight path," is repeated by Muslims each day during the five required prayers
a legal ruling within Islam
the literal translation means "story"; traditional teachings based on Muhammad's words and actions; these traditions are traced to eyewitness accounts
means someone who has memorized the Koran in its entirety and is capable of reciting it
pilgrimage to Mecca; one of the Five Pillars of Islam
separate women's quarters in a traditional Muslim home
means covering the head and body in accordance with God's instructions
Muhammad's flight from Mecca to Medina in A. D. 622; this event marks the beginning of the Muslim calendar
The name for Satan in the Quran. Like the devil in Christian theology, he tempts human beings and seeks to thwart God's divine purpose in history
Muslim prayer leader
word meaning faith
the religion practiced by Muslims; Islam means "submission to the will of God"
the obligation of Muslims to struggle or exert themselves "in the way of God ; doesn't necessarily refer to an armed struggle
literally a "cube"/shrine in Mecca; Muhammad cleansed the Kaaba of idols
farms in Israel where groups of Jewish families live and work together
Islamic schools
council of Muslim men
the holiest city of Islam; Muhammad's birthplace
the second holiest city; where Muhammad lived after fleeing Mecca
an alcove in a mosque that points toward Mecca
the tower attached to a mosque from which the muezzin, or crier, calls the faithful to prayer five times a day
the belief in one God
building used by Muslims for religious services
where Muhammad received his first revelation
person who calls Muslims for religious services
the founder of the Islam religion; to Muslims, Muhammad is the ultimate and final prophet
separate men's quarters in a traditional Muslim home
a person who believes the teachings of Islam
fertile or green areas within a desert
a marriage between a man and more than one woman; is seen as an exception, not as a rule, within Islam
to convert someone else to your religion
the traditional Middle Eastern custom of seclusion for women
the name for the holy book of Islam; meaning "recital"
ninth month of the Muslim calendar marked by fasting
an open courtyard
public profession of faith; the first of the Five Pillars of Islam
hot, dry wind that blows across Israel
Muslim law code
an Arab leader or chief
accept only the descendants of Ali as the true rulers of Islam
did not agree with Umayyad rule but accepted the Umayyads as rulers
a title that means the "holder of power"/ Turkish leader
A chapter of the Quran. This word literally means "fence" or "enclosure". There are 114 surahs in the Quran, arranged in the order of descending length
means the oneness or singularity of God. To reject it is to reject Islam.
long, white garment worn by men in Saudi Arabia
the worldwide community of Muslim believers
a prime minister that advises the caliph
Jewish holy site in Jerusalem that is the only remaining portion of Solomon's temple
"And Peace" (used as "farewell" or "goodbye" in English)

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