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JLPT 4 Kanji

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~かげつ number of months
~じゅう (during, while)
~ちゅう (during, while ~ing)
~じん (counter for people)
~にん (counter for people)
~こ (counter for small items)
~えん (yen [currency])
~さつ (counter for books)
~ふん (~minutes)
~まえ (in front of ~)
~ひき (counter for small animals)
~だい (counter for vehicles/machines)
~かい (counter for occurrences)
~ねん (~ years)
~ど (counter for occurrences)
~にち (~ day of the month, for ~ days)
~じ (time [~ O'clock])
~とき (at the time of ~)
~じかん (~hours)
~がつ (month of year)
~ほん (counter for long cylindrical things)
~はい (counter for cupfuls)
~まい (counter for flat things)
~さい (~years-old)
~ばん (~st/th best)
~ご (word, language)
~しゅうかん (~weeks)
~かい (counter for storeys of a building)
おにいさん (older brother)
おねえさん ([hon] older sister)
おべんとう (boxed lunch)
おてあらい (toilet, lavatory, bathroom)
おかあさん ([hon] mother)
おとうさん ([hon] father)
おさら (plate, dish)
おちゃ (green tea)
おかし (confections, sweets, candy)
おさけ (alcohol, sake [rice wine])
おかね (money)
おふろ (bath)
さらいねん (year after next)
とりにく (chicken meat)
いち (one)
ひとつ (one)
ひとり (one person)
いちにち (1 day [duration])
ついたち (for one day, first of month)
ひとつき (one month)
いっしょ (together)
しち (seven)
ななつ (seven)
なのか (seven days, the seventh day [of the month])
まん (ten thousand, everything)
まんねんひつ (fountain pen)
じょうぶ (strong, solid, durable)
さん (three)
みっつ (three)
みっか (three days, the third day [of the month])
うえ (above, on top of)
あげる (to give)
じょうず (skill, skillful, dexterity)
うわぎ (coat, jacket)
した (under, below, beneath)
へた (unskillful, poor)
りょうしん (parents, both parents)
ならぶ (to line up, to stand in a line)
ならべる (to line up, to set up)
なか (inside, middle, among)
まるい (round, circular)
のる (to get on, to ride in, to board)
きゅう (nine)
く (nine)
ここのつ (nine)
ここのか (nine days, the ninth day [of the month])
に (two)
ふたつ (two)
ふたり (two people)
はつか (twenty days, twentieth [day of the month])
はたち (20 years old, 20th year)
ふつか (second day of the month, two days)
ご (five)
いつつ (five)
いつか (five days, the fifth day [of the month])
こうさてん (intersection)
こうばん (police box)
ひと (man, person)
いま (now)
ことし (this year)
きょう (today, this day)
こんばん (tonight, this evening)
こんげつ (this month)
けさ (this morning)
こんしゅう (this week)
しごと (work, occupation, employment)
やすみ (rest, vacation, holiday)
やすむ (to rest, to have a break, to take a day off)
あう (to meet, to see)
かいしゃ (company, corporation)
おばさん (aunt)
おじ・さん (uncle, middle aged man)
ひくい (short, low)
すむ (to reside, to live in)
からだ (body)
なん/なに (what)
なん~ (what sort of ~)
つくる (to make, to create)
さくぶん (composition, writing)
つかう (to use)
べんり (convenient, handy)
かりる (to borrow, to have a loan)
~がわ (~ side)
かさ (umbrella)
はたらく (to work)
げんき (health)
あに ([hum] older brother)
きょうだい (siblings [brothers and sisters])
さき (the future, former, previous)
せんげつ (last month)
せんせい (teacher, master, doctor)
せんしゅう (last week, the week before)
はいる (to enter, to contain, to hold)
いれる (to put in)
いりぐち (entrance, gate)
ぜんぶ (all, entire, whole)
はち (eight)
やっつ (eight)
ようか (eight days, the eighth [day of the month])
やおや (greengrocer)
こうえん ([public] park)
ろく (six)
むっつ (six)
むいか (six days, sixth [day of month])
しゃしん (photograph)
ふゆ (winter)
つめたい (cold [to the touch])
れいぞうこ (refrigerator)
でかける (to depart, to go out)
だす (to put out, to send)
でる (to appear, to leave)
でぐち (exit)
わかる (to understand)
きる (to cut, to chop)
きって (stamp [eg. postage])
きっぷ (ticket)
はじめ (beginning, start)
はじめて (for the first time)
まえ (before, in front)
べんきょう(する) (study, diligence)
どうぶつ (animal)
つとめる (to serve, to work [for])
きた (north)
いしゃ (doctor [medical])
じゅう (ten)
とお (ten)
とおか (ten days, the tenth [day of the month])
せん (thousand, many)
ごぜん (morning, A.M.)
ごご (afternoon, P.M.)
はん (half)
はんぶん (half)
みなみ (South, proceeding south)
あぶない (dangerous, critical, watch out!)
たまご (egg[s])
あつい (kind, warm[hearted], thick, deep)
きょねん (last year)
ともだち (friend)
とる (to take)
くち (mouth, orifice, opening)
ふるい (old [not person], aged, ancient)
だいどころ (kitchen)
みぎ (right hand side)
おなじ (same, identical, similar)
なまえ (name)
むこう (beyond, over there)
すう (to smoke, to breathe in, to suck)
ふく (to blow [wind, etc])
よぶ (to call out, to invite)
さく (to bloom)
もんだい (problem, question)
きっさてん (coffee lounge)
し (four)
よっつ (four)
よっか (4th day of month, four days)
こまる (to be worried, to be bothered)
としょかん (library)
くに (country)
どようび (Saturday)
ちかてつ (underground train, subway)
ちず (map)
しお (salt)
こえ (voice)
うる (to sell)
なつ (summer)
なつやすみ (summer vacation, summer holiday)
ゆうがた (evening)
ゆうはん (dinner)
そと (outside, exterior)
ほか (other place, the rest)
がいこく (foreign country)
がいこくじん (foreigner)
おおい (many)
よる (evening, night)
おおきい (big)
おおきな (big)
だいじょうぶ (safe, all right, O.K.)
おとな (adult)
たいしかん (embassy)
たいせつ (important)
おおぜい (great number of people)
だいすき (very likeable, like very much)
だいがく (university)
てんき (weather)
ふとい (fat, thick)
おくさん ([hon] wife)
おんな (woman, girl, daughter)
おんなのこ (girl)
すき (liking, fondness, love)
いもうと (younger sister)
あね ([hum] older sister)
はじまる (to begin)
いや (disagreeable, no)
きらい (dislike, hate)
こども (child, children)
じびき (dictionary)
がっこう (school)
がくせい (student)
やすい (cheap, inexpensive)
いえ (house, family)
かてい (home, household)
かぞく (family)
しゅくだい (homework)
さむい (cold [e.g. weather])
ねる (to go to bed, to sleep)
ふうとう (envelope)
ちいさい (small, little)
ちいさな (small, little)
すこし (little, few)
すくない (a few, scarce)
いる ([hum] to be [animate], to exist)
~や (~ shop)
やま (mountain)
かわ (river)
ひだり (left hand side)
さす (to raise [stretch out] hands, to raise [eg umbrella])
かえる (to go home, to return)
ぼうし (hat)
ひらがな (hiragana)
とし, ねん (year, age)
ひろい (spacious, wide)
みせ (store, shop, establishment)
すわる (to sit)
にわ (garden)
ろうか (corridor)
たてもの (building)
ひく (to pull)
おとうと (younger brother)
よわい (weak, feable)
つよい (strong, powerful)
ひく (to play [piano, guitar])
まつ (to wait)
あと (afterwards, since then, in the future)
うしろ (behind, rear)
ごはん (rice [cooked], meal)
わすれる (to forget)
いそがしい (busy, irritated)
わるい (bad, inferior)
いみ (meaning)
と (door [Japanese style])
ところ (place)
て (hand)
てがみ (letter)
おす (to push, to press)
もつ ([1] to hold, to carry, [2] to possess)
そうじ(する) (cleaning, sweeping)
じゅぎょう (lesson, class work)
とる (to take [a photo])
おしえる (to teach, to inform)
きょうしつ (classroom)
さんぽ(する) (walk, stroll)
ぶんしょう (sentence, text)
りょうり (cooking, cuisine)
あたらしい (new)
しんぶん (newspaper)
かた (person)
りょこう (travel, trip)
にちようび (Sunday)
はやい (early)
あかるい (bright, cheerful)
やさしい (easy, plain, simple)
えいが (movie, film)
えいがかん (movie theatre [theater], cinema)
はる (spring)
ゆうべ (last night)
きのう (yesterday)
ひる (noon, daytime)
ひるごはん (lunch, midday meal)
ときどき (sometimes)
とけい (watch, clock)
じかん (time)
ばん (evening)
ばんごはん (dinner, evening meal)
はれ (clear weather)
はれる (to be sunny)
ひま (free time, leisure)
あつい (hot, warm)
あたたかい (warm, mild)
くらい (dark, gloomy)
くもり (cloudiness, cloudy weather)
くもる (to become cloudy, to become dim)
まがる (to turn, to bend)
かく (to write)
げつようび (Monday)
ゆうめい (famous)
ふく (clothes)
あさ (morning)
あさごはん (breakfast)
き (tree, wood)
もくようび (Thursday)
ほん (book)
ほんだな (bookshelves)
つくえ (desk)
むら (village)
くる (to come)
らいねん (next year)
らいげつ (next month)
らいしゅう (next week)
ひがし (east)
くだもの (fruit)
たのしい (enjoyable, fun)
よこ (beside, side, width)
はし (bridge)
つぎ (next)
ほしい (want, in need of, desire)
うた (song)
うたう (to sing)
とまる (to come to a halt)
あるく (to walk)
は (tooth)
しぬ (to die)
はは ([one's own] mother)
まいねん/まいとし (every year, annually)
まいにち (every day)
まいばん (every night)
まいげつ/まいつき (every month, monthly)
まいあさ (every morning)
まいしゅう (every week)
みず (water)
すいようび (Wednesday)
きたない (dirty, messy)
いけ (pond)
およぐ (to swim)
ようふく (Western-style clothes)
あらう (to wash)
せんたく (washing, laundry)
うみ (sea, beach)
きえる (to go out, to vanish)
けす (to erase, to delete, to turn off power)
すずしい (cool, refreshing)
わたす (to pass over, to hand over)
わたる (to cross over, to go across)
ぬるい (lukewarm)
かんじ (kanji, Chinese character)
かようび (Tuesday)
はいざら (ashtray)
なくす (to lose something)
あつい (hot [thing])
ちち ([one's own] father)
かたかな (katakana)
ぎゅうにゅう (milk)
ぎゅうにく (beef)
もの (thing, object)
いぬ (dog)
せまい (narrow, confined, small)
ねこ (cat)
げんかん (entrance-way, entry hall)
あまい (generous, sweet)
うまれる (to be born)
せいと (pupil)
おとこ (man)
おとこのこ (boy)
まち (town, city)
りゅうがくせい (overseas student)
ばんごう (number)
つかれる (to get tired, to tire)
びょうき (illness, disease, sickness)
びょういん (hospital)
いたい (painful)
のぼる (to climb)
しろ (white)
しろい (white)
ひゃく (100, hundred)
みなさん (everyone)
め (eye, eyeball)
めがね (spectacles, glasses)
つく (to arrive at, to reach)
きる (to wear, to put on [from shoulders down])
しる (to know, to understand)
みじかい (short)
せっけん (soap)
さとう (sugar)
みがく (to brush [teeth])
わたし (I, myself)
わたくし (I, myself)
あき (autumn, fall)
そら (sky)
まど (window)
たつ (to stand)
こたえる (to answer, to reply)
はこ (box)
こうちゃ (black tea)
かみ (paper)
ほそい (thin, slender, fine)
おわる (to finish, to close)
けっこん(する) (marriage)
けっこう (nice, enough)
え (picture, drawing, painting, sketch)
みどり (green)
しめる (to tie, to fasten)
れんしゅう(する) ([to] practice)
おく (to put, to place)
ならう (to learn)
みみ (ear)
きく (to hear, to listen, to ask)
にく (meat)
せい (height, stature)
せびろ (business suit)
ぬぐ (to take off clothes)
じぶん (myself, oneself)
じどうしゃ (automobile)
じてんしゃ (bicycle)
いろ (colour)
はな (flower)
かびん ([flower] vase)
わかい (young)
えいご (the English language)
ちゃいろ (brown)
にもつ (luggage)
はがき (postcard)
うすい (thin, weak)
くすり (medicine)
いく/ゆく (to go)
にし (west)
いる (to need)
みせる (to show, to display)
みる (to see, to watch)
おぼえる (to remember, to memorize)
かど (corner [e.g. desk])
いう (to say)
ことば (word)
はなし (talk, story)
はなす (to speak)
たんじょうび (birthday)
よむ (to read)
だれ (who)
だれか (someone, somebody)
けいかん (policeman)
ぶたにく (pork)
さいふ (wallet)
かいもの (shopping)
かう (to buy)
かす (to lend)
はる (to stick, to paste)
しつもん (question, inquiry)
あか (red)
あかい (red)
はしる (to run)
おきる (to get up, to rise)
あし (foot, leg)
くるま (car, vehicle)
かるい (light, non-serious, minor)
からい (spicy, salty)
じしょ (dictionary)
へん (area, vicinity)
ちかい (near, close by, short)
ちかく (near)
かえす (to return something)
はやい (quick, fast)
おそい (late, slow)
あそぶ (to play, to make a visit)
みち (road, street)
ちがう (to differ [from])
とおい (far, distant)
へや (room)
ゆうびんきょく (post office)
おもい (heavy)
やさい (vegetable)
きんようび (Friday)
えんぴつ (pencil)
ぎんこう (bank)
ながい (long)
もん (gate)
しまる (to close, to be closed)
しめる (to close, to shut)
あく (to open, to become open)
あける (to open)
おりる (to alight [eg from bus], to get off)
ふる (to precipitate, to fall [e.g. rain])
かいだん (stairs)
となり (next to, next door to)
ざっし (magazine)
むずかしい (difficult)
あめ (rain)
ゆき (snow)
れい (zero, nought)
でんき (electricity, [electric] light)
でんわ (telephone)
でんしゃ (electric train)
あお (blue)
あおい (blue)
しずか (quiet, peaceful)
くつ (shoes, footwear)
くつした (socks)
おんがく (music)
あたま (head)
たのむ (to request, to ask)
かお (face [person])
かぜ (wind, breeze)
かぜ (cold, illness)
とぶ (to fly, to hop)
ひこうき (airplane)
たべる (to eat)
たべもの (food)
しょくどう (cafeteria, dining hall)
のみもの (drink, beverage)
のむ (to drink)
あめ ([hard] candy, toffee)
えき (station)
たかい (tall, high)
たかい (expensive)
さかな (fish)
とり (bird)
なく (to make sound [animal])
きいろ (yellow)
きいろい (yellow)
くろ (black)
くろい (black)
はな (nose)

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