Abbreviations & Electrical Terms
10384139050 | A | • Amp(s), Amperage | 0 | |
10384139051 | AC | • Air Conditioner • Alternating Current • Armored Cable a.k.a. "BX Cable" | 1 | |
10384139052 | AFCI | • Arc-Fault Circuit Interrupter • is a circuit breaker that breaks the circuit when it detects an electric arc in the circuit it protects to prevent electrical fires. | 2 | |
10384139053 | AHJ | • Authority Having Jurisdiction • Basically, the boss on duty that approves the work being done. | 3 | |
10384139054 | Al | Aluminium | 4 | |
10384139055 | AMI | In Accordance with Manufacturer's Instructions. | 5 | |
10384139056 | AWG | American Wire Gauge | 6 | |
10384139057 | CATV | Cable Television | 7 | |
10384139058 | CO | Carbon Monoxide | 8 | |
10384139059 | Cu | Copper | 9 | |
10384139060 | DC | Direct Current | 10 | |
10384139061 | EGC | Equipment Grounding Conductor | 11 | |
10384139062 | EMT | Electrical Metallic Tubing | 12 | |
10384139063 | ENT | Electrical Nonmetallic Tubing a.k.a. "Smurf Tubing" | 13 | |
10384139064 | EV | Electrical Vehicle | 14 | |
10384139065 | EXC | Exception(s) | 15 | |
10384139066 | FMC | Flexible Metal Conduit a.k.a. "Greenfield Conduit" | 16 | |
10384139067 | ft | Foot, feet (measurement) | 17 | |
10384139068 | GEC | Grounding Electrode Conductor | 18 | |
10384139069 | GES | Grounding Electrode System | 19 | |
10384139070 | GFCI | Ground-Fault Circuit Interrupter | 20 | |
10384139071 | GFPE | Ground-Fault Protection of Equipment | 21 | |
10384139072 | hp | Horsepower (33,000 lb.ft./minute) or (550 lb.ft./sec) | 22 | |
10384139073 | IMC | Intermediate Metal Conduit | 23 | |
10384139074 | in | Inch(s) (measurement) | 24 | |
10384139075 | IRC | International Residential Code | 25 | |
10384139076 | kcmil | 1000 Circular mil units (Conductor Size) | 26 | |
10384139077 | L & L | Listed and Labeled, Listing and Labeling | 27 | |
10384139078 | lb | Pound(s) | 28 | |
10384139079 | LFMC | Liuid-Tight Flexible Metal Conduit a.k.a. "Seal-tight Conduit" | 29 | |
10384139080 | LFNMC | Liquid-Tight Flexible Nonmetallic Conduit | 30 | |
10384139081 | manu | Manufacturer | 31 | |
10384139082 | MC | Metal-Clad Cable | 32 | |
10384139083 | max | Maximum | 33 | |
10384139084 | min | Minimum | 34 | |
10384139085 | NEC | National Electical Code | 35 | |
10384139086 | NFPA | National Fire Protection Association | 36 | |
10384139087 | NM | Nonmetallic-Sheathed Cable | 37 | |
10384139088 | OCPD | Overcurrent Protection Device a.k.a "Breaker or Fuse" | 38 | |
10384139089 | PV | Photovoltaic | 39 | |
10384139090 | PVC | Rigid Polyvinyl Chloride Conduit | 40 | |
10384139091 | req | Require, Requiring, Requirement | 41 | |
10384139092 | req'd | Required | 42 | |
10384139093 | req's | Requires | 43 | |
10384139094 | RMC | Rigid Metal Conduit | 44 | |
10384139095 | SCCR | Short Circuit Current Requirement | 45 | |
10384139096 | SE | Service Entrance Cable | 46 | |
10384139097 | SFD | Single-Family Dwelling | 47 | |
10384139098 | sq | Square | 48 | |
10384139099 | temp | Temperature | 49 | |
10384139100 | UF | Underground Feeder Cable | 50 | |
10384139101 | USE | Underground Service Entrance Cable | 51 | |
10384139102 | V | Volt(s) V = I×R V = P÷I V = sqrt(P×R) | 52 | |
10384139103 | VA | Volt-Amperes (Apparent Power) | 53 | |
10384139104 | w/ | With.... | 54 | |
10384139105 | w/o | With out..... | 55 | |
10384139106 | W | Watt(s) Units of True (useful) Power | 56 | |
10384139107 | Accessible, as applied to wiring methods. | Not permanently concealed or enclosed by building construction. | 57 | |
10384139108 | accessible, as applied to equipment. | capable of being removed or exposed withoit damaging the building finish or structure. A piecs of equipment can be considered accessible even if tools must be used or other equipment must be removed to gain access to it. | 58 | |
10384139109 | Accessible, readily. | Capable of being reached quickly for operation or inspection without the necessity of using tools to remove covers, resorting to ladders, or removing other obstacles. | 59 | |
10384139110 | Alternating Current (AC) | Current that flows in one direction and then in the other in regular cycles, referred to as frequency or Hertz. | 60 | |
10384139111 | Apparent Power | 61 |