Credit given to A_McHenry:
133939279 | Derelict | Abandoned, ruined, deserted; neglectful, negligent | |
133939280 | Calumny | defamation, a personal attack | |
133939281 | Finesse | skill, grace, style | |
133939282 | Myriad | innumerable, countless, infinite | |
133939283 | Scrupulous | precise, exact, specific; honorable, moral, honest | |
133939284 | Salient | brilliant, insightful, intelligent | |
133939285 | Canon | set of (principles, morals, policies) | |
133939286 | Probity | righteousness, integrity, moral goodness | |
133939287 | Austere | extremely plain, severely plain, very plain | |
133939288 | Satiety | fullness, a state of fullness | |
133939289 | Amelioration | betterment, improvement | |
133939290 | Allocate | to assign, to designate, to distribute, to aportion | |
133939291 | Decry | to condemn, to denounce | |
133939292 | Augment | to increase, to raise | |
133939293 | Pragmatic | practical, workable | |
133939294 | Scintillating | sparkling, interesting | |
133939295 | Salubrious | healthy, beneficial | |
133939296 | Candor | total honesty, complete honesty | |
133939297 | Moot | debatable, having no consequences | |
133939298 | Fastidious | demanding, picky | |
133939299 | intrinsic | a natural part of, inborn | |
133939300 | Autonomous | self-governing, independent | |
133939301 | Anthology | a collection of works | |
133939302 | Savant | a genius, a learned person, a scholarly person | |
133939303 | Altercation | a disagreement, an argument, a dispute | |
133939304 | Extraneous | not relevant, irrelevant, off-topic | |
133939305 | Indue | to invest with (power), to endowe with (power), empower | |
133939306 | Martial | relating to the military | |
133939307 | Multifarious | diverse, varied, various | |
133939308 | Lassitude | tiredness, fatigue | |
133939309 | Indomitable | invincible, unyielding, unconquerable | |
133939310 | Irrevocable | irreversible, unchangeable | |
133939311 | Presage | to fortell, to predict | |
133939312 | Schism | a split, a separation, a break | |
133939313 | Sentient | consciousness, awareness | |
133939314 | Cajolery | persuasion by flattery | |
133939315 | Largesse | generosity, selflessness | |
133939316 | Indigent | poor, needy | |
133939317 | Felicitations | congratulations, compliments | |
133939318 | Itinerant | wandering, nomadic | |
149616715 | Prerogative | a privilege | |
149616716 | Antithetical | directly-opposed, in strong contrast | |
149616717 | Sententious | moralizing, preachy, direct, concise, to the point | |
149616718 | Cadaverous | like a corpse, like a dead body | |
149616719 | Amenities | luxuries, comforts | |
149616720 | Expurgate | to censor, to edit out objectionable parts | |
149616721 | Indolent | lazy, idle, slothful | |
149616722 | Feint | a deception, a distraction | |
149616723 | Antipathy | hatred, disgust, loathing, aversion | |
149616724 | Sedulous | diligent, hard-working | |
149616725 | Amenable | willing to, open to | |
149616726 | Decrepitude | uselessness, obsolescence | |
149616727 | Malfeasance | misconduct, wrong-doing | |
149616728 | Filial | relating to the duties of a son or daughter | |
149616729 | Invidious | scandalous, offensive | |
149616730 | Moribund | dying, in the final stages of, declining | |
149616731 | Anachronism | something out of place in time | |
149616732 | Latent | hidden, undeveloped | |
149616733 | Estranged | separated, alienated, separated from | |
149616734 | Misanthrope | someone who dislikes people | |
149616735 | Miscegenation | mixing of races | |
149616736 | Mitigate | to ease, to lessen | |
149616737 | Subsume | to include, to make a part of | |
149616738 | Ethereal | abstract, cerebral | |
149616739 | Blight | a disease, a pestilent, a plague, an eye-sore | |
149616740 | Prognosticate | to predict, to foretell | |
149616741 | Querulous | argumentative, quarrelsome | |
149616742 | Ostentatious | showy, rich | |
149616743 | Exploit | an adventure, a daring-deed, to take advantage of | |
149616744 | Expunge | to erase on purpose, to delete officially | |
149616745 | Decorum | proper behavior, proper conduct | |
149616746 | Extemporary | without preparation | |
149616747 | Obtrusive | highly noticeable, flashy | |
149616748 | Affront | a challenge, an insult | |
149616749 | Morose | depressed, sad, gloomy | |
149616750 | Morass | a complex situation, a complicated problem | |
149616751 | Extirpate | to remove, to eradicate | |
149616752 | Pilfer | to steal in small quantities | |
149616753 | Obsequious | overly-flattering, overly-complimentary | |
149616754 | Alacrity | cheerful readiness, cheerful willingness | |
166485934 | Obdurate | stubborn, unyielding | |
166485935 | Unsavory | bad-tasting, unappealing, disreputable, untrustworthy | |
166485936 | Paean | a song of tribute, a hymn of praise | |
166485937 | Turpitude | evil, depravity | |
166485938 | Tutelary | guardianship, protection | |
166485939 | Plebeian | common, ordinary | |
166485940 | Palaver | small-talk, chatter, idle talk | |
166485941 | Palliate | to ease, to relieve, to alleviate | |
166485942 | Postulate | to assume as true, to state as fact | |
166485943 | Mendicant | a beggar | |
166485944 | Abortive | unsuccessful, failed | |
166485945 | Venal | corrupt, paid-off, bribed | |
166485946 | Venerable | highly-respected, honorable | |
166485947 | Perspicacity | great intelligence, keen insight | |
166485948 | Iconoclast | someone who attacks established ideas | |
166485949 | Parsimonious | stingy, "cheap" | |
166485950 | Harbinger | an omen, a sign | |
166485951 | Avarice | greed, extreme selfishness | |
166485952 | Averse | a feeling of distaste, opposed to, unwilling to | |
166485953 | Pathological | compulsive, disease-related, uncontrollable | |
166485954 | Paucity | scarcity, shortage | |
166485955 | Verisimilitude | realism | |
166485956 | Arrant | complete, total, downright | |
166485957 | Errant | stray, wayward, misguided | |
166485958 | Ubiquitous | present everywhere | |
166485959 | Onerous | burdensome, oppressive | |
166485960 | Opprobrium | shame, disgrace, infamy | |
166485961 | Paragon | a model of excellence, the best example | |
166485962 | Pariah | an exile, an outcast | |
166485963 | Virtuoso | a master, an expert | |
166485964 | Assiduous | diligent, hard-working | |
166485965 | Propitious | favorable, fortunate | |
166485966 | Propound | to propose, to submit | |
166485967 | Propriety | proper behavior, proper conduct | |
166485968 | Tyro | novice, beginner, amateur | |
166485969 | Prosaic | ordinary, dull, boring (1) | |
166485970 | Insipid | ordinary, dull, boring | |
166485971 | Assuage | to calm, to soothe, to make less severe | |
166485972 | Artifice | craftiness, ingenuity, cleverness | |
166485973 | Ascetic | (someone who is) self-denying |