Lesson 11 vocabulary ( trad)
227737723 | 遊覽 | to go sight seeing | |
227737725 | 名勝古蹟 | famous scenic spots and ancient historic site | |
227737727 | 想像 | to imagine, to visualize | |
227737729 | 擠下來 | to squeeze one's way out, to push one's way off | |
227737731 | 人山人海 | huge crowds of people | |
227737732 | 人口 | population | |
227737734 | 體會到 | to learn from experience, to realize | |
227737736 | 建築 | architecture (to build) | |
227737737 | 遊客 | tourist | |
227737739 | 別具風格 | to have a distinctive style | |
227737741 | 吸引 | to attract | |
227737743 | 窄 | narrow | |
227737745 | 妙齡少女 | wonderfully aged girls | |
227737746 | 人老珠黃 | not as beautiful as before | |
227737748 | 瞪 | to glare | |
227737750 | 划船 | to row or paddle a boat | |
227737752 | 印象 | impression | |
227737754 | 陵墓 | emperor's or king's tomb | |
227737755 | 壯觀 | grand (to describe buildings, scenery, etc) | |
227737757 | 在三 | again and again | |
227737759 | 催 | to hurry, to urge | |
227737761 | 總算 | finally, in the end ( after great effort) | |
227737763 | 突然 | suddenly | |
227737765 | 戀戀不捨 | to leave reluctantly | |
227737767 | 葬 | to bury a person | |
227737769 | 忍不住 | unable to bear | |
227737771 | 偉大 | mighty | |
227737772 | 哈哈大笑 | to laugh heartily | |
227737774 | 大人物 | important person | |
227737776 | 一本正經 | in all seriousness | |
227737778 | 墓碑 | tombstone | |
227737780 | 生氣 | angry | |
227737782 | 秘密 | secret | |
227737784 | 千萬 | be sure to | |
227737785 | 敬祝 | to wish respectfully | |
227737787 | 安好 | to be safe and sound | |
227737789 | 孫中山 | Founder's of People's Republic of China | |
227737791 | 夫子廟 | Temple of Confucius | |
227737793 | 楊貴妃 | Imperial Concubine Yang | |
227742820 | 狠狠地 | vigorously, intensely |