7349601558 | aîné | older | 0 | |
7349601559 | cadet | younger | 1 | |
7349601560 | l'enfant adopté | adopted child | 2 | |
7349601561 | le fils adoptif | adopted son | 3 | |
7349601562 | la fille adoptive | adopted daughter | 4 | |
7349601563 | l'enfant unique | only child | 5 | |
7349601564 | le fils unique | only boy | 6 | |
7349601565 | la fille unique | only girl | 7 | |
7349601566 | la famille éclatée | the broken family | 8 | |
7349601567 | la famille monoparentale | single-parent family | 9 | |
7349601568 | la famille nombreuse | large family | 10 | |
7349601569 | la famille recomposée | blended family | 11 | |
7349601570 | la famille nucléaire | immediate (nuclear) family | 12 | |
7349601571 | la femme au foyer | housewife | 13 | |
7349601572 | l'homme au foyer | house "husband" #equality #genderroles | 14 | |
7349601573 | les liens familiaux | family ties | 15 | |
7349601574 | fonder un foyer | to start a family | 16 | |
7349601575 | l'âge de consentement | the age of consent (more than half of our class! woah!) | 17 | |
7349601576 | la cellule familiale | family unit | 18 | |
7349601577 | la cohabitation | the act of living together | 19 | |
7349601578 | cohabiter | to cohabit | 20 | |
7349601579 | la vie en couple | life as a couple | 21 | |
7349601580 | le conflit conjugal | Marital strife | 22 | |
7349601581 | épouser | to marry | 23 | |
7349601582 | l'esprit de famille | family spirit | 24 | |
7349601583 | le foyer | the home, household | 25 | |
7349601584 | le ménage | house work | 26 | |
7349601585 | majeur | of age (18+) | 27 | |
7349601586 | mineur | minor (under 18) | 28 | |
7349601587 | les moeurs | customs, habits | 29 | |
7349601588 | l'union libre | common-law union | 30 | |
7349601589 | la structure familiale | familial structure | 31 | |
7349601590 | la vie affective | emotional life | 32 | |
7349601591 | le contrat de mariage | pre-nuptial, marriage contract | 33 | |
7349601592 | s'unir | to unite, to join | 34 | |
7349601593 | veuf/veuve | widow/ widower | 35 | |
7349601594 | vivre ensemble | to live together | 36 | |
7349601595 | le copain, la copine | friend/buddy (male, female) | 37 | |
7349601596 | mon copain, ma copine | My (male) buddy, my (female) buddy | 38 | |
7349601597 | s'entendre bien avec | to get along well with | 39 | |
7349601598 | s'entendre mal avec | to get along poorly with | 40 | |
7349601599 | dialoguer avec | to communicate with | 41 | |
7349601600 | une dispute | an argument | 42 | |
7349601601 | un environnement stable | stable environment | 43 | |
7349601602 | une échelle des valeurs | value system | 44 | |
7349601603 | élever | to raise, to bring up | 45 | |
7349601604 | étouffant | sweltering, stuffy | 46 | |
7349601605 | l'excès d'autorité | excessive authority | 47 | |
7349601606 | la fermeté | the firmness, confidence, resolve | 48 | |
7349601607 | les frictions parents-enfants | parent-child conflicts | 49 | |
7349601608 | l'hostilité | hostility | 50 | |
7349601609 | l'incompréhension | incomprehension | 51 | |
7349601610 | indulgent | lenient | 52 | |
7349601611 | mépriser | to despise | 53 | |
7349601612 | mûr | wall | 54 | |
7349601613 | les jeunes désœuvrés | young people with nothing to do, unemployed | 55 | |
7349601614 | la transmission des valeurs traditionnelles | the passing on of traditional values | 56 | |
7349601615 | accorder l'autonomie à | grant autonomy to | 57 | |
7349601616 | s'enfermer dans la chambre | to get sick in the room | 58 | |
7349601617 | l'ouverture | opening | 59 | |
7349601618 | protecteur, protectrice à l'excès | over-protective | 60 | |
7349601619 | les rapports | relationships | 61 | |
7349601620 | rebelle | rebellious | 62 | |
7349601621 | se rebeller contre | to rebel against | 63 | |
7349601622 | rechigner | to do something grudgingly, to bulk | 64 | |
7349601623 | le reproche | reproach | 65 | |
7349601624 | respecter | to respect | 66 | |
7349601625 | se révolter | to revolt | 67 | |
7349601626 | un sentiment | sentiment | 68 | |
7349601627 | crier | to shout, to cry out | 69 | |
7349601628 | se disputer | to argue | 70 | |
7349601629 | se fâcher contre | to get angry with someone | 71 | |
7349601630 | vexer | to vex | 72 | |
7349601631 | en vouloir à | to hold a grudge against | 73 | |
7349601632 | gronder | to scold | 74 | |
7349601633 | engueuler | reflexive: to argue, normal: to tell off, give hell (answer is normal) | 75 | |
7349601634 | s'inquièter de | to worry about | 76 | |
7349601635 | se faire du souci pour | To be concerned about | 77 | |
7349601636 | se calmer | to calm down | 78 | |
7349601637 | embrasser | to kiss | 79 | |
7349601638 | faire confiance à | to trust, rely on | 80 | |
7349601639 | s'habituer à | to get used to | 81 | |
7349601640 | se marier avec, à | to get married to (in answer: ___ with, to) | 82 | |
7349601641 | divorcer | to divorce | 83 | |
7349601642 | se solder par un divorce | to settle for a divorce | 84 | |
7349601643 | verser une pension alimentaire | to pay alimony | 85 | |
7349601644 | se sentir à l'aise, se sentir mal à l'aise | to feel at ease, to not feel at ease | 86 | |
7349601645 | soutenir | to support | 87 | |
7349601646 | supporter | to put up with | 88 | |
7349601647 | autoritaire | bossy, authoritarian | 89 | |
7349601648 | juste | fair, just | 90 | |
7349601649 | impartial(e) | impartial | 91 | |
7349601650 | être de bonne humeur, mauvaise humeur | to be in a good mood, bad mood | 92 | |
7349601651 | être facile/dificile à vivre | to be easy/hard to get along with | 93 | |
7349601652 | super | super | 94 | |
7349601653 | génial | great | 95 | |
7349601654 | l'intimité | 1. privacy 2. intimacy | 96 | |
7349601655 | le colocataire | housemate, roommate | 97 | |
7349601656 | déménager | to move (out) | 98 | |
7349601657 | emménager | to move in | 99 | |
7349601658 | s'installer | to establish/place oneself | 100 | |
7349601659 | louer | to rent | 101 | |
7349601660 | le loyer | rent | 102 | |
7349601661 | la location | the rental | 103 | |
7349601662 | les charges | utility charges | 104 | |
7349601663 | la facture | the bill | 105 | |
7349601664 | les frais | expenses | 106 | |
7349601665 | s'occuper de | to take care of, look after | 107 | |
7349601666 | faire les tâches ménagères | to do housework | 108 | |
7349601667 | faire les courses | to go shopping | 109 | |
7349601668 | faire la cuisine | to cook (PAS cuisiner) | 110 | |
7349601669 | faire le lessive | to do the laundry | 111 | |
7349601670 | faire le ménage | to do the housework | 112 | |
7349601671 | faire la vaisselle | to do the dishes | 113 | |
7349601672 | passer l'aspirateur | to vacuum | 114 | |
7349601673 | ranger | to arrange | 115 | |
7349601674 | repasser | to iron | 116 | |
7349601675 | sortir la poubelle | to take out the trash | 117 | |
7349601676 | balayer | to sweep | 118 | |
7349601677 | essuyer | to wipe | 119 | |
7349601678 | tondre le gazon/ la pelouse | to mow the lawn | 120 | |
7349601679 | la caste | the caste (social class) | 121 | |
7349601680 | vielli | aged | 122 | |
7349601681 | la famille d'accueil | host or foster family | 123 | |
7349601682 | un(e) orphelin(e) | an orphan | 124 | |
7349601683 | un orphelinat | orphanage | 125 | |
7349601684 | une pupille de la nation | ward of the state | 126 | |
7349601685 | un citoyen | a citizen | 127 | |
7349601686 | un hôtel de ville | town hall | 128 | |
7349601687 | la lune de miel | honeymoon | 129 | |
7349601688 | la demoiselle d'honneur | bridesmaid | 130 | |
7349601689 | le témoin | witness | 131 | |
7349601690 | l'enterrement de vie de jeune fille/garçon | bachelorette/bachelor party | 132 | |
7349601691 | les noces | the wedding | 133 | |
7349601692 | la classe moyenne | middle class | 134 | |
7349601693 | la haute société | upper class | 135 | |
7349601694 | aisé | comfortable, well-off | 136 | |
7349601695 | l'union libre | common law | 137 | |
7349601696 | le/la gosse | kid | 138 | |
7349601697 | le jumeau | twin (male) | 139 | |
7349601698 | la jumelle | twin (female) | 140 | |
7349601699 | un membre de la famille | family member | 141 | |
7349601700 | l'enfance | childhood | 142 | |
7349601701 | la jeunesse | youth | 143 | |
7349601702 | la troisième âge | old age (weird saying) | 144 | |
7349601703 | la vieillesse | old age (vieux...) | 145 | |
7349601704 | attendre la majorité | to follow the majority | 146 | |
7349601705 | les jeunes | The youth | 147 | |
7349601706 | les adultes | adults | 148 | |
7349601707 | les grandes personnes | grown-ups | 149 | |
7349601708 | la maison | house | 150 | |
7349601709 | agrandir | to enlarge | 151 | |
7349601710 | rénover | to renovate | 152 | |
7349601711 | aménager | to set up, to rearrange, to fix | 153 | |
7349601712 | décorer | to decorate | 154 | |
7349601713 | réparer | to repair | 155 | |
7349601714 | la réparation | the repair | 156 | |
7349601715 | une vieille maison | an old house | 157 | |
7349601716 | une maison moderne | a modern house | 158 | |
7349601717 | une maison neuve | a new house | 159 | |
7349601718 | une villa | country house | 160 | |
7349601719 | un appartement | appartment | 161 | |
7349601720 | un immeuble | apartment building | 162 | |
7349601721 | un HLM | low-income housing | 163 | |
7349601722 | le grand ensemble | housing complex, estate | 164 | |
7349601723 | la cité | estate | 165 | |
7349601724 | le studio | studio (apartment without separating walls) | 166 | |
7349601725 | contruit en brique, en pierre, en béton | made of brick, stone, concrete | 167 | |
7349601726 | confortable | comfortable | 168 | |
7349601727 | propre | clean | 169 | |
7349601728 | pratique | practical | 170 | |
7349601729 | sale | dirty | 171 | |
7349601730 | en bon état | in good shape/condition | 172 | |
7349601731 | luxueux | luxurious | 173 | |
7349601732 | modeste | modest | 174 | |
7349601733 | a l'extérieur | on the outside | 175 | |
7349601734 | a l'intérieur | on the inside | 176 | |
7349601735 | le toit | the roof | 177 | |
7349601736 | la tuile | tile | 178 | |
7349601737 | une ardoise | a slate | 179 | |
7349601738 | une antenne | antenna | 180 | |
7349601739 | une antenne parabolique | satellite dish | 181 | |
7349601740 | la façade | the exterior | 182 | |
7349601741 | la cour | courtyard | 183 | |
7349601742 | la terrasse | terrace | 184 | |
7349601743 | donner sur | to look out on | 185 | |
7349601744 | aller dehors | to go outside | 186 | |
7349601745 | le/la concierge | concierge; someone who maintains | 187 | |
7349601746 | l'entrée principal | main entrance | 188 | |
7349601747 | le seuil | the threshold | 189 | |
7349601748 | la sonnette | doorbell | 190 | |
7349601749 | l'entrée | the entrance | 191 | |
7349601750 | le vestibule | vestibule | 192 | |
7349601751 | le rez-de-chaussée | first floor | 193 | |
7349601752 | le premier étage | second floor | 194 | |
7349601753 | en bas | downstairs | 195 | |
7349601754 | en haut | upstairs | 196 | |
7349601755 | la cave | basement, cellar | 197 | |
7349601756 | le grenier | attic | 198 | |
7349601757 | le sous-sol | basement | 199 | |
7349601758 | la mansarde | attic room | 200 |
La Famille AP French Flashcards
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