West High ~ Practice Spanish Health and Body Vocabulary for AP Spanish
50552869 | el consultorio | doctor's office, examining room | |
50552870 | la curita | adhesive bandage | |
50552871 | la pastilla | pill (non-coated) | |
50552872 | la píldora | pill (coated) | |
50552873 | la radiografía | X-ray | |
50552874 | la receta | prescription | |
50552875 | la sala de emergencia | emergency room | |
50552876 | el seguro médico | medical insurance | |
50552877 | la sociedad médica | private managed-care medical plan comparable to a HMO | |
50552878 | desmayarse | to faint | |
50552879 | empeorarse | to worsen, to become worse | |
50552880 | ingresar | to be admitted, to enter | |
50552881 | marearse | to feel dizzy, to feel light-headed, to be nauseated | |
50552882 | mejorarse | to improve, to get better | |
50552883 | sangrar | to bleed | |
50552884 | cobarde | cowardly | |
50552885 | nacional | national, public | |
50552886 | particular | private | |
50552887 | testarudo | stubborn, obstinate | |
50552888 | valiente | brave, courageous | |
50552889 | dar de alta | to discharge from a hospital | |
50552890 | estar a punto de (+ infinitivo) | to be on the verge of, to be about to (do something) | |
50552891 | volver a (+ infinitivo) | to do (something) again | |
50552892 | ¡Ya lo creo! | Of course! That's for sure! | |
50552893 | la ceja | eyebrow | |
50552894 | la pestaña | eyelash | |
50552895 | la mejilla | cheek | |
50552896 | la oreja | ear | |
50552897 | la boca | mouth | |
50552898 | el labio | lip | |
50552899 | el cuello | neck | |
50552900 | el pecho | chest | |
50552901 | el seno | breast | |
50552902 | la cintura | waist | |
50552903 | la cadera | hip | |
50552904 | la mano | hand | |
50552905 | el dedo | finger | |
50552906 | la uña | fingernail | |
50552907 | la rodilla | knee | |
50555578 | el tobillo | ankle | |
50555579 | el pie | foot | |
50555580 | la frente | forehead | |
50555581 | la nariz | nose | |
50555582 | la barbilla | chin | |
50555583 | el hombro | shoulder | |
50555584 | la espalda | back | |
50555585 | el brazo | arm | |
50555586 | el codo | elbow | |
50555587 | el antebrazo | forearm | |
50555588 | la nalga | bottom | |
50555589 | la muñea | wrist | |
50555590 | el muslo | thigh | |
50555591 | la pierna | leg | |
50555592 | la pantorrilla | calf | |
50555593 | el dedo del pie | toe | |
50555594 | el talón | heel | |
50555595 | las amígdalas | tonsils | |
50555596 | el cerebro | brain | |
50555597 | la columna (vertebral) | spine | |
50555598 | el corazón | heart | |
50555599 | la costilla | rib | |
50555600 | el cráneo | skull | |
50555601 | el estómago | stomach | |
50555602 | el hígado | liver | |
50555603 | el hueso | bone | |
50555604 | el intestino | intestin | |
50555605 | el pulmón | lung | |
50555606 | el riñón | kidney | |
50561011 | el/la afiliado/a | group member (for benefits) | |
50561012 | el bisturí | scalpel | |
50561013 | la cabina | booth | |
50561014 | la camilla | stretcher, gurney | |
50561015 | la cápsula | capsule | |
50561016 | el chequeo | checkup | |
50561017 | la cirugía | surgery | |
50561018 | el despacho | office | |
50561019 | el diagnóstico | diagnosis | |
50561020 | la dosis | dose | |
50561021 | el/la drogadicto/a | drug addict | |
50561022 | el estetoscopio | stethoscope | |
50561023 | el examen | physical examination | |
50561024 | la farmacia | pharmacy | |
50561025 | el formulario | form | |
50561026 | la farmacia de turno | 24 hour pharmacy | |
50561027 | el historial clínico | medical history | |
50561028 | la hoja clínica | patient chart, medical record | |
50561029 | el lente de contacto | contact lens | |
50561030 | los lentes | eyeglasses | |
50561031 | la medicina | medicine | |
50561032 | la medicina interna | internal medicine | |
50561033 | la muleta | crutch | |
50561034 | el parto | childbirth | |
50561035 | el pronóstico | prognosis | |
50561036 | la sala de operaciones | operating room | |
50561037 | el reembolso | reimbursement | |
50561038 | la sala de espera | waiting room | |
50561039 | la sala de recuperación | recovery room | |
50561040 | la silla de ruedas | wheelchair | |
50561041 | el sistema nacional de salubridad | national (government-sponsored) health system | |
50561042 | la terapia física | physical therapy | |
50561043 | el trasplante | transplant | |
50561044 | el tratamiento | (medical) treatment | |
50561045 | el trato | treatment (begavior towards someone) | |
50561046 | La Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos (UCI) | Intensive Care Unit (ICU) | |
50561047 | el vendaje | bandage | |
50561048 | el yeso | cast | |
50561049 | perder peso | to lose weight | |
50561050 | atender | to see (a patient), to attend to | |
50561051 | brindar (algo | to offer (something) | |
50561052 | convalecer | to recuperate | |
50561053 | dañar | to hurt, ache | |
50561054 | diagnosticar | to diagnose | |
50561055 | doler | to hurt | |
50561056 | engordar | to gain weight | |
50561057 | enyesar | to place in a cast | |
50561058 | fallecer | to pass away | |
50561059 | fracturarse | to fracture | |
50561060 | golpearse | to hit (oneself) | |
50561061 | inyectar | to inject | |
50561062 | lastimarse | to injure oneself | |
50561063 | operar (a alguien) de | to operate on | |
50561064 | sufrir | to suffer | |
50561065 | perder el conocimiento | to lose consciousness | |
50561066 | ponerle (a uno) una inyección | to give (someone) a shot | |
50561067 | recetar | to prescribe | |
50561068 | respirar hondo | to take a deep breath | |
50561069 | sacar la lengua | to stick out one's tongue | |
50561070 | tener náuseas | to be nauseated | |
50561071 | dar a luz | to give birth | |
50561072 | estar bien de salud | to be in good health | |
50561073 | guardar cama | to stay in bed | |
50561074 | hacerse la cirugía plástica | to have plastic surgery | |
50561075 | seguir una dieta | to be on a diet | |
50563137 | el cardiólogo | cardiologist | |
50563138 | el cirujano | surgeon | |
50563139 | el cirujano estético | plastic surgeon | |
50563140 | el dermatólogo | dermatologist | |
50563141 | el farmacéutico | pharmacist | |
50563142 | el ginecólogo | gynecologist | |
50563143 | el internista | internist | |
50563144 | el neurólogo | nuerologist | |
50563145 | el oculista | occulist | |
50563146 | el odontólogo | dental surgeon | |
50563147 | el oftalmógog | ophthamologist | |
50563148 | el óptico | optician | |
50563149 | el optometrista | optometrist | |
50563150 | el ortodoncista | orthodontist | |
50563151 | el ortopedista | orthopedist | |
50563152 | el pediatra | pediatrician | |
50563153 | el psiquiatra | psychiatrist | |
50563154 | el radiólogo | radiologist | |
50563925 | la alergia | allergy | |
50563926 | la amigdalitis | tonsillitis | |
50563927 | la apendicitis | appendicitis | |
50563928 | la artritis | arthritis | |
50563929 | el ataque al corazón | heart attack | |
50563930 | el cáncer | cancer | |
50563931 | la caries | (dental) cavity | |
50563932 | la picazón | itch, itching | |
50563933 | el ataque cerebral | stroke | |
50563934 | la diabetes | diabetes | |
50563935 | la diarrea | diarrhea | |
50563936 | el dolor de cabeza | headache | |
50563937 | el dolor de oído | earache | |
50563938 | el entumecimiento | numbness | |
50563939 | los escalofríos | chills | |
50563940 | la fiebre | fever | |
50563941 | la fractura | fracture, break | |
50563942 | la gripe | flu | |
50563943 | la hemorragia | hemorrhage | |
50563944 | la herida | wound, injury | |
50563945 | la hinchazón | swelling | |
50563946 | el moretón | bruise | |
50563947 | las paperas | mumps | |
50563948 | la pulmonía | pneumonia | |
50563949 | el reumatismo | rheumatism | |
50563950 | la erupción | rash | |
50563951 | el sarampión | measles | |
50563952 | el SIDA | AIDS | |
50563953 | la torcedura | sprain | |
50563954 | la tos | cough | |
50563955 | el trastorno de la alimentación | eating disorder | |
50563956 | el tumor | tumor | |
50563957 | la varicela | chicken pox | |
50563958 | la viruela | smallpox | |
50563959 | estar embarazada | to be pregnant | |
50563960 | hincharse | to swell | |
50563961 | inflamarse | to become inflamed | |
50563962 | picar | to itch | |
50563963 | ser alérgico | to be allergic | |
50563964 | toser | to cough | |
50563965 | vacunar | to vaccinate | |
50563966 | vomitar | to vomit | |
50563967 | débil | weak | |
50563968 | fuerte | strong | |
50563969 | grave | serious | |
50563970 | ileso | unhurt | |
50563971 | pálido | pale | |
50563972 | ronco | hoarse | |
50563973 | sano | healthy | |
50563974 | a menudo | often | |
50563975 | desde hace | for (a period of time) |