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La salud

West High ~ Practice Spanish Health and Body Vocabulary for AP Spanish

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50552869el consultoriodoctor's office, examining room
50552870la curitaadhesive bandage
50552871la pastillapill (non-coated)
50552872la píldorapill (coated)
50552873la radiografíaX-ray
50552874la recetaprescription
50552875la sala de emergenciaemergency room
50552876el seguro médicomedical insurance
50552877la sociedad médicaprivate managed-care medical plan comparable to a HMO
50552878desmayarseto faint
50552879empeorarseto worsen, to become worse
50552880ingresarto be admitted, to enter
50552881marearseto feel dizzy, to feel light-headed, to be nauseated
50552882mejorarseto improve, to get better
50552883sangrarto bleed
50552885nacionalnational, public
50552887testarudostubborn, obstinate
50552888valientebrave, courageous
50552889dar de altato discharge from a hospital
50552890estar a punto de (+ infinitivo)to be on the verge of, to be about to (do something)
50552891volver a (+ infinitivo)to do (something) again
50552892¡Ya lo creo!Of course! That's for sure!
50552893la cejaeyebrow
50552894la pestañaeyelash
50552895la mejillacheek
50552896la orejaear
50552897la bocamouth
50552898el labiolip
50552899el cuelloneck
50552900el pechochest
50552901el senobreast
50552902la cinturawaist
50552903la caderahip
50552904la manohand
50552905el dedofinger
50552906la uñafingernail
50552907la rodillaknee
50555578el tobilloankle
50555579el piefoot
50555580la frenteforehead
50555581la nariznose
50555582la barbillachin
50555583el hombroshoulder
50555584la espaldaback
50555585el brazoarm
50555586el codoelbow
50555587el antebrazoforearm
50555588la nalgabottom
50555589la muñeawrist
50555590el muslothigh
50555591la piernaleg
50555592la pantorrillacalf
50555593el dedo del pietoe
50555594el talónheel
50555595las amígdalastonsils
50555596el cerebrobrain
50555597la columna (vertebral)spine
50555598el corazónheart
50555599la costillarib
50555600el cráneoskull
50555601el estómagostomach
50555602el hígadoliver
50555603el huesobone
50555604el intestinointestin
50555605el pulmónlung
50555606el riñónkidney
50561011el/la afiliado/agroup member (for benefits)
50561012el bisturíscalpel
50561013la cabinabooth
50561014la camillastretcher, gurney
50561015la cápsulacapsule
50561016el chequeocheckup
50561017la cirugíasurgery
50561018el despachooffice
50561019el diagnósticodiagnosis
50561020la dosisdose
50561021el/la drogadicto/adrug addict
50561022el estetoscopiostethoscope
50561023el examenphysical examination
50561024la farmaciapharmacy
50561025el formularioform
50561026la farmacia de turno24 hour pharmacy
50561027el historial clínicomedical history
50561028la hoja clínicapatient chart, medical record
50561029el lente de contactocontact lens
50561030los lenteseyeglasses
50561031la medicinamedicine
50561032la medicina internainternal medicine
50561033la muletacrutch
50561034el partochildbirth
50561035el pronósticoprognosis
50561036la sala de operacionesoperating room
50561037el reembolsoreimbursement
50561038la sala de esperawaiting room
50561039la sala de recuperaciónrecovery room
50561040la silla de ruedaswheelchair
50561041el sistema nacional de salubridadnational (government-sponsored) health system
50561042la terapia físicaphysical therapy
50561043el trasplantetransplant
50561044el tratamiento(medical) treatment
50561045el tratotreatment (begavior towards someone)
50561046La Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos (UCI)Intensive Care Unit (ICU)
50561047el vendajebandage
50561048el yesocast
50561049perder pesoto lose weight
50561050atenderto see (a patient), to attend to
50561051brindar (algoto offer (something)
50561052convalecerto recuperate
50561053dañarto hurt, ache
50561054diagnosticarto diagnose
50561055dolerto hurt
50561056engordarto gain weight
50561057enyesarto place in a cast
50561058fallecerto pass away
50561059fracturarseto fracture
50561060golpearseto hit (oneself)
50561061inyectarto inject
50561062lastimarseto injure oneself
50561063operar (a alguien) deto operate on
50561064sufrirto suffer
50561065perder el conocimientoto lose consciousness
50561066ponerle (a uno) una inyecciónto give (someone) a shot
50561067recetarto prescribe
50561068respirar hondoto take a deep breath
50561069sacar la lenguato stick out one's tongue
50561070tener náuseasto be nauseated
50561071dar a luzto give birth
50561072estar bien de saludto be in good health
50561073guardar camato stay in bed
50561074hacerse la cirugía plásticato have plastic surgery
50561075seguir una dietato be on a diet
50563137el cardiólogocardiologist
50563138el cirujanosurgeon
50563139el cirujano estéticoplastic surgeon
50563140el dermatólogodermatologist
50563141el farmacéuticopharmacist
50563142el ginecólogogynecologist
50563143el internistainternist
50563144el neurólogonuerologist
50563145el oculistaocculist
50563146el odontólogodental surgeon
50563147el oftalmógogophthamologist
50563148el ópticooptician
50563149el optometristaoptometrist
50563150el ortodoncistaorthodontist
50563151el ortopedistaorthopedist
50563152el pediatrapediatrician
50563153el psiquiatrapsychiatrist
50563154el radiólogoradiologist
50563925la alergiaallergy
50563926la amigdalitistonsillitis
50563927la apendicitisappendicitis
50563928la artritisarthritis
50563929el ataque al corazónheart attack
50563930el cáncercancer
50563931la caries(dental) cavity
50563932la picazónitch, itching
50563933el ataque cerebralstroke
50563934la diabetesdiabetes
50563935la diarreadiarrhea
50563936el dolor de cabezaheadache
50563937el dolor de oídoearache
50563938el entumecimientonumbness
50563939los escalofríoschills
50563940la fiebrefever
50563941la fracturafracture, break
50563942la gripeflu
50563943la hemorragiahemorrhage
50563944la heridawound, injury
50563945la hinchazónswelling
50563946el moretónbruise
50563947las paperasmumps
50563948la pulmoníapneumonia
50563949el reumatismorheumatism
50563950la erupciónrash
50563951el sarampiónmeasles
50563952el SIDAAIDS
50563953la torcedurasprain
50563954la toscough
50563955el trastorno de la alimentacióneating disorder
50563956el tumortumor
50563957la varicelachicken pox
50563958la viruelasmallpox
50563959estar embarazadato be pregnant
50563960hincharseto swell
50563961inflamarseto become inflamed
50563962picarto itch
50563963ser alérgicoto be allergic
50563964toserto cough
50563965vacunarto vaccinate
50563966vomitarto vomit
50563974a menudooften
50563975desde hacefor (a period of time)

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