Study Guide for Language arts
610078235 | asset | useful or valuable quality | |
610078236 | unfathomable | impossible to understand | |
610078237 | rogue | deceitful or unreliable scoundrel | |
610078238 | incredulous | not willing or able to believe | |
610078239 | abiding | never ending | |
610078240 | nonchalant | calm or relaxed | |
610078241 | resigned | resign | |
610078242 | apprehensive | in fear or dread of possible evil/harm | |
610078243 | defiant | boldly resisting authority | |
610078244 | contemptuous | feeling hatred, scornful | |
610078245 | premonition | an early warning about a future event | |
610078246 | imploringly | in a begging, pleading manner | |
610078247 | sullen | a brooding, ill humor | |
610078248 | subside | to wear off, or die down | |
610078249 | elude | escape physically or mentally | |
610078250 | delinquent | a young offender | |
610078251 | indignant | angry at something unjust, or wrong | |
610078252 | gallant | brave and noble | |
610078253 | recurring | coming back | |
610078254 | aghast | horrified | |
610078255 | exploit | use or manipulate to ones advantage | |
610078256 | falter | pause uncertainly | |
610078257 | divert | to send in a different direction than originally intended | |
610078258 | conform | be similar; to be in line with | |
610078259 | liable | held legally responsible | |
610078260 | acquit | to pronounce not guilty | |
610078261 | medium | a means of communicating something | |
610078262 | demographic | stats of common categories of the population (gender, age) | |
610078263 | consumer | someone who uses goods or services | |
610078264 | bias | a prejudiced view | |
610078265 | infer | to draw a conclusion from evidence | |
610078266 | subjective | influenced by personal opinion, or bias | |
610078267 | objective | not influenced by personal opinion, just facts | |
610078268 | connotation | the feelings or emotions surrounding a word | |
610078269 | denotation | the dictionary definition of a word | |
610078270 | bipartisan | supported by both sides | |
610078271 | novella | a work of fiction that is shorter than a novel but is shorter than a short story | |
610078272 | victorian | of or relating to queen Victoria of great britain or the age she ruled | |
610078273 | carol | joyful religious song celebrating the birth of Christ | |
610078274 | stave | a stanza or verse | |
610078275 | redemption | delivering from sin or saving from evil | |
610078276 | repent | turn away from sin or do penitence | |
610078277 | mono | one | |
610078278 | prime | first or main | |
610078279 | poly | more than one | |
610078280 | lat/later | side | |
610078281 | epi | after, among, or over | |
610078282 | circum | around | |
610078283 | auto | self | |
610078284 | equ/equi | equal | |
610078285 | bi | two or twice | |
610078286 | ambi | both or around | |
610078287 | con/com | with or together | |
610078288 | ad | forward, near | |
610078289 | di | two | |
610078290 | pan | all | |
610078291 | omni | all | |
610078292 | mal | bad, ill, or wrong | |
610078293 | belli | war | |
610078294 | mort | death | |
610078295 | de | down, remove | |
610078296 | ab | from, away, off | |
610078297 | dem | people | |
610078298 | contra | against | |
610078299 | anti | against or opposite | |
610078300 | non | no or not | |
610078301 | ver | truth | |
610078302 | bene | good, well | |
610078303 | theo | God | |
610078304 | pater | father | |
610078305 | mater | mother | |
610078306 | arch | chief or most important | |
610078307 | anim | life, spirit | |
610078308 | amor | love | |
610078309 | Bandwagon | Persuades the audience to follow the crowd and conform to others;peer pressure | |
610078310 | testimonial | Getting a respected person or celebrity to endorse a product | |
610078311 | glittering generalities | Vague statements that sound good, but no proof, evidence, or supporting reasons (leaves your dishes virtually spotless) | |
610078312 | emotional word repetition | Using emotionally powerful words over and over in order to achieve the speakers intended effect on the audience | |
610078313 | bait and switch | One product or price is advertised, but the seller makes you pay something different | |
612642903 | complete sentence | has a subject, verb, and a complete thought | |
612642904 | dependant clause | subject and verb, but not a complete thought | |
612642905 | phrase | missing a subject or verb | |
612642906 | run-on | two or more independant clauses have been combined without proper punctuation or conjunctions | |
612642907 | fragment | Is either a dependent clause trying to stand alone, or an incomplete thought, or a phrase trying to stand alone | |
612642908 | independant clause | expresses a complete thought and can stand alone |