1823921 | Mannerism | 1527-Sack of Rome(dissillusionment of High Renaissance); artistic movement of the Late Renaissance; shatters balance, beauty, and simplicity; in the manner of Michelangelo | 0 | |
1823922 | Michelangelo and mannerism | Creator of mannerism; everything is meaningless; disillusioned; "The Last Judgement"(1534)- reflective of the age, found in the Sistine Chapel | 1 | |
1823923 | Titian | "Baptism of Christ", one of the best examples of mannerism | 2 | |
1823924 | El Greco | "Toledo"(used three hues); born in Crete; Greek/Italian painter in Spain; "Christ Driving the Traders from the Temple"- loss of humanity | 3 | |
1823925 | Francois Rabelais | (1494-1553) French humanist; authored Gargantua(satorical writing that makes fun of Church using make believe Giants) and Pantagruel; satirized monastic institutions(rather than true monks, there were swimming pools and maids and no clocks; made a point that the Church was no better than the quote: "eat, drink, and be merry;" Church was not disciplined; uses these works in hopes of establishing a Utopian society | 4 |