most used vocab words used in Vergil's The Aeneiad. Very handy to know for the AP Latin Exam in the spring :D. Feel free to test your knowledge!
84484377 | impius | godless; disobedient; disrespectful | |
84484378 | incedo | to walk; to move | |
84484379 | incertus | uncertain | |
84484380 | includo | to shut in; to confine | |
84484381 | incumbo | to lean on; to lie down | |
84484382 | induo | to cover; to clothe | |
84484383 | infandus | unspeakable; shocking | |
84484384 | infero | to bring in; to carry in | |
84484385 | ingemino | to repeat | |
84484386 | ingredior | to enter; to undertake | |
84484387 | inimicus | unfriendly; hostile | |
84484388 | iniquus | uneven; unequal | |
84484389 | insequor | to follow up; to succeed | |
84484390 | insidiae | ambush; trap | |
84484391 | insons | innocent; harmless | |
84484392 | instruo | to build up; to construct | |
84484393 | insula | island | |
84484394 | intendo | to stretch; to extend | |
84484395 | interior | inner; interior | |
84484396 | intro | inwards; inside | |
84484397 | intus | inside; within | |
84484398 | invado | to come into; to invade | |
84484399 | invenio | to come upon; to find | |
84484400 | invideo | to envy | |
84484401 | iste | that of yours; such | |
84484402 | ita | so | |
84484403 | iacio | to throw; to cast out; to fling | |
84484404 | iuvencus | young man | |
84484405 | iuventa | youth | |
84484406 | iuventus | manhood; young people | |
84936005 | lacrimo | to cry for; to shed tears | |
84936006 | lacus | vat; tank; pool | |
84936007 | latex | liquid; fluid | |
84936008 | laurus | laurel tree | |
84936009 | levis | light; nimble | |
84936010 | levo | to make smooth; to polish | |
84936011 | lex | law; rule | |
84936012 | libo | to taste; to sip | |
84936013 | loco | to place; to put | |
84936014 | longaevus (adj.) | aged | |
84936015 | luctus | sorrow; mourning | |
84936016 | ludus | game; play; sport | |
84936017 | luna | moon | |
84936018 | macto | to glorify; to honor; to sacrifice | |
84936019 | magister | teacher | |
84936020 | magnanimous | magnanimous; noble | |
84936021 | mando | to mandate; to entrust | |
84936022 | memini | to remember (imperative) | |
84936023 | memor | memory | |
84936024 | mergo | to dip; to plunge | |
84936025 | meta | marker; turning point | |
84936026 | metuo | to fear | |
84936027 | mille | thousand | |
84936028 | mirabilis | remarkable; extraordinary | |
84936029 | mirror | to be amazed at; to admire | |
84936030 | misereo | to pity; to feel sorry for | |
84936031 | molior | to strain at; to exert oneself | |
84936032 | mollis | soft; gentle | |
84936033 | moneo | to advise; to warn | |
84936034 | monumentum | monument; memorial | |
84936035 | mortalis | mortal; human | |
84936036 | murmur | murmur; buzz | |
84936037 | nauta | sailor | |
84936038 | nefandus | heinous; unspeakable | |
84936039 | nefas | crime; wickedness | |
84936040 | nego | to deny | |
84936041 | nequiquam | for nothing: pointlessly | |
84936042 | niger | black; dark colored | |
84936043 | nihil | nothing | |
84936044 | nimius | very much; very great; excessive | |
84936045 | nodus | knot (in wood) | |
84936046 | nubilus | cloudy; gloomy; melancholy | |
84936047 | nuntius | messenger | |
84936048 | nympha | nymph | |
85740599 | ob | on account of | |
85740600 | obicio | to bring up; to cite | |
85740601 | obliviscor | forgetful; oblivious | |
85740602 | obsideo | to sit near; to remain | |
85740603 | obstipesco | to be stunned; to be astounded | |
85740604 | occurro | to run up; to meet | |
85740605 | offero | to offer; to present | |
85740606 | olim | once | |
85740607 | omnipotens | almighty | |
85740608 | onero | to load down; to burden | |
85740609 | opacus | shady; dark; obscure | |
85740610 | orior | to rise; to appear | |
85740611 | ostendo | to show; to exhibit | |
85740612 | ostento | to display | |
85740613 | ostium | doorway | |
85740614 | ovo | to rejoice | |
85740615 | parco | to spare; to use sparingly | |
85740616 | pareo | to appear; to be visible | |
85740617 | pasco | to feed; to cultivate | |
85740618 | passim | here and there | |
85740619 | pateo | to stand open; to be exposed | |
85740620 | patera | saucer | |
85740621 | pauci | few; small | |
85740622 | pax | peace | |
85740623 | pecus | cattle; herd; flock | |
85740624 | pello | to push; to beat | |
85740625 | pendeo | to hang down; to be suspended | |
85740626 | penetralis | penetrating; piercing | |
85740627 | penitus | internally; deep within | |
85740628 | perago | to complete; to accomplish | |
85740629 | pereo | to pass away; to perish | |
85740630 | perficio | to bring to an end; to finish | |
85740631 | periculum | danger; peril | |
85740632 | pestis | disease; pestilence | |
85740633 | pharetra | quiver | |
85740634 | perfero | to carry through; to endure | |
86137638 | pingo | to draw; to paint; to decorate | |
86137639 | pinguis | fatty; greasy | |
86137640 | pinna | feather; wing | |
86137641 | plausus (noun) | clapping; flapping | |
86137642 | plenus | full; stout | |
86137643 | polus | pole (axis) | |
86137644 | pondus | weight; mass | |
86137645 | porto | to carry | |
86137646 | postis | doorpost | |
86137647 | postquam | after | |
86137648 | potior | to acquire | |
86137649 | praecipito | to throw headfirst; to dive | |
86137650 | praeda | booty; spoils | |
86137651 | praesto | at hand; ready | |
86137652 | praesum | to preside over; to govern | |
86137653 | praeterea | besides; moreover | |
86137654 | prex | prayer; request | |
86137655 | principium | beginning; start | |
86137656 | procedo | to proceed; to follow up | |
86137657 | procumbo | to fall down | |
86137658 | proelium | battle; combat | |
86137659 | prohibeo | to hold back; to hinder | |
86137660 | proicio | to throw away; to abandon | |
86137661 | propinquo | to hasten; to approach | |
86137662 | proprius | very own; particular | |
86137663 | prora | prow | |
86137664 | prospicio | to look at; to spot | |
86137665 | protinus | forward | |
86137666 | pubes | puberty; adulthood | |
86137667 | pulso | to beat; to batter against | |
86137668 | purpureus | purple; crimson | |
86530942 | quamquam | although | |
86530943 | quando | when; at what time | |
86530944 | quantus | how great; how much | |
86530945 | quatio | to shake; to tremble | |
86530946 | quattuor | four | |
86530947 | quies | quiet; rest; calm | |
86530948 | quisquam | anyone | |
86530949 | quisque | each | |
86530950 | quisquis | whoever; everyone | |
86530951 | quod | because | |
86530952 | rapidus | rapid; quick | |
86530953 | recedo | to go back; to withdraw | |
86530954 | recens | recent; young; fresh | |
86530955 | recipio | to keep back; to recover | |
86530956 | recuso | to reject; to refuse | |
86530957 | redeo | to go back; to return | |
86530958 | reduco | to bring back; to revive | |
86530959 | regio | direction; boundary | |
86530960 | regius | royal; regal; king-like | |
86530961 | regno | to rule; to reign | |
86530962 | rego | to guide | |
86530963 | reliquiae | remains; remnants | |
86530964 | reor | to think; to deem; to reckon | |
86530965 | repente | suddenly; unexpectedly | |
86530966 | reperio | to find; to discover | |
86530967 | repeto | to head back; to try again | |
86530968 | requiro | to search for; to hunt | |
86530969 | resido | to sit down | |
86530970 | resolvo | to untie; to unfasten | |
86530971 | respondeo | to answer; to reply | |
86530972 | retro | backwards | |
86530973 | revello | to pull back; to pull out | |
86530974 | reviso | to revisit; to reevaluate | |
86530975 | revoco | to call back; to recall | |
86530976 | ripa | river bank | |
86530977 | rite | in the usual way; rightly | |
86530978 | ruina | collapse; ruin | |
87231501 | rupes | cliff | |
87231502 | saevio | to be fierce; to be savage | |
87231503 | sagitta | arrow | |
87231504 | sal | salt; flavor | |
87231505 | salsus | salty; briny; witty | |
87231506 | salus | health; welfare | |
87231507 | satis | satisfied; enough; sufficient | |
87231508 | sceptrum | scepter; dominion | |
87231509 | scio | to know; to understand | |
87231510 | secerno | to seperate; to dissociate | |
87231511 | semper | always | |
87231512 | sententia | opinion; view; statement | |
87231513 | sentio | to perceive; to hear; to feel | |
87231514 | sepelio | to bury; to overwhelm; to ruin | |
87231515 | septem | seven | |
87231516 | sepulcrum | grave; tomb | |
87231517 | serenus | clear; bright; fair | |
87231518 | sermo | conversation; talk; discussion | |
87231519 | sero | to join; to connect; to entwine | |
87231520 | signo | to mark; to stamp; to imprint | |
87231521 | sileo | be silent, be still; suppress | |
87231522 | simulacrum | image; likeness | |
87231523 | simulo | to copy; to imitate | |
87231524 | sinister | left handed | |
87231525 | sino | to allow | |
87231526 | sisto | to make a stand; to set | |
87231527 | spatium | space; room | |
87231528 | spelunca | cave | |
87231529 | spiro | to breathe; to exhale | |
87231530 | spolium | hide; skin; spoils | |
87231531 | statuo | to decide; to establish | |
87231532 | stirps | stem; lineage; stock | |
87231533 | strideo | to hiss; to screech; to whizz | |
87231534 | stringo | to strip; to draw; to string | |
87231535 | struo | to build; to erect | |
87231536 | studium | eagerness; enthusiasm | |
87231537 | subicio | to throw up; to fling up | |
87231538 | sublimes | high; raised up; lifted | |
87231539 | succedo | to climb; to march on | |
87231540 | sumo | to take up; to dress; to assume | |
87231541 | supersum | to be left over; to survive | |
87231542 | suscipio | to catch; to support | |
87231543 | suspendo | to hang down; to suspend | |
87625205 | tango | to touch | |
87625206 | tardus | slow; late | |
87625207 | taurus | bull | |
87625208 | tempestas | time; period; season | |
87625209 | tenebrae | darkness; night | |
87625210 | terreo | to terrify; to scare | |
87625211 | tertius | third | |
87625212 | testor | to give evidence; to prove | |
87625213 | timeo | to fear; to be afraid | |
87625214 | torus | knot; bulge | |
87625215 | trabs | beam; plank | |
87625216 | trepidus | nervous; jumpy | |
87625217 | tres | three | |
87625218 | tumidus | swollen; bloated | |
87625219 | turba | turmoil; disorder | |
87625220 | turbo | to confuse; to agitate | |
87625221 | uber | rich; fertile | |
87625222 | ulterior | farther | |
87625223 | ultor | avenger; punisher | |
87625224 | umidus | moist; damp | |
87625225 | umquam | ever; at any time | |
87625226 | urgeo | to prod on; to urge; to pressure | |
87625227 | uterque | both | |
87625228 | uterus | belly; womb | |
88232289 | vacuus | empty; clear; free | |
88232290 | vado | to go toward; to advance | |
88232291 | vadum | shallow place; shoal | |
88232292 | valeo | to be strong; to be well | |
88232293 | validus | strong; powerful | |
88232294 | valles | valley | |
88232295 | vanus | empty; vacant | |
88232296 | veho | to transport; to carry | |
88232297 | velo | to pluck; to pick | |
88232298 | veneror | to revere; to worship | |
88232299 | verbum | words; speech | |
88232300 | verro | to pull; to drag | |
88232301 | verso | to spin; to whirl | |
88232302 | vinum | wine | |
88232303 | viscus | organ; entrails | |
88232304 | visus | sight; vision | |
88232305 | vivo | to live | |
88232306 | voluto | to roll about; to engross | |
88232307 | vulgus | masses; public; people |