she skips 288
4147163 | bottomless (brian's alternate = inexhastable) | inépuisable | |
4147164 | to rear back | se cabrer | |
4157883 | the sob | le sanglot | |
4157884 | a squawk, rattling | un râle | |
4157885 | the sludge, silt | la vase | |
4157886 | a trumpeting (of an elephant) | un barrissement | |
4157887 | a hurricane | un ouragan | |
4157888 | insatiable, unappeased | inassouvi (e, s) | |
4157889 | sewn up | recousu (e, s) | |
4157890 | to shrink | rétrécir | |
4157891 | to charge, rush at | foncer sur | |
4157892 | a target | une cible | |
4157893 | the primordial call, primal appeal | l'appel primordial | |
4157894 | to raise taboo | lever le tabou | |
4157895 | greedy | avide | |
4157896 | an abject/miserable skin | une peau abjecte | |
4157897 | couldn't find this one (the guardian paw?) | la patte tutélaire | |
4157898 | a sinking | un affaisement | |
4157899 | to sink, give way to | s'affaiser | |
4157900 | the gaping mouth | la gueule béante | |
4157901 | to grant | exaucer | |
4157902 | to drive or push into a corner | se rencogner | |
4157903 | a net of soot, dash of soot | un filet de suie | |
4157904 | the hovels, shacks (g) | les masures (f) | |
4157905 | bucolic, pastoral (pertaining to shepherds) | bucolique | |
4157906 | to overlap | se chevaucher | |
4157907 | numbed | engourdi (e, s) | |
4157908 | to dissolve | se dissoudre | |
4157909 | haloed | nimbé (e, s) | |
4157910 | the hoops, arches (g) | les arceaux (m) |