This set includes notes and terms from Dr. Aguirre's handout on digestion physiology.
637014687 | Digestion | ____________ is the process that involves food breakdown and absorption. | 0 | |
637014688 | Enzymes | ____________ are large protein catalysts that increase the rate of chemical reactions. | 1 | |
637014689 | Hydrolytic (a.k.a Hydrolases) | Digestive enzymes are __________ enzymes because they require H20 to catalyze the reaction. | 2 | |
637014690 | Absorbed | Once foods are broken down by enzymes they can be __________. | 3 | |
637014691 | Gastrin | In the stomach, G-cells (enteroendocrine) will produce the hormone ____________. | 4 | |
637014692 | Parietal | In the stomach, Gastrin released by the G-cells will activate __________ cells. | 5 | |
637014693 | HCl (hydrochloric acid) | In the stomach, Gastrin will activate parietal cells to secrete ________. | 6 | |
637014694 | Chyme | In the stomach, HCl released by the parietal cells will dissolve the food bolus into __________. | 7 | |
637014695 | Pepsinogen, Pepsin | In the stomach, HCl released by the parietal cells will convert ____________ into __________. | 8 | |
637014696 | Inactive | Is pepsinogen active or inactive? Choose one. | 9 | |
637014697 | Chief | Pepsinogen is released by the ________ cells. | 10 | |
637014698 | Proteases | Enzymes that break down proteins are known as? | 11 | |
637014699 | Protease | Pepsin is a potent _________, it breaks down proteins. | 12 | |
637014700 | Amylases | Enzymes that break down carbohydrates are known as? | 13 | |
637014701 | Lipases | Enzymes that break down lipids (fats) are known as? | 14 | |
637014702 | Nucleases | Enzymes that break down nucleic acids are known as? | 15 | |
637014703 | Salivary Amylase | In Carbohydrate digestion, __________ __________ will hydrolyze starches (polysaccharides) into oligosaccharides. | 16 | |
637014704 | Few (small) | The prefix Oligo- means __________. | 17 | |
637014705 | Mouth | In Carbohydrate digestion, the initial hydrolysis of starches into oligosaccharides occurs in the __________. | 18 | |
637014706 | Pancreatic Amylase | In Carbohydrate digestion, __________ _________ will hydrolyze oligosaccharides into disaccharides and smaller oligosaccharides. | 19 | |
637014707 | Duodenum | In Carbohydrate digestion, the hydrolysis of oligosaccharides into disaccharides occurs in the ___________. | 20 | |
637014708 | Brush Border Enzymes | In Carbohydrate digestion, _________ _________ _________ will hydrolyze disaccharides into monosaccharides. | 21 | |
637014709 | Small Intestine | All the brush border enzymes are found in this region of the digestive tract. | 22 | |
637014710 | Brush Border | Maltase, Sucrase, and Lactase are examples of ________ ________ enzymes. | 23 | |
637014711 | Glucose | In Carbohydrate digestion, maltase will hydrolyze maltose into 2 units of __________. | 24 | |
637014712 | Glucose, Fructose | In Carbohydrate digestion, sucrase will hydrolyze sucrose into _________ and _________. | 25 | |
637014713 | Glucose, Galactose | In Carbohydrate digestion, lactase will hydrolyze lactose into _________ and _________. | 26 | |
637014714 | Dissacharides | Maltose, Sucrose, and Lactose are all _____________. | 27 | |
637014715 | Monosaccharides | Glucose, Fructose, and Galactose are all _____________. | 28 | |
637014716 | Pepsin | In Protein digestion, _________ will hydrolyze proteins into polypeptides. | 29 | |
637014717 | Stomach | In Protein digestion, the hydrolysis of proteins into polypeptides occurs in the ___________. | 30 | |
637014718 | Pancreatic Proteases | In Protein digestion, ________ _________ will hydrolyze polypeptides into oligopeptides. | 31 | |
637014719 | Pancreatic Protease | Trypsin is this type of an enzyme. (2 words) | 32 | |
637014720 | Pancreatic Protease | Chymotrypsin is this type of an enzyme. (2 words) | 33 | |
637014721 | Duodenum | In Protein digestion, the hydrolysis of polypeptides into oligopeptides occurs in the ___________. | 34 | |
637014722 | Amino Acids | In Protein digestion, brush border enzymes of the small intestine will hydrolyze oligopeptides into __________ ________. | 35 | |
637014723 | Brush Border Enzyme | Aminopeptidase is a type of __________ _________ __________. | 36 | |
637014724 | Brush Border Enzyme | Carboxipeptidase is a type of __________ __________ _________. | 37 | |
637014725 | 10, 15 | In Lipid digestion, ___ - ___% of fat is digested by lingual and gastric lipase. | 38 | |
637014726 | Bile Salts | In Lipid digestion, most fats are emulsified by _______ _______ of the liver and gall bladder. | 39 | |
637014727 | Emulsification | This is the *physical* process of breaking up large fat globules into smaller globules, thereby increasing the surface area that enzymes can use to digest the fat. | 40 | |
637014728 | Duodenum | In Lipid digestion, emsulsification of fats occurs in the __________. | 41 | |
637014729 | Pancreatic Lipase | In Lipid digestion, _________ _________ will hydrolyze emulsified fats into monoglycerides and fatty acids. | 42 | |
637014730 | Duodenum | In Lipid digestion, the hydrolysis of emulsified fats into monoglycerides and fatty acids occurs in the ____________. | 43 | |
637014731 | Pancreatic Nucleases | In Nucleic Acid digestion, _________ ________ and brush border enzymes will hydrolyze nucleic acids into Pentose sugar, nitrogenous base, and a phosphate group. | 44 | |
637014732 | Ribonuclease | In Nucleic Acid digestion, this enzyme will hydrolyze RNA. | 45 | |
637014733 | Deoxyribonuclease | In Nucleic Acid digestion, this enzyme will hydrolyze DNA. | 46 | |
637014734 | Pancreas | Ribonuclease is a nuclease produced by the __________. | 47 | |
637014735 | Pancreas | Deoxyribonuclease is an enzyme produced by the ___________. | 48 |