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Lesson 48 Vocb

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87176550Abjectutterly hopeless, humiliating, or wretched; contemptible. (dispicable, miserable.).
87176551Aperturea hole or an opening.
87176552Arraya large grouping of thingd; regular order of arrangement; to clothe. (arrange, dress, ornament.).
87176553Boltto move suddenly.
87176554Codicila supplement or an amendment (usually to a will.).
87176555Crescendoa gradual increase in volume and intensity.
87176556Endowto provide with income or property, to supply with a talent or quality.
87176557Flowerto develop fully.
87176558Genialcordial; pleasantly warm. (friendly, pleasant, kindly.).
87176559Germaneimportant to the issue at hand, pertinent. (applicable, material.).
87176560Laggardslow, sluggish.
87176561Martialrelating to war or a warrior.
87176562Nimblequick in movement or resourcefulness.
87176563Paletteboard on which a painter mixes paints.
87176564Philologystudy of literature, especially language ysed in literature.
87176565Precognitionknowing something before it happens.
87176566Quaintunusual in character or apperance. (unique.).
87176567Refain (noun)a recurring phase or verse.
87176568Resurgeto rise again.
87176569Searingcausing to wither or to dry up or to become scorched.
87176570Spliceto join.
87176571Syncopationthe accenting of musical beats not normally accented.
87176572Trenchantincisive or keen; caustic, cutting. (sharp.).
87176573Vestigesremnants, traces, remains.
87176574Winsomewinning, engaging, or charming.

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