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Literary Terms - AP Literature Flashcards

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14666220718ThemeThe meaning of the work; an insight into or a question about the human condition0
14666223414SettingThe time and place in which a story, play or novel occurs. Time includes time of day, season, and historical setting. Setting and the details associated with it not only depict a time and place, but also convey values associated with that setting.1
14666225161StructureThe arrangement of the parts and sections of a text, the relationship of the parts to each other, and the sequence in which the text reveals information are all structural choices made by a writer that contribute to the reader's interpretation of a text.2
14666226000PlotThe sequence of events in a work of fiction; most plots involve some sort of tension or conflict3
14666233624ExpositionIntroduces the main characters, setting, conflict, theme4
14666234917Rising ActionBegins the forward momentum of the story, involves complications and develops conflict.5
14666240908ClimaxHigh point of the story, when the conflict comes to a head6
14666239557Falling actionUsually involves resolution of the conflict7
14666260451conclusionOffers some comment or insight into the story8
14666261880epiphanyA moment of insight, often in which something ordinary is seen in a new way.9
14666268796FlashbackPart of a narrative that interrupts the chronological flow by relating an event from the past10
14666269842foreshadowingEarly clues about what will happen later in a narrative or play.11
14666271660subplotA secondary plot in a novel or play; usually, reinforces the themes of the main plot but sometimes just provides interest, excitement or comic relief.12
14666274847ConflictTension between competing values either within a character, known as internal or psychological conflict, or with outside forces that obstruct a character in some way, known as external conflict.13
14666276432CharacterCharacters in literature allow readers to study and explore a range of values, beliefs, assumptions, biases, and cultural norms represented by those characters.14
14666279653ProtagonistMain character in a work of fiction, usually involved in an external or internal conflict15
14666279654AntagonistA character (or force) whose actions oppose those of the protagonist.16
14666282113HeroA protagonist with noble qualities, usually better than the average person17
14666284597AntiheroA protagonist who does not have the qualities of a hero, often someone quite average or even below average.18
14666299658Round characterA character developed with sufficient complexity to seem real or lifelike19
14666308363Flat characterA character used as a plot device, sometimes a stereotype20
14666310983FoilA character, usually minor, who emphasizes the qualities of a main character through an implied contrast21
14666314316DialogueConversation between characters that reveals who these characters are (what they say and how they say it).22
14666314317NarrationA narrator's or speaker's perspective controls the details and emphases that affect how readers experience and interpret a text. Perspective refers to how narrators, characters, or speakers see their circumstances, while point of view refers to the position from which a narrator or speaker relates the events of a narrative.23
14666316973Point of viewThe angle or perspective from which a story is reported and interpreted.24
14666319249NarratorThe person who tells the story to the audience or reader25
14666358252First personSomeone (often the protagonist) tells the story as he or she experienced it (using the pronoun I)26
14666360499OmniscientThe narrator knows everything about the characters and events and can move about into the minds of the characters27
14666362110LimitedThe story is limited to the thoughts and observations of a single character (not identified as I).28
14666364749ShiftingA limited view, which can shift to the perspective of more than one character.29
14666364750ObjectiveThe actions and conversations are presented as they occur, without any comment from the author or narrator.30
14666366836UnreliableNarrated from the point of view of a character unwilling or unable to give an accurate account.31
14667370660ImageryPassages that stir emotions by appealing to the senses32
14667371476MotifA pattern of identical or similar images recurring throughout a passage or entire work.33
14667371477ToneAttitude of narrator toward subject34

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