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Long Ass Aalberg Vocab Test Returns...AP Anglais

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121390737vitriolicadj - caustic or biting (such as a vitriolic speech)
121390738retrogradev.i. - decline; deteriorate
121390739longevitynoun - length of life
121390740crypticadj - hidden; occult; mysterious
121390741vituperativeadj - abusive in words; scolding
121390742retrospectiveadj - looking back on things past; a reviewing of past events
121390743lopenoun - an easy, bounding gait (as of a wolf)
121390744multifariousadj - having great variety
121390745automatonnoun - a mechanism that is self-ruling; a person who acts mechanically, seemingly without thought
121390746vivaciousanimated; gay; lively
121390747intriguenoun - a secret scheme; a secret love affair v.t. - accomplish by cheating, trickery; arouse the interest, desire, or curiosity of v.i. - engage in secret schemes
121390748explicitadj - distinctly stated; clear in language; free from all vagueness
121390749cedev.t. - yield; give up; also, to transfer
121390750stealthyadj - acting in a sly or secret manner; furtive
121390751dauntlessadj - bold, fearless
121390752revelrynoun - boisterous, merrymaking
121390753loutnoun - a clownish, clumsy fellow
121390754culinaryadj - of or relating to the kitchen or cooking
121390755autonomousadj - independent of all outside control; having right or power to rule itself
121390756vociferousadj - making a loud outcry; loud and insistent so as to call attention
121390757concedev.t. - admit; acknowledge v.i. - yield
121390758unprecedentedadj - never done before; new
121390759intercedev.i. - intervene between parties with intent to reconcile differences
121390760cessationnoun - the act of ceasing, discontinuing, or stopping
121390761accessibleadj - convenient; easy to get to
121390762reverberatev.t. - force back; acknowledge v.i. - become driven back; become reflected
121390763lucentadj - shining; bright; luminous; clear
121390764cullnoun - something rejected as inferior or worthless; a silly person, a fool v.t. - pick out; select from a group
121390765autopsynoun - a medical examination of a dead body to find the cause of death
121390766voguenoun - the fashion; popular acceptance or favor; one in fashion at a particular time
121390767reverienoun - dreamy thoughts; a daydream; condition of being lost in thought
121390768lucidadj - easy to follow or understand; having full use of one's faculties
121390769culminationnoun - reaching of the highest point; the climax
121390770avaricenoun - greedy desire for money or property
121390771volatileadj - tending to erupt into violence; fickle; frivolous; characterized by rapid change
121390772debonairadj - lighthearted; nonchalant; smoothly though often superficially polite and affable
121390773jargonnoun - meaningless talk or writing; the language of a special group or profession
121390774ponderousadj - very heavy; clumsy; dull; tiresome
121390775amnestynoun - a general pardon for past offenses against the government
121390776deletev.t. - eliminate, especially by blotting out or erasing
121390777revilev.t - call bad names; abuse with words v.i. - use abusive language
121390778lucrativeadj - bringing in money; profitable
121390779avidadj - eager; greedy
121390780clandestineadj - conducted in secrecy; private; concealed
121390781dotagenoun - decline of mental poise and alertness brought on by old age
121390782controversynoun - prolonged argument or difference of opinion
121390783versatileadj - able to do many things well
121390784subversiveadj - tending to overthrow
121390785diversionnoun - the act of turning aside; entertainment
121390786extrovertedadj - sociable; outgoing
121390787defamationnoun - act of harming or destroying the good name of; slander
121390788pilferv.t. - steal in small quantities v..i. - steal stealthily in small amounts and often
121390789chagrinnoun - distress of mind caused by humbling of pride, failure, disappointment
121390790sundryadj - several; various; miscellaneous
121390791palatialadj - of or befitting a palace; magnificent
121390792egressnoun - the act or right of going out or leaving; emergence; place of exit
121390793fermentnoun - a state of unrest; tumult v.t. - work up, as to a state of agitation v.i. - be in a state of agitation or intense activity
121390794mootadj - open to question; deprived of practical significance, purely academic v.t. - bring up for discussion
121390795enervatev.t - deprive of nerve, force, strength; lessen mental or moral vigor
121390796drolladj - amusing and strange; having a whimsical or odd quality
121390797emendv.t. - free from faults or defects; correct; improve
121390798fortitudenoun - strength; firmness of mind in meeting danger
121390799abolitionnoun -act of repealing, revoking, canceling
121390800labyrinthnoun - a place full of intricate passageways; a maze; a bewildering state of things
121390801maimv.t. - render a person less able to defend himself; mutilate; disable
121390802crestfallenadj - with drooping or hanging head; dispirited; dejected
121390803transgressionnoun - violation of a law, command, or duty; offense; crime
121390804precursornoun - one that precedes, especially as a sign or indication; a forerunner
121390805naivetenoun - the quality of an instance of being untaught, simple, unsophisticated
121390806unanimitynoun - state or quality of being unanimous or of one mind
121390807finiteadj - limited; bounded
121390808infiniteadj - without limits; boundless
121390809affinitynoun - a natural liking for something
121390810infinitesimaladj - very minute; extremely tiny
121390811indefinableadj - unable to be described or defined
121390812pillagenoun - the act of looting or plundering, especially in war v.t. - plunder ruthlessly v.i. - take booty
121390813reprisal-noun - the act or practice in international law of resorting to force short of war in retaliation for damage or loss suffered; the regaining of something
121390814surfeitnoun - an overabundant supply of something; disgust caused by excess
121390815hirsuteadj - roughly hairy
121390816effigynoun - an image or representation, especially of a person
121390817demisenoun - death, especially of a royal person; cessation of existence or activity
121390818haggardadj - not tamed; wild in appearance; having a worn appearance
121390819tepidadj - moderately warm; marked by lack of enthusiasm
121390820hamletnoun - a small village
121390821inculcatev.t. - teach and impress by frequent repetitions or admonitions
121390822stupefyv.t. - make stupid, dull or insensible
121390823sagenoun - a wise person adj - wise through reflection and experience; characterized by wisdom
121390824admonishv.t. - indicate duties or obligations to; express warning or disapproval; give earnest advice
121390825besetv.t. - set upon; hem in; harass; set or stud with or as if with ornaments
121390826figmentnoun - something made up
121390827condonev.t. - forgive; pardon or overlook voluntarily
121390828fiasconoun - a complete failure
121390829antithesisnoun - a direct opposite; the rhetorical contrast of ideas by means of parallel arrangement of words, clauses or sentences
121390830modishadj - fashionable; stylish
121390831divulgev.t. - make public; make known
121390832veracitynoun - truthfulness; correctness; devotion to truth
121390833verisimilitudenoun - an appearance of truth; probability
121390834veritynoun - a true statement; a fundamental and inevitably true value
121390835verificationnoun - confirmation; truth
121390836verifyv.t. - prove; confirm
121390837recreantnoun - a coward; a disloyal person; a traitor adj - crying for mercy; cowardly; unfaithful to a pledge
121390838ungainlyadj - clumsy; awkward; uncouth
121390839asteroidadj - starlike noun - a small planet
121390840disparitynoun - inequality; difference in age, rank, or condition; difference in kind or character
121390841balefuladj - deadly in influence; destructive; foreboding evil
121390842pariahnoun - an outcast
121390843talismannoun - something that produces extraordinary effects, especially in averting evil; a charm
121390844quixoticadj - like, or characteristic of Don Quixote; idealistic but impractical
121390845unfeignedadj - genuine; not pretended; not hypocritical
121390846havocnoun - wide and general destruction; devastation
121390847rejuvenatev.t. - make young again; reinvigorate
121390848asperitynoun - roughness, unevenness; harshness; sharpness of manner or of temper
121390849stiltedadj - pompous; formal; stiff
121390850dilatoryadj - tending to delay; tardy; slow
121390851soliloquynoun - act of talking to oneself; monologue
121390852banefuladj - poisonous; ruinous; seriously harmful
121390853affableadj - easy to speak; mild and gracious
121390854auxiliaryadj - conferring help or aid; supporting; additional
121390855nebulousadj - vague; misty; cloudy; hazy
121390856stereotypedadj - produced as if from a stereotype; lacking originality or individuality
121390857loquaciousadj - talkative
121390858circumlocutionnoun - an indirect way of speaking
121390859colloquialadj - informal (of speech)
121390860colloquiumnoun - a conference or meeting
121390861somniloquistnoun - one who talks in his sleep

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