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Major Societies, Kingdoms and Empires to 600 CE Flashcards

AP World History vocab

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165146830Mesopotamiaone of the oldest civilizations, the Sumerian-Babylonian civilization arose here around 3500-2350 by first the Sumerians and then the Babylonians from 1900-1600 BCE....Tigris and Euphrates rivers0
165146831Small ruling class of priests and a lugal, a king-like figure, sometimes individual city-statesHow was Mesopotamia governed?1
165146832Around 3300 BCEWhen did the Sumerians first develop a written language?2
165146833a form of writing where wedge-shaped characters were pressed into clay tablets with a small stickWhat was cuneiform, by the Sumerians?3
165146834It was one of the oldest literary works, it tells of the story of a king's quest to achieve immorality, first appeared in Sumeria.When was the Gilgamesh epic created, and what was it about? And by who?4
165146835Hammurabi's law codeOne of the world's first law codes designed, in Mesopotamia in 1792-1750 by Babylonian king...What was the name of this law code?5
165146836retributive, though favored the upper classes, death and mutilation were commonWhat kind of law code was Hammurabi's law code?6
165146837zigguratsPyramid-like temples built by the Mesopotamians to honor their gods and goddesses7
165146838Around 3000 BCEAround what time did bronze working first emerge in Mesopotamia?8
165146839base-60 number systemDeveloped by the Sumerians and Babylonians, this system is used today to measure time and navigational calculations9
165146840throughout the Middle East, as well as North Africa and the Indian OceanWhere did the Mesopotamian trade network extend through?10
1651468413100 BCEWhen did Egypt as a civilization emerge?11
165146842NileWhat river did Egypt depend on?12
1651468433100-2575 BCEPeriod of Egyptian history where the king Menes united the Upper and Lower Egypt, often called the Early Dynastic Period13
1651468442575-2134 BCEPeriod of Egyptian history, basic political and social features took shape14
1651468452134-2040 BCEWar characterized this period of Egyptian history called the First Intermediate Period.15
1651468462040-1640 BCEPeriod of Egyptian history called the Middle Kingdom, much more powerful and culturally dynamic16
1651468471640-1532 BCEPeriod of Egyptian history referred to as the Second Intermediate History because of invasions by the Hyskos.17
1651468481532-1070 BCETime of rebellion against the Hyskos in Egyptian history called the New Kingdom, conquered a great deal of territory in Northern Africa and the Middle East18
165146849internal disorder and foreign invasionsWhy did New Kingdom Egypt collapse?19
165146850Rameses IIImportant king that reigned during the New Kingdom that restored much of Egypt and conquered a great deal of territory20
165146851Managed household finances, children education, divorce rights, receive alimony (second husband), own property, some manage businesses, serve as priestessesPrivileges of women in Egypt21
165146852Queen HatshepsutOnce a pharoah of egypt, a female22
165146853Ra, the sun godEgypt's chief deity23
165146854Egyptian Book of the Deadconcerned matters of what happened to the soul after death and how to earn a happy afterlife.24
165146855mummificationpractice of the Egyptians where they preserved bodies after death25
165146856pyramidsprovided resting places for pharoahs after they died besides tombs26
1651468573100 CEWhen did the Egyptians develop writing?27
165146858hieroglyphicsType of writing that the Egyptians developed, a written script of multiple characters.28
165146859PapyrusFibers of reeds that the Egyptians used to invent the craft of papermaking29
1651468602630 BCEWhen did the Egyptians begin to construct pyramids?30
165146861365 day calendarWhat did the Egyptians create that is still used, with only minor modifications, today?31
165146862Centralized politically with a pharoah and a small caste of priestsHow was Egypt governed?32
165146863Indus river civilizationIndus valley civilization, on the coast of the Arabian sea, in what is today Pakistan and north western India33
1651468642600 BCEwhen did the indus valley civilization emerge?34
165146865Harappa and Mohenjo-DaroCities of the Indus Valley Civilization, had populations of about 100,000 each35
165146866unified, highly centralized, urbanized, large, advanced, economically involvedAspects of the Indus valley civilization36
1651468671900 BCEWhen did the Indus Valley Civilization end?37
165146868Invasion by the Aryans, --> environmental factors (drought, soil erosion)Early theory of its collapse ---> More accepted theory38
165146869Huang Ho/ Yellow riverRiver that assisted China in its development as another of the first river valley civilizations39
1651468701700s BCE, discovered bronze working in 2000 BCEWhen did China first emerge as a civilization, measured by dynastic rule (successions of emperors)?40
1651468711911 CEWhen did China as a civilization end?41
165146872Xia around 2000 BCEHistorically unverifiable, first dynasty?42
165146873Shang dynastyfirst historically verifiable Chinese dynasty, around 1750 BCE43
1651468741750-1027 BCEShang dynasty begin and end44
165146875Warrior aristocracyHow did the Shang Dynasty rule?45
165146876As far as the Middle Easthow far did the trade network of the shang extend?46
165146877Pictograms, from the ShangChinese system of writing emerged from which dynasty?47
165146878Fortune telling and Ancestor WorshipWhat other religious aspects of China emerged from the Shang Dynasty?48
165146879When King Wu rebelled against the Shang and overthrew it in 1027 BCEHow did the Zhou Dynasty form?49
1651468801027-221 bceHow long did the Zhou dynasty last?50
165146881480-221 bcelast part of the zhou dynasty, often referred to as the "warring states" period because of the internal collapse and civil war that plagued it51
165146882600 CEWhen did the Chinese learn how to make iron tools and weapons?52
165146883Mandate of HeavenPrinciple stating that the as long as a leader governed wisely and fairly, he could claim a divine right to rule.53
165146884Zhou dynastyDuring what dynasty did the Mandate of Heaven form?54
165146885Confucianism and DaoismOther key religious and philosophical traditions that emerged during the years up to 600 CE55
165146886Celtsfirst ethnic group to establish a widespread presence in Europe, believed to have emerged in central Europe thousands of years ago. After 500 bce, migrate west through europe, in northwestern france, spain, and the british isles.56
165146887300 CEWhen did the celts develop their ogham script?57
165146888druidsWhat were the celt's priests known as?58
165146889HittitesAppeared in Mesopotamia in 1700 BCE and dominated through 1200 BCE, made the first systematic use of iron weapons59
165146890Assyriansformed one of the first empires of the world, from 911-612 BCE, took over the Middle East, including Mesopotamia and Egypt, policy of cruelty, used new skill of cavalry warfare60
165146891Chaldeans or Neo-BabyloniansControlled the region once held by at he Assyrians from 626-539 BCE61
165146892NebuchadnezzarFamous ruler of the Neobabylonians, renowned for building the Hanging Gardens of Babylonians62
165146893PersiansLast to dominate the Middle Eastern region before Alexander the Great, 550-331 BCE, created one of the largest empires in world history.63
165146894Cyrus the Greatfirst ruler of the persians, conquered present day iran in 550 BCE64
165146895Darius the Greatthird ruler of the persians, empire measured more than 2 million square miles by the end of his reign inn 486 BCE65
165146896postal system, elaborate road system, single currency, local rule by satrapsPersian government system/style?66
165146897Zoroastrianism, yesOfficial religion of the persians, did they practice religious tolerance for others67
165146898331 BCEWhen the Persians fell to the Macedonian conqueror Alexander the Great68
165146899Hebrewsnotable people of the Middle East, first to practice monotheism69
165146900monotheismworship of a single god70
165146901Egyptians, Assyrians, Neo Babylonianspeople who ruled/enslaved the Hebrews71
165146902Phoeniciansin 1100 BCE, settled on eastern coast of the Meditteranean, in present day Syria and Lebanon, exported timber and shellfish72
165146903developed first phonetic alphabetImportant innovation of the phoenicians?73
165146904Greeks --> Romans-->Latin Script --->Modern Western Languages --> EnglishWho adopted the pheonician alphabet and how has it spread?74
165146905LydiansMiddle Eastern people of 600-500, said to have invented the concept of metal coinage75
1651469062000-1150 BCEEarliest civilization in the Greek world, called the Aegean76
165146907Island of CreteMinoan Culture77
165146908Greek MainlandMycenaean civilization78
165146909Trojan WarWhat the Mycenaean's are most famous for fighting, arond 1250 BCE79
165146910the Greekstribes of nearby islands, called Hellenes80
165146911Greek Dark Agesthe years of gradual cultural union from 1150-800 BCE for the Greeks where a common language and religion emerged but little political and social aspects developed81
165146912archaic periodperiod of greek history where more advancement went on, formed dozens of independent city states82
165146913city stateurban centers that controlled the immediate regions surrounding them83
165146914Corinth, Thebes, Sparta, AthensName important city states84
165146915Spartaa rigid, slave holding dictatorship that created the Greek world's most effective and feared army85
165146916Athensculturally and politically advanced city that gained wealth through trade and power, strengthened navally. , most representative democracy86
165146917an oligarchyrule of a narrow elite of rich powerful families, common government of the Greek city states87
165146918PericlesBegan democratic government in Athens in 508 BCE88
165146919Peloponnesian War431-404 BCE, period of conflict between Athens and Sparta, Sparta won though Greek city states suffered and were immensely weakened, opening it to Persian influence and conquest by Macedonia inn 338 BCE89
165146920Alexander the GreatGreek-Macedonian military general, launched oneo of the most successful military campaigns of the time, where he crossed into Asia and conquered territory all the way to Asia, preserving Greek culture and spreading it throughout Eurasia and northern Africa90
165146921AlexandriaCity formed under Egypt by Alexander the Great, became a great center of trade, learning andn culture with its Great Library.91
165146922Socrates, Plato, Aristotleimportant Greek philosophersof the time between 470-322 BCE92
165146923sciences, architecture, sculpture, politicsparts of greek culture that influence the west and east world for centuries and today93
165146924Romanstheir capital city on the italian peninsula94
165146925753 BCEWhen was the city of Rome founded?95
165146926A monarchy, until 509 BCE - by the EtruscansHow was Rome governed?96
165146927509 -31 BCERoman Republic end and beginning97
165146928plebeianlower classes of rome98
165146929patricianupper classes of rome99
165146930Punic Warsseries of bitter campaigns of Rome against their rival of Carthage100
165146931Carthagea Phoenician colony in the North African coast, a powerful city101
16514693291-30 BCEseries of civil wars that led to the collapse of the roman republic, led in part of the faltering of the republican government102
165146933Julius Caesarassumed dictatorial powers during Rome's second civil war, 49-45 BCE, assassinated in 44 BCE103
165146934Roman Empirea new regime of rome from 31 BCE TO 476 CE104
165146935Caesar Augustusfirst emperor of the Roman Empire, restored order, wealth, and enjoyed long reign as a respected ruler105
165146936200sTime of decline for the Roman Empire where its eastern half began to break away106
16514693731 BCE - 200S CEtime of prosperity and power, known as the pax romana107
165146938400s CEempire lay open to barbarian invaders108
165146939410, 476 CEwave of gothic invaders, fall of rome109
165146940paterfamiliasmale family head in roman society that had absolute power over his wife and children110
165146941Twelve Tablesconcept of innocent until proven guilty, codified in Roman Law's _________111
165146942313, 380 CEWhen the Romans legalized Christianity and then made it their official faith112
165146943Qin Dynasty221-206 BCE113
165146944Han Dynasty206 BCE - 220 CE114
165146945Sui589-618 CE115
165146946Shi Huangdiruler of the Qin dynasty, who turned the Qin state into a dictatorial centralized nation, standardized weights and measures, modernized the army, built the Great Wall of China, introduced legalism116
165146947Wu TiEmperor of the Han Dynasty117
165146948tribituary systemthe exaction of payment from neighboring states inn China118
165146949silk productionChina had a monopoly on this119
165146950200 CEtime of decline for China120
165146951outside invaders, economic slump, governmental corruption, weak leaderships, nomadic incursions, border controlWhat led to the Han collapse?121
165146952Indo-European PeopleCentral Asia may be the birthplace of the ____________ linguistic and cultural group.122
165146953Aryans, Persians, Scythians, Tartars, Seljuks, Ottomans, Huns, Magyars, MongolsIndo-European people who played a role in world history123
165146954300-200 BCEtime of Japanese civilization124
165146955300-400s CEtime of Japanese imperialist state125
165146956Yamato familyfirst imperial state of Japan126
165146957Shintoimportant religion, legitimized the Japanese emperors, declaring themselves the descendants of the sun goddess.127
165146958narajapan's capital in the 700s128
165146959Aryansearliest Indo-Europeans, originally from Persia and Central Asia129
165146960Dravidiandarker skinned native of India130
165146961warrior aristocracyWhat kind of government did the Aryans establish in India after enslaving the Indians?131
165146962Sanskrita religious, literary, and intellectual purposeful elite language132
165146963caste systemform of social hierarchy in India that divided society into specific social classes permanently, offering no social mobility133
165146964324-184 BCEPeriod of the Mauryan Empire134
165146965Ashokabest known of the Mauryan empire, originally a warrior who was sickened by the war, then converting to Buddhism, advocating peace and tolerance, created harmony between Buddhists, Hindus, and followers of Indian religions135
165146966320-550 CEPeriod of the Gupta Empire136
165146967smaller, less centralized, culturally and economically it still thrived, practiced religious toleration, traded with China, Southeast Asia, Eastern Mediterranean,about the Gupta Empire137
165146968pi, zero, decimal system used todayCreations of the Gupta scholars138
165146969Constantinopleeastern half of the Roman Empire after its split, city of that empire better known by this name139
165146970JustinianEmperor who reigned during the 500s CE in Constantinople140
165146971Corpus Jurus Civilisa codification of all existing Roman laws by Justinian141
165146972Middle Agesperiod of 500-1500 CE of Western Europe after the Roman Empire's western half collapse, characterized by economic decay, political corruption, and nomadic incursions142
165146973great age of migrationsgreat migrations by Germanic and Asiatic nomadic people in Europe who shaped its ethnic and cultural makeup greatly143
165146974Bantuemerged in the Niger, and between 1500-100 BCE began to migrate throughout the continent.144
165146975brought ironworking, shaped its ethnic, and linguistic character, and changed it to an agricultural from hunter-gatherersWhat change did the Bantu bring?145
165146976Nubiaimportant link from subSaharan Africa to the Mediterranean coast, important because of its iron ore, 3000-1750 BCE146
165146977MeroeDURING 300 bce, this was where nubia kingdom was centered, could support agriculture and livestock grazing, collapsed because of topsoil erosion and changing trade patterns147
165146978OlmecsCentral American civilization from 1200-400 BCE STONE HEADS148
165146979Teotihuac(a)nfounded 150-100 BCE in Central American, population greater than 200,000 people, eneded around 750 CE149
165146980MayaCentral American people flourishing around 250-900 CE150
165146981CarakFirst city of Americas, probably founded around the Supe River, in central peru, around 2600 BCE, metallurgy originated here151
165146982llamaimportant domesticated animal of the Southern America152
165146983Chavin820-250 BCE, important Andean civilization153
165146984nomadic herders and innumerable tribesSouth American plains and rain forests gave rise to what types of societies?154
165146985Adena500 BCE-100 CE, tribe of Northern America155
165146986Hopewell100 -400 CE, tribe of North America156
165146987Mississippian700-1500 CE, tribe of North America157
165146988Ohio and Missippian River ValleysWhere did North American cultures spread out along?158
165146989Earth MoundsNorth American culture's most famous legacy, built for ceremonial and religious purposes159
165146990Anasazisomewhere around the first millenium CE, a civilization in North America's desert Southwest, characterized by its elaborate cliff dwellings160
165146991cliff dwellingsareas created by the Anasazi, made of clay and rock, perched hundreds of feet above the floors of the canyons and desert below.`161

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