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Maps (AP Human Geography) Flashcards

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4798431292Map Scaledistance on a map relative to the distance on Earth0
4798432610Large Scale Mapsshow small areas in greater detail1
4798434099Small Scale MapsShow large areas is less detail2
4798440679Reference Mapsshow locations of places as well as human and natural geographic features.3
4798795769Physical Mapshighlight naturally occurring features4
4798796469Political Mapshighlight man-made features5
4798797209Thematic Mapsshow one theme6
4798797564Chloropeth Mapsuses shading to show different levels of data7
4798803501Dot/Pin Dot Mapseach dot represents a number of occurrences -the closer the dots are together, the higher the occurrence8
4798829380Graduated Symbol Mapsuses a symbol to show frequency or intensity of variable9
4798829973Isoline Mapsconnects points of equal value to make lines on a map10
4798829974Cartogramsshow size using data other than area11
4798830536Flow Line Mapsshows movement with arrows of different size12
4798830537Statistical MapsThematic maps that show different levels of variation13
4798831799Mental/perceptual MapsImages of places we form based on our experiences and perceptions What would your mental map be of: -Austin -Buddhism -Mars14
4798891320Equal Area Mapsa map projection in which quadrilaterals formed by meridians and parallels have an area on the map proportional to their area on the globe15
4798892532Conformal Mapsa map that preserves the size of local angles in the representation; also called biholomorphic map16
4798893452Time Zone MapsA map that shows time zones17
4798920185Lines of Latitude/parallelsmeasure north-south position between the poles.18
4798920858Lines of Longitude/meridiansrun between the North and South Poles. They measure east-west position19
4798921391North Pole/South Poleeither of the two locations on the surface of the earth (or of a celestial object) that are the northern and southern ends of the axis of rotation.20
4798922150Tropic of Cancer/Tropic of Capricornthe parallel of latitude 23°26ʹ north tropic of Cancer or south tropic of Capricorn of the equator. ASTRONOMY each of two corresponding circles on the celestial sphere where the sun appears to turn after reaching its greatest declination, marking the northern and southern limits of the ecliptic. the region between the tropics of Cancer and Capricorn.21
4798928190Arctic Circlean imaginary line drawn parallel to the equator, at 23°28prime; S of the North Pole: between the North Frigid Zone and the North Temperate Zone.22
4798928692Antarctic Circlean imaginary line drawn parallel to the equator, at 23° 28prime; N of the South Pole: between the South Frigid Zone and the South Temperate Zone.23
4798929560Equatoran imaginary line drawn around the earth equally distant from both poles, dividing the earth into northern and southern hemispheres and constituting the parallel of latitude 0°.24
4798929850Prime Meridianthe meridian running through Greenwich, England, from which longitude east and west is reckoned.25
4798933726International Date Linean imaginary line that goes north and south through the Pacific Ocean, one day is on the east side of the line and the following day is on the west side.26
4798935108Map ProjectionsPut Earth's 3 dimensional shape onto a two-dimensional surface. All flat maps have some distortion in their representation of distance, shape, area, or direction.27
4798939044DistortionEvery flat map has this. They result from making A two dimensional representation of a 3 dimensional sphere. In these, the shape, size, distance, and direction is slightly wrong.28
4798945284Cylindrical/Mercator ProjectionThe globe is projected onto a cylinder of paper which is then flattened out. In this type of map, lines of latitude and longitude cross at 90 degree angles, and true compass directions are kept intact, but areas are distorted. for example, polar areas look much larger than they really are. these maps are useful for nautical navigation.29
4798949761Conic Projectionthe globe is projected onto a cone which is flattened out.it is shaped kind of like a u. In this type of map, longitude lines are straight but latitude lines are curved. These are used for national or regional maps of mid-latitude areas. The shape in these maps are distorted but the size is shown correctly30
4798951162Plane/polar/azimuthal Projectionthe details of the globe are projected onto a flat surface. These types of maps are accurate at the point the projection touches the map, but they have lots of distortion towards the edges. These are mostly used for circle routes, because the circle routes appear as straight lines31
4798951532Peters ProjectionLike a Mercator map, this type of map also has latitude and longitude lines meeting at right angles. But the landmasses are more distorted than those on a Mercator map.in fact, the landmasses are so distorted, that this map is known as a politically incorrect map.32
4819770448LocationAbsolute Location: exact location on the Earth using coordinate points. Relative Location: The location of a place by comparing it to another -Cardinal location -distance -time -landmarks33
4819790057PlaceThe human and physical characteristics you see. Physical -climate -vegetation -wildlife -topography Human -agriculture -architecture -religion -economics34
4819804109RegionFormal/Uniform Region: an area defined by a limited number of related characteristics Functional/Nodal Region: areas created by movement around a central hub or node. *must have movement Perceptual/Vernacular Region: how people perceive a region -exist in someone's mind -based on how individuals perceive a region -boundaries and characteristics are different based on an individual's beliefs35
4819856829Wilbur ZelinskyA cultural geographer that used names of people and businesses in the phone book to map perceptual regions of the USA36
4819892974Human-Environment InteractionHow people relate to the physical world -depend -adapt -modify37
4819897631MovementHow people, goods, and ideas move38

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