4666961671 | national master plumbers association of the philippines | NAMPAP | 0 | |
4666961672 | shut off valve | a gate valve normally used to shut off flow of water from supply pipe | 1 | |
4666961673 | key cock | a faucet normally turned 90 degrees to open or close | 2 | |
4666961674 | indirect system | overhead tank water distribution system is a _____ system | 3 | |
4666961675 | jack pump | pump normally used for farm purposes | ![]() | 4 |
4666961676 | centrifugal rotary | pumps with turbines | 5 | |
4666961677 | building design occupants heating capacity | things to consider when sizing the hot water tank | 6 | |
4666961678 | 4"? | minimum house drain diameter | 7 | |
4666961679 | .5 | pipe sleeves must be ___ x the size of a pipe they protect | 8 | |
4666961680 | lead | cleanout plugs must be made of | 9 | |
4666961681 | 2 | minimum " for underground drainage pipe | 10 | |
4666961682 | 100 | temperature needed to be considered hot water ___ C | 11 | |
4666961683 | bedpen washer | aka clinical sink | 12 | |
4666961684 | 2 | minimum water service connections for hospital | 13 | |
4666961685 | backflow prevention device | sillcocks require a ____ | 14 | |
4666961686 | private water source | a well is considered mostly as a ____ | 15 | |
4666961687 | 6 | maximum distance in ft a 2 in trap from its vent | 16 | |
4666961688 | .02 | maximum allowable % for soldered connections with lead pipe joints | 17 | |
4666961689 | 8 | maximum allowable % for soldered connections with lead | 18 | |
4666961690 | 12 | minimum ' clearance infront of a cleanout | 19 | |
4666961691 | 10 | minimum ' clearance from a terminal and a window opening in a building | 20 | |
4666961692 | 6 | maximum pipe side diameter not needing an effing manhole | 21 | |
4666961693 | 1" | recommended size of MWSS for service pipe in 2 storey residential | 22 | |
4666961694 | 3/4 | minimum water supply size for flush valve urinal | 23 | |
4666961695 | 1 | minimum water supply pipe diameter size " for flushometer valve water closet | 24 | |
4666961696 | 1/2 | minimum water supply pipe diameter size " for water closet without flushometer valve | 25 | |
4666961697 | potability | first steps in selecting water source | 26 | |
4666961698 | residence | class 1 type occupancy water supply | 27 | |
4666961699 | restricted use | class 2 type occupancy water supply | 28 | |
4666961700 | unrestricted use | class 3 type occupancy water supply | 29 | |
4666961701 | permanent temporary | what makes up total hardness | 30 | |
4666961702 | greensand filtraiton | treatment of wells for acidity | 31 | |
4666961703 | marblestone filtration | treatment for waste water | 32 | |
4666961704 | whitesand filtration | treatment for swimming pool treatment | 33 | |
4666961705 | algae | cause of objectionable tastes and odor of water | 34 | |
4666961706 | service pipe | pipe from the street water main to the building served | 35 | |
4666961707 | GV WM CV | order of valves for water connection | 36 | |
4666961708 | building supply pipe | pipe carrying potable water from the water meter to a building or other point of use or distribution | 37 | |
4666961709 | fixture supply | water supply pipe connecting the fixture with the fixture branch | 38 | |
4666961710 | unit vent | vent installed so that one vent pipe serves two traps | 39 | |
4666961711 | circuit vent | a group vent which starts infront of the extreme fixture connection on a horizontal branch and connects to the vent stack | 40 | |
4666961712 | looped vent | vent used for islands and lavatories away from the wall and vent branch | 41 | |
4666961713 | pump circuit system | system used to produce a more efficient circulation of hot water to the upper floor levels of a multi storey building circulation of hot water by means of mechanical device | 42 | |
4666961714 | zdownfeed & gravity return system | system of where hot water rises on the the highest point of the plumbing system and travels to the fixture via gravity | 43 | |
4666961715 | relief vent | A vent to relieve the pressure ahead of moving effluent in a horizontal fixture branch. | 44 | |
4666961716 | yoke vent | A pipe CONNECTING UPWARD from a soil or waste stack to a vent stack for the purpose of preventing pressure changes in the stack | 45 | |
4666961717 | 5 | yoke vent is required for every ___ floors | 46 | |
4666961718 | .6 | house sewer is part of the plumbing system which extends ____ m from the foundation of the wall of the building | 47 | |
4666961719 | invert | lowest part of the inside face of any pipe | 48 | |
4666961720 | crown | highest part of the inside face of any pipe | 49 | |
4666961721 | spring line | the midpoint level of a pipe | 50 | |
4666961722 | clevice | pipe hanger for pipes with pressure shape: ---o--- | 51 | |
4666961723 | bending pin | tool used for straightening or bending lead pipe | 52 | |
4666961724 | tailpiece | pipe or tubing that connects the outlet of a plumbing fixture to a trap | 53 | |
4666961725 | slip joint | adjustable tubing connection consisting of a compression nut, friction ring, and compression washer | 54 | |
4666961726 | building subdrain | that portion of an underground system, which cannot drain by gravity into the building sewer | 55 | |
4666961727 | subsoil drain | an underground drainpipe that receives only sub-surface or seepage water and convey it to a sump for disposal by gravity flow or by lift pump | 56 | |
4666961728 | 15 | cleanout is required every ____m run of pipes | 57 | |
4666961729 | upper terminal | each horizontal drainage pipe shall be provided a cleanout at its ____ | 58 | |
4666961730 | 1.5 | pipe runs that don't need a cleanout | 59 | |
4666961731 | 135 | additional cleanout is to be provided for every line of pipe exceed ____ in angle | 60 | |
4666961732 | after | cleanouts shall be provided ____ interceptors | 61 | |
4666961733 | 305 | clearance needed in front of a 51mm or less cleanout | 62 | |
4666961734 | 450 | clearance needed in front of a >51mm cleanout | 63 | |
4666961735 | 750 | clearance of underfloor cleanout to the nearest well | 64 | |
4666961736 | 450 | clearance of an underfloor cleanout to the upper slab | 65 | |
4666961737 | countersunk | type of cleanout installed where raised heads may cause hazard to uisers or vehicles | 66 | |
4666961738 | 9.79 kpa | difference in pressure per meter of elevation | 67 | |
4666961739 | 6.895 | ______ kpa = 1 psi | 68 | |
4666961740 | french drain | a covering for trench normally used for provincial cities using the curb and gutter | 69 | |
4666961741 | 200 | minimum mm for gutter | 70 | |
4666961742 | 1:3 | ratio of allowable offsets | 71 | |
4666961743 | 2" | minimum depth of floor drain outlet to crown of drain pipe | 72 | |
4666961744 | 3 | maximum number of water closets for one horizontal 3" soil pipe | 73 | |
4666961745 | 4 | maximum number of water closets for one vertical 3" soil pipe | 74 | |
4666961746 | largest building sewer | minimum aggregate cross sectional area of all venting pipes | 75 | |
4666961747 | 152 | minimum mm of vent vertical rise from flood level rim of fixtures | 76 | |
4666961748 | union | ![]() | 77 | |
4666961749 | union | designed to allow quick and convenient disconnection of pipes for maintenance or fixture replacement | 78 | |
4666961750 | neoprene rubber compression gasket | used on CIPs using a compression joint | 79 | |
4666961751 | o-ring | used on CIPs with hubless joint | 80 | |
4666961752 | threaded joints | joinery used for galvanized iron, steel, and plastic pipes | 81 | |
4666961753 | male threads | pipe joint material should be applied on | 82 | |
4666961754 | soldering nipple or caulking ferrule | joints between lead pip and cast iron or wrought iron shall be of ____ | 83 | |
4666961755 | standard flare | 2 types of compression fittings | 84 | |
4666961756 | cement mortar joint | joinery used in concrete pipes | 85 | |
4666961757 | burned lead joint | used for lead jointery | 86 | |
4666961758 | neoprene rubber rings + coupling of same material | used in asbestos cement sewer pipe joint | 87 | |
4666961759 | flange joint | joint consisting of 2 companion flanges bolted together and made leak proof by means of a gasket | 88 | |
4666961760 | heat fusion joint | joint used on thermoplastic pipes where both pieces are simultaneously heat and pressed together | 89 | |
4666961761 | flange joint | lNl | 90 | |
4666961762 | weld | --xNx-- | 91 | |
4666961763 | screw | -N- | 92 | |
4666961764 | soldered | -oNo- | 93 | |
4666961765 | 6" | diameter of pipe conveying main to house supply | 94 | |
4666961766 | lead cadmium arsenic | common harmful substances normally contained in pipe material | 95 | |
4666961767 | polyethylene pipe | ![]() | 96 | |
4666961768 | galvanized steel or iron | traditional piping material | 97 | |
4666961769 | lead cadmium arsenic | most probable contaminants infused in piping material` | 98 | |
4666961770 | galvanized steel or iron | material used in traditional piping | 99 | |
4666961771 | type K | thickest usable copper pipe diameter size for drainage; normally used for deep underground burial such as under sidewalks and streets, with a suitable corrosion protection coating or continuous polyethylene sleeve as required by code. | 100 | |
4666961772 | Polybutylene | a flexible non-metallic material that can be used in hot and cold drinking piping lines | 101 | |
4666961773 | PVC | usually white in default color and is used only for carrying cold water | 102 | |
4666961774 | ABS | black in default and mainly used for DWV. can be connected to metal pipes | 103 | |
4666961775 | Polyethylene cross link | PEX | 104 | |
4666961776 | ABS | acrylonitrite butadiene styrene | 105 | |
4666961777 | CPVC | yellow in default color, hot and cold water. but can't be burried. cheap but lacks long term durability | 106 | |
4666961778 | PVC | becomes brittle when exposed outside or to too much heat | 107 | |
4666961779 | HDPE | normally used for drainage which can withstand high temperatures and pressure | 108 | |
4666961780 | MDPE | PE that can withstand higher internal pressure due to its flexibility. normally used for long distance water drinking piping | 109 | |
4666961781 | LDPE | applied to instances where operating pressures are low, low cost, and high degree of flexibility | 110 | |
4666961782 | underwriters laboratory | international Non-profit organization that provides guidelines and certification for physical security | 111 | |
4666961783 | PNS | Philippine National Standards | 112 | |
4666961784 | teflon tape | used on threaded piping materials | 113 | |
4666961785 | Type L & M | copper type used in residential and commercial water supply and pressure applications | 114 | |
4666961786 | type DWV | copper type normally used for unpressurized applications | 115 | |
4666961787 | M | copper type with red stripe | 116 | |
4666961788 | L | copper type with blue stripe | 117 | |
4666961789 | K | copper type with green stripe | 118 | |
4666961790 | DWV | copper type with yellow stripe | 119 | |
4666961791 | Polypropylene | PPR | 120 | |
4666961792 | heat fusion | PPR is joined by ______ | 121 | |
4666961793 | durham system | system of soil or waste system with threaded and recessed drainage fittings | 122 | |
4666961794 | Browne and Sharpe | aka bell and spigot system | 123 | |
4666961795 | 800 | water is denser than air by _____ | 124 | |
4666961796 | 1.5 | minimum water service pipe diameter in " | 125 | |
4666961797 | permit | required when replacing existing water heater | 126 | |
4666961798 | lead | cleanout plug must be made of ____ | 127 | |
4666961799 | 1/4" | minimum diameter of closet flange for plastic | 128 | |
4666961800 | fill tube | part of water closet that refills the bowl with a predetermined amount of water | 129 | |
4666961801 | float adjustment screw | adjusts the ball valve level of the water closet | 130 | |
4666961802 | overflow tube | tube that leads excess water into the bowl. also the termination of the fill tube | 131 | |
4666961803 | trip lever | lifts the flapper which allows water to escape via the flush valve | 132 | |
4666961804 | flush valve | A device located at the bottom of a flush tank that is operated to flush water closets, holds the flapper in place | 133 | |
4666961805 | trough urinal | ![]() | 134 | |
4666961806 | parking deck drain | drain with countersunk deck flange 394mm in diameter with round top and ductile iron gate | 135 | |
4666961807 | sanitary floor drain | ![]() | 136 | |
4666961808 | roof drain | identify the blue part in the picture | ![]() | 137 |
4666961809 | open ceiling | upright sprinkler systems are placed on areas with ____ | 138 | |
4666961810 | centrifugal pump | a pump using an impeller to pull water into the suction side of the pump, scoops it and pushes it out on the vertical end | 139 | |
4666961811 | piston pump | a pump using a piston to move fluid up, Positive-displacement pump using one or more reciprocating pistons to force water from the pump chambers. | 140 | |
4666961812 | rotary pump | uses vanes that trap the water between 2 vanes and move water from the inlet to the outlet side of the pump | 141 | |
4666961813 | jet pump | a pump used frequently for domestic water supply. works by suction | 142 | |
4666961814 | plumbing appliance | a special device or equipment intended to perform a special plumbing function | 143 | |
4666961815 | plumbing appurtenance | serves as adjunct to the basic piping system and plumbing fixture | 144 | |
4666961816 | plumbing fixture | receptacle which water or water wastes may be collected or retained for ultimate discharge into the plumbing system | 145 | |
4666961817 | flushometer tank | air accumulator vessel to discharge a predetermined quantity of water for flushing purposes | 146 | |
4666961818 | flushometer valve | to discharge a predetermined quantity of water for flushing purposes acutated by direct water pressure | 147 | |
4666961819 | air break | physical separation from indirect waste pipe to waste receptor | 148 | |
4666961820 | air gap | unobstructed vertical distance through free atmosphere between the lowest opening from any pipe to the flood level rim | 149 | |
4666961821 | 2 | air gap being maintained from effective opening to flood rim is ___ x outlet diameter | 150 | |
4666961822 | battery | two or more similar adjacent with discharge into a common horizontal or soil branch | 151 | |
4666961823 | 4 | required faucets/bibbs for 1 plumbing unit | 152 | |
4666961824 | 3 | required floor drains for 1 plumbing unit | 153 | |
4666961825 | .6 | distance of the center of one urinal to another | 154 | |
4666961826 | .3 or .5? | distance of center of one urinal to a wall | 155 | |
4666961827 | flush | class of lavatory where the rim of the fixture aligns with the top portion of the counter | 156 | |
4666961828 | self rimming | class of lavatory where the rim of the fixture is above the top portion of the counter | 157 | |
4666961829 | under counter | class of lavatory where the rim of the fixture aligns with the bottom portion of the counter | 158 | |
4666961830 | .75 | center to center distance of a bidet/water closet to another similar fixture | 159 | |
4666961831 | .375 | center distance of a bidet to a wall | 160 | |
4666961832 | 3" | minimum trap seal of a floor drain | 161 | |
4666961833 | 2" | minimum outlet size of a floor drain | 162 | |
4666961834 | 2-4% | shower receptor slope range | 163 | |
4666961835 | .6 | min. interior area of shower | 164 | |
4666961836 | 762 | minimum diameter circle of a shower compartment | 165 | |
4666961837 | 1.78 | min clear height of a shower compartment | 166 | |
4666961838 | 4.9 | spacing for gang shower drains | 167 | |
4666961839 | 3m | minimum height of water test | 168 | |
4666961840 | 3m+previous 3m | minimum height of water test for more than 1 section | 169 | |
4666961841 | 15m | minimum time for water test before inspection | 170 | |
4666961842 | 5 PSI 34.5 kpa | minimum air pressure of air test | 171 | |
4666961843 | once a year | how often does a septic tank need to be inpsected | 172 | |
4666961844 | 3" | a septic tank needs to be cleaned if the bottom of scum mat is within ____ from the bottom outlet | 173 | |
4666961845 | 50% | a septic tank needs to cleaned if scum has reduced the liquid capacity by ____ | 174 | |
4666961846 | septic tanks | ______ shall not be washed after being cleansed | 175 | |
4666961847 | 1.2m | minimum depth of septic tank | 176 | |
4666961848 | 1:2 | proportion of leaching chamber to digesting chamber | 177 | |
4666961849 | 20cm | minimum vertical distance from liquid level to inside top of the septic tank | 178 | |
4666961850 | .508 | minimum size of manhole for septic tank | 179 | |
4666961851 | 25 | septic tanks shall be placed ______ m from spring, well cistern or other source of drinking water supply | 180 | |
4666961852 | 1.5 | septic tanks shall be placed ______ m from water service line | 181 | |
4666961853 | 3 | septic tanks shall be placed ______ m from water main | 182 | |
4666961854 | innocuous | industrial waste must first be rendered ____ | 183 | |
4666961855 | 2 | all (practical) drainage slopes should be aligned at a uniform slope of ____% | 184 | |
4666961856 | threaded | cast iron soil pipes shall not be ____ | 185 | |
4666961857 | 102 | an enlargement of a closet bend from 76mm to ____ shall not be considered as an obstruction | 186 | |
4666961858 | embedded metal pipe sleeves | pipes passing through or under walls shall be protected from breakage via ___ | 187 | |
4666961859 | bitumen | void between pipes through concrete floors or walls in the ground shall be sealed with ___ | 188 | |
4666961860 | 45 | degree from which a pipe should be clear from a building element | 189 | |
4666961861 | .6 | no building sewer shall be installed under or within ____m of any building or structure | 190 | |
4666961862 | .3 | no building sewer shall be placed below ____m finish ground surface | 191 | |
4666961863 | 102 | minimum diameter of a pipe to allow a 1% slope | 192 | |
4666961864 | wye and 1/8 bend | connection of a horizontal drainage pipe to a vertical stack is composed of a sanitary tee or ______ | 193 | |
4666961865 | 2 | how many pipe sizes larger should the barrel of a double sanitary tee be as opposed to its branches | 194 | |
4666961866 | RA 1738 | also known as the plumbing law of the philippines | 195 | |
4666961867 | 6 | sets reuired for requirements of a permit | 196 | |
4666961868 | 1 obo 2 owner | retention of plans | 197 | |
4666961869 | 1 year | validity of permit if not commenced | 198 | |
4666961870 | 120 days | validity of permit if suspended or abandoned | 199 | |
4666961871 | Virgilio Simbulan | chairman of Master plumbers | 200 | |
4666961872 | 1935 | year NAMPAP was formally organized | 201 | |
4666961873 | >= 1.4 cu.m. | unconfined space aggregate area | 202 | |
4666961874 | backflow prevention device | required for pipes carrying chemicals | 203 | |
4666961875 | 3 | minimum airgap for water distribution if affected by sidewalls is ___x the diameter of outlet | 204 | |
4666961876 | 305 | clearance of backflow prevention devices from the ground | 205 | |
4666961877 | 1.52 | backflow installations above ___ shall be provided with a platform | 206 | |
4666961878 | 25mm | minimum airgap of an outlet | 207 | |
4666961879 | 152mm | minimum elevation of atmospheric vacuum breaker to the flood rim | 208 | |
4666961880 | 8% | water lead content unfit for consumption | 209 | |
4666961881 | 18 mess | screen protector for gravity supply tanks: _____ per 25mm | 210 | |
4666961882 | 103 kpa | pressure deemed inadequate for water supply | 211 | |
4666961883 | .3 | height difference of water supply to building drainage if crossing paths | 212 | |
4666961884 | .3 | minimum horizontal distance of water supply pipe from building drain | 213 | |
4666961885 | bitumastic or fiberglass wrapping | ferrous pipes shall be protected with _______ | 214 | |
4666961886 | .3 | minimum distance of placement of union to the serving fixture | 215 | |
4666961887 | 1" | minimum depth of lead for caulked joints | 216 | |
4666961888 | 3.2 | minimum ____mm for finished joint of caulked joints | 217 | |
4666961889 | 610 | minimum depth in mm for sand interceptor | 218 | |
4666961890 | local water utilities administration | LWUA | 219 | |
4666961891 | creek | not a source of ground water | 220 | |
4666961892 | 10 | number of sprinkler heads needed for 10x15 congregation room | 221 | |
4666961893 | 1.8 | minimum length of digestive chamber | 222 | |
4666961894 | .90 | minimum length of leaching chamber | 223 | |
4666961895 | 1.2 | minimum width of septic tank | 224 | |
4666961896 | 610 | minimum mm depth of sand interceptor from invert of pipe | 225 | |
4666961897 | 1.2 | maximum horizontal distance of grease trap inlet to outlet | 226 | |
4666961898 | .75 | maximum vertical distance of grease trap inlet to outlet | 227 | |
4666961899 | 102 mm/h | normal rainfall intensity within manila | 228 | |
4666961900 | 1 | floor drain | 229 | |
4666961901 | 2 | lavatory | 230 | |
4666961902 | 2 | bathtub/shower bath | 231 | |
4666961903 | 2 | laundry tub | 232 | |
4666961904 | 3 | slop sink | 233 | |
4666961905 | 5 | pub urinal? | 234 | |
4666961906 | 6 | public water closet | 235 | |
4666961907 | 4 | private water closet | 236 | |
4666961908 | 28.3 | _____liters per minute = 1 FU | 237 | |
4666961909 | 7.5 | ____ gallons per minute = 1 FU | 238 | |
4666961910 | bowl gasket | placed inbetween the water closet and the closet bend | 239 | |
4666961911 | 1 2 | bar sink private and public use | 240 | |
4666961912 | 2 4 | bathtub private and public use | 241 | |
4666961913 | 1 | dental unit or cuspidor | 242 | |
4666961914 | 3 5 | hose bibb public and private use | 243 | |
4666961915 | 6 | mobile home | 244 | |
4666961916 | 2 4 | shower private and public use | 245 | |
4666961917 | 1 2 | bar sink private and public uise | 246 | |
4666961918 | 10 | flushing rim clinic | 247 | |
4666961919 | 1 | lawn sprinkler per head | 248 | |
4666961920 | 70 | percentage of fresh water that goes to agriculture | 249 | |
4666961921 | 5000 | number of larg water supply system service connections | 250 | |
4666961922 | 1000 | number of service connections for small water supply | 251 | |
4666961923 | coagulation | the process of forming semisolid lumps in a liquid | 252 | |
4666961924 | point source | protected well or developed spring without distribution system | 253 | |
4666961925 | 15 | number of households able to serve a level 1 water supply system | 254 | |
4666961926 | 4-6 | number of households able to serve a level 2 water supply system | 255 | |
4666961927 | communal faucet system | level 2 water supply system | 256 | |
4666961928 | waterworks system | level 3 water supply system | 257 | |
4666961929 | artesian well | wel confined under hydrostatic pressure | 258 | |
4666961930 | bored well | well constructed by manually driven augers | 259 | |
4666961931 | deep well | well with depth normally of 20m | 260 | |
4666961932 | drilled well | well constructed of percussion or rotary drills | 261 | |
4666961933 | driven well | A well constructed by driving a pipe in the ground. The drive pipe is usually fitted with a well point and screen. | 262 | |
4666961934 | dug well | well normally with diameter of 1-1.5m | 263 | |
4666961935 | shallow well | well with a depth of not more than 20m | 264 | |
4666961936 | 6.5 -8.5 | ph levels of potable water | 265 | |
4666961937 | sea water animal waste | causes of chlorides in water | 266 | |
4666961938 | reverse osmosis | A desalinization process that involves forcing salt-water through a membrane permeable to water but not to salt | 267 | |
4666961939 | reverse osmosis deionization | used to dechlorinate water | 268 | |
4666961940 | copper | causes blue green stain on plumbing fixtures | 269 | |
4666961941 | adjust alkalinity | treatment for copper in water | 270 | |
4666961942 | flouride | added to water to elevate alkalinity | 271 | |
4666961943 | hardness | inherent raw water quality due to presence of calcium and magnesium | 272 | |
4666961944 | hardness | causes white powdery residue on plumbing fixture | 273 | |
4666961945 | iron and manganese | present in water to induce yellow to black discoloration | 274 | |
4666961946 | iron and manganese | causes bitter metallic taste | 275 | |
4666961947 | zeolite | A substance used in water softening which exchanges sodium ions for magnesium or calcium ions in hard water. It is regenerated by passing brine through it which reverses the exchange. | 276 | |
4666961948 | aeration | best treatment for removing taste and odors from water | 277 | |
4666961949 | aeration granulated activated carbon filtration ozonation | treatment for taste and odors of water | 278 | |
4666961950 | deionization | process wherein water passes through a cartridge where dissolved mineral salts are retained producing mineral free water | 279 | |
4666961951 | granulated activated carbon | a type of neutralizing filter | 280 | |
4666961952 | angat dam | supplies 97% of water needs in metro manila | 281 | |
4666961953 | novaliches plant | plant supplying west zone of mm | 282 | |
4666961954 | balara | plant supplying the east zone of mm | 283 | |
4666961955 | indirect pressure distribution | classification of public water distribution using deep wells | 284 | |
4666961956 | direct pressure distribution | public water distribution where water undergoes the filtration plant | 285 | |
4666961957 | air pressure system | system of water dist which has less initial cost but higher residual cost due to electricity consumption | 286 | |
4666961958 | 10 | maximum floor able to reach pneumatic tank | 287 | |
4666961959 | 7.5 | how many gallons per 1 f.u. | 288 | |
4666961960 | 50-100 | probability of simultaneous use for 1-5 FU | 289 | |
4666961961 | 25-50 | probability of use for 6-50 fixture units | 290 | |
4666961962 | 10-25 | probability of simul. use for 50+ f.u. | 291 |
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