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mccarthy vocabulary

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200245642Abstractrefers to language that decribes concepts rather than concrete images
200245643Ad Hominemis an attack on the person rather than on the opponent's ideas
200245644Allegoryin which the writer intends a second meaning to be read beneath the surface of the story ex:wizard of oz
200245645Alliterationrepetition of constant sounds ex:donald duck
200245646allusiona reference to a wel known person, place or thing ex:eden
200245647Analogycomparsion of two similar but diferent things ex: a heart to a pump
200245648AnaphoraRepetition of a word, phrase, or clause ex: there was........ There was...... There was........
200245649Anecdotea short, simple narrative of an incident
200245650annoationexplanatory notes
200245651antithesisthe presentation of two contrasting images
200245652aphorisma short, often witty statement of a principle about life ex: early bird gets the worm
200245653Apostrophecalling out to an imaginary, dead, or absent person, place or thing.
200245654arguementationwriting that attempts to prove the validity of a point of view or an idea
200245655Assonancerepetition of vowel sounds between different consonants
200245656Asyndetoncommas used to separate a series of words ex: X,Y,Z
200245657Cacophonyharsh, awkward, dissonant sounds
200245658caricaturedescriptive writing that greatly exaggerates a specific feature of a persons apperance
200245659colloquialisma word or phrase (slang) used in everyday converstation ex:yall,ain't
200245660coherencewriting in which all the parts contribute
200245661concrete Languagelanguage that dcribes specific, ideas or qualities ex: tall, Dark Handsome, Blue eyes
212551884Connotationan idea that is implied or suggested
212551885Consonancerepetition of consonant sounds
212551886Conundrumriddle; difficult problem
212551887deductionreasoning from the general to the particular (or from cause to effect)
212551888denotationThe dictionary definition of a word
212551889descriptionthe picturing in words of something or someone through detailed observation
212551891dictionword choice
212551893didacticto teach
212551894discoursespoken or written language,including literary works ex:description,expositon,narration, and persuasion
212551896dissonaceugly or harsh unpleasing sounds
212551898dramatic ironywhen a reader is aware of something that a character isn't
212551900emotional appealappeals to the emotion
212551901epigraphthe use of quotation
212551903ethical appealpersuade the audience
212551905euphemisma more pleasent way of saying something (ex.he died/he passed away)
212551907euphonybeautiful sound
212551909examplea representative form or pattern
212551910explicationThe act of interpreting or discovering the meaning of a text.
212551912expostiontechnique that introduces the reader to the situation and the setting
212551914extended metaphorsubstained comparsion
222016124false analogywhen two cases are not sufficiently parrallel
222016125figurative languagelanguage that contains figures of speech
222016126figures of speechexpressions that make imaginative comparisions or associations
222016127forshadowingthe use of a hint or clue to suggest a larger event accuring later
222016128freight trainsentence consisting of three or more very short independent clauses joined by conjunctions
222016129generalizationwhen a writer bases a claim upon an isolated example
222016130genrea type of literary work
222016131hubristhe excessive pride of amnition
222016132humoranything that causes laughter or amusement
222016133hyperboledeliberate exgeration in order to create humor or emphasis
222016134imagea word or words used to describe a sensory experience
222016135imagerywords or phrases that use a collection of images
222016136inductionthe process that moves from a given series of specifics to a generalization
222016137inferencea conclusion one can draw from the presented details
222016138interior monologuewriting that records the conversation that occurs inside the character's head
222016139invectivea verbally abusive attack
222016140inversionreversing the customary
222016141ironya situation or statement in which the actual outcome or meaning is opposite to what was expected
222016142jargonthe special language of a profession or group
222016143logicthe process of reasoning

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