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Medical Billing Ch. 15 Patient Billing and Collections Flashcards

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9399778454Account LedgerAccount Statement0
9399778455Accounts ReceivableMoney that is flowing into a business1
9399778456AdjudicationA series of steps that determine whether a claim should be paid.2
9399778457AdjustmentChanges to a patients accounts that alter the amount charged or paid.3
9399778458Advisory OpinionsOpinion issued by CMS or OIG that becomes legal advice.4
9399778459AppellantThe person filing the appeal (provider or patient) aka claimant.5
9399778460AuditA formal review designed to judge whether the practice complies with billing and coding regulations.6
9399778461Bad DebtAn account deemed uncollectible7
9399778462Balance BillingCollecting the difference between a provider's usual fee and a payer's lower allowed charge from the insured.8
9399778463BankruptsyLegal declaration that a person is unable o pay his or her debts.9
9399778464Billing/Collections ManagerA physician, practice administrator, office manager, or collections manager that create and implement collections policies, and monitor results of collections activities.10
9399778529Bundled codes11
9399778465CCI EditsApply to medicare claims that bill for more than one procedure performed on the same patient; the same date of service.12
9399778466Claim Adjustment group codeCodes used by a payer on an RA to indicate the general type of reason code for an adjustment.13
9399778467Downcodepayer's review and reduction of a procedure code.14
9399778468bad debtan account deemed uncollectible15
9399778469bankruptcylegal declaration that a person is unable to pay his or her debts16
9399778470collection agencyoutside firm hired by a practice or facility to collect overdue accounts from patients17
9399778471collectionsthe process of following up on overdue accounts18
9399778472collections specialistadministrative staff member with training in proper collections techniques19
9399778473credit bureauorganizations that supply information about consumers' credit history and relative standing20
9399778474credit reportinganalyzing a person's credit standing during the collections process21
9399778475cycle billingtype of billing in which patients with current balances are divided into groups to even out statement printing and mailing throughout a month, rather than mailing all statements once a month22
9399778476day sheetin a medical office, a report that summarizes the business day's charges and payments, drawn from all the patient ledgers for the day23
9399778477embezzlementstealing of funds by an employee or contractor24
9399778478Equal Credit Opportunity Act (ECOA)law that prohibits credit discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, marital status, age, or because a person receives public assistance25
9399778479Fair and Accurate Credit Transaction Act (FACTA)law designed to modify the Fair Credit Reporting Act to protect the accuracy and privacy of credit reports26
9399778480Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) of 1977law regulating collection practices27
9399778481guarantor billingbilling system that groups patient bills under the insurance policyholder; the guarantor receives statements for all patients covered under the policy28
9399778482means testprocess of fairly determining a patient's ability to pay29
9399778483nonsufficient fund (NSF) checka check that is not honored by the bank because the account lacks funds to cover it; also called a "bounced", "returned", or "bad" check30
9399778484patient aging reporta report grouping unpaid patients' bills by the length of time that they remain due, such as 30, 60, 90, or 120 days31
9399778485patient refundsmonies that are owed to patients32
9399778486patient statementa report that shows the services provided to a patient, total payments made, total charges, adjustments, and balance due33
9399778487payment planpatient's agreement to pay medical bills over time according to an established schedule34
9399778488prepayment planpayment before medical services are provided35
9399778489retention schedulea practice policy that governs which information from patients' medical records is to be stored, for how long it is to be retained, and the storage medium to be used36
9399778490skip tracethe process of locating a patient who has not paid on an outstandingbalance37
9399778491Telephone Consumer Protection Act of 1991federal that regulates consumer collections to ensure fair and ethical treatment of debtors; governs calling hours and methods38
9399778492Truth in Lending Actfederal law requiring disclosure of finance charges and late fees for payment plans39
9399778493uncollectible accountsmonies that can not be collected from the practice's payers or patients and must be written off40
9399778494The Financial PolicyA written document that both staff members and patients can follow: -Clear, thoroughly written -Explains pt responsibility -Signed by new pts -Explained to to employees & pts41
9399778495Financial PolicesAddresses all possible scenarios: -Financial arrangements and payment plans -Payments not covered by insurance -Various special circumstances42
9399778496Patient Financial Education-Post signs -Hand outs (brochures/flyers) -Verbal discussions43
9399778497Patient StatementsNotices sent to patients explaining balance due via mail or email. -Automatically generated by PMP when insurance payments are done -Charges SHOULD be clearly itemized -Co-pay, deductible, co-insurance, non-covered services, fees (returned checks, missed appointments, forms)44
9399778498Cycle BillingType of billing that divides patients w/ current balances into groups to even out monthly statement printing & mailing.45
9399778499Guarantor BillingBilling system that groups patients' bills according to the responsible party.46
9399778500Patient Accounts ReceivableCollections (Patient A/R) Balance = Nice (Patient Satisfaction) Mean (Cash Flow)47
9399778501Collections SpecialistsStaff members trained in proper collections techniques. May receive bonuses for reducing patient A/R numbers.48
9399778502Reasons for Non-Payment-Can't -Broke -Forgot / Don't feel like it -Dissatisfied -Misunderstand their obligations49
9399778503EmbezzlementStealing by employees.50
9399778504Avoiding Embezzlement-Divide up the work -Bond insurance against theft51
9399778505Consumer Collection LawsThe FTC enforces the FDCPA of 1977 and the TCPA of 1991. -NJ State / www.njconsumeraffairs.gov52
9399778506Fair Trade CommissionFTC53
9399778507Fair Debt Collection Practices ActFDCPA (1977)54
9399778508Telephone Consumer Protection ActTCPA (1991)55
9399778509FTC RULES-1 Phone call per day -Between 8am - 9pm -No threats or profanity -3 voicemails per week (do not mention debt) -Identifiy the caller, practice & purpose of the call (no misleading patient) -Do not duscuss patient's debt w/ another person -If a patient requests no more calls, do not call (Instead, contact them via mail) -If a patient wants calls to be made to attorney, do not contact the patient directly again unless the attorney says to or can not be reached. -No Mail Postcards (duh)56
9399778510Collection ProceduresMedical office tracks overdue bills by reviewing the patient aging report. Each practice follows a different process for collections. -Current or up-to-date: 30 days (bill patient) -Past due: 31-60 days (reminder notice, phone calls) -Past due: 61-90 days (collection letters) -Past due: More than 90 days (turn over to collections)57
9399778511Patient Aging ReportPrimary collections tool - Lists outstanding balances by length of time due58
9399778512Collection RatioAverage number of days it takes to convert outstanding accounts to paid accounts. Lower = Better59
9399778513Phone Call Strategies-Document all calls -Don't be robotic sounding -Don't use a script -Make calls in private -Maintain a positive & professional attitude -Never lose your cool60
9399778514Payment PlansPatient's agreement to pay medical bills according to a schedule. Practices have guidelines for appropriate time frames and minimum payment amounts for payment plans. (Prepayment or past due balances)61
9399778515Equal Credit Opportunity ActECOA62
9399778516ECOAProhibits credit discrimination on the basis of: race, color, religion, national origin, sex, marital status, age, or because a person receives public assistance.63
9399778517Legal Reasons to Determine Credit Worthiness-Income Amount -Expenses -Credit History64
9399778518Federal Truth in Lending ActApplies to payment plans for over 4 installments or plans w/ finance charges/interest. Requires Signed disclosure -APR (annual percentage rate) -Finance Charge (in dollar amount) -Amount Finances -Total of Payments -Payment Schedule65
9399778519Collection AgenciesOutside firm (external company) hired to collect overdue accounts. Should be written into the financial policy. Cease all collection activities once collection agency takes over. -Most are paid a percentage of collected amounts. -Can buy unpaid accounts. -Credit Reporting66
9399778520Credit ReportingAnalysis of a person's credit standing during the collections process (3 bureaus who track debts)67
9399778521Skip TraceProcess of locating a patient who has an outstanding balance68
9399778522Tracing a Debtor-Contact the post office -Search telephone directories for relatives -Search the web at one of the free person-finding services -Examine publicly available state & federal records for contact info.69
9399778523Uncollectible AccountsMoney that can not be collected and must be written off. -Small Balances -Old Balances -Very Poor Patients -Write Off Balances Classified as "Bad Debt" -Means Test It is fraud to write off balances for patients who do have the ability to pay70
9399778524Means TestProcess of fairly determining a patient's ability to pay.71
9399778525Patient DismissalsTelling the patient they can no longer come to the practice. Dismissal Reason Examples: -Non-payment -Not Following Medical Instructions -Lying -Becomes Violent72
9399778526Patient Dismissal Requirements-Send a certified letter -Give 30 day notice -Provide referrals to other doctors -Be Tactful73
9399778527BankruptcyA legal declaration of a person's inability to pay their debts.74
9399778528Fair Credit Reporting ActFCRA75
9399778530Patient billing and collections, last step in billing and reimbursement process involves:- Generating and mailing patient statements showing patient balances owed. - Posting patients' payment' - Examining aging reports for patients' accounts & handling collections76
9399778531Patient Financial Responsibility - defined in the Financial Policy of the Medical practice - they address all scenarios including:- financial arrangements & payment plans - payments not covered by insurance - various special circumstances77
9399778532Policies should handle:- collection of copayments, deductibles & past-due balances - financial arrangements for unpaid balances - charity care or use of sliding scale for those w/ low incomes - payments for services not covered by insurance - prepayment for services - day-of-service discounts/ discount to those in financial need - acceptance of cash, checks, money orders & credit or debit cards - special circumstances for auto accidents & nonassigned insurance78
9399778533Effective patient billing includes:educating patinets from the start of the billing & reimbursement process.79
9399778534Patient Information Formoften presents a statement about payment responsibility (see pg 563)80
9399778535Encounter to Claim amount due processPatient Encounter visit charges (transactions) entered in patient ledger patient's balance is updated claim is filed resulting payment from patient's insurance carrier is posted, based on the RA/EOB81
9399778536Resulting info. from RA/EOB1. payer's payment for each procedure is entered 2. Amount patient owes for each reported procedure is calculated 3. If any part of a charge needs to be written off d/t payer's required adjustment, this amount is also entered.82
9399778537PMP uses the RA/EOB information toupdate the day sheet and patient ledger83
9399778538Day sheetreport summarizing the business day's charges and payments (recorded in the PMP)84
9399778539Patient Statementsprinted bills that show the amount each patient owes; computer generated from day sheet and patient ledger / both of these records have screens in the Practice's PMP85
9399778540Patient Ledger Cardsmanually generated bills that show the amount each patient owes;86
9399778541Patient statements must be:accurate and easy to read... clearly stating: - general info about the practice - cost breakdown of all services provided - date of statement & due date of payment (sometimes) - balances owed - Accepted methods of payment Clear and accuracy ensure patients pay on time87
9399778542payment Cardsaccepted from patient at time of service... patient then receives a zero balance statement88
9399778543Guarantor Billinggrouping patient billing under the insurance policyholder. i.e. all of the family's recent charges can be categorized and sent together on one statement. (good for families w/ minor children)89
9399778544Cycle billingused to assign patient accounts to a specific time of the month and to standardize the times when statements will be mailed and payments will be due. i.e. if cycle is weekly, the patient accounts are divided into four groups / 1/4 of the bills go out each week.90
9399778545Advantages/ Disadvantages of Guarantor Billing- reduces amt. of time & $ spent on billing by reducing paper & mailing costs & reducing time spent on billing follow-up for those w/ overdue bills; fewer bills to track - Can become difficult & cumbersome when family members have various health plans and / or secondary plans91
9399778546Collectionsall the activities related to patient accounts and follow-up; they should achieve a suitable balance between maintaining patinet satisfaction & generating cash flow92
9399778547Billing Collectors may have these job functions:- Billing / collections manager - patient account representative (bookkepper) - Collections specialist93
9399778548Billing / Collections Manager- responsible for establishing office policies & enabling collections specialists to successfully perform their jobs. Create, implement, monitor, organize & develop, assist with, train, supervise & evaluate all that has to do with collections.94
9399778549Collection Specialistsstaff member with training in proper collections techniques, trained to work directly with the pratice's patients to resolve overdue bills. Must always act ethically, professionally... they represent the practice.95
9399778550Embezzlementstealing of funds by an employee or contractor - Dividing collections tasks among several people with helps reduce chances of employee errors or embezzlement96
9399778551Avoiding opportunities for frauddividing tasks and responsibilities among several different people97
9399778552Fair debt Collection practices Act (FDCPA) of 1977laws regulating collection practices Regulated by the Federal Trade Commission98
9399778553Telephone Consumer Protection Act of 1991law regulating consumer collections to ensure fair and ethical treatment of debtors Regulated by the Federal Trade Commission99
9399778554Collections from patients are1. classified as consmer collections 2. regulated by federal and state laws100
9399778555FTC Guidelines outlined in FDCPA and Telephone Consumer Protection Act:- contact patients 1x/day only; leave no more than 3 messages per week - do not call before 8am or after 9pm - do not threaten or use foul language - identify the caller, practice & purpose of call; don't mislead the patient - don't discuss debt with anyone but patient - no messages or emails detailing the debt owed - contact via email if patient requests calls stop - make calls to attorney if patient wishes,101
9399778556patient aging reports- contains patient's name - most recent payment - remaining balance DIVIDES information into categores based on each statement's beginning date: 1. Current or up to date (36 days) 2. Past Due (31-60 days) 3. Past Due: (61-90 days) 4. Past Due (90+ days)102
9399778557Claims Under Appealdenied claim that's being appealed may not convert the account to 'past-due' status until the final appeal decision has been received.103
9399778558Each practice sets its own procedures for collections process.30 days.............bill patient 45 days.............call patient regarding bill 60 days.............letter 1 75 days.............letter 2 & call 80 days ............letter 3 90 days..............turn over to collections104
9399778559Collections Lettersprofessional courteous, breif & to the point; Letter is first notice that their bill is past due. Gradually become more aggressive in wording.105
9399778560Methods of CollectionsCollections Letter (s) Collections Calls Documentation (specialists use abbreviations for common call results & situations)106
9399778561Credit Arrangements & Payment PlansTwo federal laws govern payment arrangements: 1. Equal Credit Opportunity Act (ECOA) 2. Truth in Lending Act107
9399778562Equal Credit Opportunity Act (ECOA)prohibits credit discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, national oirgin, sex, marital status, age, or because a person receives public assistance. (enforced by FTC)108
9399778563Truth in Lending Actlaw requiring disclosure of finance charges and late fees for payment plans;109
9399778564Payment PlanA practice may decide to extend credit to patients thu a PAYMENT PLAN that lets patients pay bills over time, rather than in a single payment.... practices may charge interest on these plans... terms must be agreed on by both parties.110
9399778565Truth in Lending Act as it applies to Payment Plansall terms must be disclosed and agreed upon before arragnement is finalized. If interest charged, or 4+ payments to be made plan is governed by TRUTH in LENDING ACT... part of the consumer Credit protection Act.111
9399778566Credit Counseling & Debt Management programsnonprofit organizations that can assist patients who are struggling to pay their bills or who have a great number of different bills; they contact creditors to work out payment plans at reduced costs to patients.... only 1 monthly payment made & then divided among creditors as agreed.112
9399778567Payment Plan Designpractices have guidelines for appropriate time frames and minimum payment amounts for payment plans.113
9399778568prepayment Planspayment before major expensive procedures are performed... downpayment made & then monthly postpayments set up.114
9399778569Collection Agencies and PHIagencies must agree to follow practice's security & privacy policies to protect patients' PHI. - Employees of Coll. Agencies must sign confidentiality agreements regarding PHI115
9399778570When to Use a Collection Agency- All attempts to contact patient have been unsuccessful & patient hasn't responded to letters or calls - patient says they won't pay a bill - bad check for lack of funds - defaults on payment plan - outdated patient contact info./ can't be located - patient receives payment for service from insurance company & hasn't paid provider116
9399778571Notice of Privacy Practices (NPP)- and Collectionsexplains practice's policy on when accounts are sent to an outside collector.117
9399778572Collection Agency....be careful choosing... they represent the Practice. Choose a fair, ethical agency. ; Cost efficient way to retrieve some/all unpaid balances to cover some of practice's fees.118
9399778573Types of Collection AgenciesLocal, regional or national scale; Local or regional understand patient's demographic surroundings National has more tools to locate/contact debtors, often at lower cost119
9399778574Credit Reportinganalysis of a person's credit standing during the collections process.... supplied by credit bureau for a cost.... shows record of unpaid bills/debt regulated by law under the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) and the Fair and Accurate Credit Transaction (FACTA)120
9399778575Credit Bureausorganizations that supply information about consumers' credit history121
9399778576Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA)law requiring consumer reporting agencies to have reasonable and fair procedures122
9399778577Fair and Accurate credit Transaction Act (FACTA)laws designed to protect the accuracy and privacy of credit reports. Amended FCRA in 2003.123
9399778578FCRA and FACTAdesigned to protect privacy of credit report information.124
9399778579Red Flags Rulelaw stating that health care entitles must estabilsh reasonable policies and procedures for implementing the identity theft guidelines.125
9399778580Examples of red flagsalerts or warnings from consumer reporting agencies, suspicious personal identifying information and documents (photo ID),126
9399778581Skip Tracingprocess of locating a patient who has an outsanding balance.127
9399778582Methods of Skip TracingTracing a Debtor (practice searches) Professional Skip Tracing Assistance (for large practices) Computerized Skip Tracing (online directories & databases- less expensive) Effective Skip Tracing Calls128
9399778583Bad DebtPatient Account deemed uncollectible...129
9399778584Uncollectible Account / Write-off accountmonies that cannot be collected and must be written off / practice must determine which debts to write off in the PMP and whether to continue to treat the patients.130
9399778585Means Testprocess of fairly determining a patient's ability to pay... patient fills out a form and their income tax forms are reviewed, along with credit reports.131
9399778586Bankruptcydeclaration that a person is unable to pay his or her debts / another reason for write-off.132
9399778587Dismissing patients who do not payphysician has the right to terminate the physician-patient relationship for any reason under the regulations of each state.133
9399778588Patient Refundsmoney that needs to be returned to patients when the practice has overcharged a patient for a service;134
9399778589Patients' refunds or credit balancesare handled differently than insurance overpayments, which must be refunded to the payer.135
9399778590Retention Scheduleprotects both the provider & the patient; record must be available for anyone within or outside of the practice who is caring for the patient. - kept in case of legal proceedings136
9399778591Practice BriefsAmerican Health Info. Management Assoc. publishes guidelines called practice briefs on many topics including retention of health information.137

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