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13352949190A/PACCOUNT Payable1
13352949191A/RAccount Receivable2
13352949192AMAAmerican Medical Association3
13352949194ABNAdvanced Beneficiary Notice5
13352949195AHIMAAmerican Health Information Management Association6
13352949196AEVSAutomated Eligibility Verification System (health coverage information)7
13352949197AVRSAutomated Voice Response System8
13352949198ALOSAverage Length Of Stay9
13352949201BCBody Composition , Blood Cells , Birth Control12
13352949202BSBlood Glucose, Bowel Sounds13
13352949203BC/BSBlue Cross/Blue Shield14
13352949204CCChief Complaint15
13352949205C/CCredit Card16
13352949206CAL-MAXCalendar Max17
13352949207CERTClaims Eligible Real Time System, Community Emergency Response Team18
13352949208CSPCommunity Support Program , Compulsive Skin Picking19
13352949209CFLCalcaneofibular Ligament20
13352949210CHIPChild Health Insurance Program , Catastrophic Health Care Program21
13352949211CHAMPUSCivilian Health & Medical Programs of the Uniformed Services (Now TRI-CARE)22
13352949212CHAMPVACivilian Health & Medical Program of the Veterans Administration23
13352949213CMS 1500Medical claim form established by CMS to submit paper claims to Medicare and Medicaid. Most commercial insurance carriers also require paper claims be submitted on CMS-1500's. The form is distinguished by it's red ink.24
13352949216COBRAConsolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (of 1985)27
13352949217COBCoordination of Benefits COB Coordination of Benefit28
13352949218COBCCoordination of Benefits Contractor29
13352949219CPTCurrent Procedural Terminology30
13352949220CCSCommunity Care Setting , Cardiovascular Society , Child Care Services, Corticosteroids31
13352949221CPCCertified Professional Coder32
13352949222Cont. Obj.Contractual Obligation33
13352949223DEDDate of expected delivery34
13352949224DOSDate of Service , Date of Surgery35
13352949225DLDrivers License , Dose Level36
13352949226DRGDiagnosis Related Groups , Diagnostic Related Group (patients with similar illness)37
13352949227DOIDied Of Injuries38
13352949228DOBDate of Birth39
13352949229DDEDirect Data Entry40
13352949230DMEDurable Medical Equipment (Medical supplies such as wheelchairs, oxygen, catheter, glucose monitors, crutches, walkers, etc.)41
13352949231DEDDeath Effect or Domain42
13352949232DEERSDefense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System (DOD, CHAMPUS)43
13352949235ECSExtended Care Services , Electronic Certification System46
13352949236EDCEstimated Date Of Confinement47
13352949237EFTElectronic Funds Transfer48
13352949238EMCElectronic Media Claim49
13352949239EMRElectronic Medical Record System , Emergency Room50
13352949240ERAElectronic Remittance Advice. This is an electronic version of an insurance EOB that provides details of insurance claim payments. These are formatted in according to the HIPAA X12N 835 standard.51
13352949241ERNElectronic Remittance Notice52
13352949242EREmergency Rooms , Extended Release53
13352949243EMGElectromyogram , Electromyographic54
13352949244E/MEvaluation & Management55
13352949245EINEmployer Identification Number56
13352949246ESRDEnd Stage Renal Disease57
13352949247EOB- Explanation of Benefits. One of the medical billing terms for the statement that comes with the insurance company payment to the provider explaining payment details, covered charges, write offs, and patient responsibilities and deductibles.58
13352949248EOMBExecutive Office of Management & Budget General EOMB Explanation of Medical Benefits59
13352949249EDIElectronic Data Interchange60
13352949250EHRElectronic Health Record EHR Embryonic Heart Rate61
13352949251EPOExclusive Provider Organization62
13352949252EPFEarly pregnancy factor63
13352949253FECAFederal Employee Compensation Act64
13352949254FHFamily History65
13352949255FPLFederal Poverty Level66
13352949256FFSFee for Service67
13352949257FIFiscal Intermediary- A Medicare representative who processes Medicare claims68
13352949258FSAFamily Services Administration , Family Support Administration69
13352949260HCFAHealth Care Financing Administration (renamed CMS effective July 1, 2001)71
13352949261HIMHealth Insurance Manual72
13352949262HPIHistory of Present Illness73
13352949263HC...Hardcopy Claims74
13352949264HCPCS...Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System75
13352949265HICN...Health Insurance Claim Number (Medicare Number)76
13352949266HMO...Health Maintenance Organization. A type of health care plan that places restrictions on treatments.77
13352949267HIPPAHealth Insurance Portability and Accountability Act 1996. Several federal regulations intended to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of health care and establish IPA privacy and security laws for medical records.78
13352949268IPAIndependent Practice Association , Individual Practice Association79
13352949269ICD-9-CMInternational Classification of Diseases 9th Edition Clinical Modification A system used to assign codes to patient diagnosis. This is a 3 to 5 digit number.80
13352949270ICD-10-CMInternational Classification of Diseases - 10th revision - Clinical Modification Uses 3 to 7 digit. Includes additional digits to allow more available codes. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has set an implementation deadline of October, 2013 for ICD-10.81
13352949272IDIdentification Number83
13352949273ICFIntermediate Care Facility84
13352949274LMPLast Menstrual Period85
13352949275LCLow Complexity86
13352949276LTLaboratory test87
13352949279MCLMedian Collateral Ligament90
13352949280MEDI-MEDIEligible for both Medicare and Medicaid91
13352949281M/MMajor Medical , Male/Male92
13352949282MSAMedical Savings Accounts , Medical Savings Account Major Service Area93
13352949283MNMedical Necessity94
13352949284MNMedically Needy95
13352949285MRNMedical Record Number96
13352949286MSNMedicare Summary Notice97
13352949287MSPMedicare Secondary Payor98
13352949288MCManaged Care99
13352949289MDMedical Director MD Mood Disorders100
13352949291MCRMedicare Cost Report , Management Control Review Medical Cost Ratio102
13352949292NON-PARNon-Participating When a healthcare provider chooses not to accept Medicare-approved payment amounts as payment in full.103
13352949293NCNo complaints , No changes, Not Completed , Not Classified104
13352949294NPINational Provider Identifier , NPI Number - National Provider Identifier. A unique 10 digit identification number required by HIPAA and assigned through the National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES). NO PRESENT ILLNESS105
13352949295NCICSNational Certified Insurance & Coding Specialist106
13352949296NCCTNational Center for Competency Testing107
13352949297NPNew Patient108
13352949298NECNo essential changes, Not elsewhere classifiable109
13352949299NOSNot Otherwise Specified. Used in ICD for unspecified diagnosis.110
13352949300NUBCNational Uniform Billing Committee (AHA)111
13352949301NUCCNational Uniform Claim Committee (AMA)112
13352949302NCNot Classified Not Completed No changes No complaints113
13352949303NOCNot Otherwise Classified NOC Nocturnal NOC Nursing Outcome Classification114
13352949304NFNursing Facility NF Necrosis Factor NF Newly formed115
13352949305O/VOffice Visit116
13352949306OCROpen Care Records, Outstanding Claims Reserve, Own Credit Risk, Optical Character Recognition117
13352949307OPPSOutpatient Prospective Payment System118
13352949308OROperation Room119
13352949309OSHAOccupational Safety and Health Administration120
13352949310PARParticipating Provider, Patient Account Representative, Pain Relief121
13352949312PTPhysical therapist123
13352949313PROPatient Reported Outcome , Peer Review Organization (renamed to QIO)124
13352949314POSPoint-of-Service plan. Medical billing terminology for a flexible type of HMO (Health Maintenance Organization) plan where patients have the freedom to use (or self-refer to) non-HMO network providers. When a non-HMO specialist is seen without referral from the Primary Care Physician (self-referral), they have to pay a higher deductible and a percentage of the coinsurance.125
13352949315POS(Used on Claims) - Place of Service. Medical billing terminology used on medical insurance claims - such as the CMS 1500 block 24B. A two digit code which defines where the procedure was performed. For example 11 is for the doctors office, 12 is for home, 21 is for inpatient hospital, etc.126
13352949316POSProvider Organizations127
13352949318Pre-CertPre-Certification - Sometimes required by the patients insurance company to determine medical necessity for the services proposed or rendered. This doesn't guarantee the benefits will be paid.129
13352949319PRE-AUTHPre-Authorization certain services and items must be prior authorized130
13352949320PRE-EXA pre-existing condition is a medical condition that started before a person's health insurance went into effect. Before 2014 some insurance policies would not cover expenses due to pre-existing conditions.131
13352949321PPOPreferred Provider Organization. Commercial insurance plan where the patient can use any doctor or hospital within the network. Similar to an HMO.132
13352949322PCPPrimary Care Physician (or Provider)133
13352949323PPSProspective Payment System (Medicare Part A)134
13352949324PhysPhysical (body)135
13352949326PFPulmonary Fibrosis137
13352949327PDPhysical Database , Personality Disorders138
13352949328PHPartial Hospitalization139
13352949329PHPhysical Health140
13352949330PHPulmonary Arterial Hypertension141
13352949331PEPractice Expense, Physical Examination, Premature Ejaculation142
13352949332PXPhysical Examination, prescription, prognosis, physical history143
13352949333PAPhysical Activity Physician Assistants Panic Attacks144
13352949334PCPersonal Care145
13352949335PHIPrivate Health Insurance Personal Health Information Premium Hospital Insurance Protected Health Information146
13352949336QMBsQualified Medicare Beneficiaries147
13352949337RARisk Assessment , Rheumatoid Arthritis148
13352949338RBRVSResource-based relative value scale Managed Care A 'work unit' used to determine the value of various physicians' labor. See Medicare, Physician reimbursement.149
13352949339RVSRelative Value Scale (or Schedule)150
13352949340RVSRelative Value Study151
13352949341RVURelative Value Unit152
13352949342ROSReview of Systems153
13352949343RHIARegistered Health Information Administrator154
13352949344REPRepresentative, Rab Escort Protein, Reperfusion155
13352949345RTRight, Recovery Time, Respiratory Therapy, Reverse transcribed, Radiation therapy156
13352949346RVSReverse, Rhus verniciflua Stokes157
13352949347SFShort Form Sugar-Free158
13352949348SDIState Disability Insurance Survey Diagnostic Instrument159
13352949349SNFSkilled Nursing Facility160
13352949350SOCStart of Care, Standard of Care161
13352949351SSNSocial Security Number162
13352949352SSDISocial Security Disability Insurance163
13352949353SSISupplemental Security Income164
13352949354SOFSignature on File , Synthetic Oviduct Fluid, Study of Osteoporotic Fractures165
13352949355TCTo Contain Tobacco Control166
13352949356TINTax Identification Number167
13352949357TINTax Identification Number. Also known as Employer Identification Number168
13352949358EINTIN Three times a night169
13352949359TDto Deliver170
13352949360TPPThird Party Processors171
13352949361TANFTemporary Assistance for Needy Families172
13352949362TPLThird Party Liability173
13352949363TFLTRICARE for Life (health care system for retired military)174
13352949364UB-04The UB-04 is the red-ink on white paper standard claim form used by institutional providers for claim billing. Although it was developed by The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS), it has become the standard form used by all insurance carriers.175
13352949365UCRUsual, Customary & Reasonable (Charges)176
13352949366UAUrinalysis , Urine Analysis177
13352949367URUpon Receipt , Urinary retention , Urine , Upper Respiratory, Under178
13352949368W/OWrite Off ,Week of, Without179
13352949369WCWorkers Compensation180
13352949370WPWork Place181
13352949372Scapulashoulder bone/shoulder blade183
13352949373Humerusupper arm bone184
13352949374Ulnaforearm bone little finger side185
13352949375Radiusforearm bone in line with the thumb186
13352949376Carpalswrist bones 2 rows of four187
13352949377Metacarpalsfive bones of the palm of the hand188
13352949378Phalangesfive finger bones189
13352949379Pelvic Girdlepelvis190
13352949380Femuronly bone in the thigh191
13352949382Tibiashinbone second largest bone in the body193
13352949383Fibulacalf bone194
13352949384Tarsalsin feet / ankle bones / 7 in each foot / hind foot bones195
13352949385Metatarsals5 long bones in foot / mid foot bones196
13352949386Phalanges of the toesbones of the toes197

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