13352949189 | Acct. | Account | 0 | |
13352949190 | A/P | ACCOUNT Payable | 1 | |
13352949191 | A/R | Account Receivable | 2 | |
13352949192 | AMA | American Medical Association | 3 | |
13352949193 | ADJ | Adjustment | 4 | |
13352949194 | ABN | Advanced Beneficiary Notice | 5 | |
13352949195 | AHIMA | American Health Information Management Association | 6 | |
13352949196 | AEVS | Automated Eligibility Verification System (health coverage information) | 7 | |
13352949197 | AVRS | Automated Voice Response System | 8 | |
13352949198 | ALOS | Average Length Of Stay | 9 | |
13352949199 | AUTH | Authorization | 10 | |
13352949200 | BR | Breast | 11 | |
13352949201 | BC | Body Composition , Blood Cells , Birth Control | 12 | |
13352949202 | BS | Blood Glucose, Bowel Sounds | 13 | |
13352949203 | BC/BS | Blue Cross/Blue Shield | 14 | |
13352949204 | CC | Chief Complaint | 15 | |
13352949205 | C/C | Credit Card | 16 | |
13352949206 | CAL-MAX | Calendar Max | 17 | |
13352949207 | CERT | Claims Eligible Real Time System, Community Emergency Response Team | 18 | |
13352949208 | CSP | Community Support Program , Compulsive Skin Picking | 19 | |
13352949209 | CFL | Calcaneofibular Ligament | 20 | |
13352949210 | CHIP | Child Health Insurance Program , Catastrophic Health Care Program | 21 | |
13352949211 | CHAMPUS | Civilian Health & Medical Programs of the Uniformed Services (Now TRI-CARE) | 22 | |
13352949212 | CHAMPVA | Civilian Health & Medical Program of the Veterans Administration | 23 | |
13352949213 | CMS 1500 | Medical claim form established by CMS to submit paper claims to Medicare and Medicaid. Most commercial insurance carriers also require paper claims be submitted on CMS-1500's. The form is distinguished by it's red ink. | 24 | |
13352949214 | CO-PAY | Co-Payment | 25 | |
13352949215 | CO-INS | CO-Insurance | 26 | |
13352949216 | COBRA | Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (of 1985) | 27 | |
13352949217 | COB | Coordination of Benefits COB Coordination of Benefit | 28 | |
13352949218 | COBC | Coordination of Benefits Contractor | 29 | |
13352949219 | CPT | Current Procedural Terminology | 30 | |
13352949220 | CCS | Community Care Setting , Cardiovascular Society , Child Care Services, Corticosteroids | 31 | |
13352949221 | CPC | Certified Professional Coder | 32 | |
13352949222 | Cont. Obj. | Contractual Obligation | 33 | |
13352949223 | DED | Date of expected delivery | 34 | |
13352949224 | DOS | Date of Service , Date of Surgery | 35 | |
13352949225 | DL | Drivers License , Dose Level | 36 | |
13352949226 | DRG | Diagnosis Related Groups , Diagnostic Related Group (patients with similar illness) | 37 | |
13352949227 | DOI | Died Of Injuries | 38 | |
13352949228 | DOB | Date of Birth | 39 | |
13352949229 | DDE | Direct Data Entry | 40 | |
13352949230 | DME | Durable Medical Equipment (Medical supplies such as wheelchairs, oxygen, catheter, glucose monitors, crutches, walkers, etc.) | 41 | |
13352949231 | DED | Death Effect or Domain | 42 | |
13352949232 | DEERS | Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System (DOD, CHAMPUS) | 43 | |
13352949233 | DX | Diagnosis | 44 | |
13352949234 | Dr. | Doctor | 45 | |
13352949235 | ECS | Extended Care Services , Electronic Certification System | 46 | |
13352949236 | EDC | Estimated Date Of Confinement | 47 | |
13352949237 | EFT | Electronic Funds Transfer | 48 | |
13352949238 | EMC | Electronic Media Claim | 49 | |
13352949239 | EMR | Electronic Medical Record System , Emergency Room | 50 | |
13352949240 | ERA | Electronic Remittance Advice. This is an electronic version of an insurance EOB that provides details of insurance claim payments. These are formatted in according to the HIPAA X12N 835 standard. | 51 | |
13352949241 | ERN | Electronic Remittance Notice | 52 | |
13352949242 | ER | Emergency Rooms , Extended Release | 53 | |
13352949243 | EMG | Electromyogram , Electromyographic | 54 | |
13352949244 | E/M | Evaluation & Management | 55 | |
13352949245 | EIN | Employer Identification Number | 56 | |
13352949246 | ESRD | End Stage Renal Disease | 57 | |
13352949247 | EOB | - Explanation of Benefits. One of the medical billing terms for the statement that comes with the insurance company payment to the provider explaining payment details, covered charges, write offs, and patient responsibilities and deductibles. | 58 | |
13352949248 | EOMB | Executive Office of Management & Budget General EOMB Explanation of Medical Benefits | 59 | |
13352949249 | EDI | Electronic Data Interchange | 60 | |
13352949250 | EHR | Electronic Health Record EHR Embryonic Heart Rate | 61 | |
13352949251 | EPO | Exclusive Provider Organization | 62 | |
13352949252 | EPF | Early pregnancy factor | 63 | |
13352949253 | FECA | Federal Employee Compensation Act | 64 | |
13352949254 | FH | Family History | 65 | |
13352949255 | FPL | Federal Poverty Level | 66 | |
13352949256 | FFS | Fee for Service | 67 | |
13352949257 | FI | Fiscal Intermediary- A Medicare representative who processes Medicare claims | 68 | |
13352949258 | FSA | Family Services Administration , Family Support Administration | 69 | |
13352949259 | GRP | Group | 70 | |
13352949260 | HCFA | Health Care Financing Administration (renamed CMS effective July 1, 2001) | 71 | |
13352949261 | HIM | Health Insurance Manual | 72 | |
13352949262 | HPI | History of Present Illness | 73 | |
13352949263 | HC | ...Hardcopy Claims | 74 | |
13352949264 | HCPCS | ...Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System | 75 | |
13352949265 | HICN | ...Health Insurance Claim Number (Medicare Number) | 76 | |
13352949266 | HMO | ...Health Maintenance Organization. A type of health care plan that places restrictions on treatments. | 77 | |
13352949267 | HIPPA | Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act 1996. Several federal regulations intended to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of health care and establish IPA privacy and security laws for medical records. | 78 | |
13352949268 | IPA | Independent Practice Association , Individual Practice Association | 79 | |
13352949269 | ICD-9-CM | International Classification of Diseases 9th Edition Clinical Modification A system used to assign codes to patient diagnosis. This is a 3 to 5 digit number. | 80 | |
13352949270 | ICD-10-CM | International Classification of Diseases - 10th revision - Clinical Modification Uses 3 to 7 digit. Includes additional digits to allow more available codes. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has set an implementation deadline of October, 2013 for ICD-10. | 81 | |
13352949271 | INS | Insurance | 82 | |
13352949272 | ID | Identification Number | 83 | |
13352949273 | ICF | Intermediate Care Facility | 84 | |
13352949274 | LMP | Last Menstrual Period | 85 | |
13352949275 | LC | Low Complexity | 86 | |
13352949276 | LT | Laboratory test | 87 | |
13352949277 | MCR | Medicare | 88 | |
13352949278 | MCD | Medicaid | 89 | |
13352949279 | MCL | Median Collateral Ligament | 90 | |
13352949280 | MEDI-MEDI | Eligible for both Medicare and Medicaid | 91 | |
13352949281 | M/M | Major Medical , Male/Male | 92 | |
13352949282 | MSA | Medical Savings Accounts , Medical Savings Account Major Service Area | 93 | |
13352949283 | MN | Medical Necessity | 94 | |
13352949284 | MN | Medically Needy | 95 | |
13352949285 | MRN | Medical Record Number | 96 | |
13352949286 | MSN | Medicare Summary Notice | 97 | |
13352949287 | MSP | Medicare Secondary Payor | 98 | |
13352949288 | MC | Managed Care | 99 | |
13352949289 | MD | Medical Director MD Mood Disorders | 100 | |
13352949290 | MDM | Medium | 101 | |
13352949291 | MCR | Medicare Cost Report , Management Control Review Medical Cost Ratio | 102 | |
13352949292 | NON-PAR | Non-Participating When a healthcare provider chooses not to accept Medicare-approved payment amounts as payment in full. | 103 | |
13352949293 | NC | No complaints , No changes, Not Completed , Not Classified | 104 | |
13352949294 | NPI | National Provider Identifier , NPI Number - National Provider Identifier. A unique 10 digit identification number required by HIPAA and assigned through the National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES). NO PRESENT ILLNESS | 105 | |
13352949295 | NCICS | National Certified Insurance & Coding Specialist | 106 | |
13352949296 | NCCT | National Center for Competency Testing | 107 | |
13352949297 | NP | New Patient | 108 | |
13352949298 | NEC | No essential changes, Not elsewhere classifiable | 109 | |
13352949299 | NOS | Not Otherwise Specified. Used in ICD for unspecified diagnosis. | 110 | |
13352949300 | NUBC | National Uniform Billing Committee (AHA) | 111 | |
13352949301 | NUCC | National Uniform Claim Committee (AMA) | 112 | |
13352949302 | NC | Not Classified Not Completed No changes No complaints | 113 | |
13352949303 | NOC | Not Otherwise Classified NOC Nocturnal NOC Nursing Outcome Classification | 114 | |
13352949304 | NF | Nursing Facility NF Necrosis Factor NF Newly formed | 115 | |
13352949305 | O/V | Office Visit | 116 | |
13352949306 | OCR | Open Care Records, Outstanding Claims Reserve, Own Credit Risk, Optical Character Recognition | 117 | |
13352949307 | OPPS | Outpatient Prospective Payment System | 118 | |
13352949308 | OR | Operation Room | 119 | |
13352949309 | OSHA | Occupational Safety and Health Administration | 120 | |
13352949310 | PAR | Participating Provider, Patient Account Representative, Pain Relief | 121 | |
13352949311 | Pt | Patient | 122 | |
13352949312 | PT | Physical therapist | 123 | |
13352949313 | PRO | Patient Reported Outcome , Peer Review Organization (renamed to QIO) | 124 | |
13352949314 | POS | Point-of-Service plan. Medical billing terminology for a flexible type of HMO (Health Maintenance Organization) plan where patients have the freedom to use (or self-refer to) non-HMO network providers. When a non-HMO specialist is seen without referral from the Primary Care Physician (self-referral), they have to pay a higher deductible and a percentage of the coinsurance. | 125 | |
13352949315 | POS | (Used on Claims) - Place of Service. Medical billing terminology used on medical insurance claims - such as the CMS 1500 block 24B. A two digit code which defines where the procedure was performed. For example 11 is for the doctors office, 12 is for home, 21 is for inpatient hospital, etc. | 126 | |
13352949316 | POS | Provider Organizations | 127 | |
13352949317 | POS | Posterior | 128 | |
13352949318 | Pre-Cert | Pre-Certification - Sometimes required by the patients insurance company to determine medical necessity for the services proposed or rendered. This doesn't guarantee the benefits will be paid. | 129 | |
13352949319 | PRE-AUTH | Pre-Authorization certain services and items must be prior authorized | 130 | |
13352949320 | PRE-EX | A pre-existing condition is a medical condition that started before a person's health insurance went into effect. Before 2014 some insurance policies would not cover expenses due to pre-existing conditions. | 131 | |
13352949321 | PPO | Preferred Provider Organization. Commercial insurance plan where the patient can use any doctor or hospital within the network. Similar to an HMO. | 132 | |
13352949322 | PCP | Primary Care Physician (or Provider) | 133 | |
13352949323 | PPS | Prospective Payment System (Medicare Part A) | 134 | |
13352949324 | Phys | Physical (body) | 135 | |
13352949325 | Prov. | Provider | 136 | |
13352949326 | PF | Pulmonary Fibrosis | 137 | |
13352949327 | PD | Physical Database , Personality Disorders | 138 | |
13352949328 | PH | Partial Hospitalization | 139 | |
13352949329 | PH | Physical Health | 140 | |
13352949330 | PH | Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension | 141 | |
13352949331 | PE | Practice Expense, Physical Examination, Premature Ejaculation | 142 | |
13352949332 | PX | Physical Examination, prescription, prognosis, physical history | 143 | |
13352949333 | PA | Physical Activity Physician Assistants Panic Attacks | 144 | |
13352949334 | PC | Personal Care | 145 | |
13352949335 | PHI | Private Health Insurance Personal Health Information Premium Hospital Insurance Protected Health Information | 146 | |
13352949336 | QMBs | Qualified Medicare Beneficiaries | 147 | |
13352949337 | RA | Risk Assessment , Rheumatoid Arthritis | 148 | |
13352949338 | RBRVS | Resource-based relative value scale Managed Care A 'work unit' used to determine the value of various physicians' labor. See Medicare, Physician reimbursement. | 149 | |
13352949339 | RVS | Relative Value Scale (or Schedule) | 150 | |
13352949340 | RVS | Relative Value Study | 151 | |
13352949341 | RVU | Relative Value Unit | 152 | |
13352949342 | ROS | Review of Systems | 153 | |
13352949343 | RHIA | Registered Health Information Administrator | 154 | |
13352949344 | REP | Representative, Rab Escort Protein, Reperfusion | 155 | |
13352949345 | RT | Right, Recovery Time, Respiratory Therapy, Reverse transcribed, Radiation therapy | 156 | |
13352949346 | RVS | Reverse, Rhus verniciflua Stokes | 157 | |
13352949347 | SF | Short Form Sugar-Free | 158 | |
13352949348 | SDI | State Disability Insurance Survey Diagnostic Instrument | 159 | |
13352949349 | SNF | Skilled Nursing Facility | 160 | |
13352949350 | SOC | Start of Care, Standard of Care | 161 | |
13352949351 | SSN | Social Security Number | 162 | |
13352949352 | SSDI | Social Security Disability Insurance | 163 | |
13352949353 | SSI | Supplemental Security Income | 164 | |
13352949354 | SOF | Signature on File , Synthetic Oviduct Fluid, Study of Osteoporotic Fractures | 165 | |
13352949355 | TC | To Contain Tobacco Control | 166 | |
13352949356 | TIN | Tax Identification Number | 167 | |
13352949357 | TIN | Tax Identification Number. Also known as Employer Identification Number | 168 | |
13352949358 | EIN | TIN Three times a night | 169 | |
13352949359 | TD | to Deliver | 170 | |
13352949360 | TPP | Third Party Processors | 171 | |
13352949361 | TANF | Temporary Assistance for Needy Families | 172 | |
13352949362 | TPL | Third Party Liability | 173 | |
13352949363 | TFL | TRICARE for Life (health care system for retired military) | 174 | |
13352949364 | UB-04 | The UB-04 is the red-ink on white paper standard claim form used by institutional providers for claim billing. Although it was developed by The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS), it has become the standard form used by all insurance carriers. | 175 | |
13352949365 | UCR | Usual, Customary & Reasonable (Charges) | 176 | |
13352949366 | UA | Urinalysis , Urine Analysis | 177 | |
13352949367 | UR | Upon Receipt , Urinary retention , Urine , Upper Respiratory, Under | 178 | |
13352949368 | W/O | Write Off ,Week of, Without | 179 | |
13352949369 | WC | Workers Compensation | 180 | |
13352949370 | WP | Work Place | 181 | |
13352949371 | Clavicle | collarbone | 182 | |
13352949372 | Scapula | shoulder bone/shoulder blade | 183 | |
13352949373 | Humerus | upper arm bone | 184 | |
13352949374 | Ulna | forearm bone little finger side | 185 | |
13352949375 | Radius | forearm bone in line with the thumb | 186 | |
13352949376 | Carpals | wrist bones 2 rows of four | 187 | |
13352949377 | Metacarpals | five bones of the palm of the hand | 188 | |
13352949378 | Phalanges | five finger bones | 189 | |
13352949379 | Pelvic Girdle | pelvis | 190 | |
13352949380 | Femur | only bone in the thigh | 191 | |
13352949381 | Patella | kneecap | 192 | |
13352949382 | Tibia | shinbone second largest bone in the body | 193 | |
13352949383 | Fibula | calf bone | 194 | |
13352949384 | Tarsals | in feet / ankle bones / 7 in each foot / hind foot bones | 195 | |
13352949385 | Metatarsals | 5 long bones in foot / mid foot bones | 196 | |
13352949386 | Phalanges of the toes | bones of the toes | 197 | |
13352949387 | 198 |
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