Medical coding
4588244397 | Gastr | stomach | 0 | |
4588244398 | Cardi | heart | 1 | |
4588383115 | Megal | enlarged | 2 | |
4588384257 | Itis | inflamation | 3 | |
4588386507 | Dermat | skin | 4 | |
4588417358 | Plast | surgical repair | 5 | |
4588419493 | Cerber | brain | 6 | |
4588421258 | Path | disease | 7 | |
4588420290 | Ectomy | surgical removal | 8 | |
4588427479 | Enter | entestines | 9 | |
4588434584 | Esis | any condition | 10 | |
4588435987 | Etomy | cut into | 11 | |
4588436997 | Aden | gland | 12 | |
4588437670 | Angi | vessel | 13 | |
4588439672 | Oma | tumor | 14 | |
4588440682 | Nephi | kindney | 15 | |
4588442287 | Hephat | liver | 16 | |
4588445685 | Arthr | joint | 17 | |
4588446692 | Blephar | eye lid | 18 | |
4588447907 | Ologist | specialist | 19 | |
4588461268 | Rhin | nose | 20 | |
4588463255 | Gingiv | gum | 21 | |
4588464327 | Malacia | soft | 22 | |
4588465258 | Ology | the study of | 23 | |
4588467124 | Spasm | involuntary contractions | 24 | |
4588471995 | Ventr | front | 25 | |
4588471996 | Vert | turn | 26 | |
4588594978 | Cervic | Neck | 27 | |
4588594979 | Chondr | Cartilage | 28 | |
4588594980 | Cyan | Blue | 29 | |
4588594981 | Hem | Blood | 30 | |
4588594982 | Ost | Bone | 31 | |
4588594983 | Psycho | Mind | 32 | |
4588594984 | Lip | Fat | 33 | |
4588594985 | My | Muscle | 34 | |
4588594986 | Lith | Stone | 35 | |
4588594987 | Ophthalm | Lye | 36 | |
4588594988 | Proct | Anus | 37 | |
4588477026 | Eu | good | 38 | |
4588477027 | Ambi | both | 39 | |
4588477920 | Amphi | around both sides | 40 | |
4588478771 | Brachy | short | 41 | |
4588479658 | Capit | head | 42 | |
4588480819 | Cau | burn | 43 | |
4588481747 | Clas | break | 44 | |
4588484961 | Duct | tube | 45 | |
4588484962 | Fiss | split | 46 | |
4588487859 | Ger | old man | 47 | |
4588488882 | Heter | other | 48 | |
4588488883 | Infer | under water | 49 | |
4588490613 | Hom | same | 50 | |
4588491277 | Olfact | mell | 51 | |
4588492503 | Orth | straight | 52 | |
4588492504 | Gyn | female | 53 | |
4588494655 | Pachy | thick | 54 | |
4588497137 | Phrag | fence | 55 | |
4588499793 | Poster | back part | 56 | |
4588500931 | Cata | down | 57 | |
4588501948 | Platy | flat | 58 | |
4588501949 | Pseud | flase | 59 | |
4588502646 | Schiz | split | 60 | |
4588508942 | Algia | pain | 61 | |
4588521040 | Crani | skull | 62 | |
4588521950 | End | inside | 63 | |
4588605489 | Cervic | neck | 64 | |
4588605490 | Chondi | cartilage | 65 | |
4588606610 | Cyan | blue | 66 | |
4588607648 | Hem | blood | 67 | |
4588607650 | Ost | bone | 68 | |
4588609499 | Psycho | mind | 69 | |
4588610584 | Lip | fat | 70 | |
4588613980 | My | muscle | 71 | |
4588615285 | Lith | stone | 72 | |
4588625253 | Ophthalm | lye | 73 | |
4588522889 | Hemi | half | 74 | |
4588525616 | Oid | like | 75 | |
4588526573 | Hyper | above more than normal | 76 | |
4588528298 | Cyst | sack, containing fluid | 77 | |
4588531962 | Chole | bile | 78 | |
4588629979 | Peni | Decrease | 79 | |
4588631250 | Gen | original production | 80 | |
4588632321 | Burso | sac | 81 | |
4588634224 | Retro | bacckwards | 82 | |
4588634243 | Trip | friction | 83 | |
4588637018 | Strept | twist | 84 | |
4588638040 | Desis | binding | 85 | |
4588638041 | Mani | madness | 86 | |
4588639784 | Glosso | tongue | 87 | |
4588639785 | Supra | above | 88 | |
4588641096 | Ptosis | falling | 89 | |
4588644356 | Dyn | pain | 90 | |
4588645754 | Mast | breast | 91 | |
4588647503 | Rrhapy | suture | 92 | |
4588648939 | Dent | teeth | 93 | |
4588650188 | Caphal | head | 94 | |
4588651508 | Auto | self | 95 | |
4588651509 | Epi | upon | 96 | |
4588652481 | Hydro | water | 97 | |
4588677002 | Lobo | section | 98 | |
4588678559 | Emesis | vomiting | 99 | |
4588686264 | Contra | against counter | 100 | |
4588687268 | Iasis | condition | 101 | |
4588688537 | Trans | through across | 102 | |
4588690147 | Brady | slow | 103 | |
4588691266 | Ectasis | expansion | 104 | |
4588692237 | Cyt | cell | 105 | |
4588692238 | Odont | tooth | 106 | |
4588692955 | Leuk | white | 107 | |
4588695607 | Esthesis | sensation | 108 | |
4588696609 | Cartho | angle at the end of eye lid | 109 | |
4589099423 | Ovar | Egg | 110 | |
4589099424 | Centesis | Puncture | 111 | |
4589099425 | Oto | Ear | 112 | |
4589099426 | Bili | Bile | 113 | |
4589099427 | Squam | Scale | 114 | |
4589099428 | Mening | Mem brain | 115 | |
4589099429 | Sec | Blind passage | 116 | |
4589099430 | Macul | Spotpspor | 117 | |
4589099431 | Pexy | Suppenionn | 118 | |
4589099432 | Onco | Tumor | 119 | |
4589099433 | Or | Mouth | 120 | |
4589099434 | Sub | Under | 121 | |
4589099435 | Spin | Coil | 122 | |
4589099436 | Lacrim | Tear | 123 | |
4589099437 | Spino | Coil | 124 | |
4589099438 | Lacrin | Tear | 125 | |
4589099439 | Viscero | Organ | 126 | |
4589099440 | Lac | Milky | 127 | |
4589099441 | Onych | Nail claw | 128 | |
4589099442 | Thorac | Treasure chest | 129 | |
4589099443 | Pyle | Gate | 130 | |
4589099444 | Vesic | Bladder | 131 | |
4589099445 | Sphenic | Wedge | 132 | |
4589099446 | Myel | Marrow spinal cord | 133 | |
4589099447 | Ant | Anginst | 134 | |
4589099448 | Myco | Fungus | 135 | |
4589099449 | Hallux | Great toe | 136 | |
4589099450 | Pneum | Lung | 137 | |
4589099451 | Phage | To eat | 138 | |
4589099452 | Phren | Mind | 139 | |
4589099453 | Corne | Horny | 140 | |
4589099454 | Plak | Plate | 141 | |
4589099455 | Iris | Rainbow | 142 | |
4589099456 | Karat | Horney | 143 | |
4589099457 | Pulmo | Lung | 144 | |
4589099458 | Ptyal | Salvia | 145 | |
4589099459 | Alveol | Cavity | 146 | |
4589099460 | Eophor | Ovary | 147 | |
4589099461 | Oment | Covering | 148 | |
4589099462 | Sedat | Quiet calm | 149 | |
4589099463 | Furca | Fork shaped | 150 | |
4589099464 | Radic | Root | 151 | |
4589099465 | Radi | Ray | 152 | |
4589099466 | Fistal | Pipe | 153 | |
4589099467 | Dema | Swelling | 154 | |
4589099468 | Dactyl | Figer toe | 155 | |
4589099469 | Matabol | Change | 156 | |
4589099470 | Paniet | Wall | 157 | |
4589099471 | Espendym | Wrapping | 158 | |
4589099472 | Gravid | Pregnat | 159 | |
4589099473 | Are | Air | 160 | |
4589099474 | Gyco | Sweat | 161 | |
4588697774 | Steno | narrow contacted | 162 | |
4588700516 | Cheil | lip | 163 | |
4588700517 | Cele | hernia | 164 | |
4588700518 | Benign | mild not cancerous | 165 | |
4588701422 | Semen | seed | 166 | |
4588701423 | Erythro | red | 167 | |
4588704442 | Varso | vessel | 168 | |
4588705637 | Melan | black | 169 | |
4588706907 | Lingua | tongue | 170 | |
4588708638 | Myring | eardrum | 171 | |
4588711383 | Spondly | spinal colun | 172 | |
4588698833 | Cheil | lip | 173 | |
4588533956 | Hypo | under | 174 | |
4588535706 | Scope | observe | 175 | |
4588537324 | Hyster | uterus | 176 | |
4588538954 | Ostomy | create an opening | 177 | |
4588540697 | Ectomy | cut an opening | 178 | |
4588541509 | Para | beside beyond | 179 | |
4588545059 | Lysis | loosing descrution | 180 | |
4588556069 | Cost | rib | 181 | |
4588559580 | Cram | record | 182 | |
4588562816 | Acro | extremedies | 183 | |
4588574434 | rhexis | break burst | 184 | |
4588580963 | cancin | cancer | 185 | |
4588748966 | Physic | nature | 186 | |
4588748967 | Bucco | cheek | 187 | |
4588750114 | Palpebr | eye lids | 188 | |
4588751080 | Plasia | development | 189 | |
4588752773 | Rug | wrinkle,fold,crese | 190 | |
4588754476 | Aru | ear | 191 | |
4588755060 | Acousti | hearing | 192 | |
4588756076 | Colpo | hollow vagina | 193 | |
4588758485 | Phone | voice sound | 194 | |
4588759374 | Leio | smooth | 195 | |
4588761271 | Cor | heart | 196 | |
4588761938 | Ren | kidney | 197 | |
4588763493 | Orchi | testis | 198 | |
4588763743 | Encephal | brain | 199 | |
4588766451 | Thalam | inner chamber | 200 | |
4588769060 | Plexus | braidq | 201 | |
4588769905 | Cilia | eye lash | 202 | |
4588770690 | Dendrd | tree,branching | 203 | |
4588772178 | Phleb | vein | 204 | |
4588772179 | Pilo | hair | 205 | |
4588773339 | Histo | tissue | 206 | |
4588774698 | Stoma | mouth | 207 | |
4588775274 | Tympan | eardrum | 208 | |
4588777689 | umbilic | navel | 209 | |
4588780269 | Salpingo | tube | 210 | |
4588782475 | Pneum | lung | 211 | |
4588783589 | Phage | to eat | 212 | |
4588783590 | Phren | mind | 213 | |
4588785169 | Corne | horny | 214 | |
4588785848 | plak | plate | 215 | |
4588785849 | Iris | rainbow | 216 | |
4588786854 | Kenat | horny | 217 | |
4588786855 | Pulmo | lung | 218 | |
4588788394 | Ptyal | salvia | 219 | |
4588789511 | Alveol | cavity | 220 | |
4588790734 | Oophor | convering | 221 | |
4588790735 | Omen | quiet,calm | 222 | |
4588790828 | Sedat | fork shaped | 223 | |
4588792001 | Furca | root | 224 | |
4588792597 | Radi | ray | 225 | |
4588792598 | Fistal | pipe | 226 | |
4588795431 | Edema | swelling | 227 | |
4588795432 | Dactyle | finger toe | 228 | |
4588796497 | Matabol | change | 229 | |
4588797208 | Pariet | wall | 230 | |
4588797209 | Ependym | wrapping | 231 | |
4588798678 | Gravid | pregnat | 232 | |
4588798679 | Aer | air | 233 | |
4588801056 | Glyco | sweat | 234 | |
4588818852 | Turso | upper eye lid | 235 | |
4588818853 | Cheir | hand | 236 | |
4588819671 | Calc | hell stone | 237 | |
4588819672 | Digit | finger toe | 238 | |
4588819787 | Dors | back | 239 | |
4588821077 | Gangli | swelling | 240 | |
4588822106 | Gemin | twin | 241 | |
4588822107 | Grad | walk take steps | 242 | |
4588822108 | Grand | grain | 243 | |
4588822195 | Labi | lip | 244 | |
4588823518 | Micr | small | 245 | |
4588823519 | Pepo | digest | 246 | |
4588824714 | Pleur | pleur,rib,side | 247 | |
4588824715 | Mamm | breast | 248 | |
4588825857 | Colla | glue | 249 | |
4588825858 | Later | side | 250 | |
4588826927 | Rachi | spinal colum | 251 | |
4588826928 | Phob | fear | 252 | |
4588826929 | Phot | light | 253 | |
4588827734 | Dys | bad | 254 | |
4588827735 | Cut | skin | 255 | |
4588827736 | Er | in | 256 | |
4588828703 | Peri | about around | 257 | |
4588829952 | Pro | in front of before | 258 | |
4588829953 | Mechano | machine | 259 | |
4588831211 | Dynam | power | 260 | |
4588831212 | Osmo | oder | 261 | |
4588832527 | Tramat | wound | 262 | |
4588832528 | Trich | hair | 263 | |
4588833462 | Maxill | upper jaw bone | 264 | |
4588833463 | An-A | with, not | 265 | |
4588835245 | Phak | lens | 266 | |
4588836474 | Pre | in front of before | 267 | |
4588836475 | Strict | draw tight | 268 | |
4588837713 | Turbin | shaped like a top | 269 | |
4588840239 | Ameb | change | 270 | |
4588840240 | Semi | half | 271 | |
4588841471 | Neo | new | 272 | |
4588841472 | Harmone | excite | 273 | |
4588842473 | Therm | heat | 274 | |
4588843343 | Syn-Sym | together | 275 | |
4588844487 | Vuls | twitch or pull | 276 | |
4588844488 | Post | after | 277 | |
4588845848 | Meth | uterus | 278 | |
4588847320 | Tegument | covering skin | 279 | |
4588847321 | Pan | all | 280 | |
4588847322 | Poly | many | 281 | |
4588848393 | Ramous | branch | 282 | |
4588849144 | Neuro | nerve | 283 | |
4588864503 | Cine | move | 284 | |
4588902935 | Thromb | lump, clot | 285 | |
4588902936 | Ab | away from,not | 286 | |
4588904765 | Plegia | paralysis | 287 | |
4588904766 | Ante | before | 288 | |
4588904767 | Thel | ripple | 289 | |
4588904768 | Ex | out away from | 290 | |
4588906037 | Lier | spleen | 291 | |
4588906038 | Tumor | swelling | 292 | |
4588907672 | Vestibule | enterance | 293 | |
4588907673 | Puer | child | 294 | |
4588907674 | Sarc | flesh | 295 | |
4588908754 | Proli | off spring | 296 | |
4588908755 | Marco | large | 297 | |
4588908756 | Lal | speech | 298 | |
4588910706 | Inter | between | 299 | |
4588910707 | Intra | within | 300 | |
4588912195 | Infra | beneath | 301 | |
4588912196 | Cryo | cold | 302 | |
4588913279 | Male | bad | 303 | |
4588913280 | Glom | ball | 304 | |
4588913369 | Tens | stretch | 305 | |
4588915696 | Spas | pull draw | 306 | |
4588916613 | Somni | sleep | 307 | |
4588916614 | Pharmac | drug | 308 | |
4588918601 | Lumbo | lions | 309 | |
4589061150 | Arter | artery | 310 | |
4589063408 | Apperid | appendix | 311 | |
4589063409 | Thyro | thyroid | 312 | |
4589064722 | Isplen | spleen | 313 | |
4589067709 | Ovario | ovary | 314 | |
4589068798 | Adreno | adrenal | 315 | |
4589068799 | Basi | base | 316 | |
4589070330 | Pelvi | pelvis | 317 | |
4589070331 | Vena | vein | 318 | |
4589070332 | Urethr | urethra | 319 | |
4589071556 | Uretho | uterus | 320 | |
4589072490 | Sacro | sacrum | 321 | |
4589072491 | Pharing | pharyox | 322 | |
4589074820 | Ureter | urether | 323 | |
4589074821 | Laring | laryax | 324 | |
4589074822 | Bronch | bronchus | 325 | |
4589076066 | Col | colon | 326 | |
4589076067 | Esopag | esphage | 327 | |
4589076068 | Bi | two | 328 | |
4589076863 | Tri | three | 329 | |
4589076864 | Ile | ileam | 330 | |
4589078532 | Eli | ilium | 331 | |
4589078533 | Lig | lignment | 332 | |
4589078589 | Therap | therapy | 333 | |
4589081872 | Duodno | due | 334 | |
4589156070 | Provin | Nearest | 335 | |
4589156071 | Scol | Curved | 336 | |
4589156072 | Apo | Away from | 337 | |
4589156073 | Di | Twice | 338 | |
4589156074 | Dia | Through | 339 | |
4589156075 | Eury | Broad | 340 | |
4589156076 | Pect | Chest | 341 | |
4589156077 | Necr | Dead | 342 | |
4589156078 | Mi | Less | 343 | |
4589156079 | Morph | Form | 344 | |
4589156080 | Dis | Apart | 345 | |
4589156081 | Face | Make do | 346 | |
4589156082 | Esp | Slender | 347 | |
4589156083 | Lymph | Watery fluid | 348 | |
4589156084 | Meta | Beyond | 349 | |
4589156085 | Rrnag | Burst | 350 | |
4589156086 | Sta | Stand | 351 | |
4589156087 | Ton | Stretch | 352 | |
4589156088 | Vols | To roll | 353 | |
4589156089 | Splanchn | Internal organ | 354 | |
4589156090 | Rrhe | Flow | 355 | |
4589156091 | Meal | Middle | 356 | |
4589156092 | Xer | Dry | 357 | |
4589156093 | Pen | Throught | 358 | |
4589156094 | Blast | Bud | 359 |